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Cougar Page 24

by M. A. Foster

  I move around the counter as Patty knocks on the closed door behind her desk with “Principal David Avery” printed in black on the frosted glass. “Come in,” David calls from inside.

  Patty pushes the door open, and I step inside before she closes it behind me. There are two men sitting opposite Principal Avery.

  “Emerson,” Ryan Davis, Lexi’s father, says, extending his hand. “Good to see you.”

  “Mr. Davis, I didn’t know Lexi was involved. I didn’t see her out there.”

  “I sent her back to class,” David tells me. “She got herself involved, but I believe it was because she didn’t have a choice. Either way, she was still involved and will serve one-day detention.”

  Ryan nods. “Fair enough. I don’t condone fighting.”

  I narrow my eyes at the man seated next to Ryan. “Too bad Harold doesn’t share the same feelings.”

  Harold bristles. “Come on, Emerson. That was a long time ago. We were kids.”

  “You were a bully, Harold, and an asshole. Seems your kid is one, too. And it’s going to cost you. Your daughter broke my daughter’s finger and fractured her hand.”

  “I’ll pay for her medical expenses.” He waves me off. The prick.

  “Oh, you’ll do more than that. You see, Harold, Jayla has a recording contract with King Records. She needs her fingers and hands to fulfill that obligation, so you have two choices. I can sue you—and God, I would love to bury your ass in a lawsuit—or you can write a check to the Mayhem Foundation for $10,000. What will it be?”

  “You can’t be serious, Emerson.”

  “I am dead fucking serious, Harold,” I seethe.

  Harold’s eyes flick to Principal Avery, who shrugs as if to say ‘what are you gonna do?’ before flicking them back to me.

  “Fine,” he grits out before standing from his seat and buttoning his suit jacket.

  Reaching in my purse, I pull out a card and hold it out. “You can have the check sent to this address. Don’t wait too long or you’ll be hearing from my lawyers.” He reaches for the door. “Keep your daughter away from mine, or this shit’s going to get real expensive.”

  Harold rolls his eyes and walks out the door. Still an asshole.

  Ryan chuckles as he stands from his seat. “I take it you have history with that guy.”

  “That guy was always a prick,” David interjects. “I can’t believe there’s actually a woman out there who thought it was a good idea to procreate with that man.”

  “David, I want you to give Jayla one-day detention.”

  “Emerson, are you sure about that?”

  Ryan raises his brows at me in question, and I shrug. “I don’t condone fighting, either.”

  Ryan nods. “Good to see, Emerson. Take care.” He nods to David, then walks out the door.

  “Emerson, come sit for a minute.” David gestures to the empty chairs in front of his desk.

  I move to sit down, propping my purse in my lap and sucking in a deep breath.

  David leans forward with his forearms on the desk and asks in a low voice, “How’s Harper?”

  “She didn’t need stitches, just….” He knows. “How did you find out?”

  “Max.” He taps his fingers on the desk. “I have so many questions, Emerson.”

  “I understand, David, I do. I’ve tried to get her to talk to you, but there are other things that factor into this.”

  “I know.” He nods. “Max told me everything.” Wow. When did Max turn into a gossip?

  “I promise you, David, she’s in good hands. Just give her time.”

  “I know, and I will. Thank you. Just don’t mention any of this to Patty. She doesn’t know.”

  Great. Another goddamn secret.


  I’m flipping through the channels, looking for something to watch, when the front door opens and Zach walks in.

  “What time is it?” I ask.

  Zach shrugs. “It’s late.”

  “Did you just come from Jay’s?”

  “Yeah. I stayed until she fell asleep. I didn’t feel like driving home, and I have to drive her to school tomorrow.”

  “Everything okay?”

  Zach raises his brows. “You haven’t talked to Emerson today?”

  I sit up on the couch and place my feet on the floor. “No, why?”

  Zach falls into the chair across from me. “Some girls at school were fucking with Harper. One of them tripped her in the hall and she fell. Her books and papers went flying, and she nailed her chin on the floor. While I was helping Harper, Jay was picking up her books and papers off the floor. One of the girls, Hannah, stomped on Jay’s hand. Fractured it and broke her finger.”

