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Cougar Page 25

by M. A. Foster

  I drag my hands down my face and exhale a breath. “I thought if I ignored you for a few days, you’d realize that you needed me. That you’d come after me. I wanted you to miss me as much—”

  “You’re not making any sense,” she snaps. “You ignored me for three days and then lied to me.”

  I run my hand over the scruff of my jaw. “I came straight here when I got back from California, because I missed you and I wanted to be close to you. You don’t remember because you were asleep. I crawled in behind you and hugged you to my chest. I told you I missed you. And you said, ‘I missed you, too, Marcus,’ and… I don’t know.” I blow out a breath. “I felt like I’d been kicked in the stomach.”

  Her beautiful green eyes gloss over with unshed tears. “So you broke up with me over something I said in my sleep.” Her lips buckle and nostrils flare. “You couldn’t have just talked to me? Instead you toss me to the side like trash and jump into bed with Juliette.” She kicks out her foot, making contact with my inner thigh, just inches from my balls. “You told me you love me, for fuck’s sake. Get out, Cam,” she grits out.

  Grabbing her foot by the ankle, I pin it to the cushion. “First of all, I do love you, and I didn’t break up with you because we’re technically not a couple.” She narrows her eyes. “Your choice, not mine. Second, I didn’t jump into bed with Juliette. We’re just friends. I would never do that to you.”

  “So you’ve never slept with her?”

  “I didn’t say that.”

  “Jesus Christ, Cam. Cut the bullshit. I’m too old for your fucking games. I know you’ve been sleeping with her, that Juliette is Jules.” She flings her arm out. “I’ve heard Liam mention her name more than once in my presence. And I saw you with her last week. You asked me to come to you if I was having doubts, and guess what? I did come to you. You said we could go slow. I’ve given you everything I’m capable of giving at the moment. Maybe you should’ve taken your own advice and talked to me instead of acting like a child and running back to your fuck buddy. Communication is important. Remember that in your next relationship.”

  Not gonna lie, that last line slices through my heart. She tries to yank her foot from my grasp but I tighten my hold.

  “I haven’t slept with Jules since you stepped foot back in Heritage Bay. I know what day you’re talking about. We had lunch and that’s all. She’s my best friend.”

  “No, Liam is your best friend. Juliette—Jules is your fuck buddy. And honestly, I’m glad I saw it with my own eyes tonight before I gave myself over completely, or worse, fell in love with you. Good talk. You can go now.”

  Another slice to my heart.

  She twists, trying to break free from my hold, kicking out her other foot. With my free hand, I grab her other ankle, yank her down the chaise toward me, and hook my thighs over the tops of hers. Her robe parts, exposing a sliver of her tan skin between the hem of her thin tank and the edge of her panties.

  I huff out a humorless laugh. “I’m not fucking finished,” I growl. “It pisses me off that you think so little of me to think I’d toss you aside like trash. Aren’t you the one who told me things aren’t always what they look like? That we shouldn’t make assumptions? Why are you so quick to throw in the towel and give up on me? My ego took a blow, and I reacted like a dumbass. I fucked up. I’m sorry. I invited Jules to the movies with Zach and me because she doesn’t have any family here. We bumped into my sister and Mike with Chris and Rebecca on the way out. Jules had been on a few coffee dates with Chris a few months ago. He told her he was divorced.”

  “He is,” she defends, and it pisses me off.

  “Well they sure don’t act like it. He’s parading his wife around like they’re this happy couple.”

  “He’s protecting his daughter,” she argues.

  “Well I was protecting my friend by making Chris think she was with me. The day you saw her at my house, we’d just gone to lunch. I needed someone to talk to who isn’t Liam.”

  “About what?”

  “You.” I bend at the waist and press a kiss to her bare stomach.

  “You told Juliette about us? Why would you do that?” She lifts her body and tries to push me off her. “What if she says something to Jay?”

  “Jules would never do that. She’s known about you for a long time. I trust her completely.”

  “What do you mean? What’s a long time?”

  I scoot back and pull her thighs over mine, running my palms up her smooth skin. “Let it go, Emerson.”

  “How long, Cam?” she whispers.

