“Maybe just this one time?”
“I’m done.”
Criss leaves the kitchen and Cooper goes after him. Gatlin stays in the kitchen with Belladonna who puts the plates in the sink. Ava starts crying again. Mercedes shakes her head as she holds Ava.
Criss is outside in the clearing where they work with Belladonna. He is trying to catch his breath. Cooper has caught up with him. “Why didn’t you tell her?”
“I have an image to protect. Not now I’m no longer her “teacher”. But I just can’t do it. I can’t deal with Ava. I have no feelings for the girl, but I don’t want to deal with the constant barrage of advances.”
“It may be something you have to deal with.”
“Ugh. “
Belladonna comes outside walking towards Criss. Criss puts his head down. Cooper walks away and squeezes Belladonna’s arm as he passes her. Criss starts walking around and she follows him. She finally catches up to him. He looks at her. He is conflicted. He is never conflicted. “I always know what to do. I am always wearing a facade. I have my true form - Mortar. Then I have this form- Criss. I’m not used to when I’m Criss having to be another person. A person within a person. It’s a strange thing. I don’t like it. It’s not something I want to do. I love you, Bell. I want people to know that.” Criss touches her face.
“You need to make sure what you do is best for you.”
“I want it to be best for us.”
“Criss, I don’t know….”
“What don’t you know, Bell?”
“I’m just lost right now. That’s all.”
“It’s about the thirteen thing, right?”
“I’m sorry. I tried to make a joke about it. I tried to not think about it, but it still bothers me.”
“It’s okay. It can bother you. We’ll work through it. I promise. We’ll work through it.”
“Criss, that’s the first time you’ve said anything like that to me.”
“I mean it.”
“I appreciate it.”
Criss touches her face. “I love you, Belladonna. I love you more than anything.”
“I love you.”
Criss and Belladonna head back into the house. Ava is nowhere to be seen. Belladonna wonders if she is still in the kitchen but doesn’t ask. She gets Destiny who is awake. Cooper gets her a bottle. Nicolae and Gatlin load up Belladonna’s car with all of the gifts. Criss prepares to leave. Ava comes out of the restroom. She sees that Criss is getting ready to leave so she gets ready to as well. Criss then decides to stay then. Ava continues to grab her stuff to leave. She says goodbye to everyone and leaves. Criss suddenly looks at Gatlin and they shake their heads. Criss runs outside and sees his tires have been slashed. “I can’t believe she did it,” Mercedes says.
“Did she talk about doing it?” Belladonna asks as she is feeding Destiny.
“Yes, but I thought she was just talking.”
“Obviously not,” Gatlin says while laughing.
“I can fix it,” Stephen says.
“Thank you,” Criss says.
“I wonder if that means she is going to do what she said to your house?”
“What did she say she was going to do to my house?”
“Spray paint liar on the side of it.”
“Oh my god!” Roger says, “She was never that psycho with me.”
“You dodge a bullet my friend,” says Sam.
“What happens when you refuse the advances of Ava,” Pete says laughing.
“I am tempted to call the cops.”
“Criss,” Gatlin says.
“She is off the rails.”
“Okay if she spray paints the side of your house. Call,” says Cooper.
“If she steps foot on my property I’m calling.”
“Car is fixed.”
“I’m leaving I have to see if my house is being spray painted.”
“Do you want me to come with?” Nicolae asks.
“No, it’s not necessary.”
“I’ll come anyway. You may need someone.”
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.”
Nicolae hugs Belladonna. Criss nods at Belladonna. They both leave. Belladonna waits to hear something from Criss when they leave but doesn’t hear anything.
A few hours later Belladonna, Cooper, and Destiny all leave to go home. They bring all the stuff inside and lay Destiny down for bed. Belladonna takes a bath while doing so she hears from Criss. “Bell.”
“Criss. I was wondering what was going on with you.”
“I had some things to take care of.”
“Did she spray paint the side of your house?”
“She was doing it when I got home.”
“What did you do?”
“I tried to calmly talk to her. Nicolae was there and listened to me. I called the cops. They came and got her.”
“Oh my god.”
“Yeah. Roger bailed her out. I got a restraining order.”
“Yeah, I don’t blame you.”
“Well, she showed up again. She told me to talk to her or she was coming after you.”
“So, I talked to her. She threatened you. She said if I didn’t start a relationship with her, she would kill you. I told her she had no idea who she was threatening. She said I was just a teacher. Nothing more. I showed her who I really was. She started trying to run. I caught her easily. I crushed her with my bare hands. She is dust. I buried her. I’m sorry Bell but she threatened to kill you. I couldn’t let that happen. I couldn’t be blackmailed to pretend to love her and be in a relationship with her. I couldn’t. I’m sorry.”
“I don’t know what to say. I’m speechless.”
“I’ll let you go. I just wanted to let you know.”
“Thanks for letting me know.”
“I’m sorry for your loss.”
Belladonna lays in the bed with Cooper. He holds and comforts her. She has let Mercedes know. She doesn’t know what to do or say. “It’s going to be okay.”
