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The Draig's Choice

Page 51

by Lisa Dawn Wadler

  Robert closed his eyes and Conall knew the Bruce struggled for control of his temper. The fact emboldened him. “My choice has long been made. Even the fates agreed, given they delivered the male heir you demanded. Cease insisting my life is yours to control and my loyalty will remain.”

  Eyes that shone with a desire for blood glared at him. A low, cold voice met his ears. “I should kill you for defying me.”

  With a growl, Conall answered, “You nearly killed me many a day. My body bears the scars of battles fought for your sake. For years my soul cried out in silent agony for what I did in your name. But ‘tis all behind me now. No more will you destroy me. Nay when life here makes me whole.”

  The rightness of what he had spoken filled his heart. The darkness had fled; his life only contained bright light and love. Sarah had brought that to him and he would serve only her for the rest of his days. He could picture their bairns running in the fields and his wife’s mane of fire dancing in the breeze of the sea.

  Instead of replying immediately, Robert stood with his thick arms folded over his chest. Still he seeks to intimidate me. And he dares to call me the fool. The stalemate stretched with their gazes locked and neither giving ground.

  Conall grew bored with the tedious and pointless silent argument. He had a wife and new bairns to comfort. His rational mind contemplated making a bold challenge that entailed questioning if Robert would prefer to stand as his enemy. I have no wish to truly fight, only to have what ‘tis mine.

  Letting go of the animosity, a grin crossed his face. Careful to select specific wording, he offered, “What is your decision, my lord Bruce? The Draig clan desires to continue supporting you and your cause.”

  “Sure, I miss the best moment ever in the hall because I was stuck on babysitting duty,” Peter complained from the chair before the fire.

  Sarah pointed her finger at him in mock disgust. “I believe you were guarding the lives of my children. Babysitting implies you had all the responsibility.” She quickly glanced at Conall, who sat next to her on the bed. The twins lay between them, safe and finally sleeping again. I should really give Conall a hard time for sending them back to me screaming. But given what he faced for us, I can’t find the will. I only wish I could have seen the argument, him defying a king and winning.

  “There is no place I would have rather been. Taking care of my family always comes first.” Peter’s emotionally-laden comment caught her off guard. His sarcastic wit was more familiar than his displayed emotions. Her eyes moistened as she realized he was her family. Whatever brought me back in time to be with Conall gave me a family for support.

  Sarah placed a hand over her sleeping daughter’s chest and then moved it to cover her son. A sigh left her lips, certain that twins of the opposite sex had never occurred in her family tree; they had always been girls. But there was a chance she was mistaken, and maybe her sister had the same, one of each to love and nurture. I miss you, Rachel. How I wish you were here with your babies.

  Conall’s warm hand covered hers. Even in her exhausted state, her skin danced with his touching hers. “You may rest with ease. Robert has agreed to recognize what ‘tis between us. There will be no more threats or decrees to be met. You are mine.”

  “You are mine,” she answered without thought. “I don’t even know how to process that type of relief.” Her eyes stared at their joined hands and then traveled up to his piercing emerald gaze that sparkled with relief and love. Yet she couldn’t quite understand why the Bruce had given up when he had been so insanely adamant. Sure, they had the advantage, but that could change once Robert met with his full forces. “Do you really think he won’t retaliate?”

  “Aye, I see the concern in your eyes. Leave it be, ‘tis settled.” Conall’s assurances almost calmed her mind that worried for the two new lives between them. I only want to spend my life with him raising our children and savoring each and every day.

  “Did you make threats about the silver?” Peter asked, a solid question in her opinion.

  “No need, for he has heard of the clan’s contingency plans,” Conall chuckled. “I would think he recalled tales told as he debated whether or nay to accept my choices.”

  “What are we talking about?” Sarah asked. Conall grinned at her as he pushed a wayward curl behind her ear. His finger trailed down her cheek and left her body humming in contentment.