  “Ten years,” I admit.

  She closes her eyes as she soaks in my admission. “Is there anything else you need to tell me?”

  My stomach is in knots. I want to tell her everything, but I can’t. My hold on her isn’t strong enough, and I’ll lose her. I know I will. And telling her the truth means I’d be breaking Liam’s trust. I won’t hurt him more than I already have.



  The Heritage Annual Winter Wonderland Ball is my mother’s favorite charity event and one she throws every year to benefit Toys for Tots.

  Cam is my date tonight. He squeezes my hand as he leans in to my ear. “Have I told you how beautiful you look?” He presses a kiss just below my ear before he leans back, his eyes zeroing in on my cleavage.

  I’m wearing a red one-shoulder gown with a jeweled bodice and a high slit. I’m short, so I need high heels, but I also need to be able to move.

  I snort a soft laugh. “You have.” I reach over and cup his clean-shaven face. “And you look very handsome tonight.”

  He turns his head and kisses my palm.

  Bass pulls the Denali up to the valet outside the Oceanside Aquarium, and Cam helps me out and leads me inside. The main ballroom is decorated with crystal chandeliers that resemble icicles, and the tables are covered in white tablecloths with silver runners draped across the middles, the glass globes in the center made to look like giant snow globes.

  After dinner, the guests are herded to an adjoining ballroom decorated in red-and-white fabric, giving the illusion that we’re standing under a circus tent. Booths line three of the four walls with a variety of carnival games, and a merry-go-round sits in the middle of the room.

  As the night comes to an end, I’m standing at the doors with Lisa, looking for Cam and Bass. Like a car crash, I watch in horror through the floor-to-ceiling glass as Elizabeth Easton shoves Jay.

  I see red and the next thing I know, I’m charging toward her. “Elizabeth!” I lunge for her, but a strong arm hooks me around the waist and holds me back. “Who the hell do you think you are?” I exclaim, balling my fists at my sides as my entire body shakes with anger.

  “Someone needs to teach that daughter of yours some respect, Emerson,” she argues. “She attacked my goddaughter.”

  “Still overdramatic as always, Elizabeth.” I roll my eyes. “Respect isn’t taught—it’s given because it’s earned. My daughter is not a wild animal. She doesn’t attack people. You had no right to put your hands on her.”

  “Well that explains a lot,” she snaps back. “Your lack of parenting reflects in that little bitch.”

  I’m going to kill her.

  “Liz, shut the hell up!” Cam yells as he steps between us, getting in her face. “Take her embarrassing ass home,” he orders his brother-in-law.

  “You’re one to talk,” Zach adds, pointing at his mother. “If anyone needs to learn some respect, it’s you.”

  “What’s going on?” I turn to see Rebecca and Chris taking in the scene.

  “Oh, nothing much. Just typical Chelsea drama, as usual.” Zach gestures to a blonde girl, crying and clutching her arm, and it registers that she’s the same girl we met on Thanksgiving. Everything clicks into place.

  “It figures the troublemaker belongs to you two,” I sneer.

  “Let’s go, Liz.” Mike grabs Elizabeth by the arm and leads her away. Troy finally releases his hold on me and t
ells me he’s going to get the car. I realize everyone is gone except for Lisa and me.

  “They left,” she tells me. “I didn’t want to leave you here by yourself. You okay?”

  “Not even a little bit.”

  Troy pulls the car up to the curb, and Lisa and I get in.

  “I can’t believe she put her hands on Jay. Who does that?” She sighs. “You should’ve seen the look on Zach’s face. He was devastated. How embarrassing.”

  “It’s not his fault his mother’s a bitch.”

  Lisa lets out a soft laugh. “Did you see Jay? She was ready to throw down with Liz. Luckily Bass got hold of her. I think Jay could take her.”

  She has no idea.

  Walking into the house through the garage door, I hear voices coming from the gym. I push open the door to see Bass holding the bag and Jay standing with her arms at her sides, her shoulders slumped.

  “Again, Princess,” Bass barks.

  “I’m tired, B,” she whines.

  Stepping into the room, I kick my heels off and hold out my hand. “Hand over those gloves.”

