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The Draig's Choice

Page 17

by Lisa Dawn Wadler

  Conall chuckled and pulled her close; she had to brace her against his chest to prevent her from stumbling. But she delighted in being able to take advantage of feeling him, the heat of his skin burning against her palms. Who cares what’s going on. He feels amazing.

  He looked past her to Peter. “Say aye or nay.”

  “Aye,” Peter yelled, and the hall once again roared with cheers for reasons beyond her.

  Without warning, Conall cupped her cheek and planted his lips against hers. Similar to the kiss from the previous night, he merely stayed still but Sarah had no intention of letting the kiss fade without thoroughly enjoying it.

  Her lips moved over his to suck his full lower lips gently between hers. Brushing her tongue over what she had captured, she knew he delighted in the sensation when his other hand tangled in her curls. Letting go with her mouth, she proceeded to repeat her move on the upper lip before tasting the whiskey on his tongue. All the while, her hands explored the planes of his chest with delight at the heated skin covering what felt like steel.

  Yet, he allowed her to take control of the kiss, never once seeking to change what she had started. Roaring filled her ears and for long seconds she believed it to be her blood rushing, her unexplained desire for Conall blurring her reality. Then a tap hit her shoulder.

  “That’s enough you two,” Peter’s voice called from miles away and she realized that the roaring wasn’t her blood; it had been the crowd.

  She pulled back after a final soft brush against his lips and she stared at the moisture she had left on him. Looks like I marked you, too.

  She should have been embarrassed at so boldly reacting with all eyes on her, but couldn’t find the emotion. Blood had rushed and she was in the driver’s seat. All she knew for certain was that she wanted Conall with a fierce passion unlike anything she had ever known.

  Evan’s voice broke through her haze, but not enough to take her eyes from what she desired. “Finish it, brother.”

  She felt more than saw Conall reach down and remove his dagger once again. He stepped back but not far enough to remove her hands from his chest. Holding the blade, the pommel faced her. “Will you take my dagger, Sarah?”

  Cheering became mayhem and somewhere in her lust-filled mind she knew she should be asking why, but her hand reached out and wrapped around the dragon etched on the metal. Instantly, he raised her hand in his, with the blade pointed toward the ceiling lost in darkness.

  Conall yanked her arm down and then pulled her behind him to cross the room. Sarah laughed at the virtually obscene language that followed them. The behavior around her changed from teasing to indecent in a single heartbeat.

  “Make your ancestors proud, lad. Recall your da.” The words came from a woman she couldn’t see but then a sharp cry came from her mouth as Conall scooped her up, flung her over his shoulder like a complete barbarian and practically ran to the stairs.

  All she coherently heard was his rough demand, “Evan, kill any who would dare to follow.” She never caught a real reply, only more yelling and banging.

  Her hands braced on his lower back that flexed with each step and her eyes locked on the taut backside that had to be the finest ass ever encased in leather. The sight of raw perfection dimmed the worry about being upside and down and carried away. Looks like the party is over.

  Then they entered a chamber and a door closed behind them. With steady strides in the dark room, Sarah fell back onto a bed certain she was being told the night ended. Her head swam with the hard thump onto the mattress and the world blurred. Even in the darkness only broken by pale light from the window and the drunken disorientation, she knew the bed wasn’t hers. The furs beneath her fingers hadn’t been on her bed. The air around her filled her lungs and hinted at a Conall-filled space.

  Forcing herself to sit up and mindful that she still carried a sharp knife, she asked with a light laugh, “Where are we?” not overly caring or concerned.

  No ready answer came, just his mouth over hers and his blatant attempt to replay her lesson in the hall. His lips repeated the slow exploration she had gifted him with light sucks and a tease of his tongue. Damn, he’s a quick study.

  With her hands wrapping in his hair, she murmured against his mouth, “Are we in your room?”

  “Aye,” his soft voice murmured against her lips.

