Book Read Free

That Dark Place

Page 15

by W. Franklin Lattimore


  Chapter 25


  ara’s phone rang. She ran down the stairs and into the living room where it lay on the coffee table. She caught it on the fourth ring.

  She glanced at the caller ID. She hesitated a moment before answering.

  With a bit of rather forced exuberance, she answered, “Karen! Hi!”

  “Hi, Tara!”

  There was lightness and happiness in her voice.


  For some reason, ever since their dealings with the Picti people of Pittston, there arose a twinge of misgiving whenever she saw her friend’s name come up on the phone’s screen—a fear that something may be amiss. It was certainly an irrational fear that had not borne fruit in the years since, but she just couldn’t quite shake it. She wondered if Karen also dealt with the same sort of mental disquiet.

  “How are you? How are things in Cheyenne?”

  “Things are fine here. How are you?”

  “Oh, I’m a little emotionally ruffled. I’m losing Jenna to an out-of-state college real soon.”

  “Yeah, I can only imagine how hard that’s going to be for you. And the other two?”

  “Jamie’s doing well. He’s almost ready for his driving exam. He’s also been winning some trophies for his karate skills. And Amy, she’s just as sweet as ever. Play dates with some of her friends have been a regular thing throughout the summer.

  “How are you and Steve doing?”

  “We’re doing really well. Steve’s been quite active judging rodeo events throughout the region. He’s even been asked to judge down in Oklahoma and Texas. We’ve done quite a bit of traveling this year. As for me, I’ve been doing a lot of editing for authors, as of late. It’s been mostly a great experience.”

  “Mostly, huh?”

  “Yeah, you know … not everyone’s a fan of correction. Oh well. And since I’m editing only faith-based material, every once in a while, I read books that I’m fearful will make it out into the marketplace. There are people who believe some really not-so-great stuff and still call it Christian. And I get to just grin and bear it, though I do refuse some material from time to time.”

  Tara laughed. “My tolerance level for spiritual error would get me into a lot of trouble, I think. You’re an impressive woman.”

  Now Karen laughed.

  Karen Stanton was a friend from Tara’s and Brent’s college days. Like Tara, Karen was a former practitioner of witchcraft who’d become a Christian before the two of them had met. She’d caught Tara utilizing black magic to try to sabotage the Christian lives of two other college students and had boldly challenged her on it, exposing her plans to the group of Christians she’d manipulated into trusting her. It was the best thing that could have happened to her, and later, all those Christians had ended up being very special to her. Yet with that exposure, Tara had nearly lost the man who would, a few years later, ask her to marry him. The other Christian she had tried to destroy was Marta Rosales, a young woman like herself, whom she had believed she never really deserved to have as a friend. But Marta’s ability to forgive had granted her a beautiful friendship … for a short while.

  Unfortunately, after Brent’s and Marta’s graduations, Marta elected to slip out of the picture, respecting Brent’s desire to pursue the affections of a strawberry-blonde former witch rather than the Guatemalan beauty who had never done him any wrong. Tara hated that every call she had with Karen stirred up those memories. In the back of her mind, she irrationally believed that, one day, there would still come a reckoning for the harm she had tried to cause in all their lives.

  “So, to what do I owe this wonderful phone call?”

  “It’s nothing, probably,” Karen began. “Just wanted to see how things were going with Stephanie. I’m still praying for her … and I’ve got a question.”

  Tara related her most recent interaction with Stephanie. Karen didn’t sound surprised that she was still resistant.

  “Well, God’s got a purpose that he’s working with each of your visits,” said Karen. “Don’t give up on her.”

  “I won’t. She’s met her match when it comes to tenacity,” Tara said with a light giggle. “So, what’s your question?”

  Karen seemed to pause. Then, “Is everything okay with Brent?”

  Tara was about to ask her how she knew, but it was obvious: the Holy Spirit was behind the phone call.

  “I love how God works! Thank you for calling and asking. Brent’s really been going through it emotionally and physically because of a dream he’s been having every night.”

  Tara shared all the details that she remembered of Brent’s nightmares.

  “That’s fascinating. I remember wondering what his nightmares had been like when he’d shared his testimony back at Summit State. And now he’s being revisited. Interesting about the color of the pants changing and his dive after the flower and pot.”

  “Yeah, Pastor Jonathan thinks there’s something significant to both of those things but doesn’t know what. Brent and I prayed last night for some insight.”

  Then a thought struck Tara. “Karen? Would God have prompted you to call and ask about Brent if there wasn’t something to all of this? Is there something you’re supposed to bring to all of this?”

  Karen was silent for a moment. “Well, God’s not a gossip. He doesn’t just randomly share people’s difficulties with other people for fun. Maybe I’m just supposed to be out here praying.”

  “Well, even if that’s all it is, Brent and I will be grateful.”

  “So, tell me how Elizabeth and the baby are doing.”

  “Same as last time we talked. Kyla is an absolute joy. She’s playful and scampers around the house as if she owns it. She’s fully weaned from her mom, but occasionally points to my chest and says, ‘Milk.’”