  She swiftly removes the gloves and holds them out one at a time, allowing me to slide my hands inside.

  “Hold it steady, Bass. I need to do some damage.”

  Bass grabs the bag. “Let her have it.”

  Fifteen minutes later, I’m sweating and my arms feel like limp noodles. Damn, I’m out of shape. I drop to the floor beside Jay and we burst into laughter.

  “I thought we weren’t supposed to stoop to their level,” she teases.

  “I also said to pick your battles.”

  “I could’ve taken her.”

  I shake my head and fight back a smile. She probably could. “That’s not the point. What I’m saying is that you’re my child, and no one has a right to put their hands on you. Ever. I will always do my best to protect you. If that means opening up a can of whoop-ass, then that’s what I’ll do.”

  “Open a what?” She barks out a laugh. “What kind of eighties crap saying is that?”

  “Oh excuse me, savage. What’s the proper lingo for smacking a bitch these days?”

  “Smacking a bitch,” she deadpans.

  “Or throwing hands,” Bass adds, and we all burst into another fit of laughter.

  “Hey.” Zach and Cam are standing in the doorway, still dressed in their tuxedoes.

  Jay rolls to her side and gets to her feet. “Z, I love you, but your mom is a bitch and I’m fed up with the way she treats me.”

  She holds out her hand and helps me to my feet, which isn’t as graceful since I’m still in my gown.

  “What happened?” I ask.

  “I went to the bathroom and found those girls ganging up on Harper again. Zach’s friend Chelsea was in there. She tried to shoulder-check me but lost her balance and slammed into the metal paper towel dispenser.” She holds up her hands. “I swear I didn’t lay a hand on her, but she told Liz I shoved her.” She rolls her eyes. “Liz was just mad because Zach was sticking up for me.” She looks over at Zach. “Right, Z?”

  Zach nods. “I’m sorry about my mom,” he says apologetically. “And I ripped Chelsea a new one.”

  “He did,” Cam adds with a chuckle.

  “She admitted that she lied. Expect an apology text or phone call.”

  “I’ll think about answering.”

  “Elizabeth owes you an apology,” I state. “And Chris will be getting a phone call from me. His kid is an asshole.”

  The garage door slams, and I look over at Bass with a frown. Levi’s laughter echoes from the hall as Grace pushes her way through Cam and Zach. She props her hands on her hips. “You left me. I was walking around for ten minutes before I finally found your mother, who told me you’d left.” She throws her hands out to her sides. “Seriously?”

  I just look at her, and then the whole room bursts out laughing, including Grace.

  “Aw, Grace,” Jay coos as she walks over and wraps her arms around her. “Maybe we should have you microchipped so we don’t lose you.”

  Grabbing my side, I double over in another fit of laughter.

  Christmas is in two days, and we’ll be leaving for New York. Keeping with tradition, the family will fly out and stay through New Year’s.

  I’m in the middle of packing when my phone pings with an alert that someone has just come through the gate. Peeking out the window, I see Zach’s Jeep trailing up the driveway.

  That’s odd. Maybe he thinks he’s picking Jay up for school. I make my way to the front door to tell him Jay already left.

  Zach hops out of his Jeep and jogs around to the back door. “I have sort of an emergency.”

  “What’s wrong?”

  He pulls open the back door and gestures to the toddler in his back seat. “This is Zoe.” My eyes nearly pop out of my head. “She’s Logan’s.”

  I push past him and take Zoe from her car seat. “Hi, Zoe,” I coo, hugging her close to my chest.

  “Tack!” Zoe points her tiny index finger and reaches for Zach. He takes her and she cuddles into his chest with her head on his shoulder.

  “Her bag is on my front seat. Would you mind grabbing it?”

  I reach in and grab Zoe’s little suitcase, then lead the way inside. “Is she hungry?”

  “I have no idea. Her mom’s friend Tina just dropped her off at my house less than twenty minutes ago. She said there’s a list of her favorite foods in her bag.”

  “Where’s her mom?” I open Zoe’s bag, pulling out an envelope.


  Eyes wide, mouth agape, I whisper, “For what?”

