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WIEDERGEBURT: Legend of the Reincarnated Warrior: Volume 1

Page 17

by Brandon Varnell

  Nodding, I polished off my second fish, jabbed the stick into the ground, and grabbed the large leaf where several fruits and nuts were rolling around.

  “Is that what we’re practicing this evening?” I asked as I enjoyed the refreshing and sweet flavor of the berries.

  “Yes.” Kari gave me a mild look. “Since you can’t seem to use Spiritualist Techniques, we’ll have to find another way to exercise your Spiritual Power.”

  I felt my cheeks grow warm as she mentioned my inability to use Spiritual Techniques.

  Using Spiritual Techniques required one to dance. Of course, I called it dancing, but it was really a form of movement. By moving the body in a specific pattern or rhythm, a Spiritualist was able to channel Spiritual Power through their bodies and externalize it. They could shoot balls of fire from their hands, create spears of lightning to rain down on their opponents, generate water blades… there were any number of phenomenal attacks a Spiritualist could perform. The only limit was the amount of Spiritual Power they had and their knowledge of Spiritual Techniques.

  For whatever reason, I couldn’t do that. No matter how well I memorized the movements, how well my rhythm and timing were, I never managed to use a Spiritual Technique. I did destroy a lot of trees though. While I couldn’t use any techniques, I could shoot water and lightning from my hands, which often resulted in something being blasted apart. The only issue was that I exhausted myself after just one attack.

  Kari continued to lecture me on Spiritual Pressure after we finished eating, telling me everything she knew about how to use it. I listened to everything she said. Her lecture lasted until the sun had begun setting, but I hung onto every word. Once she was finished, it was time to begin training again.

  We stood in the clearing. Kari was off to the side, her arms crossed as I released my Spiritual Power, which manifested in the form of pale arcs of lightning and tiny motes that swirled around my body like water. It wasn’t much. The lightning skittered across my body in small segments, and the motes were miniscule. She said it was because I had just reached this stage and didn’t have much power. That was why I was exercising it.

  “Okay,” Kari began, “I want you to try and use your Spiritual Pressure on me.”

  Had this been before the Demon Beast Invasion, I would have been hesitant to attack Kari in any way, shape, or form. Not anymore. Kari was strong. Not only did she not need to worry about my pathetic attacks, but she was helping me become stronger. Refusing to attack her because she was the woman I loved would be doing her a disservice.

  I took a deep breath and directed my will toward her. To generate a truly ferocious Spiritual Pressure, it was important to have ill will, or the intent to kill or cause harm. I did not have that. Not toward Kari. However, I could still manifest my Spiritual Pressure by directing my will onto Kari.

  “That’s good.” Kari nodded. “Now increase the power output.”

  I nodded again, took a deep breath, and scrunched up my face as I increased the amount of power I was using. I’m pretty sure my face turned red from the exertion. I only had so much Spiritual Power, so increasing the output meant exhausting what I had more quickly. However, that was the entire point of this exercise.

  Maybe it was because I had only just manifested my Spiritual Aura, but I couldn’t maintain it for long. My aura soon flickered. Then it went out. As it did, my body slouched as though all the strength within it had disappeared. This deep-seated tiredness was in my very bones. Thanks to having exhausted my Spiritual Power many times in the last month, however, I was already used to it.

  Kari nodded and smiled. “That was a good effort. I could actually feel your Spiritual Pressure pushing down on me.”

  “But it... it didn’t do anything,” I pointed out through my heavy rasps.

  “Well, yes, but you have only just gained the ability to manifest your Spiritual Aura,” she lectured. “You’re still not very strong. However, if we keep this up, you should become fairly capable within a few more months. To be honest, I’m really shocked by how much you’ve grown. It took me two years to manifest my own Spiritual Aura to the level you have now.”

  I actually had not known that. However, even if that was the case, she had also started when she was a lot younger than me. I was sure the reason it took her two years was simply because it was harder to learn when someone was younger.