  “You have seen the silver kept in the lower portion of the keep. Peter used to refer to the space as the dungeon when I was but a wee lad seeking tales,” Conall chuckled and winked at Peter. “Long have we vowed never to let such wealth into the hand of an enemy. Should the keep come under attack and the battle destined to be lost, the silver would be thrown down the access to the garderobe. While a few coins may be found, most would be lost.”

  Wrinkling her nose, her shuddered as she spoke. “Couldn’t someone just go to where ever the waste goes?” The thought disgusted her. Seriously, who wants to dig through that?

  “We never told you that part, did we?” Peter asked as he grinned at Conall. “So many stories to tell.”

  “Aye, a fine portion of a tale before you sleep, and sleep you shall,” Conall whispered to her. “The waste, as you called it, flows down into caves far below the keep. Great wisdom devised a method to make certain waste never mixes with the water drawn from the wells. I never kenned how any could see into the hard ground to ken, but none have ever sickened from bad water. ‘Tis said my grandmother many generations ago brought wisdom beyond telling, warriors of legend, and gold and silver that built the stone keep.” Conall’s eyes grew wide with wonder as he spoke. I could listen to you all night.

  “May I add that this Samantha clearly packed way better than either of us,” Peter joked from the chair. “But the legends do state she was insanely brilliant and likely had some type of instrumentation with her to determine which underground area to use for what.”

  Conall added, “You need only ken that wealth dropped down the garderobe would be impossible to recover.”

  Peter continued with the plan for the mines, should contact be lost with the clan. “Besides, no one has ever been told exactly where those mines are, besides the most trusted. Robert might eventually find them, but it wouldn’t be easy.”

  Sarah had to force her thoughts away from stories that would captivate her imagination and refocus on the immediate point. “Then the Bruce knew that even if he came back here with an army to attack, the silver would be gone.” Her head tilted to the side. “He just wanted you for your money?”

  Conall shrugged. “He wanted a man he could trust at his back and guarding his port, but he will have to choose another. In the end, he desires my loyalty. Few Highlanders readily delve into the politics of kings and kingdoms. If the Draig clan is loyal, more clans will follow.”

  “I’m thinking we should go back to that policy of staying out of current events.” Peter rose from his seat and laughed. “I mean, between the immense wealth and clan legends that all hold too much truth, we should go back to being insular.” He sobered. “Somewhere down the road, the world sees witchcraft and the devil in everything. I don’t want that type of shit happening here, even if I’m long gone.”

  Sarah frowned as she recalled bits and pieces of the Inquisition and Salem witch trials. “Okay, so we encourage staying out of the limelight.” She pretended to glare down at the sleeping babies. “Do you hear that? Stay out of politics, both of you, or you’re grounded.”

  Both men chuckled, then Peter walked to the door. “No offense, but you look exhausted. Go to bed or Brenda will have a fit when she checks on you in the morning.” He gave them a ready smile. “I’ll do a quick tour of the keep and keep the extra guards on duty for the night, just to be safe. Enjoy some well-deserved rest.”

  “My thanks for all, Peter,” Conall told him. “I have needed you beyond telling.”

  “Then you should be thrilled to know I’ll see you in the morning.” His ignoring the praise didn’t surprise
her. Peter sought clan security, not recognition.

  “Aye, you should sleep, love,” Conall told her as he rose from the bed. His fingers worked the clasp on the dragon broach and he carefully set the item on the table next to the bed. “We are together with no threat knocking at our gates.”

  Sarah laughed even as she settled against the pillows, careful not to jostle the sleeping babies. “Wow, I never thought of that. This is the first time we’ve been together without that.” Conall paused after removing his shirt and she let her gaze wander the tattoo meandering down his arm. “First, you were to marry Elspeth and I had to leave you alone, which sucked. Then we lived each day waiting for you to be summoned away. Finally, you came home with Robert’s demand you ditch me and marry Colette.” She paused in her diatribe of obstacles. “Do we even know how to live life unhindered?”

