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Home at Last

Page 17

by Judith Keim

  Later, Cami stopped by with two large, indoor plants in lovely, rustic pots. “Glad to have you home. Thought this bit of greenery might cheer you up.”

  They hugged and placed one plant by one of the front windows and the other by the sliding door leading outdoors in the back.

  “Perfect!” said Cami, looking around. “You’ve really fixed up the place. I love the new additions to the décor.”

  “Thanks. I hope to be able to talk Abby and Lisa into selling this house to me one day. I don’t plan to go back to California except to visit my mother.”

  “How’re your mom and her new digs?”

  “Great! The condo is open and airy, with 180-degree views. For once, my mother created an environment that pleases her. The changes in her are amazing.”

  “Do you think it has to do with her being alone now and taking control of her own life?”

  “Definitely. Another reason for me to think carefully about getting serious with anyone. You and Drew seem such a good match. I hope I can find someone as easygoing as he.”

  Cami’s sigh spoke volumes. “He’s pretty wonderful.”

  “As soon as I’m ready, I’ll make an effort to meet people here in the valley.”

  “Ross Coughlin was asking about you.” Cami grinned. “He’s a doll.”

  Lulu laughed. “Don’t try to play matchmaker. I’m still sorting things out.”

  “Okay. Just saying ...” A look of determination crossed her face—a look Lulu recognized as her own.

  “You’ll be the first to know if anything comes up.”

  “Good. Now that it’s settled, I have to go.” Cami patted her on the shoulder and gazed tenderly into Lulu’s eyes. “Everything is going to be fine. You’ll see.” After giving her a cheerful wave, she left.

  Lulu walked over to the sliding-glass door leading to the garden and stared out at the gray, rainy weather and reminded herself that the ache in her heart would soften over time. But at the moment she didn’t know if she’d ever feel fine again.


  Keeping busy helped Lulu recover some of her usual optimism. In addition to creating online marketing plans, she loved working on sales catalogs for The Barn and going over the inventory with Gwen.

  Valentine’s Day would signify the beginning of the end of winter in retail. It would be Lulu’s first spring at Chandler Hill, and she was looking forward to the sight of the sleeping vines growing green with life. But now, everything was about the annual dinner-dance Chandler Hill held for inn guests and other winemakers in the valley. She’d been warned that reservations for the Valentine’s event would quickly be filled. Becca, Imani, Gwen, and a few other long-time employees had been invited, filling all spots.

  As the time grew closer, a buzz of excitement filled the inn. Those employees who worked the event would be rewarded with a party of their own at the close of the evening.

  “What are you going to wear?” Becca asked Lulu the morning of the party.

  “I guess a cocktail dress. How about you?”

  Becca clasped her hands with excitement. “I bought a long, red dress. It will be a good addition to my trousseau.”

  “Should I wear something dressier?” Lulu asked, surprised by how fancy the party was.

  “Yes, I think so. I talked Dan into wearing a tuxedo.” Her eyes sparkled with excitement. “I told him it was practice for our wedding. We got engaged right after the party last year.”

  “Sweet,” Lulu commented. She’d heard the details of Becca’s engagement more than once. “Thanks for the input. I’ll choose something different.” Lulu filled with excitement. She hadn’t been to a party like this in a long time. She hoped no politicians would be there to spoil the fun.

  Later, as she stood in front of the full-length mirror, Lulu was glad she’d decided to hang onto some of her dressier clothes. The long-sleeved, scooped neck, winter-white dress met her ankles in silky folds that flattered her body. Her dark hair fell to her shoulders in shiny waves, and the new mascara she’d bought in California thickened her lashes, giving her eyes a new dimension. The diamond pendant her father had given her nestled against her chest. Dangling diamond earrings added sparkles.

  She thought of Will. He’d approve of her appearance. She’d once worn this outfit to a political function. She sighed at the memory. He’d turned out to be such a disappointment. Better to discover it now, Lulu told herself. For all the sophistication people thought she had, she hadn’t done that much dating. And growing up, fooling around was out of the question. Her father had made that very clear to her and any young man who might be interested in her.

