Belladonna sits on the floor centering herself. She is trying to make the
ball of fire in front of her larger. She can hear Cage in her head saying, “Focus your energy on it. See it expanding.” She closes her eyes and takes a deep cleansing breath. She feels the ball expand. She smiles to herself. She hears someone clap but she ignores them. She opens her eyes, and the ball is huge. She never thought she could do that. Cage is off to the side smiling at her. The dimple in his cheek evident. “Throw it,” he says. She aims it for the pond and shoots the ball. It lands perfectly. Cage is the first one over to her. He hugs her tightly and kisses her lightly on the cheek. Everyone else then shows up to congratulate her.
Sam picks her up and swings her around. “That was amazing. I am so proud of
you. We are all so proud of you.”
“Thank you, Samuel. I appreciate that.”
“We should go out tonight to celebrate. What does everyone think?”
There are yeahs all around.
“Sure, why not.”
“I won’t be able to join you. I have plans already,” Cage says.
Belladonna keeps her face neutral trying not to think of who Cage has plans with. Mercedes comes over to her and starts a conversation with her as to keep her mind off of Cage.
“I say we go to the mall and get something new to wear for tonight.” Mercedes notices how Cage is paying attention.
“I could do with some retail therapy and I need a few new items,” Ava says.
“Okay I guess it would be fun. I need some stuff from Victoria Secret,” Belladonna says.
At this point Cage is at full attention of the girls’ conversation. Mercedes is trying not to laugh but fuel the flames. “What all do you need to get, Belladonna?”
“Bras, panties, and a few other things just in case. Cause you know something is bound to happen soon, right?” Ava and Mercedes laugh.
“I think we should all wear skirts tonight,” Ava says.
“That’s just because Roger likes the easy access,” Mercedes says.
Cage has moved closer to the conversation.
“Okay skirts it is. I have a pair of high heel books that a skirt will go perfect with. I’ll look like a hooker, but it will go great with it.” Belladonna laughs.
“Belladonna can I speak to you for a moment?” Cage asks.
“Yeah sure.”
Mercedes secretly high fives herself.
Cage walks Belladonna over to his car. He is shaking his head as they walk. He is trying not to say anything until they’re alone. Restraint is not his strong suit when it comes to Belladonna. He has been working on it. “What were you wanting, Cage?”
“You are going to the club tonight?”
“Yes I am. To celebrate. You have other plans.”
“Yes, I do. I wish I didn’t, but I can’t break them.”
“Okay well is there isn’t anything else you wanted?”
“Can you please be careful. For me? Can you just be very careful?”
“I’m always careful, Cage.”
“I’m always there though.”
“Well, I’ve got Sam. I’ll be fine.” Belladonna figures that should rub him the wrong way.
Cage runs a hand through his hair. Sam. Sam. Ugh. “Sam couldn’t protect a kitten. Will you just please be careful?”
“Yes Cage.”
“Thank you.”
“You have fun with your plans. I’ll have fun with mine.” Belladonna goes to walk away, and Cage grabs her. He turns her around and looks her in the eye. “I don’t have a date or anything like that. It is a work thing. I promise you. I plan once it’s over to find you. You will see me tonight.”
“Whatever you say, Cage.”
“Please don’t be flippant to me. I know you care.”
“What if I do? It’s against the rules. Remember?”
“I’m starting to care less and less about them.”
“Belladonna are you coming!” Ava yells.
“Yeah, I’ll be right there!”
“Go to the mall.”
“This conversation isn’t over,” Belladonna says.
“No it’s not.”
Belladonna walks over to her girlfriends and heads to the mall. Leaving Cage and
wondering what exactly is going on between them.
Belladonna is getting ready to go to the club. Mercedes and her are pregaming with Ava. They are all doing their hair and makeup. Belladonna is finishing up getting ready when she hears her best friend in her head, “Are you about done? It’s just us guys at the club and if I have to hear Sam one more time, how tonight is the night I’m going to knock him out. I’m about to tell him I have a better shot.”
“Pete, you would never do that.”
“Try me.”
“We’re just about done.”
“Thank you.”
“Is something wrong?” Mercedes asks.
“Pete is about ready to kill Sam.”
“Isn’t everybody?” Ava asks while putting on mascara.
“Sam isn’t that bad.”
Mercedes and Ava start laughing. “Suure he isn’t.”
“Do you think Cage will show up tonight?”
“He said he was going to, right?” Mercedes asks.
“Yes, he did.”
“Then he will.”
“Okay you’re right.”
“Let’s go,” Ava says.
The guys are over by the bar. Pete rushes over to Belladonna and hugs her. “Thank you god you’re here. I’ve never been so happy in my life.”
“Was it that bad, sweetheart?”
“It was worse. I had to hear about workout regiments.”
“You work out.”
“I don’t have a work out regiment.”
Belladonna laughs. “I’m here now. It’s safe.”
