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Her Alien Protector

Page 24

by Siren Allen

  Raynor stared around him. “I would never become like these things.”

  “You think that now, but you have never been this close to being like them. It will be hard. It is our nature to kill, to hurt, and to destroy. You will crave it more than you have in the past. It is up to you. You have to make the choice.”

  There was no choice to be made. Raynor wanted to save his mate. He’d been willing to accept his death when he thought he had no choice in it. Now that he did, he chose life, he chose Lark. He would always choose Lark.

  “So be it,” the shadow hissed.

  “Wait, who is that?” Raynor pointed across the field, to a beast that had just rose to its feet. Standing at least ten feet tall, in each of its hands it held a severed head. The head of two young boys.

  “That is our great, great, great, grandfather, Uthoson. And in his hands are the severed heads of the children of the warlock who cursed us. Now do you see why the warlock would not lift the curse?”

  Raynor swallowed the bile that rose to his throat. He knew his past was dark, but this went beyond anything he could’ve imagined. They did not kill females and little ones, it was a rule they lived by. But, once upon a time, they were the monsters that killed anything in their path.

  “I am ready to go.”

  “Do you understand that by going back, you are closer to becoming this than you’ve ever been.”

  Raynor stared at his ancestor one last time, not missing the satisfied grin on the creature’s face. “I will never become like him. History will not repeat itself. And it’s not just because I want to be better for Lark. I don’t want to hurt creatures who don’t deserve it. I don’t want to be a monster.”

  “Good,” the shadow hissed. “That was the answer I needed to hear. Rest while I find sustenance.”

  “Lark needs me, I cannot re…” The light evaporated, leaving only the darkness and the chill of the monster that lurked in the shadows. Raynor felt himself being pulled under. He fought to stay awake.

  “Rest,” the shadow hissed, sounding far away.

  “Lark needs me. I must go to her. Can feel her pain.” He struggled to open his eyes, but they were too heavy.

  “I will find her.”

  “I WILL FIND HER,” Raynor shouted.

  “You will rest. You will heal. I will find her and I will secure warmth, for without it, you will die… again.”

  Raynor could feel the shadow pulling away, taking with it, the little warmth Raynor had. “I need to feel her. I cannot rest.”

  The shadow sighed. “On the battlefield, I leave you, venturing away to see what lurks in the shadows.”

  “This is not the battlefield.”

  “Like on the battlefield, you will be able to see what I see. You will see Lark. I will heal her and heal you.”

  Raynor wanted to be the one to heal his mate.

  “Stop acting like a little one. We are one, we are the same. I am an extension of you. We will heal her, together.”

  Not liking being compared to a little one, yet realizing they were wasting time arguing, he nodded and felt his shadow pull completely away. “I want to see what you see,” Raynor shouted and was immediately gifted with a view of his surroundings.

  He watched his shadow pull away. The creature stared down at Raynor’s body. So this was what he looked like dead. His skin was damn near translucent. The veins underneath his flesh showed.

  A new rage filled him. He would kill those responsible for this. He would slaughter them and everything they loved. There was no where they could run to escape his wrath.

  “And so it begins,” the shadow hissed. “The beast’s desires are already taking hold of you.”

  Shit. Raynor took a deep breath. “I can control it.”

  “I do not know,” the shadow hissed. “Maybe it would be best if we died.”

  “Not an option. If we die, Lark dies. Go to her, save her.”

  The shadow was hesitant. After a moment of deliberation it nodded, then slunk away from Raynor’s body. Through the shadow’s eyes Raynor could see they were on a ship, one of Saturn’s vessels.

  Yet, they were not soaring through the stars. That was a good thing. The shadow stared to the right. Seated at a desk was Prince Stonar, fiddling with a communication device. Lying on a cot was the bitch, Ana.

  “Kill her,” Raynor roared to the shadow.

  “Control it,” the creature hissed.

  “You said it was okay to kill those who hurt Lark.”