  Thoughts not quite solid enough to clear her mind flitted around her. “I doubt I should be here.” A little voice called to her. Do you really think it’s a good idea to be drunk in the laird’s bed? The rational voice sounded too much like her mother, so she ignored it. Instead letting another thought fill her mind. Hell, yes, this is a fantastic idea.

  “‘Tis where you should be. But I need to hear it from you. Tell me you will have me.” His whisper tickled her lips and even with raising her head for another kiss, he kept the space between them. Shaky fingers fumbled on the laces of her gown while she waited for more kisses.

  Forcing her eyes to open, his massive form was outlined in the faint moonlight from the window, and any notion of leaving never entered her head. The heat of his hands pushed the open gown off her shoulders until the fabric pooled at her waist. Rising on trembling legs and giving her hips a quick shimmy, the faint sound of material hitting the floor could barely be heard over his ragged pants. But he never touched the thin shift that still covered her.

  Reaching out, Sarah felt the string holding his leather pants and gave it a quick tug. Disappointed that Conall pushed down the fabric and not her, she let out a sigh that hinted at delight with a shadowed but completely bare Conall in front of her.

  Thuds of boots hitting the corners of the room came but who removed whose she could not say. Hands reached and arms twisted, leaving her bare toes wiggling against fur rugs. Conall pulled her roughly against him and they both cried out at the purely electrical surge that charged with their bodies flush, even through the remaining barrier.

  “Do you feel it?” His question needed no explanation.

  “Yes,” she whispered, lost in heavenly pleasure with her body snug against his and a hardness prodding against her belly. Her hand skimmed over the ridges of his stomach while she buried her face into his neck, soaking in the delights of the sparking. When she wrapped her hand around his length, a groan rumbled in his throat.

  “Oh my.” Her mumble was meant to be a compliment with her hand appreciating the part she explored and mentally delighting that massive applied to every delicious inch of him.

  “Say you will have me. You have to say it.” Conall groaned into her hair.

  Despite the need for him that washed over her, she chuckled at his insane demand. “I’m practically naked with my hands all over you. It seems pretty obvious that I will have you.”

  Then she squeaked as he picked her up again. “Pull back the bedding.” His request was more of a demand.

  Oh goodie, he’s bossy. She did as asked to find her back against cool sheets and her head almost on a pillow. Conall covered her with his imposing body and Sarah’s mind raced with explicit images of how and where he might start.

  I want his hands everywhere, along with his mouth. I want to touch and taste every inch of him even if it takes hours. Heaven help me, I want this to last all night long. This is going to be epic. Then a wayward thought nearly made her laugh. So much better than nights alone with those naughty novels.

  With an awkwardness that made her giggle, Conall pushed her shift up to her waist leaving a trail of goose bumps rising from her thighs, and settled within her overly willing body and kissed her cheek and jaw until he reached her mouth. Kisses that she wanted to be hungry and demanding hinted at sloppy, but she refused to let that hinder her appreciation for the ridges on his back that kept her eager hands busy.

  Wincing when his kiss pushed too hard against her lips, her hands cupped his face to push him back - just a tad - to give her space to teach him what she wanted, to show him how a kiss should be appreciated and savored. Conall slowed and followe
d her lead, nipping and returning the gentle brushes that led to a want for more. Sarah brought him back to slow and teased his mouth and made him wait for her tongue to greet his.

  Conall shuddered against her and gave her exactly what she craved, a slow erotic kiss that built up rather than hurried. His hand cupped a covered breast and she waited for him to explore and tease or pull away the fabric that separated them. It would be so crazy hot if you rip this off me. But the hand only held on as if he would float away without a firm grip on her. But she forgave him easily with her body humming and burning every place his skin met hers even if his touch lacked finesse.

  But then he shifted with a jerky motion and before she could react, Conall entered her body in one hard thrust.

  A cry left her lips at the sudden intrusion that bordered on more than uncomfortable and he stilled above her. “Forgive me.” His whisper tickled her neck along with a mouth that brushed kisses to the delicate skin. “I need you.” His next comment made no sense in her spinning head. “I swear to be quick about it.”

