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Page 53

by Martin van Creveld

  Frederick William IV, of Prussia 147

  Freiberg, Konrad 211

  Freud, Sigmund 276, 286, 290

  Froissart 49, 50, 113, 119, 304

  Frontinus, Sextus Julius 66

  Frothi III, King of Denmark 99

  Fucik, Julius 92

  Fuller, John 195

  G.I Joe 262

  Gaines, Charles 205

  Galahad 113

  Galenus, Aelius 82

  Galileo Galilei 314

  game theory 6, 178, 233

  games 2, 151

  and conventional warfare 245

  and freedom 274

  and human behavior 275

  and hunting 10

  and initiation rites 276

  and maneuvers 190

  and mathematics 174

  and nuclear warfare 234, 236, 243, 244

  and realism 254, 259, 314

  and sex 275

  and the introduction of firearms 139, 189, 312

  and the Vietnam War 182, 183

  and training 9, 18, 66, 139, 147, 152, 164, 171, 209, 213, 256, 265, 266, 308

  and women 282, 284, 285, 320

  artificial limits of 4

  as instruments for planning 171, 172, 314

  at the US Naval War College 165

  board 140, 154, 313

  computer 225, 230, 232, 233, 239, 248, 249, 250, 252, 318

  free 313, 315

  hexed 153, 246, 247, 248, 316

  in Japan 167

  in the Pentagon 181, 238, 244, 255

  in the US 164

  military-economic 175

  miniature 148

  of strategy 2

  paintball 207

  political-military 176, 177, 181, 184, 256, 315

  popularity of 264

  realism of 156, 253, 260, 262, 267, 319

  rules of 4, 5, 11, 19, 36, 42, 99, 102, 114, 121, 125, 129, 140, 148, 153, 171, 178, 203, 206, 225, 252, 309, 314

