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Her Pride His Prejudice

Page 4

by Jessie Rose Case

  The door moved. Bloody hell Billy, she called out in her mind, this was supposed to be bomb proof! Exhibit one. So not. I want a bloody refund!

  Bennet went to get up. Will was torn between forcing him back down in that chair and holding her position. She shook her head wildly, waving him down, keeping her eyes firmly on that door.

  “They are close. Hurry.” The voice said again.

  They threw everything they had at that door then. Will took several deep breaths and calmly raised her rifle. Just like the range, she told herself. Centre mass, heart if possible. Second tap the head if she got the chance. She swung her rifle up projecting the action clicking off the safety. She had a full mag of rounds and one in the chamber. Single shot action. The door cracked open against the safety plate. An eye appeared in the gap.

  “I can smell him he’s here.”

  “Hi.” She fired. He hadn’t seen it coming. Then fired again, in rapid succession getting her range.

  Screaming filled the air for a moment, then thud, stunned silence, followed by shouts and screams and slamming at the door with a number of a number of fucks thrown in for good measure. They were pissed. Good. So was she.

  “The human has a gun.”

  “You have claws and teeth, get the fucking door open.”

  Was this paper, rock, scissors with a difference? Rules! She needed the rules.

  Every time something appeared in the gap, she fired. There were plenty of fucks followed by bitch. Will grinned she wasn’t sure why they weren’t going down. Like dead. But she wasn’t moving to find out.

  “Sorry,” she called out. Then “Sorry,” again when she shot someone again and kept calling out as she fired and hit anything she could see. Not fucking sorry at all. “Opps my bad,” she called out as she hit another one who went down screaming. “I don’t know what I’m doing with this 50gage automag rifle. Maybe you should come into the doorway so I can show you?”

  And… like a nutter one did. She fired off another round to screams. “Opps sorry, did I get you? I need more practice. Can you help?”

  Bennet burst out laughing. He couldn’t help it. The human was killing it.

  “I hear him.” Someone else moved into the gap, she fired, another scream. “I did say I didn’t know what I was doing but you guys are the tops. You just keep coming trying to help me improve. That’s so decent of you. I’ve got all day, let’s work on this!”

  Bennet creased up laughing. Belly laughing. The big no way in hell I’m holding that in kinda thing. Will grinned with him.

  “He’s in there. Get it open.” Someone snarled. That took the smile off her face.

  Darcy fired again and another one swore.

  “Too late gentleman.” Bennet called out to them. “You had your chance and blew it. My people are here.” A roar rocked the house.

  The cavalry had arrived. A whole load of pained ruckus descended on her house. One huge fight was going on on the other side of that door. Will held her position.

  “Darcy, my people are here, please do not shoot them.”

  She gave him a nod but kept looking at the door. “I’m still practicing but I’ll try.”

  She could see him smile out of the corner of her eye. Through the two-inch gap she saw plenty. Bodies being thrown, furniture that she kinda recognised crashing and going through the air. More screams and cries rang out. Bodies being thrown. Then silence.

  “Bennet?” Someone called.

  “Here Greyson.”

  “Good to hear your voice man.”

  “I’m going to look through the gap ok?”

  Someone appeared in the gap. Will looked at him coolly.

  “What band member are you?” she asked. He smiled. It looked good on him. Way too good. Then someone else took up position behind him. Jesus! Holy Mary and Joseph!

  “Did I miss a stud convention? No ugly in that gene pool.” There were a few titters and snorts on the other side of the door.

  “Put the gun down.” The second one told her firmly.

  She turned her head to the side studying him. “I don’t think so Brad. I’ve had a piss poor day. My boy here has had what seems like a piss poor week, so you will forgive me if I say, fuck off.”

  Bennet got up and started to move. She flung her hand out to him, not taking her eye of that door. “Sit your fine ass back down in that chair!”

  More appeared in the gap. They stood and stared at her. Several other’s jostled in the background.

  “Can we open the door?” one asked.

  “It’s fucked up pretty bad, for which I will be putting in a replacement bill along with what I expect is my trashed house. But Ben here is good for it I’m sure. So give it your best shot boys. One move I don’t like and ….” She held up her pinkie. “Twitchy finger.”

  Bennet couldn’t help but laugh. This woman killed it. He felt like shit, but she was knocking it out of the park.

  “You okay Boss?”

  “Open the door slowly Greyson.”

  “Yes sir.”

  From the corner of her eye she could see Bennet getting up and limping towards her, she pierced her lips at him as he’d put his shot gun down.

  “You should stay back there. You are not a mature Ben10 and this could be some fuckity shit.”

  Bennet grinned with relief. He was so much more than that.

  “Is she…, protecting him from us?” someone asked on the other side of the door.

  Bennet ignored them and focused on the female with him. He liked her take on life. It amused him.

  “It’s fine Darcy. These are my men.”

  “You’re sure? Cos I didn’t save your butt to hand it over in a sling.”

  “Did you hear that?” another person whispered.

  Will frowned and put her gun down. “Okay, I believe you, the other guys weren’t this stupid.” There was a round of gaffs and chuckles on the other side of the door.