  I would later come to learn that the reason Spiritualists began training at a young age was because it was easier to learn when they were younger.

  When training concluded, the two of us had a small dinner, and then traveled back up to the cave. We had no blanket, never mind a bed. The hard ground was uncomfortable, but we had long grown used to it.

  Kari shifted against me as she lay on her side, using my shoulder as a pillow, her body so close I could feel the swell of her large breasts pushing against me. One of her legs had been thrown over my body. The delicate softness of her leg was deceptive. I’d seen that leg crush boulders with a single kick. I also really hoped she wouldn’t shift that leg higher. That would be a problem.

  Ever since that night where Kari had cried against me, the two of us had become much closer. While we still couldn’t bathe together, we both snuggled like this every night. Not only did we find comfort and solace in the arms of the other, but snuggling like this also helped stave off the cold.

  “You did really well today,” Kari mumbled against my ear. I tried not to shudder as her warm breath washed over me.

  “Thanks,” I said softly.

  “Tomorrow… I’m going to increase the difficulty of your training. Is that okay?”

  “That’s fine. I don’t mind if you make things more challenging for me.”

  “You have so much determination.” Kari raised her hand, which had been resting on my chest, and placed it against my cheek. She leaned her head up and kissed my other cheek. The warmth of her lips lingered.

  I turned my head to look at Kari, who was smiling at me with half-lidded, sleepy eyes. Even though I knew she wore that look because she was tired and not trying to be sexy, I couldn’t stop my heart from skipping a beat. There was just something alluring about the way she looked right now.


  Shifting her body, Kari moved until she was straddling my stomach. Her long, golden hair fell over one of her shoulders like a curtain of shimmering silk. Bright blue eyes that no longer held the innocence of youth stared at me with a look I couldn’t place. I wasn’t sure why, but seeing that expression on her face sent a wave of heat to my loins.

  “I know you are doing all this for me,” Kari said, her voice soft but heated. “You’ve put up with my training for an entire month and haven’t complained once. You keep telling me you want to get stronger, and I know you are doing all of it because of me.”

  “Of course, I am.” I tried to sound nonchalant, but I was positive I had failed. It was kind of hard to act like that when the woman I loved was on top of me. “I love you.”

  Kari’s lips curved into a delicate smile that made my heart race. “I know. And I love you too.”

  She leaned down in that moment, pressing her lips against mine. I didn’t hesitate to kiss back. The softness of her lips was indescribable. Even though we had been forced into the forest, had to eat whatever we could catch, and could only bathe using water from the streams and rivers, her lips and body remained unblemished and impossibly soft.

  We had shared plenty of kisses during this month. However, something was different this time. As we kissed, Kari pushed her tongue into my mouth. It was warm and wet, and the feeling of her tongue caressing the inside of my mouth gave me a strange thrill. I did my best to follow her example. However, this was my first time doing something like this. Then again, I didn’t think she had done this with Grant Leucht either, so it was likely her first time too.

  As our kiss continued, Kari pressed her hands against my stomach and pushed my shirt up, then began roaming over my chest and stomach as though map
ping out the contours of my body.

  Even if I had been training for a month, my body still lacked any real muscles. I had grown a little leaner, and my body was a little sturdier, but it wasn’t like I had six-pack abs and a muscular chest like many Nevarian Spiritualists possessed.

  Kari didn’t seem to care. She let her hands roam across my body, traveling from my stomach to my shoulders, and then back down again. Finally, it became too much for me.

  “Kari… can I touch you as well?”

  Our kissing ceased as Kari sat back up, still straddling me. The moonlight that filtered in through the small cave haloed her body, giving her an ethereal appearance that made her seem like a divine being. Her cheeks were graced with a soft blush. I didn’t know if it was from arousal or embarrassment.

  “Yes. You may.”