  Wrapping a warm, black cloak around her shoulders, Lulu headed out.


  When Lulu arrived at Chandler Hall, she stood a moment admiring the tiny red and white lights strung among the foliage lining the base of the building. Shiny red hearts had been attached to some of the branches, adding a nice touch to the occasion. Inside, lights twinkled, soft music played, and staff members lined the back hall, waiting to go into service. Cami, Drew, Rafe, Adam, and Dan stood together by the small stage against one wall of the room.t Becca and Imani stood laughing at something one of them had said. When they saw her, they waved and she hurried over to greet them.

  A staff member took her cloak.

  “Wow! You look gorgeous!” Becca exclaimed.

  “As do the two of you,” Lulu said. Becca’s dress was a simple, classic red one that was stunning on her. Imani was wearing a silk, red-and-gold sari that accented her classic features. Even as she stood talking to them, Imani’s date, Hank Danvers, was gazing at her with a dazed smile.

  Cami, dressed in a black, sleeveless, ankle-length dress, joined them. “I must say, Chandler Hill has the most beautiful women of all. Remember, it’s important for us to interact with everyone, especially the other winemakers. We want to showcase all three wineries tonight. I’ll do Chandler Hill, Drew and Rafe will do Taunton Estates, and Dan and Adam are representing Lone Creek Winery.”

  “What about me?” said Miguel. “I’m here for Lone Creek too.”

  Cami gasped and hugged him. “You’re back! For how long this time?”

  “Just a couple of days. I know how important this party is as a way to tout our wineries and thought I should be a part of it. Rafe agreed.”

  Lulu felt as if she’d turned to stone. Miguel’s tuxedo-covered body she’d once made love to was ... delicious. As sexy as he was in blue jeans and a plaid shirt, his presence was even more dynamic dressed like a highly paid model for one of the menswear magazines.

  His smile left Cami and landed on her.

  A shiver went through Lulu. She remembered that same smile after they’d made love.

  “How are you, Lulu?” he asked, sending more shivers through her. His brown-eyed gaze remained on her.

  Like someone whose tongue had been removed, she simply nodded.

  “Save a dance for me,” said Miguel, grinning.

  “Okay,” Lulu said, hoping she didn’t sound as nervous as she felt.

  He greeted the other women, then walked over to Rafe, Dan, and Drew, where handshakes and man-hugs were exchanged.

  “I swear,” said Becca a little breathlessly. “He’s one gorgeous hunk of man.”

  “Oh, yes. I think so, too,” Imani said, shooting Hank an apologetic look.

  When Lulu remained quiet, Becca nudged her. “What do you think? Isn’t he something?”

  “He’s good-looking, but not much more than that,” she said, lying to herself and them.

  Becca frowned. “Miguel’s a good guy. He’s just not ready to settle down. Who can blame him? He has a lot of women falling all over him.”

  “But he wants to dance with Lulu,” said Imani, giving her an encouraging smile.

  Afraid to show her emotions, Lulu said, “Excuse me. I need to talk to Cami.” She knew she was being rude, but the thought of standing with her friends talking about the man who made her insides burn was unnerving. She di
dn’t want anyone to suspect her true feelings for him. Especially when she knew how bad a choice he was for her.

  When she saw Lulu approach, Cami stepped aside from the group she was with. “What a surprise, huh?”

  “You didn’t know he was coming?”

  Cami shook her head. “Apparently, Rafe did. I honestly didn’t. But this is a good opportunity for you to talk to him about everything.”

  “I wish I didn’t have to.” Lulu was well aware she sounded like a reluctant child, but couldn’t help herself. Still, she’d never run from her responsibilities and wouldn’t start now. Tomorrow, she’d speak to him. But she wouldn’t, couldn’t ruin tonight’s party.