  “It is, but I can sense the darkness in you. Control it. Don’t allow it to dictate your actions. To awaken and help Lark, we need warmth and then we need blood. I can provide the warmth. When you awaken, you can drink from them and kill them if you so desire.”

  He so desired. For now, he had to wait and watch. The shadow, unseen by the two evil creatures in the room, first slunk over to the Prince, enveloping him, absorbing the warmth his body emanated.

  The Prince shivered, then looked up from his task. “Is it cold in here to you?” he asked Ana just as the shadow moved away from him and moved over to her, wrapping around her form.

  “A little,” she said. “It’s not too cold though.”

  The Prince resumed his task. “I’ll have a look at the thermostat before we depart. I don’t want any complications on our journey home.”

  Raynor grinned. The Prince wouldn’t make it home. Not if he could help it. The shadow moved to the door, slipping through the cracks and venturing out into the corridor of the ship.

  They absorbed warmth from ever creature they passed. When Raynor became too hot, he asked, “Isn’t that enough? Can I go to my mate now?”

  “We need more. She will need warmth also.”

  Understood. Raynor endured the unbearable heat. He would endure anything to aid his mate. When the shadow was satisfied with what they’d acquired he slunk away in search of their mate.

  They found her, sprawled out on the floor of a storage room, unconscious. Anger filled him and he could feel the darkness the shadow mentioned. It was pissed. It wanted out.

  “Control it,” the shadow hissed.

  Raynor was trying. But it was hard when he agreed with the creature. The shadow wrapped around Lark’s beaten body, releasing heat into her. It comforted him when she sighed and color began to return to her cheeks. She opened her eyes and stared up.

  “Can she see us?” Raynor asked.

  “No,” the shadow hissed. “As our mate, she can however, feel our presence.”

  “Raynor,” she whispered, proving the shadow right.

  “Lark,” he shouted, but he knew she heard nothing, saw nothing.

  “I can feel you,” she whispered. “Smell your scent. Stars, I miss you.” She closed her eyes. “Is this my punishment for what I’ve done? I will always feel my mate, but never be able to have him? I deserve this for what I did to him. He died, not knowing that I love him.”

  “I know Lark. I know you love me.” Raynor shouted even though he knew she couldn’t hear him. He needed to be near her. To assure her that everything was going to be alright.

  “Raynor,” Lark wept. “Stars, how am I supposed to live now, knowing that you died because of me?”

  “It wasn’t your fault,” he shouted.

  “I wish I could’ve been worthy of you.”

  “You are worthy.” Shit. He couldn’t take this. “Return me to my body so I can heal her. I must help her. I must stop her from hurting further. Return me now.”

  “We need more warmth for you to heal. I had not expected to give so much to our mate. But she needed it, so I gave.”

  “Return me now. I am used to the cold.”

  “You are not used to the coldness that death brings. We need more warmth.”

  “Fuck warmth. If you want me to remain how I am, to not turn into a beast, then return me to my body. Because right now, I am losing my mind and close to letting the darkness take over. I need to go to my mate, NOW.”

  The shadow sighed. “As y
ou wish. But you will not be as strong as you could be.”

  “Take me back,” Raynor growled.

  The shadow pulled away from Lark. It was torture, moving away from her.

  “No,” she opened her eyes. “Don’t leave me.” Her eyes darted around the room. The shadow continued moving away. He watched tears fall from her eyes. The last words he heard her whisper was, “I wish I was dead too.”

  As they floated down the hall they passed a guard headed in Lark’s direction. The man wore a sneaky grin on his face.

  “I will kill him,” Raynor growled.

  “I will help. This one’s scent was on Lark. He’s the one who hurt her.”

  His shadow increased its speed down the hall. When they entered the Prince’s room Raynor caught one quick glimpse of his body before the shadow meshed their forms. Seconds later, Raynor opened his eyes to find Ana staring down at him. She screamed.

  His hand around her throat quickly silenced her.

