Ink (The Skulls Book 17)

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Ink (The Skulls Book 17) Page 11

by Sam Crescent

  Chapter Twelve

  Darcy ran to her bathroom, pulling off her clothes and climbing in the shower. Not only was she trying to rush, but she also had to be careful not to injure herself, which she nearly did, sliding across the bathroom floor in socks.

  Growing up and wanting to go out, she had mastered the quick shower, which she did right now.

  The moment the conditioner was out of her hair, the water was off, and she wrung out her hair in the hope that she would help it dry quickly. Wrapping a towel around her body, she did the same to her hair and rushed to her bedroom.

  When she opened her wardrobe, there wasn’t a whole lot to pick from. She still hated clothes shopping, and well, she didn’t like to waste money on clothes.

  Grabbing a skirt and a shirt that helped to emphasize the curves she’d finally been able to fill, she wriggled into her clothes and then ran a brush through her hair, trying to dry it out without using a hairdryer. Her cheeks were already a horrible shade of red from rushing, and they were going to look like a strawberry if she used the hairdryer.

  Just as she finished with the brush, she didn’t exactly have much choice left as there was a knock at the door.

  Her heart raced, and she was filled with excitement.

  She ran to the door and flung it open. Ink was there, in a leather cut, his hair wet from a shower.

  She didn’t get the chance to say anything as he picked her up in his arms and kicked the door closed behind him, reaching out to flick the lock. She wrapped her arms around his neck, holding him close as he carried her down the short hallway to her sofa. He didn’t press her to the sofa, but sat down, allowing her to straddle his waist.

  His hands went to her thighs, gripping her flesh as she rubbed herself against him. He moved to her ass, holding her tight, and she moaned against his lips, never wanting him to stop.

  “You are driving me crazy,” he said, breaking from the kiss and trailing his lips down to her neck, sucking on her pulse.

  Her nipples felt incredibly hard.

  “I want you to be crazy for me. Please, Ink, don’t stop. I want this. I want you. I want you so much.”

  The hands on her ass moved up, and she pulled away as he slowly caressed up until they were beneath her tits. She waited for more, and as his thumb stroked the curve of her breast, she couldn’t help but gasp. He knew what he was doing.

  The smirk on his lips grated on her nerves, and so to tease him, she did no more than lift the shirt up over her head, showing him she’d decided to go without the bra for support.

  Straddling his lap, partially naked, she stared into his eyes, which had heated as he stared at her.


  “Ink, I know what I want, and what I want is you.” She cupped his face, kissing him. Dropping her hands from him, she held his and placed them over her tits. No one had ever touched her like this, nor looked at her as if she was the last meal and he really wanted to take a bite. She arched her back, thrusting her chest out, and she was rewarded as Ink sucked on one breast before sliding his tongue between the valley and taking the other into his mouth. He used his teeth, biting down, and she closed her eyes as the pain and pleasure mingled together.

  “You’ve got a body that was made to take cock, Darcy. To take my cock.” He lifted her up, and she had no choice but to wrap her arms and legs around him as he carried her through to his bedroom.

  He pressed her down to the bed, and within a matter of seconds, he had her skirt off. Her heart was pounding, but she wasn’t nervous. With Ink she felt anything but.

  Getting to her feet, she helped him out of the jacket and then started to attack his clothes. Ink didn’t help her as he pressed her back to the bed, and she couldn’t fight him, not as he had her thighs spread open, and the look on his face startled her. This went beyond hunger. He looked obsessed and half-crazy. She loved it.

  He gripped her thighs hard, and she didn’t mind at all. She wanted to bear the marks of his touch, to look at them and remember this moment.

  She had spent so long dreaming about what it would be like to have Ink finally look at her like a woman, like someone he could be with, and to finally have it right now was a dream come true.

  He kissed her thigh, and she sank her teeth into her lip, trying to contain her cries of pleasure.

