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Page 12

by Avery Gale

  So comfortable. Tired. I want to let him help, but I’m afraid. What if it’s a slippery slope? It would be so easy… too easy. I’ll talk to Tobi or Charlotte or Lilly.

  Goddess help him if she consulted with Lilly. Smiling to himself, Israel couldn’t help but wonder about the relationship between the two women. Lilly was only at the club for special events. She’d told him once, she had no desire to see her sons naked ever again.

  “Their childhood was enough. My husbands don’t want to see the woman they consider their daughter in her birthday suit, either.”

  When Israel told her, he understood her position but thought it was a shame the three of them didn’t feel as though they couldn’t play at the club, they’d watched their sons build, Lilly had laughed out loud.

  “Oh, honey, we still play at the club—we’re just choosy about when we show up. Timing is everything. So many people our age are annoyed by insomnia. Hell, my husbands and I think it’s the best-damned thing ever. We have keys to Prairie Winds, and since our boys no longer live upstairs, we can come and go as we please. I swear if the apartment upstairs wasn’t being utilized so often, I’d suggest the three of us move in and sell our place to a young family.”

  Israel had expressed interest, but now that he knew Bristol had plans to build a house on a parcel of land she’d purchased nearby, there was no way he’d ask her to change her plans. Making a mental note to talk to Kent and Kyle, Israel wondered if the sprawling home would interest Catalina and Cooper.

  Yes, it would. Hold that thought, and don’t mention it to Cat. I’m in a bit of a pickle right now. It’s only a matter of time before all the feelers Cat’s putting out give her the information she’s after. When that happens, promise me you’ll keep her close. I don’t want her walking into the trap I know is being laid for her.

  Israel was shocked. It was the first time he’d been able to hear Cooper Hicks so clearly. Trying to see through the other man’s eyes, Israel heard Cooper’s strained laughter.

  Leave it. I called Cam, and he’s sending help. Watch Catalina. She’s damned good… too good, and she’s getting way too close.

  Israel felt the connection between them sever and wondered what kind of trouble Hicks had gotten himself into this time. Turning down the Agency’s offer of employment when he’d been in college had been the smartest thing Israel had ever done. He’d seen the way Catalina changed when she’d started training and known it wasn’t for him. As impressed as he was with his connection to Cooper, the significance wasn’t lost on him, and it was a huge concern.

  Setting all the concerns aside, Israel let his mind float and let his heartbeat and breathing synch with hers. He knew the moment she slipped into a deep sleep and sent up a silent prayer, she’d stay in the more restful level longer in his arms. She needed the rest, and he wanted her well-rested—she was going to need all the energy she could muster tomorrow. He had a full day planned for his mate.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Catalina leaned back in the poolside lounger and sipped the wine cooler she’d found in Asia and Austin’s tiki bar. When her sister and brother decided to add the two-story outdoor living space, none of them had foreseen how amazing the unused space would be. Asia’s decision to call a pool designer and builder from Florida was the beginning of a truly off-the-wall and explosively creative team.

  Austin finally stepped away from the project after Asia, the designer, and the contractor called him for a creative collaboration in the Adler Oil conference room. Having inherited the business long before he’d expected to, Austin had rebuilt the failing enterprise, turning it into the conglomerate it was today. He’d rolled his eyes and left after a half-hour discussion about tinted versus printed tile for the pool perimeter.

  The process might have been brutal, but the results were stunning. Letting her gaze move over the generous space, Cat marveled at the way it completely transformed at night. The rock waterfall looked genuine, the composite material a perfect imitation in appearance at a fraction of the weight. There were even palm trees in enormous pots that could be easily rolled into protected areas during the few cold nights Austin experienced every winter. Underwater lights highlighted ripples in the water from a sudden gust of wind, and fairy lights twinkled along the walls and strung along the wall behind an intricately landscaped wall totally unlike anything Catalina had ever seen.