  “Please don’t,” she answered, and he stilled to blow out a ragged breath. Her whiskey-impaired mouth couldn’t make the needed syllables. Take your time and make this last forever.

  With a quick twist of her hips and a deep breath, discomfort faded and became a complete awareness of him inside of her, even if he hadn’t yet seated all of him. Yes, take your time. I may even beg if you want me to. But the euphoria faded as his hips shifted back and he moved quickly, lacking any grace. Every attempt made at controlling his powerful hips tucked within her thighs failed. He never even attempted to find a rhythm despite her body continually lifting and twisting to invite. With a heavy sigh, she eventually gave up. Seriously?

  Her hands gripped his shoulders and grunts and groans flitted against her throat. He is so the only one into this. Resignation filled her head and she let the whiskey in her system dull what her thoughts screamed had to be worst sex of her life. Serves me right for being too drunk to realize he was too drunk. I was celibate for over a year for this?

  Mercifully, it ended quickly with his spasm against her and muscles tensing in her hands. Though she had hoped his impressive size would have brought some type of pleasure, and it might have if he’d taken any one of her physical cues, but the whole experience had been rushed and bordered on uncomfortable. But she rubbed his back as he caught his breath and sighed gratefully as he rolled off her and onto his back.

  Fumbling hands pulled her against him and she flopped over his chest and then nuzzled into his shoulder, disgusted that her body still hummed with his touch and more so that her wants and needs had been completely ignored.

  His ragged breathing danced over her neck. “Forgive me. . . but now you are mine,” Conall whispered into her hair that had to be in his face.

  A brief noise left her lips that neither confirmed nor disagreed. With his large hands wandering her back and holding her close, Sarah had fleeting thoughts of leaving the room and staggering back to hers. Then lost in the contented sensations of being held, consciousness fled, perhaps to join her common sense.

  Chapter 15

  Groaning into the pillow, Sarah couldn’t decide what bothered her more: the blaring sunlight streaming in the window, the ache in her head, the pain from her shoulder, or the shouting mixed with laughter. The final insult of a large thud echoed in her head. The combination became a complete recipe for the worst morning ever endured. Deciding to ignore it seemed the best option and she pulled the covers over her head or tried to, but something held them tight. With a raspy grunt, she attempted to command, “Move, Bella.” Then she turned face down into the pillow. “You aren’t supposed to be on the bed.”

  Then the dog jumped onto the bed, which made no sense, and she added dog breath to her silent litany of complaints. Peter’s voice pierced her head and she groaned before even attempting to focus on what he said.

  “Remove the sword,” a deep and sleepy male voice uttered from her side.

  “I need to make certain you will honor your vows from last night, considering you are in bed with the woman I have claimed as family.” Peter’s demands washed over her along with the reality that she wasn’t in bed with only the dog.

  Lifting her head and pushing her crazed hair away from her face, Sarah blinked to focus on the sight of Conall next to her with a sword pointed at his throat. Why in the hell is Peter threatening Conall? Oh shit, I’m in bed with Conall.

  Conall’s hand lifted and pushed the blade away with a chuckle as if it had been a fly buzzing rather than a potential death threat. “Save your breath, Peter. I meant all said and claimed. Leave us.” If she were barely awake, the same held true for Conall with his deep, scratchy voice that flowed over her skin.

  The weapon pulled back and then she only saw Conall’s neck when his body rolled to cover hers. Despite her confusion and headache, she nestled against him, letting the humming bring more pleasant sensations to life. Best hangover cure ever.

  Evan’s voice came into focus. “Well done, brother. I would leave, Peter. My head aches.” Footsteps dragged over the floor and Sarah assumed she had one less person to hurt for waking her up.

  “We’ll leave after I have the sheet for the hall. Half of the village is in the courtyard for the viewing.” Again, Peter spoke too loudly and brought her mind almost back to life, almost.

  “Sarah,” Conall whispered nuzzling his nose against her hair. “We need to rise and allow proof of our marriage be seen.”

