“I know right!”
“What is happening in that premonition?”
“Cooper and you are making out. He takes his shirt off. So hot. My lord. I’m going to keep that one as a favorite.”
“I want to keep that one as a favorite.”
“Sweetie, you could invite him over right now and live it. Get it. Right now. In the flesh.”
“He offered to just kiss me in total PG fashion.”
“I think that might be PG-13.”
“I think so.”
“Oh, I forgot to tell you. Cage wants to come over tonight to see you.”
“Hey, I just tell you what he wants. You can take door number 1, number 2, or number 3 no one.”
“I don’t know what to do.”
Belladonna falls into the overstuffed chair. “I guess I can talk to Cage.”
“Don’t sound so happy about it.”
“Sorry I’m just a little upset about tonight.”
“Okay what are you upset about. That he showed up with his boss, that he tried to break up you and the handsome dude, that he made an ass out of himself, or something else?”
“That he tried to break up and he showed up with his boss.”
“Okay then there is your answer. You should take door number two and have your little friend come over for PG fun. Then tomorrow talk to Cage alone.”
“I’m not calling him at two thirty in the morning to say hey do you want to come to my house and just kiss.”
“I’ll call him.”
“Mercedes, don’t you dare.”
“I’m not scared to.”
“Leave it be.”
“Call him.”
“No. I have plans with him for Tuesday.”
“Call him.”
Belladonna gets out her phone and takes a deep breath and hits the number on the second ring he answers. “I was hoping you’d call tonight.”
“You were why?”
“I wanted to talk to you more.”
“What are you doing?”
“Nothing. I’m sitting in my living room. You?”
“I’m sitting in a chair in my living room with Mercedes instructing me on what to do.”
“Oh, you’re being instructed. This should make things interesting. What have you been instructed to do?”
“Well, it was my decision, but she helped me come to it.”
“What was your decision, beloved?”
“To have you come over. If you are interested.”
“Where are you located and yes.”
“I can text you, my address.”
“I live in Oakbrook. How far away are you from there?”
“About fifteen minutes.”
“I’ll see you in fifteen minutes. Do you want me to bring anything?”
“We have everything except for blood.”
“I don’t need blood. Do you girls need anything to eat?”
“Pizza tell him,” Mercedes says.
“I’m sure with your hearing you got that.”
“I did. What does she want on it?”
“Cedes, what do you want on it?”
“Okay consider it done. I’ll be there shortly.”
“See you soon.”
Cage is in his condo waiting for the call from Mercedes that he can come over. He feels like a teenager waiting. He is far too old to be doing this. Belladonna isn’t like the normal girls. He has never had feelings for a student before. He has feelings for Belladonna though. Feelings that he can’t put into words. Feelings so strong he would turn his world upside down for her. He looks at himself one more time in the mirror.
Belladonna shows up in his condo. Cage looks around in disbelief. “What are you doing here?”
“You wanted to see me tonight, so I came here.”
“I was going to come to you.”
“Well, I changed it.”
“He’s at your place, isn’t he?” Cage looks away from her.
“No, he isn’t. He is on his way over. He is getting Mercedes food.”
“He is picking up food for you now. I see.”
“Cage, please don’t be this way.”
“I will be this way. Today in the clearing you got jealous cause you thought I had a date. You started paying attention to Cooper because I had Linda with me so it wouldn’t arouse suspicion about us. I knew what you were trying to do. Then I guess you started liking him or something. I don’t know. I just know that something happened.”
Cage then cups her chin and gently kisses her. He ends the kiss and Belladonna stands there taken aback. He puts his hands on both sides of her face and kisses her as if he is never going to kiss her again. Belladonna lets out a slight moan. She is shielding her thoughts. His hands are all over her body. Her hands are traveling all over his. He kisses her neck. She can barely keep herself together. “Let it out, Belladonna. You can moan for me. I’m not going to think anything of you. I’m going to think you enjoy yourself and it’s because of me. Which is going to turn me on. Is that so bad? To turn me on. I’m already turned on by you. I have been since I walked in the club and saw you. Let me hear you.”
Belladonna tells herself she has to stop Cooper is going to be at her house soon. She can’t be doing this. Belladonna lets out a moan and she feels Cage shake a little. She kisses his neck. He moans as soon as she starts. “God Belladonna, that feels so good. I’ve waited for this for so long. I have wanted you for so long. So damn long.”
“I have to stop Cage. He is going to be her shortly.”
“I understand.” Belladonna and Cage separate.
“I’ll see you tomorrow.”
He kisses her softly on the lips and she teleports back to her house.
Mercedes smiles as Belladonna goes upstairs to change clothes. Belladonna changes into a pair of sleep pants and a tank top then throws her hair in a ponytail. She comes downstairs right as Cooper comes into the house. He has changed into a short sleeve black shirt and jeans. The shirt is too tight for words. Mercedes smiles behind his back and Belladonna wants to hit her. “Hey Coop.”
