“I’m right here silly.”
Cooper sets Destiny down and kisses Belladonna. “Oh my god you’ve made me so happy. So happy.”
“I’m glad. Maybe this time we won’t need a spell or anything.”
“Shh no we won’t. I love you.”
“I love you.”
“I would show you how happy I really am, but we have a house full of people right now.”
“I know. Although that’s never stopped you before.”
“If you want I can.”
“No, we should get downstairs.”
Cooper kisses Belladonna again laying her down on the bed. Her hands all over his body. His hand strips off her panties. She motions for the door to shut and lock. Cooper takes off his boxer and pants. Belladonna laying off the side of the bed and Cooper standing he takes her. Neither of them is quiet. Not that it would matter with all the vampires in the house. They keep biting one another, sharing their love for one another Keeping their connection alive.
When they get back downstairs everyone pretends as though they didn’t hear everything that went on upstairs. “Belladonna is pregnant,” Cooper announces to the room.
Everyone says congratulations. All the other presents were open while they were upstairs so it’s Belladonna’s turn. From Nicolae she got a pair of diamond studs which he insists she put on now. Along with some books and clothes. From Criss she got a diamond solitaire necklace. Along with clothes and a pair of shoes. From Gatlin she got an opal raised round ring for her right ring finger. A new bookbag, a gift card, and a journal. From Cooper she got a watch with a diamond face engraved (My Queen My eternal love Your King), a new laptop, a new laptop bag, clothes, shoes, an eternity diamond ring for her ring finger, and bracelet that said mommy with Destiny’s birthstone on it with room for more.
Cooper goes to start breakfast. Mercedes and Belladonna start opening all of Destiny’s gifts, also pulling the tags off of her clothes. Nicolae helps them. “Do you like the earrings?”
“Yes, Nic I love them.”
“I’m surprised you didn’t fight me on them.”
“After everyone else's gifts I couldn’t really now?”
“No, you really couldn’t.”
“I think Cooper won,” Mercedes says.
“I think he has the right to. He’s her husband in two ways.”
“I was going to point that out,” Belladonna says.
“I thought Cage might show up, “Mercedes says.
“I invited him.”
“Maybe you should call him,” Nicolae says.
Belladonna grabs her phone and calls. On the second ring a woman answers. “Hello.”
“Hi, I was trying to get a hold of Cage.”
“That’s his name.”
“Hold on.”
“Well, I guess Merry Christmas to you.”
“It’s not like that.”
“Suure it’s not. I’m not judging. I guess you aren’t joining us for Christmas.”
“Yes I am. I’m on my way to your place now.”
“Is your little friend coming.”
“No. It’s not what it sounds like.”
“She doesn’t even know your name. That’s bad Cage.”
“I’ll explain when I get there.”
“Make sure you shower or Destiny isn’t getting near you.”
“Okay. I’ll be there shortly.”
Belladonna gets off the phone laughing. Everyone looks at Belladonna. Cooper comes out of the kitchen. “What’s so funny?”
“A woman answered the phone and didn’t know Cage’s name!!!”
“Oh my god!” Mercedes yells.
“I told him to shower, or Destiny wasn’t going near him.”
“Oh, I’m going to love teasing him,” Nicolae says
“I don’t think he knew her name either.”
“Was she American, Hispanic?” Criss asks.
“Rosa,” Mercedes says.
“You all are horrible,” Gatlin says.
“Brother come on. Join in on the fun.”
“Okay so we’ve decided Rosa is his one-night stand?” Cooper asks.
“Yes,” everyone says.
Cage gets there fifteen minutes later freshly showered. Mercedes lets him into the house. He gets breakfast and sits at the dining room table where everyone is waiting to eat. “So, Cage how was your night?” Gatlin asks.
“It was alright.”
“Are you going to tell us about Rosa?” Criss asks.
“Your little overnight buddy,” Mercedes says.
“It’s not like that.”
“We’re all ears,” says Nicolae.
“Last night I went to a bar. I was drinking a bit. Not too much just a bit. There was a woman at the bar her name was Lisa. She had too much to drink. No one was with her. I couldn’t let her drive home and she couldn’t tell me where she lived. I took her home with me and put her in the bedroom.”
“You kidnapped her?” Cooper asks.
“I didn’t kidnap her.”
“Did you ask her permission before you took her home” Belladonna asks.
“Criss, I think you and Cage might have something in common.”
Criss flashes Belladonna a warning look. Cooper and Gatlin laugh.
“It wasn’t like that.”
“Suure it wasn’t.”
“Belladonna I was trying to be nice.”
“I’m sure it was.”
“Anyway, I was in the shower my phone rang she answered when you called and the rest was history.”
“What did she give you as a thank you?” Nicolae asks.
“Thou doth protest too much,” Cooper says.
“Oh my god nothing happened. I didn’t even get her phone number.”
“Her address?” Criss asks.
“No, not even a last name.”
“Damn you messed that up then,” Gatlin says.