  His naked form slipped under the blankets on his side of the bed. Conall turned on his side with his head propped up on an elbow and grinned at her. His features were alive with happiness and any concerns that lingered dissipated in her thoughts. Damn, that is one fine looking man and he’s all mine.

  “I had a similar thought in the hall when I confronted Robert. All the years of blood were to allow me to be here, on my ancestral lands. But I never kenned how bleak my life was until I met you. You pulled me out of emptiness and made me whole. To live with you now, when we are free, ‘tis the fate I sought from the start.”

  Sarah’s head rested against the pillow as her body began to relax. “You know you aren’t that free.”

  “Nay?” Conall questioned with a lazy smile.

  For a brief second, fears danced in her head. How well do we really know each other? We met and married within days. We’ve spent less than two months together and now we have two kids. Then she pushed the unwarranted worries away. “You’re mine and you’re stuck with me.”

  “Aye, ‘tis my great fortune.” To prove his statement, Conall leaned over and brushed a kiss to her lips. “As you are locked with me.”

  “I like the way you said that much better.” Sarah’s smile faded into a yawn. A quick wince wrinkled her face as she attempted to shift to a better position.

  “You have pain.” Conall’s voice lost the enticing edge.

  “Seriously. I just gave birth to two babies. Parts of me are not happy.” But she grinned as she complained. “They’re so perfect.”

  Her hand covered part of each child as Conall frowned. “Do you nay wish for more bairn?”

  Her grin dropped. “Well, not now. We have our hands quite full.” She reached out to hold his face in her hand. “But I would like a large family. How about you? We still have so much learn about the other.”

  “Aye, I would have as many bairns as you wish. I am yours, Sarah.”

  She settled back down and let her hand fall to again touch their babies. While she would love nothing more than hours spent bantering and talking with him, sleep had become mandatory. The stress had been removed and for the first time, no obstacles stood in their path. A thought filled her mind and she couldn’t resist one last remark. “I am yours, Conall. But I need to make certain there isn’t any confusion here.” His face sobered. “No more bringing home young women you are supposed to marry.”

  “Aye, wife,” Conall chuckled. “You are the only lass for me.”

  Chapter 45

  “You should still be abed,” Jacqueline scolded Sarah as she sat in the chair at the table’s end in the hall. Straddling the bench felt a bit too daunting three days post-birth.

  “No way,” Sarah replied as she held out her arms for Lena to give her back Rachel. “I’m bored to tears up there.” She left out the concern she had for the woman and her daughter. No one knew what exactly would happen to them. Conall’s answer hadn’t thrilled her. Robert will likely marry Colette to the man he chooses to guard the port. Once again, her thoughts came back to young women being treated no better than goats.

  Conall sat on the bench, always keeping her at his right hand. She held her breath as William whimpered, but then exhaled as the baby quieted.

  “My wife is too stubborn to continue her rest,” Conall chided. He had also suggested a quiet meal in their chamber. She’d rested enough and wanted conversation. Add in the clan’s desire to see the babies and she was going to be present to keep the situation under control.

  “They are so tiny,” Colette cooed from her mother’s side.

  “You were once so small,” Jacqueline smiled at her daughter.

  It wasn’t exactly guilt that tore at her, because she wouldn’t have left Conall’s side. But she had told Jacqueline the truth; Conall would have been kind to Colette. None of them knew what type of man the girl would marry and that sat poorly with her.

  “The lady joins us.” Robert greeted them as he took his place at the table, next to Conall. Or rather, staggered to his usual spot. She blinked before responding a polite greeting, not quite sure what to do with the lack of snark and threat, quickly deciding she preferred the man who spent his afternoon sucking down wine. At least that’s today’s gossip.

  “‘Tis fine to see you, sister,” Evan said as he sat next to Colette. Sarah didn’t miss the blush on the girl’s cheeks as Evan took the opportunity to compliment the girl’s hair. He’s so smooth.