  shooter 254, 256, 258, 259, 262, 264, 267, 318

  social functions of 308

  types of 2

  used by the military 155

  used for simulation 154

  video 247, 259, 261, 284

  gamification 227

  Gaprindashvili, Nona 282

  Gard, Toby 295

  Gaulle, Charles de 242

  Gears of War 262

  Geertz, Clifford 95, 124, 311

  Germanicus, Nero Claudius Drusus 81

  Gibbon, Edward 94

  Gibeon, wargame at 42

  Guicciardini, Luigi 142

  gladiators 54, 175, 206, 228, 275, 310

  and women 299, 307

  as bodyguards 67

  cost of 84

  end of shows 92

  female 273, 286, 287

  fighting technique 69

  greeting of 77

  in the Jewish tradition 88

  life expectancy of 80

  movies about 94

  oath of 76

  origins of 56

  popularity of 70, 71, 92

  schools for 68

  social status of 88, 310

  solidarity among 78

  training of 66, 85

  types of 63, 64

  Global War Game 184, 187, 233, 245, 246

  and US strategy 185

  Go 140, 144, 167, 256, 313

  Goebbels, Joseph 176

  Goethe, Wolfgang

  and dueling 135

  Goldhammer, Herbert 177, 180

  Goliath 40, 41, 42, 46, 47, 52, 298, 309

  Gordianus, Marcus Antonius 84

  Gordon, Lawrence 296

  Gorman, Paul 212

  Gracchus, Gaius Sempronius 58, 81

  Gratian 90

  great fights 24, 28, 37, 298, 309, 320

  among the Mae Enga 30

  Gregory of Tours 49

  Guderian, Heinz 198

  Gundobald, of Burgundy

  and trial by combat 98, 106, 110

  Gurnsey, Bob 205

  Gustavus Adolphus, of Sweden 191

  Hadrianus, Publius Aelius 10, 73

  Halder, Franz 197

  Halo 262, 297

  Hamilton, Alexander 127

  Hannibal 56

  Harold, King

  and single combat 50

  Heavenly Sword 295

  Hector 298, 309

  in single combat 43, 44, 45, 52

  Helen, of Troy 43, 44

  Helwig, C. L. 153, 174

  develops wargame 146

  Henry I, of England 107

  and tournaments 112

  Henry II, of England 107, 113

  and tournaments 112

  Henry II, of France 120

  Henry III, Count of Louvain 112

  Henry III, of France 126

  Henry IV, of England 118

  and single combat 50

  Henry IV, of France 126

  Henry VI, Emperor 115

  Henry VII, of England

  and trial by combat 109

  Henry of Huntington 49

  Heraclius 111

  and single combat 51

  Herod the Great 54, 71

  Herodotus 25, 46, 55, 230, 274

  Hesiod 46

  Hiatt, Melissa Ann 291

  Higi tribe 27, 33

  Hindenburg, Paul von 176

  Hitler Youth 191

  and combat sports 19

  Hitler, Adolf 176, 249, 315

  prohibits dueling 136

  Hobbes, Thomas 311, 313

  Homer 46, 242

  Honorius, Flavius 91

  Horatii 47

  Horatius, Quintus Flaccus 87

  Houska, Jovanka 293

  Hubald 48, 49

  Huizinga, Johan 1, 37, 106, 124, 274

  Huli tribe 33

  hunting 9, 10, 37

  Hussein, Saddam 21

  Iliad 16, 17, 44, 45, 46, 50

  wargames in 43

  Innocent VII, Pope 107

  Ish-bosheth 41

  Isidore of Seville, Saint 55

  Jackson, Andrew 305

  James I, of England

  and dueling 125

  James, Henry 93

  Jane, Frederick

  and wargames 148

  Joab 42

  John II, of France 303

  John XXII, Pope 118

  Joint Simulation System 267

  Joint Tactical Combat Training System 267

  Joinville, Jean de 49

  Jolie, Angelina 296

  Jomini, Henry Antoine de 174, 313

  judo 15

  Julianus the Apostate 65, 90

  Julianus, Didius 67, 73

  Justinianus, Emperor 48

  Juvenal 78, 300

  Kahn, Herman 237

  Kalinga tribe 26

  karate 15

  Kecskemeti, Paul 177

  Kennedy, John F. 180, 237

  Kerrl, Hans 136

  kickboxing 15

  Kishon, Ephraim 7, 146, 173, 309

  Kissinger, Henry A. 179

  Kiwai tribe 31

  Koop, Everett 260, 261

  Kosteniuk, Alexandra 293

  Kriegspiel 151

  “free” 152

  adopted in the US 165

  Krutschinna, Horst 136, 305

  kung fu 15

  Kushnir-Stein, Alla 281

  Laevinius, Marcus Valerius 57

  Lancelot 113

  laquerarii 63, 64

  Lara Croft 295, 296

  laser tag 6, 210, 211, 216, 317

  origins of 209

  used for training 209

  latrunculi 140

  Le Gris, Jacques 105

  Lemay, Curtis 182, 237

  Lemnitzer, Lyman 237

  Leonidas 90

  Lepidus, Aemilius 57

  Lermontov, Mikhail