  Chapter Twenty One

  Lark watched the door knob to her makeshift prison room turn. The door opened and in stepped Trevor, the male she’d vowed to kill.

  “I’m back, bitch,” he announced, as if she couldn’t already see that for herself.

  A screamed ripped through the air. Trevor stared behind him. Lark could hear the thundering of boots. What the hell was going on?”

  “Stay here,” Trevor told her before leaving and slamming the door behind him.

  Where the hell would she go? She couldn’t move, would probably never be able to move again. Her body still felt numb, but at least she was warm now. How she’d gotten warm she had no idea.

  All she knew was that Raynor had been involved. No matter how illogical that sounded she still believed he was the reason her flesh had gone from ice cold to warm enough for her to open her eyes.

  She’d felt his presence, smelled his scent as if he was right next to her, holding her. Tears filled her eyes. He would never be next to her again, never hold her. She’d never get the chance to touch him, caress him.

  All her life she’d been afraid. Now that she wasn’t, it was too late. She’d already lost her one chance at happiness. And for that, she would make all of these bastards suffer. As soon as the feeling returned to her limbs.

  But what if it didn’t return?

  More screams filled the air. The craft rocked slightly. Were they preparing for takeoff? Surely not. Lark wasn’t going anywhere with these maniacs. Again she tried to move and again she found herself incapable of doing so.

  Frustrated wasn’t a strong enough word to describe how she felt. She was pissed. The ship rocked again, but it didn’t rise. That was a good thing. Thundering footfalls seemed to be getting closer.

  Those screams that had sounded far away were nearer. And then she heard something amazing, the blessed sound of Manuel’s voice. He was commanding soldiers. The Calvary was here.

  “I’m in here,” Lark called out. No one answered her call or opened the door to find her. “In here,” she screamed again. Suddenly the door burst open. Hope bloomed, but quickly wilted when she gazed at a bloody Trevor.

  He slammed the door shut behind him, pressing his back against it. His chest rose and fell with his deep breaths. Lark prayed he stayed where he was. Her prayers went unanswered. He fixed his eyes upon her and his lips curved up in an ugly sneer.

  “This is your fault, bitch.”

  Was bitch the only word he knew? He limped in her direction, wincing with each step he took. “Your males have taken our ship.”

  On the inside she cheered, apparently a little of her happiness strayed to her features because Trevor was quick to say, “Don’t get excited. They won’t rescue you alive.”

  Lark screamed as he fell on her, hands circling her neck. All she could do was lay there, helplessly staring up at him. She was supposed to be the one who killed him. She was supposed to make him suffer for hurting her.

  Not this. His grip on her throat tightened. Her eyes drifted shut and no matter how hard she fought to, she couldn’t keep them open. She couldn’t lash out at him. Could do nothing to protect herself.

  Helpless, again. The door to the room burst open. She wanted to open her eyes again, if only to see who her new assailant was. But her body was officially offline from her brain. She knew she was still alive, because she was still breathing and could still hear what was going on in the room.

  Trevor was no longer on her. She knew that because she could hear him screaming and could hear items being thrown around the room. Were her guards here, saving her? She wanted to call to them.

  She wanted to tell them to make sure they didn’t let Ana and the Prince take Raynor’s body. He deserved a warriors’ burial, deserved to have his ashes spread among the stars or at least returned to his people. He’d given his life for her, for her world. He didn’t deserve to be dissected by scientists from Saturn.

  Unfortunately her mouth was on vacation. Then suddenly there was silence. Was Trevor dead? Damn, she’d wanted to be the one to kill him. Or was she dead? Shit, she wasn’t ready to die yet.

  A familiar scent surrounded her. She inhaled, breathing it in. It couldn’t be. Could it? No, her mind was playing tricks on her, like before. Raynor was dead. He couldn’t be here with her.

  Lark coughed, choking on something. Damn, this not being able to feel shit was scary. Something was causing her to cough. Was someone trying to kill her? Were her enemies in the room with her? If so, why had they killed Trevor?