  As trays of food were brought to the table, warriors and their wives came to greet them, and catch a glimpse of the babies. Sarah and Conall beamed with pride and thanked each for their well wishes and support.

  Behaving herself, Sarah didn’t complain as Lena filled her plate and then cut her food. Given one arm trapped beneath a baby, she needed the help. The table broke out into laughter as she did the same for Conall, who held William.

  “Eat, both of you,” Lena commanded before heading back to the kitchens. The housekeeper had been a constant companion to Sarah for the last three days, full of gossip and advice for the new mother, and with she and Conall as they discovered life as new parents. She’s so awesome.

  Her only other company had been Megan and Sasha. After Sarah had learned they had been turned away on the first day, she had Conall fetch them from the village on the next. True to their word, the girls had run with Bella and then met the twins. Sasha had even spoken. Hello babes.

  While enjoying their private time as a family, she had insisted to Conall that she join the evening meal. She missed the chaotic gathering, the voices of the clan talking and laughing over the meal. She wanted their children to grow surrounded by their love and know them all as extended family.

  Glancing around the contented table, Sarah let her gaze flit to Evan, who charmed Colette throughout the meal with tales of the day’s hunt, an offer of a ride should tomorrow be sunny, and enough flattery to have Jacqueline on high alert. “The air is too chill for a ride, but we thank you for the offer,” Jacqueline answered for her daughter.

  The Bruce glared a bit at Evan, clearly not thrilled with the prospect of Colette being enamored by one not chosen by him. Despite her mouth that wanted to encourage the teenage crush, she remained quiet. I promised Conall I would stay out of this.

  Her attention flew back to the baby in her arms at the mewling cries that begged for feeding. At least I was able to eat. Hands that had quickly learned how to loosen her gown one-handed pulled aside fabric and her greedy daughter latched on in a heartbeat.

  “You would feed here?” Jacqueline’s shock didn’t surprise her. The woman had some serious issues with living in the moment.

  Conall answered for her, though his eyes stayed on the ridiculously massive swell of her breast. “My bairns eat at my table.”

  “Look around,” Sarah suggested with her eyes locked on her daughter. “You’ll see several women nursing. We don’t hide the realities of life.” No issues with public nursing in this group. The future could learn quite a bit from these people.

  Jacqueline made a sound of disgust and continued with tales of confinement continuing for several weeks post-birth and with a wet-nurse h
andling the feeding.

  “Yeah, that’s not going to happen,” Sarah replied. “I love feeding them, holding them so close.” She felt her smile down to her bones at the sheer rightness in her world.

  A sigh filled the air beside her. “I only fed my Colette, as we knew she would be my last.” The woman turned to beam at her daughter and ran a gentle hand down the girl’s cheek. “To be able to care such for all of your babes is truly a gift.”

  Sarah blinked at the public agreement between them and Jacqueline gave her a small chuckle. The woman leaned closer to whisper. “I am still no monster, but a guest in your home dependent upon your kindness. Though I preferred privacy. But not all are so modest.”

  “Not much of that around here.” Sarah laughed. To prove the point, Conall ran his hand over her neck and trailed his fingers down the portion of her exposed chest. Love those shivers he creates on my skin.

  “Aye, my wife speaks truth. We live and love in the open for all to witness.” Conall gave her a wink before glancing down at William, who had started to fuss. His arms gently rocked the child, who would have to wait for his sister to finish her side.

  After Rachel turned her head away, she handed their daughter to the waiting Lena, who had a gift for burping babies. Conall placed William in her arms after she had shifted the opening in her gown. Oh yeah, no modesty here. Not when the kids have to eat.

  William fed while Jacqueline spoke of Colette’s early years. Sarah soaked in the stories laced with love and brilliant, fond memories. But her mind caught every glance the woman made at Robert, who only spoke with men. She is so freaking worried about what will happen next.

  Robert’s voice grew louder as he spoke to Conall. “Tell me, how many years have you?” The ruler held out his goblet to be refilled and then drained the cup.


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