“Hello Belladonna. Hope I didn’t take too long.”
“Nope not at all. I had time to deal with Cage and change clothes, so you had perfect timing.”
“I guess I did.”
“Do you want something to drink? Beer? Water? Juice? Soda?”
“Beer would be fine.”
“I'll go get it for you.”
Belladonna is in the kitchen getting a beer. When she turns around Cooper is there. He takes the beer from her and sets it on the counter. He starts kissing her. His right hand on her face and his left arm around her waist. She pulls him in closer to her. She can feel him smiling. She is running her hands up and down his back. Cooper goes to pull away, but Belladonna doesn’t let him move. Cooper moves her up against the fridge. She lets out a small moan that normally would be hard to hear but with a vampire it might as well be in surround sound. She puts her hand up his shirt as she continues to kiss him. As she shields her thoughts making sure not to embarrass herself. Cooper pulls away. He kisses her forehead. Then her ear. Then her lips.
“Come on let’s go back to Mercedes.”
They spend the night kissing on her bed. Doing nothing but kissing. She desperately wants him to kiss her neck, but she doesn’t mention it. Since when they went into the bedroom they agreed to kissing and that was it. Now at six in the morning she wants him to kiss her neck. She knows that is probably stupid with a vampire, but she wants it. “What time is your class?”
“Nine. You don’t remember? I find it hard to believe.”
“I thought it was nine but wasn’t sure.”
Belladonna is lying on Cooper’s chest. It is as hard as a rock but still comfortable. “Are you wanting to leave?”
“I’m not leaving until either you tell me to, or you leave to go to your training class.”
“Well then you’ll be leaving when I leave.”
“That sounds like a plan then.”
Belladonna yawns. “Why don’t you go to sleep for a bit. I’ll wake you up. I promise.”
“An hour. Go to sleep for an hour and then I’ll wake you up I promise. Just an hour.”
‘Okay. Can I sleep on you?”
“I insist.”
Belladonna curls up on Cooper and falls asleep. Cooper plays with her hair while she sleeps. He doesn’t even try to access her mind. He won’t do that to his future Queen. That is cheap and childish. He guards around her to make sure no one is close to her and he feels someone nearby. An old friend. He lets Belladonna know he’s there as it feels to her as though he is stroking her in her dream. He can gather enough that she is dreaming about the two of them. He isn’t looking to see what about them. He just knows he is the subject matter. He feels her getting ready to be yanked out of the dream. He holds her hand tightly. As if he is warning her. Then she is taken out of the dream.
She is in a black room. There is a silver figure there. “I see you are messing around with the King.”
“Your point?”
“You aren’t curious about what he is the King of?”
“I’m asking your point?”
“He thinks you are his.”
“Let me guess you think I’m yours?”
“Yes, I do.”
“I can’t say that I got that memo.”
“Trust me you are.”
“If you say so.”
“I want you to be my mate.”
“No, I will not.”
“You would rather be his? You don’t know him.”
“Get over yourself.”
“You will be mine.”
The figure disappears and Belladonna goes back to her dream. Cooper goes back to stroking her and making her feel safe. He heard the whole conversation. He would answer any questions Belladonna has. He wouldn’t hide anything from her. He would never hide anything from her. He would always be honest. She is his Queen.
The next morning Cage and Belladonna are out practicing. Her dad, Stephen, is watching. She is practicing the fireball again. She is getting the hang of making it bigger now she needs to call it at will. “Just focus Belladonna. Take a deep breath and imagine the fireball is in your hand.”
Belladonna is standing now trying to form the fireball. She can feel her hand getting warm but can’t get the ball to come forth. She is getting frustrated and annoyed. “I need to take five,” she tells Cage.
“That’s fine.”
Her father starts walking towards her with a bottle of water. “It doesn’t come easily, honey.”
“I know dad. I just hate struggling with something.”
“I know but it’s part of life sometime.”
“Yes, I know.” Belladonna takes a long drink of water.
“You still having everyone over for Thanksgiving dinner?”
“Yes dad, Misfit Thanksgiving like every year.”
“Did you invite Cage?”
“Yes, and he’s coming.”
“Good. I like him.”
“Well, that’s a relief. I would hate to think you didn’t.”
Stephen laughs. “Me too.”
Belladonna walks away from her father and walks around the farm. Cage runs after her. “Are you avoiding me?” he asks jokingly.
“Yep, that’s it.”
“I figured as much.”
“I’m tired.”
“Did he stay the night?”
“Yes, but nothing like you might be thinking happened.”
“I didn’t think that.”
“Is he still at your place?”
“So, we can have breakfast?”
“Sounds like a plan.”
“Okay that sounds good.”
“I guess I’m ready to do fireballs.”
“That’s my girl.”