  He knew what he was doing, and it was driving her crazy. When he changed legs, she couldn’t hold back and gasped. Next, he pressed a kiss to her mound, and as he spread the lips of her sex open, she thought she was going to lose her mind in pleasure.

  Staring down at him, she waited as he held her open with his thumbs and his tongue slid down her slit, teasing past her clit, to go to her entrance, circling to go back up. He sucked her clit into his mouth, and this time, she released her cries of pleasure, the sound echoing off the walls. Collapsing back to the bed, she stared up at the ceiling as he ravished her pussy, drawing her closer to orgasm with each lick and suck until she couldn’t think or focus on anything but the pleasure of his tongue.

  Over and over, he created this dance on her body, and she loved it. It was so much better than anything she had ever imagined, and when she came, she did so, screaming his name.

  Everything to Darcy felt right, it felt good, and there was nothing else she wanted in her life but his mouth on her. He pressed a kiss to her clit before moving up her body. She saw the evidence of her arousal coating his lips.

  “That was amazing,” she said, panting.

  “Do you want me to stop? I want you to enjoy this.”

  “I don’t you want you to stop. I’ve been waiting for this for so long. Please, don’t make me wait any longer.”

  She was nervous and her heart pounded against her chest, but as he placed his cock against her core, she knew without a shadow of doubt this was meant to be. There was no one else she could have ever wanted to be her first. Only Ink.

  Ink had been her first and only crush. Before him, there hadn’t been anyone else, and she’d not wanted to give only part of herself.

  Some people may think it was unhealthy of her to have this love for Ink, for a man older than she was, even if not quite old enough to be her father. She had seen the pain inside him, and knew given the chance, she could make him happy again.

  They both could be happy.

  With his gaze on hers, she waited, knowing it was coming, and as he slammed inside her, tearing through her virginity, she knew there could have never been anyone she would have gladly given her body to.

  Ink was her soulmate. He was the reason she kept on fighting so she could see him one last time. To let him know that she loved him and always would.

  She cried out as he took her. The pain was a quick shock to her body, but she’d experienced a lot of pain in her life already, and this would lead to pleasure. This was about love.

  She’d endured all of her pain for the chance to be here in this moment, to love Ink as he needed to be loved. He took hold of her hands, locking their fingers together, and she wrapped her legs around him.

  “You do realize, there’s no fucking way I’m letting you go, not ever.”

  She smiled. “I don’t have a problem with that, Ink. You’re never getting rid of me.”

  He pulled out of her and thrust back inside, making her cry out for more. He claimed her lips, and she relished every touch, every gasp as he took her. She wanted to belong to him, and there was no way she was ever going to let him go.

  Ink now belonged to her as well, and she didn’t want to ever let go.


  Ink held her close to him. Her body was a perfect canvas, not a single piece of ink on her skin. Pale, beautiful, and now she belonged to him. The feel of her tight heat wrapped around him was sheer perfection, and he didn’t want her to go, not ever.

  “How do you feel?” he asked.

  He’d cleaned her up after, and now they were lying peacefully together. He loved seeing her smile, especially the glow to her skin that he knew he’d been responsibl
e for putting there.

  “I feel different. More alive if that’s even possible.” She sighed. “How was it for you? Was it awful?”

  “Nothing with you could ever be awful.” He kissed her head. “Are you sore?”

  “No. I feel amazing.” She curled up beside him, her hand on his face, drawing him close. “I meant every word I said last night to you.”

  “I know.” He took her hand, pressing a kiss to her inner wrist. “There’s something I want to tell you.” He locked their fingers together much like he had while he was making love to her. “I love you too.”

  “You don’t have to say that if you don’t mean it. I’m a big girl. I know I’ve scared you.”

  “It’s not possible for you to scare me, Darcy. I’m going to do everything I can to make up for leaving you.”