  As she said this, Kari lifted the white tunic over her head and threw it to the side, exposing herself to me. I was stunned. Her pale skin was covered in a few scars but was otherwise unblemished. I actually thought the scars made her look sexier. Her chest was larger than I had realized, which said something because I already knew they were big. Both of her breasts were capped with pink nipples. Her areola was a lighter pink than her nipples, and they were about the size of a copper valis.

  While her chest was large, the rest of her was slender. Her shoulders and arms were soft and thin. They didn’t look like the arms of someone who could kill Demon Beasts and crush boulders, but I knew better. Her waist thin enough that I’d be willing to call it wasp-like. Yet it held all the delicate appeal of a woman. There was no six-pack or anything that I could see, and if there was, it was hidden underneath the layer of softness.

  I reached out and slowly placed my hands against her chest. Kari breathed out softly as her cheeks lit up. I placed my hands underneath them and lifted each one.

  “They’re heavy,” I murmured. “Don’t these get in the way?”

  “T-they do,” she said. “To be honest, I don’t really like them because it is hard to fight with them shaking and bouncing. I normally wear breast bindings to keep them from being jostled, but my bindings broke when we escaped from Nevaria.”

  “Well… I know they aren’t very practical, but I love them,” I admitted.

  The redness from Kari’s cheeks spread to the rest of her face and even traveled down her neck. “I-is that so? Well, I guess they aren’t so bad then.”

  “Not bad at all.”

  Sitting up, I leaned over and placed a kiss in the center of her chest. Kari let out a soft sigh as I did. One kiss became two, then two became three. I gradually moved up her body until I had reached her collarbone, which I began tentatively nibbling on. It seemed to have some effect, but Kari didn’t respond to it with much enthusiasm.

  Frowning, I went back to her breasts and looked at them for a moment. They really were big. I didn’t know how big, but they were definitely impressive—so impressive that they were pushed together even as they just sat there.

  “It’s embarrassing when you stare at them like that,” Kari mumbled.


  I shook my head before leaning down and kissing her nipple. Kari twitched as her breath caught in her throat. Hmm… were her breasts sensitive? Deciding to test that idea, I flicked her nipple with my tongue. The startled moan she produced made me look up.

  Kari’s face was bright red. “Th-they’re a bit sensitive.”

  I smiled. “Is that so? That’s good to know.”

  While I found myself embarrassed too, I didn’t want to let that rule me. I took one of her nipples into my mouth and swirled my tongue around it. The response I got this time was more impressive. Kari released an even louder moan as she wrapped her arms around my head. This must have been one of her weak spots. Realizing this, I began to alternate between kissing, licking, and tugging on her nipples with my teeth. I switched between each breast, giving both of them attention. By this point, Kari’s breathing was coming out in heavy pants and gasps.


  I stopped after some point and looked at her. Kari’s face was flushed and glistened in the moonlight. A light layer of sweat covered her body, adding an ethereal sheen to her otherworldly features. She was biting her lower lip with her teeth as if to keep from crying out. I looked at how her shoulders were shaking.

  “Kari,” I said. “I want to be one with you.”

  “Me too…” Kari breathed as her shoulders and chest heaved. “I want to be with you too…”

  We both knew what the other meant. Kari stood up and shimmied out of her pants, while I remained on the ground and tugged mine off. I looked up just as she was undoing the strings to her undergarment. She removed it, revealing the patch of blond hair just above her nether lips, which were completely smooth. Her pussy lips were a little plump, but that just made me want to place my mouth over them and push my tongue between her folds. The sight of her slightly wet pussy made my dick twitch.

  Kari saw it and an embarrassed smile came over her face. “Um… I hope you don’t mind that I’m a bit dirty. Bathing in the stream is…”

  “I’ve been bathing in the stream too,” I replied, removing my eyes from her lips to her face. “And I think you’re beautiful.”

  If her cheeks hadn’t already been lit up in a blush, I was sure they would have been now. The smile on her face widened as she walked back over.