  Bass comes into the kitchen from the garage, stopping short when he sees Zach sitting at the counter with Zoe in his arms. “Something you need to tell me, Romeo?”

  “She’s Logan’s,” I tell him with a laugh. “Her mom is in j-a-i-l.”

  “Logan’s not answering his phone. It’s midterms. I have them today, too, crap!” Zach exclaims.

  “I can watch her if you think she’ll be okay staying with me. I don’t want to confuse her.”

  “She’s cute,” Bass says, then narrows his eyes. “Don’t get any ideas.”

  Zach chuckles. “That’s not happening for at least ten years.”

  Bass grins. “I knew there was a reason I liked you.”

  The garage door slams and Jay storms into the kitchen. “What the hell, Z? I’ve been freaking out. You haven’t been answering your ph—” She comes to a halt when she notices the toddler in his arms. An expression I can’t quite pinpoint crosses her features, but it’s gone just as quickly. She quirks a brow and says, “Is this where you tell me you knocked up some—”

  “Dial down the crazy, babe. She’s Logan’s.”

  “Oh thank God.” She exhales in relief and slaps a hand over her heart. “I’m way too young to be a stepmom.”

  Zach throws his head back and laughs. I just smile and shake my head.

  “Honey, I’m home,” Liam singsongs as he walks into the great room with Cam right behind him. “What’s all this?” he asks, gesturing to the piles of toys and clothes.

  “It’s for Zoe,” I tell him, then narrow my eyes at Cam, before Liam interrupts.

  “Who’s Zoe?”

  “She’s Logan’s daughter,” I explain.

  Liam’s brows shoot to his hairline, and he looks over at Cam. “You didn’t tell me Logan had a kid.”

  I level Cam with a stare. “You didn’t tell me either.”

  “Not my story to tell,” Cam replies with a shrug.

  Liam turns his attention back to me with a slight shake of his head. “So when do we fly out to New York?”

  “Tomorrow night.” We usually fly out the day before Christmas, but since Zach and Cam are both coming along, we’re flying out tomorrow evening after Christmas dinner.

  “Cool.” He raps his knuckles against the counter. “Can I use your car to go over to Mom and Dad’s?”

  I roll my eyes. “The keys are by the doo
r.” I point. “Be careful with my baby, Liam, or I’ll kick your ass.”

  He holds his hands up defensively. “It’s a car, Emerson. Chill.” He turns on his heels and jogs out the door.

  When he’s gone, I turn back to Cam.

  “You’re just keeping all kinds of secrets.”

  “Says the woman who needs a deadbolt for her closet full of skeletons.”

  I snort a laugh. “Touché.”

  “How did you find out about Zoe?”

  “Because she’s here.”


  “Yep. She’s upstairs with Logan.”

  A few minutes later, Logan comes into the room carrying his daughter.

  Cam smiles and steps forward. “This must be the infamous Zoe.”

  “And she’s down!” Marcus hollered through a laugh.

  “It’s not funny, Daddy!” Jay shouted from the center of the ice rink. She pushed out her bottom lip in a pout and crossed her arms over her chest.

  “Aw, Marcus, go out there and help her.”

  He stood from the bench and skated over to where Jay was still sitting and pouting. He extended his hands and helped her to her feet, guiding her around the rink on shaky legs.

  She made it around twice before she was done.

  “Shit!” Zach shouts as Jay’s butt hits the ice. “You okay?”

  “I’m fine,” she replies, obviously frustrated.

  Zach looks over at me. “She really sucks at this. Can you tell her to stop before she breaks something?”

  I shrug, amused at his concern. “She won’t quit until she makes it around the rink twice,” I tell him. “We go through this every year.”

  “Why don’t you go out there and help her?” Cam suggests.

  “Because I don’t skate, and I don’t want to break my damn arm. B, go out there and rescue your princess,” Zach urges.

  Liam throws his head back and laughs. “Bass is about as graceful on a pair of skates as a newborn elephant. YouTube that shit. It’s funny as hell. I got this.” He’ll jump at any chance to be her hero. Liam stands from the bench and skates over to Jay. She laughs and holds up her hands. He pulls her to her feet and guides her on shaky legs around the rink.


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