  “Our marriage?” The question came out as fragments of last night came into clear thought. I heard this story. The laird has sex with a virgin and dirty laundry is literally out in the open. Too gross for words. But there seems to be some confusion, no stains here. Then her contentment faded despite the strong, powerful arm wrapped around her and a heated chest to her back. “Do you think we’re married?”

  Conall chuckled and Peter laughed, along with a woman who she guessed would be Lena, given they seemed to travel as a pair when something happened. “Aye, Sarah. We are wed. I made certain to explain how we marry before I offered you my dagger. Before all, you claimed it and me.” A soft kiss touched her hair. “If you had said nay, you would nay find yourself in my bed. You must wake and join me to rejoice in our marriage.”

  “My head hurts too much to rejoice,” Sarah murmured. I think last night’s celebrating may have spun out of control. But the wheels in her head were slowly starting to churn. If I’m following this chaos, I picked up a knife, had the worst sex imaginable and that makes me married. So that means in a matter of days I’ve become stuck in the past around the world, lost everything and everyone I love, been shot in the ass, changed and potentially destroyed a peace agreement, broken up a would-be couple and married the groom. Plus, I haven’t been this hung over since Scott dumped me. Wondering how this could be worse. Shifting in the bedding, against the man who believed they were married, pain shot through her upper arm. Oh yeah, and I got a tattoo. That’s the cherry on this sundae. Her legs shifted when Conall draped a heavy thigh over her upper legs and discomfort reared from another spot on her body. Shit, today sucks.

  Conall nuzzled her again and then pressed his hips against hers and there would be no mistaking his morning amorous intent. He’s crazy if he thinks I’m doing that again with him. Hold on a second. Maybe he was just too drunk to be amazing. Her hips must have agreed with that idea because they lifted, pushing her backside against him and a low murmur rumbled against her head. Maybe this morning will be much, much better.

  “Leave, Peter,” Conall commanded with more of his weight pressing against her back. Sarah shivered at the feel of his hand beginning to move up and down her covered back. Maybe this time he’ll remember to actually undress me all the way. Okay, maybe I can wake up for this. He feels fantastic against me with my body humming. One more chance, big boy.

  “Sheet first,” Peter countered. “The clan waits.”

  Much to her disappointment, Conall rolled o
ff her. “Sarah, if we give the man what he wants he will leave.”

  Forcing herself to roll over and sit up, she shook her head at Peter, which only made it ache more. Reality and conscious thought had unfortunately returned which meant she had a few misconceptions to clear up. “I think Conall and I need to talk. Besides, Peter, we both know you’re on a wild goose chase.”

  “Relax, Sarah. I’ve got this one.” Peter’s certainty had her body tensing.

  With no doubt left in her mind that any sheet he took from the bed would appear exactly as everyone expected, Sarah uttered a single word. “No.”

  “Sarah, trust me to finish this,” Peter countered.

  Lena spoke for the first time, “‘Tis nay the first time such has been done.”

  “Has it ever been done without everyone involved knowing it was being done?” Sarah asked as she forced her body from the bed and stood to glare. When Lena looked away, she had her answer. “Both of you leave. Conall and I need to talk.”

  “Listen to my wife,” Conall chuckled as he also rose. “Already she speaks with the authority of the Lady Draig.”

  Glancing over at him, Sarah felt her jaw drop at the sight of the powerful warrior with the fur from the bed wrapped around his waist, his raven-dark hair disheveled from sleep and a huge welcoming smile on his perfect face that looked insanely handsome with dark morning stubble. You aren’t going to make this easy.

  Bella clearly agreed as she wiggled on the bed to move closer to Conall, who immediately began petting the creature with affection. But the dog brought more mistakes to mind.

  “Did I abandon Bella in the hall last night?” she asked Peter who hadn’t made any move to leave.

  “No,” he answered quickly. “When Conall tossed you over his shoulder, I held on to her collar. She spent the night taking up all the room on my bed and waking me up ridiculously early.”

  Sarah made a face of disgust at the dog. “She just let me be carried off?”


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