  I straighten my spine. “Are you fuckin’ serious?”

  “Dead-ass.” Zach nods. “Hannah is a total bitch. She knew she hurt Jay, and she laughed about it.” Then he lets out a chuckle. “Don’t tell Emerson I told you this, but Jay flipped her shit. She went after Hannah and beat the shit out of her and my ex.”


  Zach laughs. “Reagan.”

  I shrug. Close enough.

  Zach stands from the chair. “My girl is a fucking badass.” He laughs as he turns and heads down the hall to his room.

  I chuckle and shake my head as I reach for my phone.

  Me: Zach just told me about Jay. Is she okay?

  Her reply is almost instant, as if she were expecting my text.

  She’ll be fine. Thanks for asking.

  I bring up her contact and call her. “What’s up?” she clips out.

  “Is she okay?”

  “I just told you, she’s fine.”

  “Is that why I haven’t been able to get in touch with you all day?”

  “I’m sorry. I was busy taking care of my kid. What do you need, Cam? I don’t have time for your games.”

  “What are you talking about, Emerson? I just wanted to talk to you.”

  “The time for talking was three days ago. Good night.”



  “Why are you looking at me like that?”

  “How am I looking at you?”

  He set down his guitar and leaned back in his seat with his arms crossed over his chest and his feet crossed at the ankles. “What’s on your mind, beautiful?”

  “My parents want to come for Thanksgiving.”

  “Why would that be a problem?”

  “It’s not. It’s just that it’s our first Thanksgiving as a married couple. I didn’t know if you wanted it to be just us or if you already had plans. I don’t know what you do for the holidays since we’ve never talked about it.”

  “You’re babbling.” He chuckled and held out his arms. “Come here, beautiful.”

  I moved to sit down on his lap. “Normally Grace cooks and Drew, Tommy, and Chaz come over. We watch football and talk music. I’d love to have your family over. They’re my family, too.”

  “Yo!” Liam calls out as he walks into the room carrying two platters, with my parents trailing behind him. He sets the platters on the counter before rounding the island to greet me with a hug. “Happy Thanksgiving, sis.”

  “Happy Thanksgiving.”

  “You gonna be okay today?” he whispers in my ear.


  Liam turns and scans the empty room. “Where’s my baby? I heard she got into some trouble.” He chuckles as he takes off toward the stairs.

  “Liam, don’t praise her,” I shout toward his back as he takes the stairs two at a time.

  I narrow my eyes at my mother. “You told him about the fight?”

  My mother shrugs. “He likes to be kept in the loop. Especially now that you’re here and he’s there alone.” I make a mental note to call Liam more often to check in.

  Soon Max walks in with Willow on his hip. “Appy Fanksgivy!” she cheers. I walk over and smack a kiss on her cheek.

  Jessica and the rest of the Mackenzie brood trickle in. Max passes Willow to Cole b
efore switching on the TV and telling Willow about the Macy’s Day Parade.

  “Co, I go see Ahpee and JJ.”

  Liam storms into the kitchen and angrily points to Max and me. “You two, let’s go have a chat.” Then he turns and walks out the back door.

  “What’s his problem?” my mother asks.

  Max and I exchange a look and shrug before following Liam down to the dock overlooking the lake.

  “What’s wrong?”

  He barks out a maniacal laugh. “This fucking family is what’s wrong!” he yells. “When did you turn into a bunch of liars?”

  “Liam, keep it down, man,” Max chides. “It’s Thanksgiving.”

  “What are you talking about?” I ask.

  “Why is that girl living in your house?”

  “Because she’s Jay’s friend. She’s alone and has nowhere else to go.”

  “Did you know she works at a gentleman’s club? She’s one lap dance away from being a stripper.” Max chokes beside me. I hadn’t told him about Harper’s previous employment. “You really want your daughter hanging out with a girl like that?” Liam adds before turning to Max. “You want your son dating a girl like that? What about Willow?”