  Though the unnerving thought of having the upcoming conversation she owed Miguel stayed on her mind, Lulu forced herself to go through the motions of introducing herself to guests and making sure they were taken care of. Most people in the valley already knew she and Cami were related and how. When Cami teasingly introduced her as Weezie Lopez everyone took it in stride.

  Cami and Rafe stood side by side on the stage and welcomed everyone to the party. Standing behind them, the new owners of Lone Creek Winery beamed at the crowd.

  “This year, we are especially pleased to announce that the hosts for the party are not only Chandler Hill and Taunton Estates, but Lone Creek Winery,” said Cami.

  Rafe said, “As most of you know, after a not-so-good year and with a fire there, Rod Mitchell put the property up for sale. Let me introduce the four new owners of the property—Dan Thurston, Miguel Lopez, Adam Kurey, and Drew Farley.”

  Loud applause rang out. Lulu had been told that Rod Mitchell had never fit into the community. The man apparently had a nasty superiority complex.

  Rafe handed the microphone to Adam.

  Adam grinned at the audience. “Hang onto your hats, people. Lone Creek is going to give all of you a run for your money.” When the hooting and hollering died down, Adam continued. “Seriously, the four of us are committed to making the Lone Creek Winery what it was meant to be all along—a winery equal to the best in the valley.”

  Watching and listening, Lulu’s gaze traveled to Miguel. The pride on his face was touching. She knew he, like the others, would put in his best effort to succeed. For a brief moment, tenderness brought the hint of tears to her eyes. They were all such good people.

  Becca came over to her and put an arm around her. “I’m so proud of Dan and the other guys.”

  Lulu smiled at her. “They’re a wonderful team. And you’ve changed the house there into something very special.”

  “Yes, now we have to get the house at Taunton Estates finished.”

  Uncomfortable from the memory of the house as she’d seen it, she made no comment. She turned her attention back to the announcement that the dance floor was open while food was being set up at the buffet table.

  Dan came over to Becca. “Dance?”

  Becca all but ran into his arms, leaving Lulu awkwardly standing alone.

  “Ah, there’s my dance partner,” Miguel said, smiling as he approached her.

  She told herself to remain cool, but her racing pulse gave her away. Heat rushed to her cheeks.

  Miguel bowed before her with mock formality. “May I have this dance?”

  She played along and curtseyed. “Of course, kind sir.”

  His fingers wrapped around her hand, sending warmth through her. She followed him to the dance floor and held her breath as his arms came around her.

  For a moment they simply stared at one another. Miguel’s eyes darkened until they were pools of mystery drilling into her.

  A couple accidentally bumped into them, and the magic disappeared, leaving Lulu to wonder if it had happened at all.

  They moved together effortlessly to the rhythm of the slow song the musicians were playing. Miguel began to hum softly to the music—lovely muffled notes.

  She pulled away and looked at him with surprise. “You sing too?”

  “I’m not the greatest singer in the group, but I do my best,” Miguel replied. The tips of his ears turned pink.

  At that moment, a stunning blonde walked over to them. “May I cut in? I need to talk to you, Miguel.”

  Miguel clasped Lulu’s hand tighter. “Maybe later.” He deftly moved Lulu away from her.

  “What’s that all about?” asked Lulu, observing the way Miguel’s nostrils flared. He was pissed.

  “We were supposed to go out, but I had to cancel. I left a message for her. I didn’t just leave for Chile without bowing out of our date. My mother taught me better than that.”

  “Your mother and Rafe ... How are they related?”

  “My father was Rafe’s nephew. The Lopez men make damn sure their sons are gentlemen.”

  Lulu realized how proud all the Lopez men must be and imagined how difficult life could sometimes be for Miguel. She’d always thought he loved the attention, but maybe she was wrong.

  The dance ended.

  “Thank you,” said Miguel, still holding her in his arms. “Maybe we can do some more dancing after dinner?”

  “Yes, we need to talk. But not tonight. Do you have free time tomorrow?”

  His grin brightened his dark eyes and exposed white teeth in a heartwarming moment. “I always have time for you.”