  She smiled. “I’m really glad you did, Ink. I don’t want you to feel remorse for leaving.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I was sick. I was really sick, and it was a bad few years. I don’t want you to have any memory of that, not even a little bit.” She kissed his lips and pushed him to the bed. “I want you to think of me as healthy.” She bent down, deepening the kiss, and he gripped the back of her head, moaning as she pressed her body against him. She didn’t linger too long though as she trailed her mouth down his body. She sucked on his neck. “When you think of me, I want you to always remember me like this. In control, ready for anything.”

  She stopped at his nipples, sucking each one in turn, nipping at his flesh. He watched her go, seeing if she would go all the way, and as she kissed down his stomach, heading toward his cock, he knew she would.

  “Darcy, you don’t have to do this.”

  “I want to, Ink. I want to do everything with you.” She gripped his cock. Her tongue teased the head, and he groaned as she licked down the length of him. Just one touch from Darcy, and he was ready to take her again, to be everything she ever wanted. “Am I doing it right?”

  “You don’t need to use your teeth. Gentle strokes.”

  She took his cock into her mouth and he watched her take him, her mouth and hand working together to take as much of him as physically possible. She moaned around his length, and he closed his eyes as the vibration traveled up, and it made him ache to spill his cum into her mouth.

  Up and down, she bobbed her head, and he stroked her hair, gripping the back of her head, letting her know what he liked and what he wanted. She took him deeply, and as he hit the back of her throat, he growled.

  Over and over, she drove him close to the edge, and it took all of his control not to spill into her mouth.

  “I’m close, Darcy. Fuck, baby, stop. I don’t want to come in your mouth.”

  She continued to run her hand up and down his length as she stopped sucking on him. “Why? Don’t you like my mouth?”

  “I fucking love it.”

  She went back to sucking him, and he couldn’t control himself anymore. He spilled his cum into her mouth, growling as he did so. The orgasm took him completely by surprise, and she swallowed, milking him of all of his cum, and he gave it to her, willingly, without care.

  When it was over, he pulled her up so she was lying over his body. Cupping her cheek, he kissed her lips, not caring that he tasted himself on her tongue. In fact, it made him even more aroused to know she still had him.

  “I’m not lying to you, Darcy. I fucking love you, and I’m not going to leave. You’ve got me now, forever.”

  “Do you think that’s supposed to scare me?” She traced a finger across his chest. “I’ve loved you, Ink, for a long time. This with you, it’s what I’ve always wanted, and I don’t want to give it up.”

  He stroked a curl back from her face, and he thought about her parents, about her apartment. Gritting his teeth, he didn’t want to start this relationship with lies.

  Lies had a way of catching up with people and ruining happiness, which was not what he wanted to happen here.

  “I’ve got something to tell you,” he said.

  “What is it?”

  “I wasn’t entirely honest with you about this apartment or the job.”

  She pulled away with a frown.

  “Blaine and Emily came to me.”

  “My parents?”

  “Yes. They knew you were unhappy and wanted your own space, and they worked to get it through, to make it happen.”

  “They organized this place?”

  “They paid for it, and they helped you get a job as well.”

  She pulled away from him, but he refused to let her go. “Wow,” she said. “I had no idea. Why didn’t they tell me all this? Why give it to you?”

  “I guess they figured you’d work out they were meddling.”

  “Does this mean I have people following me?”

  “No. I’ve always been here to protect you, Darcy. It’s not a job to me. I love spending time with you, and I’m not lying to you.”

  “Were you ever going to tell me the truth?”

  “One day, maybe.”

  “Why now?” she asked.

  “Because, I don’t want to go another moment without having you in my life. I love you, Darcy, and I won’t have any more secrets between us”

  She touched his chest, stroking over a pattern of one of his tribal inks.

  “What’s going on in that crazy head of yours? Are you mad at me?”

  “Yes, I’m a little mad, but not at you. At my parents. But no at the same time because it means my parents actually care and were paying attention when I thought they weren’t. I don’t know. We’ve got to tell them about us.”

