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American Honey

Page 11

by Caitlin Ricci

  “Are you busy?”

  He instantly sounded let down by my simple refusal.

  I pursed my lips. “It’s not that at all. I’d actually really like to go. And I want to see you. But I don’t want things to blow up again. So maybe another time would be better. Some time when it could just be us, until the rest of your family gets used to us being together.”

  “You mean Gavin, don’t you?”

  He no longer sounded so hurt. Now he just sounded mad.

  “Dillon...” I hedged.

  “No. It’s fine if you come. Really. Gavin’s either going to have to get over his issues or he’s going to see a whole lot less of me.”

  That was the last thing I wanted him to do. “No. You’ve got a big family. You need them.” And he didn’t need me like he needed them.

  “No, what I need is some respect and independence. Stay on the phone with me. I’m going to go talk to him. And if he doesn’t seem like he wants to start raising hell, will you come down? If you’re not busy that is. I’d love for you to stay over tonight, too.”

  I definitely wanted to spend the night with him, too. “Sure. But if he’s not okay, that’s fine, too. I don’t mind going slow. I promise.”

  “I do. He doesn’t get to dictate the course of my relationship. Gavin!”

  I cringed as Dillon shouted in my ear.

  “What’s up?” I heard Gavin say.

  “I want you to be okay with Cal being my boyfriend. I want to invite him to come join us today. Then I want to take him back to my place tonight. I want that, and I don’t want you to have a fit again like you did last time.”

  I heard Gavin groan in the background. “Is he on the phone right now?”


  I heard a scuffle, and then Dillon yelling.

  “Cal?” Gavin asked me.

  “Did you take his phone?”

  Gavin laughed. “I did. He wasn’t expecting it, so it was easy. Look, I wanted to get your number from him and call you later this week, but this works, too. I overreacted. He’s my cousin, not my kid. It’s not my business what he does or who he does it with. And I said some pretty shitty things about your job. I’ll work on that. I know Asher went to see you work. I probably won’t ever get to the point where I can do that too. We’re not having family day at Gents, ever, but being a stripper doesn’t make you less of a good choice for Dillon. I’d be glad to have you here with us for family day or game night or whatever else you want to do. I’m sorry I was such a dick.”

  That was big of him. And I was glad to have his apology. “Thanks. I would like to come.”

  “See you in a few hours then?”

  “Definitely. Can I talk to him again?”


  He handed the phone back, I assumed, since a moment later Dillon was back with me again. “Hey. So you’re coming?”

  “I need to grab my things, but yeah. I’m on my way.”


  I heard his family getting quieter in the background. I assumed that he was walking away from them. “Hey, Cal, I really like you. You know that right?”

  I paused in the process of getting my keys and wallet. “Yeah. I do know that. And I like you a lot too. Where’s this coming from?”

  “Nowhere. Just me thinking really. Like, you’re a great guy. Really sweet. And you look so good. Not even going to lie about that. Just hope I’m enough.”

  He wasn’t a jealous, insecure man who said he was okay with my job and then cheated on me, so he already had that over Travis. “You are. You absolutely are.” I really wished that I had been there with him so that I could kiss him and reassure him right then. “I’ll show you that in a few hours when I’m there.”

  “You better.”

  When he hung up on me, he was laughing, and I got in my car and drove the little over an hour journey to Gavin’s house.

  I found everyone in the backyard. Gavin didn’t have a fence, so I simply followed their voices to where I saw them lounging on the grass or sitting at different tables. Dillon spotted me first, almost like he was watching for me, and then whatever he was talking about with Kyle was instantly forgotten as he headed toward me.

  His steps were slow, as if he was trying to pace himself, but I didn’t have to worry about that. I wanted his family to like me, but I wasn’t as concerned with looking too eager to see him again as I rushed up to him and gave him a hug.

  Dillon kissed me. It was sweet, barely more than a peck on my lips, but it was enough. For now. It just felt so good to have him in my arms again.

  “Want to come join everyone? We’re about to break out the watermelon,” Dillon offered.

  “In a minute.” I was too busy just holding him. Then I kissed him again, like I’d been wanting to do since the last time I’d seen him. “Thanks for having me.”

  “Thanks for being here and for putting up with my family. They’re actually really nice, when you get to know them.”

  I knew they were, and I was definitely looking forward to being included in his family.

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  Almost Paradise

  Caitlin Ricci


  Liam clipped the thin leashes to Lucy and Ethel’s collars with quick, precise movements. They were a tapestry of wrinkles and drool, with small black eyes and long, gangly legs they hadn’t quite gotten the hang of yet in their eight short months of life. He loved his Neapolitan Mastiffs greatly and appreciated them all the more for being a gift from an ally he had helped earlier that year. The man’s generosity had not been a surprise, but the two shiny silver puppies delivered to his doorstep had been.

  The small parking lot was nearly empty as they jumped out of the back of his large SUV and landed solidly on the ground. Lucy, the younger of the sisters by four whole minutes and months of maturity, tried gnawing on her leash for a moment before a look from Liam stopped her instantly. He allowed some puppy-like behaviors from them at home, but he expected far more from them out in public. And at nearly one hundred pounds each, that was as much for the benefit of society as it was for his peace of mind.