  She wondered if Miguel knew that it was this kind of banter that drove every woman around to fall a little bit in love with him.

  Before Lulu left the floor, Rafe came over to her. “Care to dance?”

  Pleased, she replied, “That would be lovely.”

  For someone who’d worked hard tromping his land overseeing his vines, Rafe was a very smooth dancer. Lulu smiled up at him.

  “You look beautiful tonight, Cariño.” Rafe gazed down at her with admiration. “Like a star among planets.”

  “A star among planets?

  “Whatever the hell that means,” he replied, chuckling.

  Suddenly they were both laughing.

  Lulu loved this sweet man.

  After the dance ended, Lulu went to find Cami. She was standing by the buffet table chatting with people as they lined up for food. Observing her from a distance, Lulu was still amazed that after all the years growing up and wishing for a sibling, she’d had one all along.

  “Hi, Weezie,” said Cami, giving her a devilish grin.

  “Hey there,” Lulu replied, pleased by the nickname. It lent her a sense of moving on with her life in a place where she was her own person, not the daughter of someone infamous for his misdeeds.

  After being introduced to several people, Lulu checked the wine table. As they did each year, local vintners supplied bottles of wine to be shared by all. This year, the bottle with a hummingbird label was a new addition—Lettie’s Creek wine from Taunton Estates. It was a young wine, but something that would age nicely.

  “I’m real proud of this bottle,” said Drew showing it to her. “It’s a tribute to a great lady and my first year to be able to bring it out.”

  “Cami says it’s going to be very good.”

  “Yeah, she wanted to serve it at our wedding.”

  “When are the two of you going to get married?”

  Drew let out a sigh. “I’m not sure. It’ll probably be something on short notice, depending on how things are going at the inn. We’re going to France on our honeymoon. That much is certain.”

  “Sounds wonderful. I’m happy for you both.”

  “I’m a pretty lucky guy,” said Drew looking across the room at Cami.

  Lulu felt a pang of jealousy. Life seemed so planned for them while she was still struggling to find herself. She walked to the end of the buffet line.

  Darren and Liz and the kitchen crew had been working for days to prepare for the party. The roast steamship round of beef, stuffed chicken breasts, and baked salmon entrées looked delicious. The side dishes too—potatoes au gratin, three different kinds of vegetables, two variations on tossed green salad, and a favorite
rice casserole. Rolls and all the accompanying sauces were tasty additions.

  “The food is always so good here,” said one of the women standing in front of her.

  The woman’s companion said, “Yes, and the desserts are to die for. I eat almost nothing before coming to the party so I can have a taste of everything.”

  Lulu thought back to her days in California. Many women in Los Angeles would seldom talk about eating this way. So many of them hardly ate a decent meal. And for what? Lulu had been caught in the trap of thinking she had to be skinny to be beautiful, but since coming to Chandler Hill, she no longer felt that way. In fact, Darren had allowed her to sneak a piece of pastry from the kitchen earlier that day.

  Lulu filled her plate and then looked for a place to sit. Becca waved her over to a table where she sat with Dan and a pleasant couple that she introduced as Dan’s parents. Hearing them talk to one another, Lulu was happy that Becca had found such a wonderful guy with parents who seemed excited to have her join the family.

  As the music continued to play, she turned to watch the dancers. An older gentleman from the next table rose and came over to her. “May I have this dance?”

  Surprised but pleased, Lulu rose.

  “I’m Mark Pierce, one of Lettie’s old friends. Rafe’s too. My wife, Jean, can’t dance anymore. Bum hip. She suggested I ask you.”

  An older, pleasant-faced woman waved to them.

  “Well, then, I’ll dance for Jean,” Lulu said, touched by the obvious show of affection between them.

  While Mark wasn’t a great dancer, he was easy to talk to. After she explained how she was renting the house that Abby and Lisa owned and mentioned she’d love to be able to buy it one day, he said, “It’s a beauty. I know the original owner, and it was built right. Not like today when houses and apartments seem to be built in a day.”


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