  “Lay back down, please,” she said softly.

  I did as I was told, though when I lay down, at least one part of me was still standing. Kari eyed that part of me with something resembling uncertainty.

  “Is something wrong?” I asked.

  “Oh, no. It’s just…” She frowned as she turned her eyes away from my dick to my face. “It’s just… you’re quite a bit bigger than Grant. I’m not sure if that’s going to fit inside of me.”

  It was probably stupid to feel pride over being told I had a bigger dick than Grant Leucht, but maybe I was just dumb because my chest swelled with pride.

  “Should we stop?” I asked.

  Kari shook her head as she lowered her body until she was straddling my legs. She reached out and hesitantly touched my dick, which twitched in her grip. Her cool hand was soft and chilled my cock, but that just made me harder. My body shook as her hand and fingers wrapped around it. Her skin was a bit rough because we’d been out in the wilderness for so long, but I wouldn’t deny it felt good.

  “It’s so warm…” she muttered. “It’s hot and throbbing like a beating heart.”


  “S-sorry,” she muttered. “I was just noticing that.”

  “It’s okay,” I mumbled.

  “Right.” Kari took a deep breath. “I’m about to put it in.”


  Kari placed her hands on my chest and lifted herself up. I ignored the rocks digging into my back as she positioned herself over my dick. The tip of my dick touched her outer lips. A little of her juices trickled onto my head, causing a jolt to race through me. She took another deep breath, and then lowered herself.

  I watched as centimeter after centimeter of my dick was engulfed by her pussy lips, which spread apart to accommodate me. The sensations traveling through me in that moment were something I had trouble describing. All I knew was that it felt amazing. Soon my entire head was engulfed in the tight warmth of Kari’s vagina as she continued lowering herself, her face clenching just a bit.

  “Are you okay?” I asked.

  “Yes…” Kari frowned a little as she lowered her body even more. The feeling of my dick rubbing against her insides made me groan. “It just… hurts a bit, but I’m told that’s natural…”

  I wasn’t sure if that was really natural, but I had no experience with sex, so I didn’t say anything. My legs, butt, and toes clenched as I tried to resist the incredible feelings welling up inside of me. Part of me wanted to thrust my hips, but if Kari was in pain right now, there was no way I could do that.

  Finally, she breathed ou
t and lowered herself completely against me. When I looked at our conjoined bodies, I could see that I was completely buried inside of her. Our hips were now touching.

  “Can we stay like this for a moment?” asked Kari. “I need to get used to it. I feel like I might break if you stretch me any further.”

  I nodded. “Just tell me when you’re ready.”

  “Thank you.”

  Kari kept her hands pressed on my chest, palms flat, fingers splayed. This caused her breasts to push together, which made her nipples stick out even more prominently. She was taking deep breaths. I wondered if it really hurt that bad. I admit, now that I had gotten used to the sensation of being inside of her, it felt kind of dry. Was that how sex was supposed to be? I had never really learned about it. There was no one who would teach me, and I had been too embarrassed to ask Ms. Nadine.

  “This is a bit uncomfortable. I probably should have used my mouth,” Kari muttered to herself.

  “What?” I asked.

  “Nothing.” Shaking her head, Kari smiled at me. “I’m ready.”

  At her signal, I grabbed her hips as Kari raised them up, slowly revealing my dick as it spread her pussy lips apart. She stopped until just the head was still inside. Then she lowered herself again. As she began lowering herself, I moved my hips, just providing a gentle thrust upward. Kari gasped as our hips connected.

  “Does it hurt?” I asked, suddenly worried. I was feeling pretty good, so it would make me feel awful if she wasn’t also feeling good.

  “N-no… that… what you did just now. Do it again,” Kari said as she raised her hips. I nodded and watched as she began lowering herself back against me, and then timed my thrust. A slight slapping sound echoed around the cave as our hips met. Kari gasped again as her body shivered. “That felt good just now.”


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