  and dueling 133

  Lichtenstein, Ulrich von 115, 302

  Liddell Hart, Basil 143, 203

  Lipsius, Justus 94

  Little Battle of C
hâlons 5

  Liutprand of Cremona 48

  and trial by combat 106

  Livius, Titus 47, 55, 56, 63, 75, 87, 98

  Lloyd Warner, William 32

  Louis, Joe 50

  Louis IX, of France 108

  Louis XI, of France 279

  Louis XII, of France

  and dueling 126

  Louis XIV, of France

  and wargames 147

  Louis of Orleans

  and single combat 50

  Louis the Pious 101

  Louise of Savoy 279

  Lovelace, Ada 230

  Luce, Stephen B 164

  Lucian 18, 23, 85

  Lucretia 286

  Ludendorff, Erich 173

  ludi, Roman 54, 58, 70, 81

  Luttwak, Edward 3

  McCarty Little, William 164, 171

  McCone, John 182

  Machiavelli, Nicolò 9, 190

  McNair, Leslie 200

  McNamara, Robert 182, 237

  McNaughton, John 182

  Mae Enga tribe 28, 35, 37

  and sham combat 27

  Maillol, Aristide 289

  Malraux, André 244

  Mamluks 3

  Manakova, Maria 292

  Mandeville, Bernard 125

  maneuvers 202, 204, 316, 317

  and reenactments 224

  British 192

  French 194

  German 192, 196, 197

  Israeli 203

  Italian 194

  mechanized 195, 197, 198

  NATO 201

  origins of 191

  US Army 198, 199, 200

  Mao Zedong 244

  Maori people 27

  Marcelinus, Ammianus 67

  Marcellus, Marcus Claudius 47

  Marduk 39, 40, 52

  Margaret of Angoulême 279

  Maring tribe 37

  Marius, Gaius 65

  Marshall, Andy 177, 243, 253

  and wargaming 238, 239, 241

  Marshall, George 199, 201

  Martineau, Harriet 130

  Marx, Karl 1, 135, 305

  Mary Queen of Scots 279

  Massoud, Ahmad 38

  Matisse, Henri 293

  Matome, Ugaki 170

  and wargaming 170

  Maupassant, Guy de 131

  Maximilian, Emperor 123

  Maximus, Gnaeus Malius 66

  Maximus, Valerius 66

  Maya tribe 26

  McArthur, Douglas 203

  Medal of Honor 261

  Meggitt, Mervyn 27, 28, 29, 30

  Menelaus 298, 309, 311

  in single combat 43, 44, 45, 47

  Mensur 135


  and gladiators 299


  Japanese wargaming for 170

  Military Reform Movement 187

  miniatures 315, 316, 319

  used by the military 149

  Missile Command 262

  mixed martial arts 19

  mock fighting 12

  Mohamed 51

  Moltke, Helmut von, the Elder

  and wargames 151

  Moltke, Helmut von, the Younger 175

  Mongols 3

  Monmouth, Geoffrey of 301

  Montenegrins 27

  Morgenstern, Oskar 177

  Morphy, Paul 143

  Mortimer, Roger 302

  Muffling, Karl von 150

  munera 58, 69

  Murngrin tribe 32

  Mussolini Benito 193

  Nagumo, Chuichi

  and wargaming 168, 170

  Naked Women’s Wrestling League 292

  Napoleon Bonaparte 4, 53, 92, 146, 147, 191, 222

  National Training Center 6, 214, 317

  establishment of 213

  naumachia 62

  Naval War College 167

  and computerized wargames 231

  wargaming at 164, 166

  Nero, Claudius Caesar

  and gladiatorial games 59, 67, 69, 273

  Newton, Isaac 4

  Ngo Dinh Diem 182

  Nguni tribe 27

  Nicholas I, of Russia 133, 147

  and dueling 133

  Nicolas Damascus 54, 56, 83

  Nietzsche, Friedrich 290

  Nimitz, Chester 166, 172

  Nithart 111

  Noel, Hayes 205


  in tribal warfare 36

  nonsense fights 37, 104, 298, 309, 320

  nothing fights 24

  Nuba 14

  nuclear warfare 234, 244

  and games 234, 236, 237, 238, 241, 242, 246

  Nymzowitsch, Aron 143

  Ogawa., Kanjii 168

  Old Testament 6, 40, 41

  Olympics, ancient 2, 16, 18, 23, 56

  Ona 14

  OPFOR 215

  Origen 88

  Otho, Marcus Salvius 67

  and gladiators 67, 68

  Ovidius, Publius Naso 298

  Paeonia 46

  paintball 6, 205, 207, 210, 211, 214, 216, 317, 319

  invention of 205

  used for training 209

  palaestra 16, 18

  Palmer, Nicholas 153

  pankration 15

  and war 16

  in Sparta 17

  Papen, Franz von 176

  Paris 311

  Paris, of Troy 44, 45, 309

  in single combat 43, 47

  Parkinson, Northcote 231

  Pasternak, Boris

  and dueling 133

  Paterculus, Velleius 98

  Patton, George 199, 200

  Paul I, of Russia

  and dueling 132

  Paul the Deacon 49

  Pausanias 46

  Pearl Harbor