“Cooper, he crushed her with his hands and turned her into dust. I don’t think it’s going to be okay. ”
“I understand. I don’t know what to say, beloved. He felt like he didn’t have any other options.”
“Would you do something like that?”
“If they threatened your life? Yes.”
“I guess you have a point.”
“I know you think with Ava there should have been other choices cause you don’t think she would do anything like that. The truth is you never know what someone is truly capable of until they are pushed to their limits. She was pushed to hers. She wanted him. She didn’t care what she had to do.”
“I just can’t believe she would threaten my life.”
“Believe it.”
“How am I supposed to tell people she is dead?”
“I don’t know. Have Criss worry about that.”
“Will he tell them?”
“If he is a decent guy, he will.”
“Well then….”
“Belladonna give him a chance.”
“I’m ready to go to sleep.”
“Okay I love you.”
“I love you.”
She wakes up in the barren desert. Gatlin is smiling at her. Belladonna gives him a weak smile. “What wrong sweetie?”
“Nothing I feel like talking about.”
“Don’t like the desert.”
“It leaves something to be desired.”
It turns into a beach on a warm sunny day. Belladonna listens to the waves crashing; it is the most peaceful sound. “This is much better.”
“Come up here I have a cabana.”
“See a great view of the ocean and everything.”
“Yes, it is. You outdid yourself.”
“Thank you.”
“I could sleep right here.”
“Sleep. I’m not going to do anything or g
o anywhere.”
“You’re sure.”
“A hundred percent positive.”
Gatlin kisses the top of her head. Belladonna smiles and lays down. Quickly falling asleep.
Belladonna wakes up in the middle of the night beside Cooper. He reaches out to her. “Everything okay?”
“Yeah I just woke up I don’t know why.”
“Someone is in the house.”
“I’ll go find out why.”
“You’ll stay here,” Cooper orders.
Belladonna stays put in the bed while Cooper descends the steps into the living room where Criss is waiting. Is sitting in one of the chairs drinking waiting for Belladonna. When he sees Cooper he rolls his eyes. “I was hoping you’d be Bell.”
“I told her to stay upstairs.”
“Probably a good idea. I’ve had quite a bit to drink.”
“What’s wrong Criss?”
“Didn’t you hear? I murdered her friend for threatening to kill her. That makes me a bad guy.”
“I think she feels you could have found another way.”
“I don’t know how.”
“Just stay here and talk to her in her morning.”
“Crash on the couch or one of the bedrooms upstairs.”
“You’re welcome.”
The next morning Belladonna and Destiny go downstairs. Cooper is already downstairs making breakfast. Criss is in the living room drinking coffee. Criss offers to take Destiny but Belladonna keeps her to feed her. Cooper is in the kitchen cooking while the three of them are in the living room. “How are you feeling?” Belladonna asks Criss.
“I feel okay.”
“Glad to hear it.”
“Don’t. Please don’t. I can’t. Not right now.”
Belladonna finishes feeding Destiny and puts her under one of her play tents. Criss comes over to Belladonna and kneels in front of her. “I love you. I need you. I’m sorry. I did what I had to do to protect you. To protect us. I would do it again.”
Belladonna starts crying “There had to have been another way.”
“I didn’t see it.” Criss caresses her face.
“I can’t do this.” Belladonna leaves the room.
Cooper comes into the living room. “I think you should probably leave.”
“That would probably be for the best.”
Criss heads for the front door before leaving he says, “I love you, Bell. If you need me just talk to me.”
Three days later there is a ceremony for Ava. Her parents decided to have it in town since that’s where her life was. It was only an hour away from where her parents lived. It was a beautiful ceremony. The story they told her parents was that she was in a battle and got turned into ash. They were able to kill the demon but not before she was killed. Sam even donned an injury to make it more convincing. Her parents were angry but kept it in check while there. Criss came to the service cause her parents had asked about him. Seems her parents were under the impression they were a couple. Criss told them they were not. Then they went to Gatlin to see if maybe he was in a relationship with their daughter to which he shot down as well. Her parents were nice to Mercedes. They were cordial to Belladonna. She figured her parents were told she was keeping Criss from her. She didn’t care. She had bigger fish to fry in her life. The service was beautiful. They invited people over afterwards at Stephen’s house. Ava’s mom saw how tired Belladonna was and started asking questions. “Are you pregnant?”
“Yes I am. Cooper and I are expecting.”
“Isn’t that quite soon?”
“No, we don’t think so.”
“You barely know him.”
“He’s, my husband. I know him well enough.”
“Well, it’s just that you were messing around with Criss while you were engaged.”
“Excuse me?” Criss asks as he comes over.
“Well, it’s just that Belladonna was having a relationship with you.”
“Belladonna hasn’t had a relationship with me.”
“Well, that’s what Ava said.”
“Ava also said we were deeply in love and I would propose to her any day when the two of us hadn’t even had a conversation that lasted more than three sentences.”
“My mistake. I apologize.” Ava’s mother walks away with her tail between her legs.
