Book Read Free


Page 22

by M. A. Foster

  “I’m sorry.” I frown. “Have you thought about talking to Cole?”

  “Do you think he’d understand?”

  Probably not. I shrug. “He’s a bit hardheaded and stubborn. He and Willow exist in their own little bubble. I honestly don’t know how he’d take it. I know he likes you, so you have that going for you. What about the Averys?”

  She shakes her head. “No. I feel like they’d be disappointed in me if they knew what I’ve done to get by.”

  My heart twists in my chest. “Harper, you didn’t do anything wrong.” I raise my brows. “Unless you were having sex for money,” I tease.

  Harper snorts. “Close enough.”

  My eyes go wide and she waves me off. “It wasn’t like that. My ex-boyfriend, Josh, is the owner of JC’s Cabaret and Gentleman’s Club. That’s how we met. I worked there as a server.”


  “Because the money was ridiculous. The money my mother left my sister and me only lasted for so long. Working at JC’s allowed me to pay for my car insurance, clothes, food. I worked to survive.”

  “Oh, sweetheart.” I throw my arms around her and hug her to me. This girl has experienced so much in her short life, and her strength blows me away. She’s amazing. She’s a survivor. She’s Patrick Avery’s little girl. David and Patty Avery’s granddaughter. Willow’s aunt. Jay’s friend. And she’s important to Cole.

  She’s family.

  “Please don’t tell Jay.” She swipes the tears from her cheeks. “I’m embarrassed.”

  “Your secret is safe with me.” I smile. “All of them.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Harper, can I ask you to do me one favor?”

  She nods.

  “Promise me that if you ever need anything—shoes, clothes, food, money for your car insurance—that you’ll come to me.”



  My phone vibrates on the counter beside my coffee mug. I pick it up to see Emerson’s name on the screen.

  “Hey, gorgeous. How’s the party planning going?”

  She sighs. “So far so good. There’s not much to do, honestly. I think I might go lie by the pool and read for a bit. What are you up to?”

  “Playing around online. I’m having lunch with my parents. What time should we be there?”

  “Dinner is at five. Hey, is Zach still there?”

  “Yep, still sleeping. Why?”

  “Jay was a little upset this morning.”

  “Because of Zach?”

  “No, because of Marcus. I gave her one of his letters, and it always makes her a little sad. Anyway, I was hoping if Zach wasn’t busy, he could take her out to lunch after her appointment.”

  “I’ll mention it to him. Logan got in late last night, so Zach might drag him along.”

  “She would love that. Is he just in town for the weekend?”

  “Yeah. If he’s up before I take off, I’ll ask him if he wants to come to the party. You’ve never met him, have you?”

  She huffs. “No.”

  “All right. I’ll see you later, babe.”


  “Hey,” Zach greets as he walks into the kitchen, heading straight for the refrigerator and pulling out the orange juice.

  “Hey, I was just about to wake you,” I tell him.

  “Why?” He glances over his shoulder as he pulls a glass from the cabinet.

  “I just got off the phone with Em. She said Jay was pretty upset this morning when she left for her appointment.”

  “Why? Did Emerson finally admit to Jay that she has a boyfriend?” He smirks.

  “No.” I narrow my eyes at him over the rim of my coffee mug before taking a sip and setting it down. “Jay gets a little sad when she reads one of Marcus’s notes. Em thought it would be nice if you took her out to lunch or something, after her appointment.”

  Zach’s expression morphs into irritation. “Of course those notes are going to upset her. I get that Emerson is protective, but maybe she should back off a little and give Jay some space to work it out. It’s okay for her to be sad.”

  I huff out a laugh because he’s right. When did he become so grown-up? “Believe me, I agree. Then again, I don’t have any children, so I don’t get an opinion. Em’s right to worry, though. Jay took Marcus’s death pretty hard.”

  “I’ve heard.”

  “Really?” I raise my brows. “She told you about the hospital?”

  “Hospital?” He frowns and my heart sinks. He doesn’t know.

  Closing my eyes, I exhale slowly through my nose. “What have you heard?”