Cage puts his head down and shakes it.
“We’re just messing with you,” Mercedes says.
“I know. I know.”
“I have an announcement Cage,” Cooper tells him.”
“What about Rosa?”
“Nothing about her. I’m going to be a dad again.”
“Oh my god. That’s great. Congratulations. That’s really great. I’m so happy for you two.”
“Be thankful you weren’t here for the announcement,” Criss says.
“Humans were okay for it.”
Cage starts laughing along with Mercedes.
“Well let’s get done that we can get to my dad’s. Destiny will have a new mountain of toys and clothes to open there.”
“Yes, and we can see what Sam got you,” Cooper says.
“And what Ava got Criss. OH MY GOD she’ll meet Gatlin,” Belladonna laughs.
“She’ll think she died and went to heaven,” Mercedes laughs.
“Oh, brother I feel for you,” Criss says.
“Oh, I don’t give a damn I’ll tell her I’m in love with Belladonna and she can drop dead.”
“I think honesty is the best policy,” Cage says.
“Well then Criss you are on your own,” Cooper says.
“I’m not even a teacher.”
“You shouldn’t have lied,” Nicolae says.
“I have my reasons.”
Gatlin rolls his eyes.
“Okay we should go,” Mercedes says.
Ava died just like they predicted. She couldn’t tell them apart which Belladonna thought was hilarious. Criss tried desperately to not seem like himself but she quickly figured out who was who. Gatlin made it known off the bat that he was in love with Belladonna and that he had no interest in anyone else. Criss sat in agony while his brother made his announcem
ent. Ava got Criss a present and in true Criss form he took it over to the trash can and threw it away. Ava excused herself to the restroom and cried. No one else gave Criss a gift. Belladonna had a gift to give Criss in front of everyone. It was a very nice leather journal. He was actually impressed with it. “Thank you Belladonna.”
“You’re welcome. I think I got the right student I am on the binding.”
Criss laughed softly to himself when it said thirteen. “Yes that’s right.”
Criss put it away before anyone else could see it. He was happy that she could at least make a joke out of it in some way. Criss also got her a gift for in front of everyone. It was what looked like a compass necklace. What she expected to see on Mortar. It was beautiful and she knew it cost a decent amount. Ava was still in the restroom thankfully. “Thank you.”
“It will help center you.”
“I will use it accordingly.”
“See that you do.”
“Yes sir.”
She knew what sir did to him so she did it on purpose. She watched the look on his face and then him try to maintain composure. She put the necklace on. She realized he was represented twice around her neck and wondered if that meant anything. She figured Gatlin or Cooper would say something if it did. All she did know was that she wanted him to touch her. She desperately wanted it. It was time to start cooking so Cooper, Mercedes, and her all went into the kitchen to start cooking. Criss came in as well. “You know how to cook?” Mercedes ask.
“Yes, believe it or not I do. So does my brother.”
“Well damn I say we make the boys cook this year.”
“I don’t mind cooking. Mercedes you can go sit down.”
“Don’t have to tell me twice.”
“I was told I was cooking,” Gatlin says.
“Yes, your brother ratted out that you can cook,” Cooper says.
“I don’t mind cooking. Bell why don’t you go sit down.”
“I don’t mind cooking.”
“Why don’t you take a nap,” Criss says
“Fine I’ll go lay down. You guys have this?”
“Yes, we do,” Cooper says.
“Okay. I love you, Cooper.”
“I love you, beloved.”
Cooper kisses her.
Belladonna goes to her old bedroom and lays down. Mercedes watches Destiny while she sleeps. Belladonna wakes up with someone touching her. She is moaning softly. She is so wet. She knows without looking it’s Criss. She also knows if she opens her eyes, she’ll be in the cottage. Criss is lying beside her on the bed. His fingers deep inside of her. She kisses him. “Is this what you were wanting in the living room. I could feel it across our bond you wanted me to touch you. Is this what you wanted Bell? Me touching you making you cum. It is isn’t it? Cum for me. Show me how badly you wanted me. I loved my gift. Very cheeky of you. The thirteen was a nice touch. What does that mean exactly? Are you going to tell me, or do I get to figure that out? I have a few theories, but I don’t want to upset you. God you are so wet. I want to taste you. Is that on the menu at all? There you go cum for me. That’s so good. So damn good. Screw it I’m tasting you.”
Criss takes off her panties and starts sucking on her clit. Belladonna is screaming out. She is yelling for him. He sucks harder. His hands are on her ass squeezing. Belladonna is on the edge already ready to cum “I don’t want to explain the journal. You draw your own conclusion but it’s probably what I meant. God that feels so good. I’m about to cum Criss. Dear god Criss. Please make me cum. Please. I’m about to die. Please make me cum. Please.”
Criss lets her fall over the edge catching her before she hits the bottom. He kisses her. “I want you.”
“No Criss.”
“How about like the kitchen the one day.”
“I can’t.”
“You want to. You're thinking about it.”
“Of course, I am.”