They are at the diner eating breakfast. Belladonna is eating her weight in pancakes. “I don’t know how you stay so skinny. You eat so much.”
“Well, I do run a lot.”
“That you do.”
“So, I think it evens out.”
“It must.”
“You eat a lot too, pot.”
“Yes, kettle.”
They both laugh. “Do you want to do something after this?”
“You could come to my place if you wanted to.”
“Okay that works.”
“Alright whenever you are done eating.”
“Anxious Cage?”
“Afraid you might change your mind.”
“Not a chance.”
Belladonna sits in the diner just enjoying being with Cage. Remembering this is what she likes so much about him. They leave to go to Cage’s house. She follows behind him. They get to his apartment and she sits on his couch. It’s the room she was in last night. Cage gets her coffee without her asking. Knowing she is tired and the only way she is staying awake. She is much more awake now. She is attuned to Cage’s body. She isn’t likely to fall asleep at this moment and time.
Cage leans in towards Belladonna and kisses her. It isn’t soft this time. It’s
urgent and intense. She ends up laying on the couch and Cage on top of her. They are rubbing up against each other. Belladonna kisses Cage’s neck. Listening to him moan and say her name. He rubs up against her perfectly. Making her want to cum. She moans softly. Cage nibbles on her ear. Talking to her. “I want to give you so much, Belladonna. All there is to offer. I want to hand it to you on a silver platter. Right now, I want to give you all of me. If you’ll take me. Cause I want you.”
Cage’s mouth is hot on her neck licking and nibbling. She is rubbing up against him and moaning. All she can think of is what Cage said he was offering. She couldn’t ask for more. She couldn’t. “Cage. I want it all.”
“You’ll never regret it, Belladonna. Not one day will you regret it.”
Cage kisses her as he takes off her clothes. She struggles to quickly take off his. The roll off the couch and into the floor. Cage slowly slides inside taking his time to satisfy Belladonna in every way possible.
Chapter 3
Monday morning Belladonna is in children’s literature. She has a large cup of coffee with her. Cage and she spent all day making love and talking. He even spent the night last night. She was beyond happy. She wasn’t sure what was going to happen when everyone learned. It was serious from what he had said when he first started when they had discovered they were attracted to each other. She was starting to worry. He could lose his job. She gets done with class and heads to the library to study for the next hour.
Mercedes is waiting for her at the comfortable chairs. “How are you doing today?”
“I’m good. Tired.”
“I don’t know why. You would think a guy and you were busy all day yesterday.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“Sure, you don’t.”
“Hello children. How is our day of higher education?” Pete asks.
“It’s going,” Belladonna answers.
“I can’t complain,” Mercedes says.
“Glad to hear. I have great news! The band got a gig for next Thursday night. So, you all now have plans for that night. Whether you want to or not.”
“Of course, we’ll be there.” Belladonna gets up and gives Pete a hug.
“That’s great news!”
“Thanks. It could turn into a regular gig if the owner likes us.”
“What’s not to like?” Belladonna asks.
“Belladonna will be doing PR for you.”
Suddenly a guy in a gray t-shirt and jeans comes up to the group. He has a large flower arrangement. He stops in front of Belladonna. “Belladonna?”
“These are for you.”
“Are you sure?”r />
“Yes. I’m sure.”
“Thank you.”
Belladonna sees the card which has her name on it. She opens the card.
My Queen-
I just wanted to add a little beauty to your day.
Belladonna smiles and puts the cards up. Mercedes just grins at her. “Are the flowers from the vampire?” Pete asks.
“I see.”
“Do you have something to say?”
“No. Just interesting he refers to you as Queen.”
“Is he King Vampire?”
“I have no idea.”
“Something to check on.”.
Pete and Belladonna walk to her next class together. “Are you okay?”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean after the club with the way Cage acted and then you had a night with the vampire. Now you’re with Cage. Just checking
“Yeah, I’m doing great.”
“Good glad to hear it.”
“What about you?”
“I’m good. I’m just you know chugging along hoping this gig next Thursday works out.”
“You aren’t going home for Thanksgiving, right?”
“Nope I will be a misfit.”
“Is the vampire coming?”
“I didn’t ask him.”
“Would he have a glass of blood?”
“It isn’t like that.”
“I didn’t know.”
“We’ve learned about vampires, have you forgotten?”
“No. I just didn’t pay close attention.”
“Contrary to popular belief vampires can go out in the daytime. Their powers are just weakened until midday. They are allergic to roses, silver, and holy water. Crosses don’t bother them. Garlic doesn’t. They can see their reflection. They can die by all the normal ways: stake to the heart, decapitation, and fire. There are some vampires that are descendants of the Villarreal family and had no allergy to roses, silver, or holy water. Stakes also didn’t kill them. The Villarreal family is considered royalty of the vampire community. To be part of their lineage is a high honor.”
Queen: Part One Page 2