  “I know.”

  “I don’t want to hide it from them. I mean, I totally will if you want to as well.”

  “I don’t want to hide you, Darcy, and I never will. I’m not ashamed to love you.”

  “Good, so, erm, how do you think we should do this?”

  Chapter Thirteen

  “You have totally had sex,” Tabitha said, finding Darcy in the library around the science section.

  Darcy watched her little friend as she threw her school bag to the ground and grabbed her, turning her head this way and that.

  “It’s not, like, a beacon or anything. How do you know anyway?”

  “Please, you and Ink alone in the woods. You, my dear friend, have not seen the way that guy looks at you. I have. I’ve watched him, and he’s smitten with you.” Tabitha stood with her arms on her hips as if she was all great and knowing.

  “Could you keep your voice down?”

  “Why? No one is here.”

  “This is kind of personal and private.”

  “I know. It’s why I came here. I also heard some gossip.”

  “Gossip, what gossip?” she asked.

  “You know, you having to invite your parents over for dinner, where it’s just your parents, you, and Ink.”

  Darcy closed her eyes, holding the book to her chest, hoping she didn’t lose it. “That was supposed to be private.”

  “Oops, I guess everyone knows.”

  “I wanted to talk to my parents first about all of this.”

  “You will,” Tabitha said. “I’m just really nosey. So, how was it?”

  “I don’t think I should be talking about it with you.”

  “Please, I’m your BFF. If you can’t talk to me, who can you talk to about it?”

  “You’ll tell Simon, and I don’t want him knowing. You’re both kids anyway.”

  “How rude of you to say such a thing. Yes, I will tell Simon, but he won’t tell anyone else.”

  “Still not happening.” Darcy put the book on the shelf and went to her trolley, and worked her way up and down the aisles while Tabitha kept trying to nag her to admit what happened.

  “You really are pushy, aren’t you?”

  Tabitha shrugged. “I don’t know any other way to be. It’s in my blood.”

  Rolling her eyes, she finished emptying the trolley before turning to Tabitha.
“Shouldn’t you be in school?”

  “Yep, and it’s break. I pretty much headed over here the moment the bell hit. Come on, tell me. Are you and Ink going to be a couple?”

  Darcy stared at her friend. “I’ve known you a long time.”

  “Since birth I believe,” Tabitha said.

  “You’ve got a bet with your friends, which is why you’re here?”

  “I don’t have any such thing.”

  “And when you lie to me, you don’t look at me, so I’m guessing you’ve got money on me and Ink being together and hooking up.” Darcy was all too aware of the main Skulls’ kids making bets on members of the club. She had done it herself as well a couple of times, but she had always sucked at the outcome and had stopped.

  “Look, I’m just wondering if you could help a girl out.”

  “What are the bets?” Darcy asked.


  “Yes. You’re betting on me. You want to win—I want to know what the hell is going on.” She folded her arms and refused to budge.

  Tabitha groaned. “Fine. Miles thinks you’ve got stalker tendencies, so Ink will get a restraining order. If you ask me, he really didn’t put a lot of thought into it.”

  “Next,” Darcy asked. She wasn’t a stalker, nowhere near, not even when she was a kid and Ink was around. Sure, she liked to look at him, but that’s because he was handsome. Age had only made him even more attractive.

  “Anthony thinks you two are going to hook up, but he has his doubts about how long for. Daisy, she thinks it’s a flash in the pan thing, and I think it’s real. I think you and Ink are meant to be together forever.”

  “Why doesn’t Anthony think we’ll last?”

  Tabitha pressed her lips together, going silent.

  “Come on, Tab, spit it out.”

  “You don’t want to know.”

  “I do.”

  “Okay, he thinks you’re doomed because Ink left before your treatment got really bad. He thinks that there’s a risk of it coming back, and Ink will leave you again.”


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