  Will climbed up off the floor keeping hold of her rifle and put an arm under Bennet’s shoulder, when he got to her supporting him.

  “How’s it feel?” she asked.

  “Like crap.”

  She nodded. “You know, when I offered you dinner, you forgot to mention the show that would come with it. Your bad.”

  He chuckled. “I’ll make it up to you.”

  “Too right you will. Did you take more pain killers?”

  “No. They made me sleepy.”

  “You’ll take more now right? With the cavalry here and all.”

  He smiled. “Yeah.”

  “Good. Will they take you to hospital?”

  “My hospital yes.”

  The door was levered open with what looked like a two tonne car jack braced in the gap.

  The door creased in half and then fell inwards.

  “You broke my door,” she cried out. “Shit, I’m never getting the deposit back on that am I.” She grumbled. Not that she’d bought it in the first place, but Billy would be turning in his grave and she felt the need to defend him.

  And held on to Bennet looking at the men standing in front of it. Holy shit. It was Boy Zone meets the New Kids on the Block, 15 or so years on and so bad, like really really, drop your knickers bad. The tune to Bad Boys, Bad Boys kept going around in her head as she looked at them. Whatya gonna do when they come for you? Errr…. Hello….., she was open to offers!

  Will was sure she saw several flicks of hair over shoulders and poses when she made eye contact. One definitely gave her a wink. Another blew her a kiss, the next gave her an appreciative look. Muscles came out of nowhere and the others in various stages of emotions that she didn’t want to examine too closely, all dressed in black leather and trench coats.

  “Damn,” she turned to look at Bennet. “You did not tell me about the sexy stripper dance troop here. Do they hire out? More importantly do they strip while dancing?” Bennet grinned although in pain. She was working it. She looked back to the men. Who all looked a bit startled? Why? It was a woman thing. Yes,
a real thing.

  “Did she just ask if we were strippers while dancing?” someone sounded confused at the back.

  She’d help them out. Will rubbed her hand on Bennet’s chest. It rumbled. Ummm that was nice. He covered hers with his own and gave it a squeeze. Even better.

  “I’ve clearly died and gone to mature boy band heaven or stripper gram convention either way I’m good. Whichever one is Donnie, can I have Mark’s phone number cos like I REALLY deserve it.” She was sure she jumped up and down a little in anticipation.

  A deep growl sounded next to her coming from Bennet. She blew out a breath and patted his chest. Had she jiggled him a bit with her enthusiasm for all thing’s boy band and stripper? Her bad.

  “Okay,” she gave an exaggerated sigh, “candy and store. Looking not buying. Jeez, don’t get your knickers in a twist. I can only handle one stud at a time and my hands are clearly full right now.” There were several intakes of breath. She glanced at Bennet. He was grinning at her in a hungry kind of way. His mind no longer on his injuries. Okay then. Her job was done here.

  She helped him walk through the door and they came forward slowly to take him form her. Like she might bite. They were sooooo on the same page.

  “Although, I did save the day and some candy would be nice….”

  “Darcy,” Bennet growl louder moving away. His men look wary.

  Will rolled her eyes. “Ok. Just saying.”

  “Did she just roll her eyes at him?” someone whispered.

  “Holy Fuck!” Scratch on a record and it all stopped. It was then that she took in the room. It was smashed to pieces. Not a single thing was still standing from before. Water, fucking water was spouting from what was the faucet in the kitchen, the cabinets gone or broken. The family room trashed, everything smashed, table was gone, maybe one chair was salvageable. Her front door smashed to pieces along with everything else. So was the back door. Had a typhoon ripped through?

  She glanced up and found Bennet staring at her. He looked uneasy, not sure of her reaction. With everything else he had going on, that didn’t feel right to her.

  “Well,” she said. “You sure as hell know how to throw a party.” Then pointed at him. “You’re paying.”


  “Do you need blood sir?” Greyson asked quietly. He shook his head. He did badly but not here. He’d expected her to be upset. Explode angrily. Cry even. Demand something. Accepting wasn’t what he’d expected at all.

  “Bennet and Darcy?” Edward asked sounding interested. Bennet ignored him and watched Darcy pick up some of her things that were now in bits from the floor and brush them off. That was heart-breaking. “As in Jane Austin?” Edward asked.

  “I know, how weird is that?” she told them distractedly. “I said as much to Ben, but he’s never read the classics apparently.” Darcy mumbled still looking at things.

  “But the other way round.” Edward continued.

  “Yep. Go figure.” Darcy replied putting several things in a box Clay gave her. She thanked him. Bennet would thank him for the kindness himself later.

  “The bedrooms are just as bad up here.” Dawes called down.

  “Shit.” Darcy blew out a breath looking round. “Okay well I can’t stay here and its going to take a few months to get this put right. Not sure my insurance is covered for secret war damages.”

  There were several intakes of breath around the room. Bennet ignored them. Telling Darcy of their way of life was a no no. He’d broken several rules. Fuck it.