  Karen obviously didn’t see that coming and laughed hard. “Catch that on video. I want to see it!”

  Now Tara laughed. “Not going to happen.”

  “And Elizabeth? How’s she doing? Any movement spiritually?”

  “Of course, we can’t see or hear what’s going on internally, but every indication is that she’s still in full resistance mode. It’s hard for me to be patient, because I’ve got three kids that know Jesus and have known him since a very young age. She’s almost like a daughter, and I’m always concerned about her wellbeing.”

  “I get that. I’ll step up my prayers for her too.”

  “Thank you.”

  An idea occurred to Tara. “Karen, would you like to meet her?”

  “Of course I would. Is that an invitation?”

  “Yes!” Tara exclaimed. “That is most definitely an invitation! You and Steve are very welcome to come out for a while. In fact, Jenna’s off to college soon, and her queen-size bed will welcome the company.”

  Tara heard Karen snicker.

  “When are you thinking?”

  “Tomorrow! You can come tomorrow. Wait.” Tara playfully sighed. “Jenna’s still here. But she leaves on August 27th, so August 28th is fine.”

  “You’re too funny! Well, looking at my calendar, Steve is going to be out of state again a couple times over the next few weeks. I suppose I can come out to see you for some of that. I’m sure that he’ll survive without me for a little while.”

  “This is exciting! Yes! Book your ticket, then I’ll let Brent know it’s too late to say no.”

  Karen laughed again. Tara could imagine her shaking her head.

  “Sounds like a solid plan to me.”

  “Me too!”

  Chapter 26


  rew had practically flown home during his drive from work. He was going to have to quickly change into his “costume,” get back on the road, and head north to Millsville.

  Today would be his first day of contact with MayB4U.

  Today, he would learn her name.

  Today, he m
ight even have the opportunity to touch her.


  But first he had to take care of one last detail before he left his house. He grabbed the untraceable burner phone that he had purchased online. He had been able to get one with the 646 area code for Manhattan, New York City. He called his personal phone with it to confirm that it actually worked. It did.

  Next, Drew turned the caller ID number into a personal contact: Callie Lambier - Carlisle Talent Agency, New York. He then walked over to his laptop, connected his phone to it through a USB cable, and moved a self-created graphic—a logo for his fictional talent agency—over to it.

  Lastly, he clicked on his contact list, found Callie Lambier, and opened up the contact. He did two things then: he stored the contact as a favorite, and he tapped the empty photo space to select the newly created logo.

  He saved the professional-looking contact and gazed at his handiwork.

  Good to go.

  One last check. He again used the burner phone to call his personal cell.

  As his phone rang, Callie’s name came up on the screen along with the logo for the talent agency.

  Voilà! Beautiful! Man, I’m good.

  “Time to hit the road!”

  IT TOOK TWENTY-SEVEN minutes for Drew to arrive at the first of the three restaurants at which he supposed MayB4U could be working.

  His heart was hammering as he sat in his car. It was “do or die” time. Could he actually do this?

  He knew that what he was about to do had to be illegal somehow—faking a profession for the sake of drawing her out for an afternoon with him. And if he was successful, what would be his end game? Just some flirting? A collection of racy photos? Nudes? Sex?

  Sex. Could that even happen? What if she really is younger than eighteen?

  Drew had never touched a minor before. But now, sitting in his car, looking through the windows and into the restaurant, he wondered if he could—if he’d dare.

  It’s jail if you do this and you’re found out.

  His thoughts were switching from excitement to extreme caution. His conscience told him to turn around. Just go home. Forget this.

  But that’s when Drew told himself that he’d just take things slow. There was no guarantee that he’d even succeed at setting up a date for a photo shoot, let alone see her unclothed.

  His resolve became firm again. He’d see what happened.

  He turned off the engine, unbuckled his seatbelt, and opened the door. Reaching over to the passenger seat, he grabbed his camera and the model portfolios, all of which were in unsealed manila envelopes labeled with fake mailing addresses to fake models in five different states. Last, he grabbed the burner phone and pre-dialed his own number. Not that he needed to. He could have just hit Send twice and it would have redialed the last number he’d called with it—his own.

  Putting his two phones in the opposite pockets of his sports jacket, he got out of the car and walked inside.

  Drew walked past the hostess station and peered into the dining area. The restaurant was maybe half full, the dinner rush fizzling to an end. He looked across the floor, scanning for waitresses. That’s when he heard the young voice behind him.

  “Welcome to Mill House.”

  Drew turned around to see a pretty, teenaged girl. Her big smile and bright blue eyes caught him right away. “Oh, hi.”

  “Hi. How many in your party today?”

  That’s when Drew shifted into his role. “I’m looking for a client of mine who may already be here. Mind if I take a quick walk around the dining area to take a look?”

  “Not at all. If you can’t locate him, feel free to come back out and I’ll provide you with a table.”

  “Thank you.”

  Drew stepped into the dining area. He slowly made a circuit around the floor, hoping to see all the waitresses at some point. But, ultimately, none of the three servers that he saw came close to looking like MayB4U.

  He stepped back out into the waiting area, and the hostess asked if he’d like a table.