  The thin leather leashes were an annoyance in his hand as he entered the small upscale boutique. He disliked them greatly and only used them as a show for the humans to ease their worries. In reality, his dogs, and most others he had met, obeyed him because he was dominant and expected nothing less from them. The boutique was awash with rich sheer drapes in the dramatic colors of plum, indigo and emerald. His boss’s twin, Evangeline, had been a longtime customer and he’d been picking up her purchases ever since the first day. Once a month she would call the owner, a lovely redhead named Miranda, and they would talk endlessly about what was new and what was trendy in the world of fashion that they both loved. Before the girls had arrived, Liam would walk in like any other of Miranda’s customers. He’d brought them in when others were there shopping when they’d been just a few months old as well. But as his dogs had grown, he’d realized that how people reacted to them had changed and he’d started making appointments to pick up Evangeline’s purchases during Miranda’s lunch hour. The quiet and privacy suited him just fine as well.

  Miranda gave him a bright smile from her seat behind the small glass case as he approached. “Mr. Glass, good to see you again sir. And your lovely ladies as well,” she said, leaning across to give each of his dogs a quick pat.

  “I swear they’ve grown nearly a half a foot since I saw you three in here last month.”

  Liam nodded. “That sounds about right, Miranda.”

  His dogs took their places, sitting on either side of him as he began to peruse the earrings. “So who’s the lucky recipient this time?” she asked him, leaning forward to look at the selection as well.

  “Those little diamond studs are new.” She pointed to the ones she meant and sighed wistfully. “They’re really beautiful.”

  Liam smiled
. They were nice-looking. She knew that he most often shopped for Evangeline, but the bright silver chain he wore was from Miranda’s shop as well. “My boss has annoyed Evangeline and has sent me out to apologize to her with jewelry while I’m getting the rest of her things.” He shifted his gaze to the emeralds but quickly moved away. They would be too dark against her coffee colored skin.

  Miranda giggled. “Have something in mind already?”

  He pursed his lips. Normally he’d have just grabbed the first thing he thought might fit the bill and then paid for it. It’s what he did for her birthday every year. But this time Samson had sent him out with the idea of apologizing to her, not an easy feat when the woman kept her grudges like she kept her fine chocolate—as close to her as possible and in a combination locked safe.

  Nothing looked quite right and he was about to become discouraged when his gaze caught on a bright gold necklace with a trail of different gemstones winding down it like a river. The pinks, yellows, and purples would go beautifully with her skin and the diamonds were brilliantly clear. He tapped on the glass over that one and Miranda instantly pulled it out for him.

  “Wow, it’s beautiful,” she said candidly as she stroked the largest of the stones at the bottom of the river, a beautiful yellow gem. “She’s going to love it.”

  Liam nodded. “I think you’re right.” He pulled out the credit card Samson had given him and handed it over to her. He didn’t care about the price, didn’t even look at the little tag. Samson wouldn’t have cared and Liam wasn’t going to change his mind on the perfect gift for his alpha’s twin.

  As Miranda was boxing up the necklace he saw a pajama shirt and pants set that made him grin. Leaving the dogs where they were he picked it up and brought it back to the counter. It was made of silk and he thought that the pastel pink would go well with Evangeline’s skin.

  “That’s lovely,” Miranda said as she began folding up the clothing. She handed the small bag to him along with a few much larger ones that contained Evangeline’s purchases for the month. “Here you are, Mr. Glass. I’m sure she’ll love these. There’s also a little bottle of perfume in there for her as well as a thank you for being such a great customer all these years. I don’t know what I’d do if it wasn’t for customers like her,” she said wistfully.

  Liam took the bags from her with a thankful smile. Evangeline was always easier to deal with when she had shiny new presents. “Thank you Miranda, I’m sure she appreciates you catering to her needs and putting up with the three of us as well. I’ll see you next month. I will need a pair of cuff links then. A friend’s birthday is coming up.”

  She nodded and pursed her lips as she tapped one long fingernail on the counter, thinking. “Particular color?”

  Liam tilted his head as he considered. “Rubies would be good I suppose,” he said after a moment. His friend’s favorite color was red after all. Miranda wrote a quick note to herself. “Great. I’ll order them today and they should be in later this week and you can pick them up next month. If you like them, great. If not, you know we have a wide selection of diamond cuff links as well. Sometime you should bring in Mrs. Glass, I’d sure love to meet her.”

  He nodded. “Thank you Miranda. I appreciate all your help. And there is no Mrs. Glass.”

  She blushed and he turned away. He’d known she’d fish for more information sooner or later and he’d let her stew on that for a little while. He doubted she knew why there was no Mrs. anything in his life or even that there never would be. But his sexuality had never been open to discussion between them and he would keep it that way. Privacy was one of those little things shifters liked to keep intact.

  The door behind him jingled as another customer walked in. He frowned and looked up at Miranda. She usually locked the door behind him so that they would have privacy during his visits and so that she didn’t have to see customers during her lunch hour. He turned around to see who it was and nearly tripped over Ethel in the process. He took a step back, bringing his dogs out of the way as the man came forward. Liam didn’t think that the man had seen him yet and wanted to watch him for as long as possible.

  About the Author

  Caitlin Ricci has been writing professionally since 2012 and since then has released over a hundred stories including some award winners. Though she writes in many genres, all of her stories are about finding love and happily ever after. She lives on a small farm in Missouri with her dogs, goats, and husband.




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