  “Just what I said. What happened at the hospital?”

  Fuck. He’s not gonna let this go. “Nothing happened at the hospital. A couple of weeks after Marcus died, Jay was hospitalized for severe depression and dehydration. She was practically starving herself.”

  Zach’s face pales. “What?” His eyes well up with unshed tears. “On purpose? She would never—” He shakes his head.

  “She claimed she wasn’t trying to hurt herself on purpose. She was sad and hadn’t realized what she was doing.”

  “Does Emerson believe her?”

  “She does, mostly. At least she wants to, but that’s why she’s so far up her ass.” I shrug. “Jay’s all Em has left of Marcus.”

  “I believe her. Jay would never hurt herself intentionally. She cares about way too many people to hurt them, let alone leave them.”

  “How long have you two been sneaking over here to have sex?”

  “Are you asking as awesome Uncle Cam or Emerson’s boyfriend?”

  This kid.

  “Neither.” I drag my hands down my face. “I’m asking as Cam, who’s known Jayla since she was a kid. I love and adore that girl. Liam loves and adores that girl. And he’ll kick your ass if you hurt her. Hell, I’ll kick your ass if you hurt her.”

  “I love her. I’m not gonna hurt her or get her pregnant. We’re both covered. What do you think Liam will do when he finds out his best friend is banging his sister?” He raises his brow.

  “He’s not going to find out until we’re ready to tell him. Unfortunately, Em and I put you in a difficult position, but you absolutely cannot tell Jay.” I narrow my eyes. “I mean it, Zach.”

  “What are you doing, Cam?” He leans back against the counter and crosses his arms over his chest. “Do you have any idea how many people are going to get dragged into this if things don’t work out?”

  I press my index finger to my lips and lean my head back to look down the hall. “Logan is here,” I whisper. “All I need is for word to get back to your mom.”

  “He wouldn’t say anything to Mom. But he’d definitely call you out for being a cougar-fucker.”

  “She’s not a cougar,” I defend. “She’s forty and sexy as fuck.”

  He shrugs as if it doesn’t make a difference. “When did Logan get here?”

  “Early this morning. He’ll probably sleep most of the day.”

  “So what exactly is going on with you and Emerson? Are you guys just fucking, or are you in love?” he teases with a smirk.

  I keep my expression blank as I rub my hand over my jaw. “I’m in love with her,” I admit.

  His brows skyrocket to his hairline. “Seriously? Does Emerson know how you feel?”

  I nod slowly. “Pretty sure she does.”

  “Does she feel the same?”

  I blow out a breath in frustration. “It’s complicated.”

  “Well, at least now you can update your Facebook status,” he says with a laugh.

  I can’t help but chuckle. “Asshole. I know she loves me, but she’s afraid it’s too soon after losing Marcus to admit it. I think she’s worried what people will think of her—what Jay will think of her. That she didn’t love Marcus enough if she’s able to move on so quickly. Right now, I’m just giving her the space she needs.”

  “I hope you guys figure it out before Jay does.”

  “Emerson a
nd I are friends. Jay is used to seeing us together. When Em is ready to be with me permanently, then we’ll talk to Jay.”

  “What do you mean ‘permanently’? Like married?”

  I shrug. “I’d marry Em in a heartbeat. I know you think it’s weird, but I love her, Zach. I have for longer than I care to admit. She’s an incredible woman. An incredibly stubborn woman, but that’s one of the things I love about her. You see her as Jayla’s mom, but I see her for the beautiful, strong woman she is. Everyone thinks Jayla gets her caring heart from Marcus, but she gets it from Emerson, too. They’re a lot more alike than you think.”

  “I can see that. I’m not judging you, Cam. I’m happy for you. I’m just worried. I know you think it’s about you and Em, but it’s not. What about Mom?”

  “What about her? It’s none of her business.”

  “I agree. But if things progress between you and Emerson, maybe you should try to get her and Mom in a room together to talk things out. I still don’t understand how those two went from being best friends for eighteen years to suddenly hating each other.”

  “I have no idea. I asked Em about it once and she shut me down.”