“Thank the dear lord above.”
They walk over to the group. Mercedes hands a drink over to Belladonna. Pete flashes a look at Sam and sees him checking out Belladonna. “You have about three minutes before he is over here hitting on you.”
“Let’s get to the dance floor then.”
Belladonna finishes her drink and starts dancing with Pete. While dancing a guy with dark hair and deep blue eyes keeps looking her way. He is older. She pays attention to Pete and ignores the guy. She is too busy waiting for Cage to show up.
She is in the middle of dancing with Pete when the handsome stranger comes up to them. “Excuse me. Can I cut in?”
“No, I don’t think so,” Belladonna says.
“Okay. I understand.” He leaves and goes back to where he was standing with his friends.
“Well, you were having none of that.”
“I am waiting for Cage.”
“Don’t give me that look Pete.”
“I am just saying he can’t have anything to do with you. You are waiting for nothing.”
“Just please try to be supportive.”
“I will try.”
“Thank you.”
Mercedes comes over to them and starts dancing with them. Belladonna raises an eyebrow to Pete, but he just shrugs his shoulders. “Okay I’m here for a reason. Cage is getting ready to walk in that door, but he isn’t alone. He is with a female, but it isn’t what it looks like. You must remember that. It’s his boss. She wants to make sure no funny business is going on. She heard from someone aka Sam that you two seem a little too close. She is here tonight to make sure you aren’t. So, if I were you I’d dance with the stranger.”
“Crap Mercedes.”
“I’m sorry. She isn’t pretty if that helps you any and she’s older.”
“That helps a lot actually.”
br /> “I thought it would.”
Belladonna looks over at the stranger and smiles. He smiles back and comes over towards her.
“Would you like to dance now?”
“I’d like that very much.”
“My name is Cooper.”
“Coop. My name is Belladonna.”
“Nice to meet you.” He looks her up and down.
“It’s nice to meet you.” She looks him up and down. He is beyond handsome. His shirt clings to him and you can call how built he is underneath it. She reaches out and touches his chest. He smiles at her. She is in shock with how brazen she is being. His deep blue eyes match the shirt he has on perfectly.
Five minutes later Cage walks in with an older woman. She is looking around at everyone. She looks dead at Belladonna and then looks at Cage. “That’s your student?”
“Yes Linda, that's my student.”
“She is a pretty girl.”
“Yes she is.”
“Cage I don’t believe the rumors. I think it’s just a young man that is jealous that you spend so much time with her, but I have to investigate regardless. Which one is Sam?”
“That one over there. He looks like a surfer.”
“Oh yes. He is the jealous type. He watches her like she is a possession. Who is she dancing with?”
“A guy I don’t recognize.”
“Do we know him?
“No, I can’t say that we do.”
“What can you tell about him?”
“He is a vampire.”
“Go tell your student.”
Cage goes over to Belladonna who is dancing with Cooper. Belladonna acts aloof when he comes over to her. “Oh, hey Cage. How are you tonight?”
“I’m good. How are you?”
“I’m good.”
“Can I talk to you for a minute.”
“Coop, can you give me one minute?”
“Actually Cage, can you give Belladonna and I a minute please?”
Cage goes and stands off to the side.
“Belladonna, I have something to tell you and I need you to promise me you won’t run over to your friends until I explain everything.”
“Okay I can do that. Are you a rapist?”
“I’m a vampire.”
“Just about as bad.”
“I’m not going to bite you. I haven’t in the past ten minutes. I have no interest in biting you unless you gave your express permission which I would expect you to write down and sign.”
Belladonna laughs. “Okay. I’ll believe you. Is there anything else.”
Cooper whispers in her ear, “I know you’re fae.”
“Anything else?”
“That’s it.”
“Is that the reason you wanted to dance with me?”
“No, it is not.”
“Okay. Is there anything else?”
“Not right now.”
“That makes it sound like there is more, Cooper.”
“There could be but nothing bad.”
“Alright. I need to talk to my teacher.”
“I’ll be right here.”
Belladonna walks up to her teacher. “What did you want to tell me?”
“You are dancing with a vampire.”
“I know I am.”
“You can’t be doing that.”
“Yes, I can. I can do what I want to do.”
“My boss is going to lose it if you keep dancing with him.”
“Cage, that is a personal problem. I am going to dance with him. He’s fine.”
“No, you are not.”
“You can’t stop me.”
“Watch me.”
Cage walks over to the vampire and gets up in his face. Belladonna walks over there and gets in the middle. “Cage walk back over there now!”
“Belladonna it’s fine,” Cooper says.
“Just walk away from him and there won’t be a problem.”
“Just walk away, Cage. I do what I want to do.”
Pete comes over now. “Cage, leave her alone. Now.”
“Pete, this doesn’t concern you.”
“That’s my best friend. You are trying to tell her what to do. Step away.”
“Pete, you don’t know the situation.”