  She’d traveled all over the world and would have assured you she couldn’t be impressed. Maybe it was because it belonged to the family, or perhaps because this building always represented home, but her breath always caught when she stepped out of the elevator into Asia’s oasis atop Adler Oil.

  Her vantage point above the city streetlights gave Catalina the opportunity to enjoy the vast Texas sky. As a child, Catalina imagined the Goddess scattering sparkling diamonds on a sea of deep blue velvet. She’d scamper out her bedroom window, climb the trellis onto the room roof, and lie back, watching the sky shift as the hours passed. Imagining elaborate strings of twinkling jewels, she’d seen beautiful necklaces and bracelets where others saw worlds far removed from their own. Cat often wondered if her passion for jewelry design was rooted in those memories.

  A familiar voice filled her mind. Israel’s voice surprised her. She’d assume he would be busy with Bristol. Cat was thrilled her brother had found his mate and hoped the brilliant beauty wouldn’t make him wait too long before agreeing to be officially claimed. In the past, she’d only been able to hear Israel when he opened the channel between them, or they were both shifted into their wolf. Sensing he hadn’t intentionally opened the line of telepathic communication between them, Cat was hesitant to keep the path open. When a second voice faded in, she zeroed in on what he was saying.

  Sitting up straight, Catalina strained to hear every word, hoping to find out where her lover was working. What suicide mission had the Agency sent Cooper on this time? Cat was attuned to every nuance of her lover’s voice, making a mental note of the background noise, memorizing everything, so she’d be able to analyze it later. She smiled to herself when she heard Cooper complain about the feelers she’d put out and his concern she would try to get to him.

  So, what’s good for the goose isn’t good for the gander? You can run headlong into the bowels of hell to rescue me, but don’t believe I should do the same? You’ll have to put those patriarchal views to rest if you plan to be my mate, Ace.

  Bristol stared at what was little more than a scrap of material, draped precariously on the padded hanger Israel held. Her thoughts were triangulating between shock, disbelief, and horror. His deep chuckle had her focus shifting between the dress and the man who’d just told her this minuscule excuse for clothing was what he expected her to wear to dinner before they went to the club.

  “Triangulating? Damn, I love the way your brilliant mind works. Extra point for creative vocabulary, but I’m not going to change my mind about the dress.”

  “Dress? That’s a very liberal application of the term, don’t you think?” He had to agree the garment was unlike any of the modest items he’d seen in her apartment. “I’ll be arrested if I wear this out in public. You said we were going to dinner, right? I’m not a snob or anything, but I have worked hard to achieve a certain level of respect in the community, and this would jeopardize that in a big way. Huge. Ginormous.”

  “As your Dom and mate, what is my first concern?” Rather than pushing her, Israel wanted Bristol to sort through it on her own. He would lead the conversation, but she was too intelligent to be lectured.

  “My safety?” It was humbling to think about how intelligent she was, how long she’d been a member of the Prairie Winds Club, and how much she still had to learn.

  “And my second priority?” He loved seeing realization dawn in her pretty blue eyes. Damn, the woman was a treasure.

  They’d spent the first half of the afternoon in the playroom before swimming and enjoying a short nap under the fading afternoon sun. He’d checked every inch of her during t
heir long shower, pleased none of the lash marks from his flogger were visible. The restaurant where they’d be having dinner catered to people in the lifestyle, and he’d known the dress was going to rattle her—no need to add concern about marks to the mix.

  “My happiness… but… why would you think this handkerchief would make me happy? If I sneeze, everybody is going to see so much more of me than they need to. And that’s not even mentioning, the odds of my boobs making a surprise appearance are upward of ninety percent. I’ll be lucky if I don’t get arrested. Good night, nurse, can you imagine the hospital gossip if that happened?”

  It was time to shut down her hissy before she said something he’d have to address in a more aggressive way.