  Japanese wargaming for 168

  Perfect Dark Zero 295

  Perinthis 46

  Perla, Peter 153

  Perseus, of Macedon 57

  Peter I, of Russia 132

  and dueling 132

  Peter III, of Russia

  and dueling 126

  Petronius 273

  petteia 140

  Philidor, Andre Danican 143

  Philip IV, of France 118

  Philip IV, of Spain 92

  and wargames 147

  Philip V, of Macdedon 57

  Philip of Valois

  and single combat 50

  Philip the Arab 84

  Philip the Good, of Burgundy 106

  and single combat 50

  Philip the Handsome, of Burgundy 108

  and trial by combat 108

  Philippa of Hainault 303

  Philopoemen 17

  and combat sports 17

  Philostratus 18, 71

  pigsticking 9

  Pissarro, Camille 289

  Pitt, William, the Younger

  and dueling 130

  Plato 9, 16, 21, 320

  and combat sports 16

  Plinius, Gaius Secundus 18, 70, 77, 85

  Plutarch 18, 47, 56, 85

  Polgar, Judit 281, 282

  Polgar, Susan 282

  Polybius 18, 87

  Pompeius, Gnaeus 67

  praegenarii 63


  and play-fighting 11, 12, 14, 276

  Probus, Marcus Aurelius 84

  Procopius 48

  provocatores 63, 64

  Prudentius, Aurelius Clemens 90, 298

  Pushkin, Alexander 133

  Rameses III 14

  RAND 239, 241, 243

  and wargame development 177

  Ranke, Leopold von 228

  Reagan, Ronald 91, 261

  reenactments 5, 317

  ancient 60

  and maneuvers 224

  and the public 227, 228

  of historical battles 218, 219, 220

  origins of 217

  small scale 221

  reenactors 221

  and military history 228, 229

  characterized 221, 222

objectives of 222

  Regensburg, Berthold of 117

  Reisswitz, Georg von 6, 174

  develops wargame 147

  Reisswitz, Leopold von 151, 153, 177, 180, 248, 249, 255, 256, 260, 266, 282, 306, 318

  develops wargame 147, 149, 150, 151

  Riario, Piero 217

  Ribera, José de 272

  Richard I the Lionheart

  and single combat 50

  and tournaments 112, 116

  Richard II, of England 109, 304

  Richelieu, Cardinal 61

  Richthofen, Manfred von 10

  Rivero, Horacio 182

  Robert III, of Scotland 104

  Robert E. Lee: Civil War General 251

  Roger, Count of Sicily 112

  Rogers, Bernard 187

  Rommel, Erwin 196

  Romulus 47

  in single combat 52

  Roosevelt, Theodore 23, 164, 193

  Rosenthal, Samuel 143

  Rousseau, Jean Jacques 24

  Rufus, Publius Rutilius 66

  Russell, Steve 259

  SA, and dueling 136

  SS 222

  and dueling 136

  Waffen SS 222, 223, 226

  Sade, Donatien Alphonse, Marquis de 94

  sagittarii 63, 64

  Salvianus 92


  and gladiatorial games 55


  in tribal warfare 36

  Saul, King 40, 41, 298

  Saxo Grammaticus 49, 99

  Scaeva, Decimus Iunius Brutus 36, 56

  holds earliest gladiatorial games 56

  Scharnhorst, Gerhard von 150

  Schelling, Thomas 3, 177, 178

  Schiele, Egon 289

  Schirach, Baldur von 136

  Schleicher, Kurt von 176, 315

  Schlieffen, Alfred von 176

  Schmeling, Max 20

  Schwartz, Peter 243

  Schwarzkopf, Norman 21, 255

  Scott Card, Orson 269

  Scott, Walter 217

  Sea Wolf 259

  secutores 63

  Seeckt, Hans von 175

  Seneca, Lucius Annaeus 70, 82, 83, 85, 86

  Servillius Pulex Geminus, Marcus 47

  Severus, Septimius

  and female gladiators 273

  and gladiatorial games 82

  Shakespeare, William 279

  sham fighting 5, 12, 37

  among children 13

  Shannon, Claude 232

  Sharon, Ariel 143, 233

  Silius Italicus 56

  Sims, William 165

  SiN (1998) 294

  single combat 7, 37, 38, 51, 52, 97, 104, 114, 274

  and women 305

  initiation of 38

  Sinuhe 39, 43

  Siriono tribe 15

  Sixtus IV, Pope 217

  Smith, Truman 196

  soccer 22

  Sokichi, Tagaki 168

  Solon 18

  Sophus, Publius Sempronius 286

  Sousa, John Philip 92

  Space Armada 262

  Space Battle 262

  Space Invaders 259, 262

  Spacewar 258, 259

  Spartacus 59, 63

  sphaeromachia 17

  spolia opima 47

  Starcraft 297

  Steinitz, William 280

  Stilwell, Joe 199

  Strabo 46, 55, 56

  Strategic Integrated Operations Plan 185, 237

  strategy 2, 4, 10, 61


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