  Stars, she wished she could open her eyes. Cold fingers touched her neck, right under her jaw. Checking for a pulse maybe. Wait, she could feel again. Lark tried to move. Nothing. So she could feel, but she couldn’t move. Arms wrapped around her, holding her close.

  She wanted to scream that she was alive, to tell whoever was holding her so gently to get her the hell out of here. Something pressed against her forehead… another forehead maybe?

  “My heart, what have they done to you?”

  That voice. His voice. It sounded raspier. But she would recognize it anywhere. Was she dead? That had to be it. She’d died, and now she was reunited with Raynor again. She struggled harder to move her lips only to fail once more.

  But her lips were forced open, gently of course, her mate was being gentle with her. She felt him press something against her mouth.

  “Drink more,” he whispered. “And then we will destroy them all.”

  His words sent a chill over her body. A chill, she felt it. She drank more allowing it to fill her mouth and slide down her throat. Droplets of liquid dripped on her face. Thank the stars she was getting her feeling back. Wait, was her vampire crying?

  Her arms no longer felt heavy. She lifted them and gripped his arms, his biceps bulging under her grip. It was really Raynor. His blood was healing her. Lark swallowed more.

  “Take as much as you need mate. Take it all if you need to.”

  No, not all of it. That would kill him… again. Stars, but he’d died. She’d watched him die.

  “I will not let you die,” he mumbled. “Death cannot have you.”

  No, death could not have her. She belonged here, with her vampire. Lark drank more, finding the taste of his life essence pleasant. Her eyes fluttered open and she stared up into the black eyes of her mate.

  The swirl in his depths moved faster as he stared down at her. “Drink more,” he told her.

  She nodded, the slight movement making her dizzy.

  “Do not move, mate. Your body is not ready for that yet.”

  She didn’t nod this time just continued to drink.

  “Your guards have arrived,” he told her.

  Thank the stars.

  “They have taken over the crafts. Manuel is here.”

  So that was Manuel’s voice she’d heard.

  “Your planet is safe.”

  Lark tried to pull away. He gripped the back of her head. “Not yet, you need more.” He stared down at her body and frowned. “A little more.”
br />   What was he seeing when he looked at her? Her eyes widened. Was she badly wounded?

  “It’s okay, mate. My blood will heal you.”

  Yes, she was badly hurt. She pleaded with her eyes, hoping he would tell her.

  “Your body, was… broken.”

  Broken, what the hell did that mean?

  “Your spine,” he clarified.

  Yes, from when she fell against the crate. She knew the pain she’d felt then the sudden numbness had not been a good thing.

  “Don’t worry, my blood will heal you. Just drink.”

  But what about him? Her drinking too much would leave him weak. Again, Lark tried to pull away only to be pulled in closer, forced to drink more.

  “Do not worry about me, mate,” he grinned. “I will feast on our enemies.”

  That should’ve disgusted her. It didn’t. She wanted him to feast on those bastards. Wait, how was he answering her questions when she hadn’t voiced them?

  “The moment you accepted me as your mate, our bond deepened.” Raynor told her. “Soon, you’ll be able to hear my thoughts also.”

  That seemed a little invasive.

  Raynor chuckled. “There is no secret between mates, sweet Lark.”

  But what if there are things I am not ready to share with you yet?

  “Don’t share them.”

  How, when you can hear all of my thoughts? She wasn’t ready for him to hear her thoughts, to know of her past fears.

  “If I could, I would help you erase those fears. You must share them with me, one day. Until then, you can shut me out, though I don’t see why you would want to do that.”

  This time when Lark pulled away from his wrist, he allowed her too. Raynor eased her back onto the floor and stared down at her. Lark licked her lips, licking away any remaining blood that stained them.

  She felt stronger now and her body tingled, feeling returning to her limbs. “Raynor, I will share my fears with you, just not yet, I’m not ready. So, uh, how do I do this shutting you out thing?”


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