  “I think I’m just going to wait a few minutes to see if my client shows up.”

  She smiled and nodded.

  Drew stood there for a few minutes, his left arm holding a stack of portfolios, his shoulder slung with a camera bag. He’d been there long enough to see that the fourth—and last—server was not his girl. A pensive expression crossed his face.

  Okay, this is only the first of three. No big deal. On to restaurant number two.

  JAMIE SAT IN his bedroom. He knew that Elizabeth was downstairs with the rest of the family, all of them probably sitting in the living room.

  While dinner hadn’t exactly been awkward, he couldn’t really look at Elizabeth. Not even when she’d been talking with someone else, her eyes far away from him.

  Jenna had been right. Elizabeth had become that girl he’d hoped he could flirt with and get to know outside of the house. Maybe even go on some dates.

  Now, though, with the whole God thing playing on his mind, he wasn’t sure what to say to Elizabeth anymore … not that he’d been all that smooth to begin with.

  So, what’s the plan?

  He thought back to what he and Zach had agreed on. Church. Zach had agreed to come, but Jamie had basically promised that the two of them would be driving to church, separate from the rest of the family, with Jenna and Elizabeth.

  I suppose Jenna needs to know that she’s driving on Sunday.

  That settled in his mind the only plan he had available. Jamie got off his bed, exited his room, and walked toward the stairs. Slowly making his way down, he could hear Fox News Channel on the TV.

  Now able to view the whole room below, he saw his mom and dad on the couch and Amy drawing on the floor, with Jenna sitting next to her looking at something on her iPad.

  Jamie made his way into the living room, and, without looking directly at Elizabeth—who was kicked back in one of the reclining chairs with Kyla sleeping against her chest—he walked past the whole family and made his way into the kitchen.

  When he got in there, he stopped and stared at the countertops. Okay, now what? His heart was beating a little faster. His mind tried to formulate some sort of plan, but all he could come up with was the direct approach.

  He took a breath and let it out slowly. Then he called out to his sister.

  “Jenna,” he said, his voice elevated enough to cut through the volume of the TV.


  “Will you come in here for a minute?”

  He could already imagine his mom and dad exchanging glances.


  “Can you just come in here?”

  Several seconds later, Jenna came into the kitchen, eyebrows lifted. “Yes?”

  “Umm. I’ve got something to tell you.”

  She walked up to the counter directly in front of him and leaned back against it. “Okay.”

  “Well, I took what you said yesterday seriously.”

  “Nice to hear.”

  She waited for him to go on, then tapped her fingers on the countertop, urging him to continue.

  “Okay, so this really doesn’t have a whole lot to do with Elizabeth. Umm. I talked with Zach after our conversation, and I asked if he believes in God. He said that he guessed so, and I said come to church with me this Sunday, and he said okay.”

  Jenna lit up. “That’s great, Jamie! Seriously.”

  “There’s more. I sort of told him that I’d arrange it so that the four of us would ride to church separately from Mom and Dad.”

  Jenna blinked. Then the realization hit her. “Wait. What?”

  “Yeah. You, me, Elizabeth, and Zach.”

  Jenna’s eyes became suspicious. “And why did you tell him that?”

  Jamie shrugged. “Not really sure. It just sort of came out. Sounded like a fun idea.”

  Jamie could see that she was processing what he’d said.

�I guess it’s an okay idea. Could be a little more fun, just the four of us.”

  “Oh, and…” Jamie paused, looking down for a moment. When he looked back up, his sister’s eyebrows were up again, and he could tell that she was waiting for some dubious, additional comment. “…I promised Zach that he could sit next to you during service.”

  “You what?!” Jenna’s eyes went wide. She clenched her teeth, and in a strained whisper, said, “Why would you do that?! What were you thinking?!”

  Unexpectedly, his sister’s reaction caused him to grin.

  “This isn’t funny.”

  “It kind of is. A little bit.”

  He saw Jenna’s face turn from livid to that of a girl who was trying not to laugh. “Jamie, so help me. If he even touches me.…”

  “He won’t! Besides, it will give the four of us an opportunity to sit in a different area of the church from Mom and Dad. It’s a good thing.”

  “You know that I like sitting with them, Jamie,” she said matter-of-factly.

  “So? Think about it this way. Zach and Elizabeth will be more comfortable. Probably. You know, four teens away from the adults?”

  Jenna shook her head with a sigh that signaled surrender. “Fine. But, Jamie, if Zach even once—”

  “He won’t!”

  DREW FINALLY CAME to the realization that he had wasted his evening. The possibility had loomed before him during his planning, but there had been such great hope that she would have been at work.

  There was, however, one very nice thing that happened during his visit to the second restaurant: he’d discovered her name.


  After concluding that MayB4U wasn’t working at the Fairlane Diner either, he’d made his way toward the exit. That’s when he saw the employee pictures to his right.

  Servers of the Month.

  Apparently, two servers were selected each month for their performance, and three times—April, June, and July—Elizabeth’s photo appeared with her name displayed below each.

  Elizabeth. How nice to finally meet you.


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