  “I’m sorry Darcy, you couldn’t stay here anyway.” He told her.

  Will turned to him. “Why not?”

  “They know about you now. They’d have called this in. They know you know me. This place will be on their radar now. They’ll want to use that. Use you to get to me. Until its sorted.”

  She was about to say ‘wow some ego there mate’ but one look at the others in the room and she knew he was being honest. Shit.

  “We need to go sir.” Edward. Bennet nodded. He needed that blood but didn’t want to do it here, not in front of her.

  She bent down and picked something else up. “Okay, thanks and all. Bye.”

  Bennet let go of his men and hobbled over to her. “Darcy?” he wasn’t about to leave her, and she needed to get that. She’d saved his life and he owed her.

  “Ummm.” She looked up.

  “Don’t argue baby, I’m not up to it right now. This …. boy band with its lead singer is leaving with his groupie in tow.” She sniggered up at him. Had he just said that?

  He couldn’t help but smile at her. His men looked very confused. “All this, can be sorted out later when we’re not in danger okay and I promise you, we will have everything boxed up and you can sort it all out and this house will be put to rights.” He held out his good hand to her.

  Will grinned. He was playing along. “Groupie huh? And exactly how many groupies do you have? I need to know what the competition is like?” She looked around then took his hand and stood. He placed his good arm around her shoulder’s, pulling her in close and kissed her hair.

  “Thank you,” he whispered breathing her in. “No other groupie needed. Just you.”

  Will beamed she couldn’t help it.

  His men moved in quickly surrounding him, in case they needed to intervene. They knew his control had to be thin, but he wouldn’t be taking from this female. She’d given enough.

  He smiled and shook his head at them. He was good. He kissed her cheek and placed his lips at her ear.

  “Thank you for saving me,” he whispered tasting her skin.

  She smiled. “You are welcome and don’t think I don’t realise, that you are only taking me along because they’re too big to shoulder you under this arm.” She was completely lying but supported him limping towards the door. His men providing a protective shield around them both.

  Bennet let out a quiet chuckle. It calmed him in some way he didn’t understand. Her voice, her look on life.

  “Nothing gets passed you.” He smirked.

  “Better believe it mister.”

  Darcy smiled softly as they moved towards four huge SUV’s around her driveway. She saw some bad guys being loaded or was that thrown into the first one.

  They made their way to them. “So guys…. do you have like up-to-date boy band/stripper gram pictures? Like half-dressed naked torsos, the posing kind? With captions like; ‘I could be your stud muffin?’ Preferably one’s I can send to my friends in the form of postcards cos when they get a look at you lot, they’re going to lose their shit.”

  A round of confused and amused ‘no’s’ came her way.

  Darcy sighed patting Bennet again because that wasn’t getting old anytime soon until they got to the car. His men took over. “That’s disappointing and a really big missed financial opportunity.”

  She was killing him but smiled through the pain. He liked the way she touched him. Gentle and explorative. He might be injuried, but his cock worked just fine.

  “Get in the car Darcy.” Bennet told her firmly.

  “OOoo.” She fake shuddered. “So demanding. I’ve not seen this side of him yet. I like it.” She winked at him and wiggled her eyebrows, then walked around the car and got in.

  Several of his men were hiding their laughter. Bennet shook his head, pulling her to him with his good arm. “Try and behave.”

  Darcy snorted again. “Hell to the no, where’s the fun in that?”

  They drove for a while and the adrenalin rush crashed.

  She looked up at Bennet. If she was crashing so was he. “You okay?”

  He looked down at her. “I will be thanks to you.”

  She looked out the window and felt it coming and knew she would have to decompress all of that later in a big way.

  She suddenly realised she had no home and no idea where she was going.

  “Did someone pick up my phone? Turn the water and gas off?” Her phone was passed to her. “Yes.” A voice from the front to
ld her.

  “Okay thanks. I’d better let Leeson know that I won’t be home for a bit. He’s been helping himself to the bunker to get rid of all that food.” She snorted. “He’ll be pissed he has to shop in an actual shop for a while.”

  “What’s a Pepper?” Bennet asked her.

  “Well like I said. Someone who stockpile things for the end of days. Survivalists who want to survive an apocalypse.” She texted Leeson and told him it was a no go for a while, and she’d let him know when she was back in business.

  “We were lucky he had a safe room.”

  Will looked back out the window. “Yeah, I never expected that to come in handy, who would have thought.” She frowned. She was with a bunch of strangers going god knows where. “Where are we going exactly?”

  “My place. It has land and several properties.” She nodded. “We’re going to pull over in a bit. I need you to go with my men into the car behind while I take off to see my doctor okay. They’ll take care of you I promise.”

  “Sure. Good. You need to see a doctor.”

  A few miles on, the car behind moved out in front and they pulled over. Darcy went to get out as all the men emptied the cars and stood around, someone opened her door and waited. Ben grabbed her arm with his good one. She stopped and looked back at him. His hand pulled her face to his and he kissed her, light and gentle at first then deeper, coaxing her mouth to open so his tongue could sweep in and take over, become more demanding. Her body came alive.


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