“It will be fast just like that. I will stop before I do.”
“Fast. We won’t.”
Criss lifts her up against the wall. He slides inside of her. He goes as fast as possible inside of her. Belladonna is yelling out. Criss is moaning loudly saying Belladonna’s name. Belladonna is about to cum. “Criss, I’m about to cum we’ve got to stop.”
“Cum please please cum.”
“Criss please don’t cum.”
“I won’t Bell I swear.”
Belladonna cums and Criss keeps going quickly. “Criss you’re about to cum.”
“I know. Please let me cum. Please.”
“I’ll drink you.”
Belladonna takes him all in her mouth. Criss cries out. When they’re done. Criss gets dressed as does Belladonna. Criss kisses Belladonna. “I love you.”
“I love you.”
“Go back to sleep. I have to finish cooking.”
“Where are you?”
“Living room with my eyes shut long enough to do this with you.”
“Sleep princess.”
“Yes sir.”
“You know how I love that.”
“Yes, I do.”
“See you soon.”
Belladonna wakes up to Cooper kissing her neck. She turns around and kisses him. “We don’t have time for this now, but later we so do.”
“Of course.”
“Come on sleeping beauty let’s go eat.”
“Yes, my King.”
“I love you.”
“I love you.”
Belladonna and Cooper come out of the bedroom. They get food with everyone else. They sit in the living room where everyone else has gone to eat since there isn’t enough room in the dining room. Nicolae and Gatlin are sitting by Belladonna. Criss and Cage are eating by Stephen. Ava who is still upset is eating by Roger and Sam. Mercedes and Pete are eating together. Destiny is asleep in the bouncer. “How did everyone do this semester?” Stephen asks.
“We haven’t gotten our report cards yet,” Pete says.
“Well, you must have some sort of idea.”
“We passed,” Mercedes says.
“Well, that’s good.”
“I’m just looking forward to being done,” Ava says.
“Yep,” several people say.
“When do you go back?” Nicolae asks.
“January fourth,” Belladonna answers.
“That isn’t too bad.”
“Not nearly long enough,” Pete says.
“Yep,” several people say.
“Gatlin, how do you know Belladonna?” Ava asks.
“I know her from when she was eighteen.”
“Criss and you are twins.”
“You figured that out all on your own,” Criss says.
Several people laugh.
“Yes we are.”
“Are you two anything alike?”
“No not really.”
“You’re in love with Belladonna?”
“Yes very much so.”
“She’s married,” Ava points out not quitting her line of questioning.
“I’m well aware.”
“Then why are you trying?”
“Cause my feelings aren’t going to change.”
“That makes no sense. Seriously no sense.” Ava huffs and goes to throw away her food.
Mercedes follows Ava into the other room. Nicolae chuckles softly. “I guess I make no sense either.”
“You never did Nic,” Belladonna says.
“Thank you precious thank you.”
“Not a problem.”
“It’s so hard not to declare how I feel about you and tell Nicolae he doesn’t know what love is then Gatlin. They don’t love you like I do.”
“You guys are funny. Do you think there is a second place?” Pete asks.
“Yes, yes we do,” Nicolae says.
r /> Cooper laughs. “Yes, I forgot in the marriage vows there was mention of a second place.” Cooper rolls his eyes.
“If we were there, we would have added it,” Nicolae says.
“Not on your life.”
“You’re no fun.”
Belladonna gathers plates with Criss’ help. They go into the kitchen where Ava is crying with Mercedes. Ava sees them together and tries to pull herself together. “I don’t understand what your deal is.”
“Excuse me?”
“Do you really have a no students no friends rule or are you captivated by her as well?”
“Ava, I think you’re really nice, but I’m not interested.”
“You’re not answering my question.”
Criss is close enough to touch Belladonna. He wants to confess everything. How he loves her, how he loves touching her, how her body is so responsive to him. Everything. “Ava, he said at the beginning he doesn’t get involved with students or their friends,” Mercedes says.
“I want him to tell me. Don’t lie. Tell me. Are you interested in her? Are you in love with her? Have you kissed her? Have you made love to her?”
“She is my student. What I said at the beginning still applies. I don’t get involved with my students.”
“Is she not your student anymore?”
“Ava, I don’t like you. Accept it.”
“Is it because you like or love Belladonna?”
“Ava from the first night I didn’t want you.”
“No, the first night you flirted with me.”
“Then I stopped and from then on I didn’t want you.”
“Why did you flirt with me that first night? Hmm.”
“Gods. I just did.”
“Did you want to make Belladonna jealous? Cause it didn’t work. Then you got drunk, and she drove you home.”
Cooper comes into the kitchen with Gatlin. “It wasn’t like that.”
“What was it like?”
“I was having a bad night.”
“I just was.”
“Just admit it you have feelings for Belladonna. Maybe she doesn’t know about them. Is that what you’re scared of. She’ll know you have feelings for her.”
“Ava I don’t have feelings for my students or their friends.”
Queen: Part One Page 14