  Zach goes over to the sink and rinses out his glass before putting it in the dishwasher. Then he turns to face me. “I’m gonna hop in the shower. Will you drop me off at the salon?”



  “Emerson,” Cam calls as he walks toward me. A younger guy with brown hair and dark eyes walks beside him. And there’s no mistaking who he belongs to. He looks just like her.


  “This is Logan. Logan, this is Emerson.”

  “Great to meet you.” He extends his hand, but I wave him off before pulling him into a hug.

  “It’s nice to finally meet you, Logan. How long are you in town?” I ask.

  He shakes his head. “Just the weekend. I’m heading back to New York tomorrow night.”

  “Well, welcome. Grab some food. Drinks are in the back.”

  “Thanks.” Logan smiles as Cam hooks an arm around his neck and leads him out back.

  “Holy crap,” Jay whispers. “Have you seen Lexi’s dad yet?”

  I snort. “No, why?”

  “Sweet baby Jesus, here they come,” she murmurs. Turning my head, I follow her line of sight and nearly drop my wineglass.

  Mother of God.

  “Holy fuck,” I whisper as I bring the glass to my lips.

  “Told you,” she says under her breath.

  “Emerson, Jay,” Lexi starts. “This is my dad, Ryan Davis.” She practically shoves her dad in my direction before skipping off with Jay out the back door.

  “H-hi.” Get it together, Emerson. “It’s nice to meet you.” I extend my hand.

  There’s a brief flicker of something in his eyes as he reaches for my hand. “Good to finally meet you, Emerson.” Something in his tone tells me he’s heard about me from someone other than Lexi. “The house looks great,” he says as he scans the room.

  I tilt my head to the side. “You built it, didn’t you?”

  He brings his gaze to mine and nods. “Not me personally, but my company, yes.”

  “Well your company did an amazing job. You’ve met my mother, then?”

  “Thank you and yes,” he chuckles, “I’ve known Mrs. Mackenzie for many years. I also had the pleasure of meeting your late husband a few times. He was a great guy, and if I’m being honest, I was a huge fan. I’m sorry for your loss.”

  “Thank you. I appreciate that.” I jerk my head to the side. “Come on. Let’s go get you a drink.”

  The dinner party was a success. I had the chance to meet most of the parents of Jay’s friends. The Mannings even stopped by with their middle son, Bryce. Jay seemed to be exceptionally fond of him. After taking a million pictures, the parents took off and the kids loaded up in their cars and headed out.

  “Emerson,” Lisa giggles. “Go get your boy. He’s acting like a helicopter parent.”

  I walk to the front door to see Bass leaning in the driver side of Jay’s Range Rover, speaking to Zach as Jay rolls her eyes.

  “B,” I call out, fighting back a laugh. “They’re gonna miss homecoming. Let them go.”

  Bass lifts his head, and with the straightest face, he says, “I’m going over the rules before they go.” He’s such an asshole.

  I can’t help it. I throw my head back and Lisa and I both laugh out loud. “Get your butt in here and let them go.”

  Bass taps the roof of the Rover and steps back. And I swear Zach practically peels out of the driveway.


  “Come over,” Cam says through the phone. “I have a surprise for you.” With the season over, and Jay at dance class, Wednesdays have sort of become date night for Cam and me.

  “Mmm,” I purr. “I love your surprises.”

  He chuckles. “Not that, naughty girl—well that, too, but I really do have a surprise for you.”

  “Okay. Give me twenty minutes. I need to change.”

  “Wear something cool. We’re gonna be outside.”

  “Okay.” Hanging up, I hurry into my closet and strip out of my typical yoga pants and T-shirt combo before pulling a maxi dress from the hanger and slipping it over my head. Going into the bathroom, I pull my hair into a messy bun and swipe on some deodorant before slipping on a pair of sandals.

  Cam is waiting at the front door when I pull into the driveway. He’s barefoot and dressed in a pair of basketball shorts and a T-shirt, with a Tampa Bay Thunder baseball cap flipped backward on his head. My stomach dips with nervous excitement as he comes down the driveway and opens my door for me. “Hey, babe.” I’ve decided I’m okay with him calling me babe. It’s sweet.