Criss starts to walk away, and Belladonna stops him. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome. I’m not going to let someone make up stuff about you.”
“Well, I appreciate it.”
“Not a problem. I’ll see you tomorrow at practice.”
“Yes sir.”
“Thank you.”
“You lied.”
“How did I lie, Bell?”
“We haven’t had a relationship.”
“We’ve had so much more than a relationship.”
“What have we had?”
“I’ll find a name for it.”
Belladonna, Cooper, and Destiny get home. Their house has been ransacked. Belladonna checks Destiny’s room and it’s completely fine. All the other rooms have been torn apart. Cooper calls Nicolae, Mercedes, and Pete. When they land in the house, they are completely shocked. Nicolae tries to get the scent of who it is but it’s no one familiar and it’s two people. Both male. Belladonna lays Destiny down in her bedroom and changes clothes. She then goes downstairs to start cleaning the mess. Nicolae calls Gatlin to help clean up. They all clean the downstairs. Going through everything trying to figure out if there is anything in particular that seems to be a pattern about. “Should we call Criss?” Mercedes asks.
“She has a point if it’s a bad guy he’s going to know who it is,” Pete says.
“She has a point,” Nicolae says.
“Fine call him,’ Belladonna says.
Cooper calls for Criss. As soon as he sees the mess he runs upstairs and then comes back downstairs. “Gatlin its Eden.”
“Eden? Why would he…. Don’t answer that I know why he would.”
“Who is Eden?” Pete asks.
“He used to be a minion of one of the worst bad guys in our realm. Then he decided to branch out on his own. He takes an interest in certain women from time to time. It seems he has taken an interest in Belladonna,” Gatlin says.
“There is a reason he took an interest in her,” Nicolae says.
“It’s because of me,” Criss says.
“Why?” Mercedes says.
“I’m not a good guy.”
“How so?” Nicholae says.
“It’s not important. What’s important is taking care of Eden before anyone gets hurt.”
“What does he want her for?” Cooper asks.
“His bride.”
“Seriously does everyone want to marry her?” Gatlin asks laughing
“I should register a lot of places.”
“You should Bell.”
“It’s not funny,” Criss says.
“We know it’s not, we were just having a moment,” Mercedes says.
“I need to see if I can find him and figure out what his plan is. He isn’t going to do this quickly. It’s not going to be over quickly. So be prepared.”
“Alright. Yeah,” from the group.
Criss leaves without saying anything to Belladonna. Gatlin follows behind him.
She is under a gazebo with what looks like a million fireflies in the woods. There are lanterns in the gazebo. The whole setting is beautiful. She knows Eden should be showing up any moment now. Out of the woods comes a man with long black hair covering his right eye, a white unbuttoned shirt, a pair of black low hung jeans, he is well chiseled, he has hazel eyes, and he’s about six foot one. Belladonna is making sure her mouth isn’t opened from looking at him. “Belladonna.”
“Well, we know each other’s n
“That we do.”
“I apologize for the mess I made.”
“Mess would be an understatement. You wrecked my home. Thank you for leaving my daughter’s room alone.”
“You’re welcome.”
“It was chaos.”
“Again, I’m sorry. Dimetri made most of the mess.”
“Blame your lackey?”
“Yes.” Eden laughs.
“So, you want me as your Queen?”
“You get that a lot, don’t you?”
“Lately yes.”
“You wouldn’t be a Dark Queen.”
“I’m already a Queen.”
“Yes, I know, and I respect that.”
“I can tell. My house speaks to that.”
“I didn’t go about this the right away.
“Do you think?”
“Yes, I think.”
“I’m ready to leave, Eden.”
“Of course. May I speak to you tomorrow?”
“Are you cleaning my house?”
“I will have it put back in order.”
“Then you can speak to me.”
“Thank you.”
“Goodbye Eden.”
She feels light kisses along her spine. She doesn’t open her eyes though. The moment she does it will have to stop. Because she has to acknowledge everything he has done. She doesn’t want to. She has to though. She opens her eyes and sees the blue sheets. She takes a deep breath, and he continues kissing her spine. His arm goes around her midsection. She hears his voice in her head. “Please don’t say anything yet. Give me five minutes. Just five minutes to just do this. Then you can tell me to stop, and we can talk. I just want to feel you up against me. My mouth on you. They thought that I might still make you wet. Please four and a half more minutes. I just want you to know I love you. I want you to feel it. Please let me do this.”
“Criss. It confuses you. That’s all it’s going to do is confuse you.”
“I swear it won’t. I swear. I love you so much. I love you more than anything.”
Criss continues kissing Belladonna’s spine. His hand doesn’t move off of her midsection even though she secretly wants it to. She is getting wet from him and she knows he is aware of it. Criss’ time is almost up. Belladonna moans and Criss squeezes her tightly. When his time runs out he kisses her back one last time and then sits up and looks at Belladonna. She just stares at him. “I want to kiss you so badly. Have you touch me. Forget everything. You have no idea how badly I want that. Then I remember everything, and I can’t do it.”
Queen: Part One Page 15