  “I’ve asked you to trust me to know what you need, and I’ve reminded you that needs and wants do not always run parallel.” He waited a few beats before continuing. Israel was learning Bristol processed information at warp speed unless it was about her—then it took her a bit longer to internalize anything he tried to tell her. “Jeopardizing your reputation isn’t something I would ever do.”

  He doubted she’d ever been to The Capriccio. The upscale establishment, whose name literally meant kink in Italian, wasn’t the sort of place anyone watching their budget would go for a casual dinner, nor was it an establishment a submissive would enter alone—the maître d’ would politely arrange reservations at a nearby eatery.

  “Our dinner reservations are at a specific kind of establishment. It’s likely you’ll be the most conservatively dressed sub in attendance.” Tossing the hanger aside, Israel lifted the dress over her head. “Arms up or use your safe word.” After the briefest hesitation, Bristol raised her arms, letting him slip the garment into place. Stepping back, he didn’t try to hide his reaction. “Fucking gorgeous. I knew the color would match your eyes.” Nodding to the shoes he’d set out for her, he saw her eyes glaze with fear. What the hell? She’d objected to the dress but hadn’t looked frightened.

  “I… I…” Bristol’s shoulders dropped, making her look like a deflating balloon. “They’re beautiful, but I don’t dare wear them. I’m a klutz in sneakers, holy trip over the lines on a basketball court… I’ll embarrass us both if I try to walk in those shoes.” He watched as she looked longingly at the heels, he could hardly wait to see on her delicate feet.

  “I’m going to be right beside you, and this will give me the perfect excuse to keep my hands on you until we’re seated. You already know you’ll be barefoot once we enter the club, so I want you to give it a try.” He smiled when she nodded.

  “They’re really beautiful, but I’d like to put on panties first, so I don’t snag them on the heels.” When he shook his head, her eyes widened. “You can’t be serious. Look at how short this dress is.”

  “Think of it as a lesson in perfect posture. Put on the shoes, then I have a gift for you.” He knelt in front of her to help slip the shoes into place and smiled up at her once they were in place. “The view from down here is fucking spectacular, baby. If our reservations weren’t in half an hour, I’d lick those glistening folds until you came all over my tongue.”

  If he started something now, they would miss dinner and their trip to the club. Standing slowly, Israel let his gaze move in a heated caress over every delectable curve. Turning her to face the mirror, Israel pulled a slender velvet box from the dresser. Lifting the sapphire and diamond choker, he was pleased to hear her soft gasp.

  “Is this one of Catalina’s creations? I’ve heard she is one of the most sought-after jewelry designers in the world.”

  “It is, and you’re right, she is very gifted.” Wrapping his arms around her, Israel held the piece where she could see the latch. “This is special for a couple of reasons. First, it will keep you safe at the restaurant and club. It isn’t a permanent collar—I’d like to have a more formal ceremony for that occasion when you’re ready. This collar will serve three functions tonight. It lets other Doms know you are not available for them to approach. It’s also going to look amazing nestled in the hollow of your throat. And finally, it has a built-in safety feature. This is a unique piece, a prototype, a collaboration between Ian McGregor and Catalina.”

  Not surprisingly, he saw recognition in her eyes when he mentioned Ian’s name. Anyone as gifted as Bristol would have enormous respect for someone whose mind was a match for their own. Hell, London thought Ian walked on water. Everyone cleared the room when the two of them started bouncing ideas around.

  “I have the only key for the clasp—exactly what everyone familiar with the lifestyle will expect. What they won’t know is this lovely piece of jewelry is protecting someone far more precious than the stones around her beautiful neck. No one can steal it—the titanium will keep it in place. An alarm is activated biometrically. You press your fingers to any two sides of the latch for more than two seconds, and it will send out an alarm. The message will go to my phone, Adler Investigations, Cooper Hicks, Catalina and Austin, Kent and Kyle West, Ian McGregor, and Brooklyn’s husband, Luke Grayson.” It would also monitor her physical reactions and send out an alarm if it detected fear or extreme pain.