“You would be amazed with what I know. Now step away from her.”
Mercedes is now standing beside Belladonna. Cage throws his hands up. “This isn’t over Belladonna. We will discuss this tomorrow.”
Cage goes back over to the other side of the bar.
“Thank you,” Belladonna tells Mercedes and Pete.
They both nod their head and go back over to dance.
Cooper grabs Belladonna and dances with her. He shakes his head and smiles. “I thought it was going to be like some smackdown event.”
“Well doesn’t your kind like a fight?”
Cooper laughs. “You think we’re all violent?”
“I’m sorry were the stories I was told incorrect?”
“No, I'm not saying that, just I’m not a violent person.”
“I’m not anymore.”
“As of fifteen minutes ago.”
“How did you know?” Cooper chuckles.
“Glad to know I’ve changed you.”
“You could. You never know.”
“So how old are you Cooper?”
“How old are you really?”
“About a century. How old are you Belladonna?”
“Not that big of an age difference.”
“Yes, between a century and twenty-two.” She laughs.
“Do you go to college?”
“Yes, I’m an English literature major.”
“I own an IT business.”
“Do you enjoy it?”
“It keeps me busy.”
“That must be hard.”
“What?” he asks, smiling.
“Keeping you busy.”
“Not that difficult. I don’t bore so I always have my mind going with something.”
“You never get bored?”
“No. Do you?”
“No, I never get bored. People always think I’m a freak for it.”
“You’re not. They just aren’t that bright.”
Cage is with Linda speaking to her about his “student”. He is trying not to pay
attention to who Belladonna is dancing with. He is about to go knock the crap out of Cooper though. He is touching what is his. No declarations have been made but he knows she is. Just like he knows he is hers. Linda he can tell is getting tired of the noise and the music. “I think I’ve seen enough. You can take me back to my car.”
“Okay let’s go.”
“Tell your student that you’re leaving.”
“Yes ma’am.”
Cage goes out to the dance floor where Belladonna and Cooper are dancing at the moment. “Belladonna?”
“Yeah Cage?”
“I’m taking Linda back to her car.”
“Okay.” She can tell Cage wants to say more but can’t.
“I’ll see you at practice tomorrow morning?”
“Yes, you will. Nine am.”
“Okay. See you then.”
Cage walks away from the dance floor and knows he has to see her tonight, but he can’t talk to Belladonna directly. He goes to the next best thing Mercedes! “Mercedes, is there any way I can come over and talk to Belladonna?”
“I’m already on it. Tonight, right?”
“Go to your house and teleport to our place. I’ll let you know what time.”
“Thank you.”
“You are very welcome.”
Belladonna is dancing closer to Cooper as the night goes on. “I was a little shocked when you paid attention to me after telling me no.”
“Are you upset now?”
“No, it work
ed out well. Just shocked is all.”
“I judged hastily.”
“I’m glad to hear that.” Cooper holds her tightly up against him.
“Why is that?” she asks, looking him right in the eye.
“Cause then I wouldn’t be able to do this.” Cooper kisses her very tenderly then increases the kiss. Mercedes lets out a whoop in the background. They kiss for several minutes before Belladonna ends the kiss. He rubs her bottom lip when she ends it. He leans his head up against her forehead and says, “I could do that all night if you would let me. Nothing else but kiss you.”
“Just kiss me?”
“Yes Belladonna.”
“I think I might have trouble with that.”
“I would make sure we kept it PG.”
“You have a lot of faith in yourself.”
“I have a lot of faith in us.”
Belladonna looks at him sideways and Cooper flashes her one of his award-winning smiles. “Faith in us huh?”
“Yes, beloved faith in us.”
“Have my stories of college given you faith in me?”
“Something like that.” Cooper laughs.
“I need to leave, it's getting late.”
“Can I get your phone number and ask you out to dinner Tuesday night?”
“Yes and yes.”
“I’ll provide you with my phone number.”
Cooper and Belladonna exchange phones to put their phone numbers in.
“I will call you tomorrow,” Cooper says.
“I will talk to you then.”
“Don’t invite people in your house.”
“I won’t. Does that count for you?”
“That’s a personal decision.”
Cooper kisses Belladonna one last time before she leaves him.
He wants her so badly. Cooper isn’t used to having to wait for things. He gets
them right when he wants them. They are normally laid at his feet. The whole world is his oyster. He stops staring at Belladonna. It’s just a matter of time. Then he can start his plans for the girl.
-Chapter 2-
“OH MY GOD! YOU AND THE VAMPIRE! So hot! He was so hot! Cooper is so hot, and you should see him without a shirt on. OH MY GOD!”
“Mercedes I’m getting the point.”
“No, you aren’t.”
Mercedes touches Belladonna's hand and let’s her see the premonition. Belladonna’s mouth falls open. “OH MY GOD! Like a Greek god.”
Queen: Part One Page 1