  “Hi,” I say as he leans in and kisses me chastely on the lips. He takes my hand and helps me out of the car, then leads me inside. “You’re awfully excited about this surprise.”

  “Not the surprise. Just you,” he replies, and my heart skips a beat. He’s so sweet.

  I follow Cam through the sliding doors and out onto the patio. He passes me a stemless wineglass filled halfway with wine, then grabs the folded blanket from the table and tucks it under his arm. He picks up an unopened beer in one hand, then clasps my hand in his free one.

  “Cameron, are we having a picnic on the beach?” I croon.

  “We’re having a drink on the beach.” He shakes out the blanket and drapes it over the sand before we sit down in the middle. “We can stay out here until the sun goes down or the mosquitoes eat us alive.”

  I snort a laugh. Florida mosquitoes are the worst.

  The sun is setting and I’ve finished my glass of wine. Setting my glass to the side, I lie down with my head in Cam’s lap.

  “Are you happy?” he asks as he twirls my hair around his fingers.

  “I am,” I chirp.

  “Are you happy with me?”

  I tilt my head back. “Surprisingly, yes.” I grin.

  Cam rolls his eyes. “Thanks a lot.”

  “I didn’t mean it like that.” I laugh. “I just never realized you were so good at this.”

  “At what?” He smirks.

  “This. Us. You’re so sweet.”

  “Shhh.” He turns his head from side to side. “Don’t say that so loud. You’ll ruin my bad boy reputation.”

  “There’s nothing bad about you, Cam. You….” I pause and bite down on my bottom lip to keep from babbling.


  “It’ll sound silly if I say it out loud.”

  “Tell me.” He jiggles his legs under my head.

  I let out a laugh. “Okay. Okay.” I press my hand over his heart. “You give me butterflies.”

  He stills under my hand. “What did you say?” he whispers.

  I frown. “I said you give me butterflies.”

  The next thing I know, Cam is hovering over me. “I love you, Emerson. I know you’re not ready for it, but I can’t keep it to myself anymore. I know you
love me, too. I can see it in the way you look at me. But you’re afraid. I won’t push you, but it’s happening. We’re in love. You know it. I know it. And it’s just a matter of time before everyone else knows it.”

  I cup his cheek. “It’s only been six weeks. Give me time.”

  “I told you, I’m a patient man.”

  We’re at the end of October already, and my baby girl is turning eighteen. What do you buy for a girl who has everything but asks for nothing?


  For Jay’s eighteenth birthday weekend, I booked the entire top floor of the Hard Rock Hotel in Orlando for Halloween Horror Nights at Universal Studios and chartered a bus for Jay and her friends. I’d say this is about as close to normal as I could get aside from throwing her a pool party, which I suggested—she was quick to remind me that she wasn’t five anymore.

  “Where’s the birthday girl?” Lucas sings into the microphone. Jay’s head snaps toward the stage. She blinks, and it takes her a moment to wrap her head around what’s happening. Her mouth falls open and she quickly gets to her feet. Lucas hops off the stage and walks toward her. In one swoop, he has her wrapped in his arms. This is the longest Lucas and Jay have ever been apart. They grew up together, and they’re as close as a brother and sister could get. My eyes move to Alex, who’s watching their exchange, and my heart hurts for him. I know how much he wants to have this with Jay.

  One day soon, he will.

  “Hey, Em.” Lucas throws his arms around my shoulders and hugs me to his chest. “Can I talk to you for a second?” he whispers in my ear.

  Pulling back, I look up at him with concern. “Of course.”

  We move over to a table in the corner away from the chaos.

  “My dad told me you got an email from Molly.”

  My eyes widen briefly, but I school my features to hide the fact that I want to punch Andrew in the throat. He could’ve warned me.

  “Don’t be mad at Dad. He told me he asked you not to tell me because he was afraid it would affect my performance on the tour.”

  “We were both afraid of that, among other things,” I admit.


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