  “Don’t be so judgmental, Liam,” I snap. “There’s more to her story than you know.”

  “She’s one of the best servers at Mac’s,” Max adds. “She’s a sweet girl who’s been dealt a shitty hand.”

  “Then why the secrets?”

  “Her story is complicated.”

  “Sure it is.” He rolls his eyes.

  Max runs a hand through his hair, frustrated. “Harper’s sister was Willow’s mom.”

  “What?” Liam’s eyes bug out.

  “She’s also the Averys’ granddaughter,” I add.

  “Jesus,” Liam bristles, shaking his head in disbelief. “This shit is going to blow up in your faces.” He brushes past us and starts back toward the house. “Thank fuck I live three thousand miles away from all this bullshit,” he calls over his shoulder.

  “A little heads up about the gentlemen’s club job would’ve been nice.” Max raises his brows.

  I wince. “Sorry. I was planning to tell you. I swear.”

  He points a finger at me. “I know you’ve got a lot of shit you’re holding onto but don’t keep secrets from me, Emerson, or I won’t be able to back you up when the shit hits the fan.” And with that he turns and heads back to the house.

  Well, that was… nice of him. I think.


  Hysterical laughter and cheers drift over a Bruno Mars song playing from the great room.

  Jay and Harper are dancing with Mimi. Willow is beside them, giggling and rocking from side to side. Everyone is laughing, and Emerson has her phone out recording the whole thing.

  “Ella, what in the hell are you doing?” Mac exclaims, startling everyone.

  “I’m twerkin’ with my granddaughter, Mac. What does it look like?” she explains as she bends her knees, arches her back, and begins thrusting her hips.

  I slap a hand over my mouth and shake my head in disbelief and amusement.

  “That’s your godmother,” Zach says with a chuckle.

  “It looks like you’re having a goddamn seizure. I thought I was gonna have to call for an ambulance,” Mac teases, turning to Emerson, who has her phone aimed at him. “She’s finally done it, Emi bear. Your mother has lost her mind.” He shakes his head in mock disappointment and then heads out the back door with a giant turkey in his hands.

  I make my way over to Emerson. “Happy Thanksgiving, Em.” I wrap my arms around her and pull her into a hug. “I miss you, and I’m sorry for lying,” I whisper into her ear. I feel her stiffen. Pulling back, I stare down at her, concerned. “What?”

  The corners of her mouth curve downward. “You should’ve told me you were seeing other women,” she whispers.

  I frown. “I’m not. What are you talking about?”

  She shakes her head. “I was stupid to think I was different than the others.”

  “This looks like a serious conversation,” Liam says, wrapping his arms around Emerson’s shoulders and propping his chin on the top of her head. “What are you two talking about?”


  “Just how different it is spending Thanksgiving here,” Emerson answers.

  “Truth,” Liam agrees. “I can’t remember the last time the whole family was under the same roof for Thanksgiving. I miss you not being next door. Having you there made me feel less homesick.”

  Emerson turns and wraps her arms around Liam’s waist, resting her head against his chest. “Do you want us to come back?” she asks, and my heart twists in my chest. She still has her home in Malibu. There’s nothing keeping her here.

  Liam’s eyes flick toward the great room where Jay is wrapped around Zach like a monkey, both of them smiling. I’m wrong. Liam’s top lip curls up and I laugh to myself. “No,” he grits out. “Everyone seems much happier here.”

  “Maybe you should come back home,” I say. “You’re gonna be a free agent soon.”

  Liam gives me a look. “That doesn’t mean I can just pack up and come home. You got lucky. I don’t think it’s going to be that easy for me.”

  “Zach!” a female squeals from somewhere in the sea of people coming out of the theater. Jay’s head immediately snaps in that direction, and from the way her body stiffens, she must see him. Following her line of sight I see Zach skipping through the crowd with a girl on his back. Behind them are Mike and Liz, and Chris and Rebecca.

  A brief wave of nostalgia washes over me for our high school days when it was the four of us. Four best friends who thought they were forever untouchable. Would that be us now, had I not caught Chris cheating? So many what-ifs… and yet, no regrets.