  “That’s a lot of people. Why so many, and what sort of information will they get?”

  “We’ll immediately know your location and be able to hear you and anyone nearby. We won’t be able to communicate with you, but we’ll hear everything, so you’d need to feed us information. The name of the person threatening you, whether they are armed, anything that will help.” He knew he was scaring her, but he wanted her to understand his concern for her safety.

  “Don’t you think this is overkill? Someone broke into my apartment. I don’t like it either, but this…” She looked down at the choker and frowned. “Why would anyone want to hurt me? Do you really believe a jealous woman would go to this extreme? What happens if I shift? Will I be strangled by the device that’s supposed to protect me?”

  He hadn’t expected this would be easy; she was much too intelligent to simply submit without asking questions. This was probably only the tip of the iceberg.

  “That is part of what makes it so special. The damned thing will sense the shift in your DNA and expand and contract as necessary. Devices like these have never been available for shifters, so this is a game-changer. I know you weren’t raised in our world, but I assure you, we’re very protective of what we feel belongs to us, and we’ll spare no expense to keep our mates safe.”

  Looking from the piece in his hands to meet Bristol’s gaze in the mirror, Israel raised a brow, knowing she would understand the unspoken request for permission to lock it in place. At her nod, he snapped the small lock. There was only one key, a small titanium object that looked more like a Greek letter than a device to unlock a choker.

  “It’s beautiful, and I appreciate Catalina letting me wear it.” He smiled and shook his head.

  “Bristol, this is a gift. It’s probably selfish, but I love seeing something I picked out and bought for you nestled against your ivory skin.” He intended to spoil her in every way possible. The two of them wouldn’t always have the luxury of a lot of time to spend together, so they’d have to make it a priority, but it would be worth it.

  Israel listened carefully as her mind worked through the implications of receiving what was obviously, an extremely valuable gift. He was grateful she moved quickly past any concern he was paying her for sex—the consequences for those questions would have kept them from keeping their reservations. The most amusing part of her internal dialogue was the underlying frustration with herself. Bristol didn’t want to want him, but she did. She argued with herself about falling in love when she’d promised herself nothing more than a few rounds of mind-blowing sex before she walked away.

  He was winning her over with unrelenting patience, coupled with subtle but loving gestures. Cupping her shoulders, Israel gently turned Bristol until she was facing him.

  “Remember, activate the alarm if you are frightened or find yourself face to face wit
h danger.” Tunneling his fingers into the long waves of her hair, Israel sealed his lips over hers. A gentle exploration ramped up so quickly, it was torture to pull back.

  “Let’s go while I still have enough control to keep from tossing you on the bed and burying myself in your hot depths.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Bristol was torn between wanting the car ride to the restaurant to end and wishing they were driving to another state. When Israel had opened the car door for her, Bristol was surprised to find a plush towel folded on her seat. She was even more surprised when he’d told her to lift the back of her dress as he helped her settle on the seat. Leaning across her to secure the seat belt, he’d brushed his lips over hers before pulling back.

  “As soon as the door closes, spread your legs and pull the hem of your dress up, so your pussy is available for my touch.”

  Already reeling from the strange sensation of having her bare ass cheeks against the towel-covered leather seat, it had taken her a few seconds to process the commands. He nodded his approval when he sat next to her, snapping his own seat belt into place without taking his eyes off her bare pussy.

  “I love the smell of leather seats, but the aroma of your juices is quickly becoming my favorite scent. I’m going to slip my fingers through those glistening folds, mate. What will I find? Are you wet for me?”

  Was that a rhetorical question? He had to know she was soaked. Her mind cycled quickly through everything she’d learned in her training as a submissive, coming to the realization, a good Dom never asks a question he doesn’t want answered, and there was no question in her mind Israel was a good Dom. They may not have been together for a long time, but some things were intuitive.


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