  The girl with Zach must be Chris and Rebecca’s daughter, Chelsea. She’s a pretty girl. She favors Chris with her blonde hair.

  Zach turns his head in our direction and jerks to a stop. He mumbles something to the girl and she immediately slides off his back, dropping to the ground before they both make their way over to us.

  “Don’t jump to conclusions, Jay,” I say at the same time Cole leans over to reassure her that “They’re just friends.”

  “I thought you were dating Zach?” Leave it to my bigmouthed, overprotective brother. His gaze bounces from Zach to Jay. “Did something happen between the two of you, or is this as bad as it looks?”

  “Ohmigod, will you guys relax? It’s fine.”

  “Liam, be nice,” I warn. “Zach’s very good to her.”

  Zach immediately reaches for Jay and wraps his arms around her. “Hey, babe.” He presses a kiss to her forehead.

  “Hey, man.” Liam jerks his chin to Chelsea. “You steppin’ out on my niece?”

  Zach frowns. The kid has no clue.

  “Liam,” I chide. “What did I just say?”

  “You told me to be nice. I’m just asking a question.” He scowls.

  “This is my friend Chelsea.” Zach gestures to the girl. “Chelsea, this is Jay, her mom, Emerson, and her uncle Liam. You know Cole, and this is Harper.”

  Chelsea greets everyone with a nod, then zeroes in on Jay with an expression I’ve seen far too many times. Jealousy. Disdain.

  A fake smile spreads across her face. “It’s nice to finally meet you, Jay. I’ve heard so much about you.” Her tone is sugary sweet, but the expression on her face is anything but.

  My girl gives as good as she gets. “Good to meet you, Chelsea,” she sneers.

  And the claws are out.

  Liam snickers quietly beside me. Apparently I’m not the only one who picked up on the tension between these girls.

  I’m so focused on the standoff between Jay and Chelsea that I almost don’t notice Cam standing there with his arm around Juliette, Jay’s dance instructor.

  The blonde.


  “This looks bad,” Jules murmurs as we approach the group.

  “Hey, man
.” I reach out to give Liam the one-arm pat on the back, then nod to Jules. “You remember Juliette?”

  “Of course I do.” Liam leans over to hug her and I look over at Emerson, but she won’t look at me. I feel like a dick.

  My heart is pounding in my chest. I should’ve told her about Jules months ago.

  “She’s also my dance instructor,” Jay adds.

  “Ah. So, you’re the one responsible for all that ‘twerking’ my mother shamelessly demonstrated for the family today,” Liam jokes as he pulls his phone from his pocket and taps out a text. “Well, if we’re not gonna see a movie, then I’ve got somewhere to be.”

  Emerson waves him off. “Go. I’m too tired to sit through a movie.”

  She opens her purse and mindlessly digs through it. I know her well enough to know she’s trying to avoid this awkward standoff. This is so fucked-up. The sooner I get out of here and take Jules home, the sooner I can get back to Emerson and straighten this mess out.

  “We’re gonna take off,” I hedge. “Zach, you coming?”

  “Nah. I’m staying with Jay.”

  Liam leans over and drops a kiss on top of Emerson’s head. “I’m gonna catch a ride with Cam. I’ll see you guys tomorrow.”

  I sneak one last glance at Emerson, but she’s still digging through her purse, refusing to look at me.

  Emerson is lying on an oversized chaise, wrapped in a long, white silk robe. Her black hair is in a messy knot on top of her head, and reading glasses are perched on the bridge of her nose, staring down at her book.


  Her head jerks up. “What are you doing here?”

  “I came to talk to you.”

  She exhales a heavy sigh as she closes her book and tosses it on the floor. She pushes her reading glasses up to her hairline and pats the empty space at her feet.

  Closing the door, I head over to the chaise and straddle the end. “I’m sorry for being an idiot.” I brush my fingers over the top of her bare foot and she yanks it back.

  “You’re an asshole. Say what you have to say and then leave.” Ouch.


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