Ink (The Skulls Book 17)

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Ink (The Skulls Book 17) Page 12

by Sam Crescent

  Darcy felt like she’d been hit in the face. “Oh.”

  “He’s a guy. What do guys know? They don’t even know how to change their underwear,” Tabitha said.

  Darcy grabbed a chair and sat down.

  “Don’t do this, Darcy. Please. They don’t know what they’re talking about.”

  “You don’t think he’s got a point?”

  “I think Anthony is a miserable asshole. He carries a whole load of issues in that head of his. Come on, don’t listen to him. You and I both know why he didn’t stick around, and it had nothing to do with you.”

  Darcy stared at her friend, feeling tears come to her eyes. “But there is a risk, Tab. You know it. I know it. Everyone we know knows there is always a risk of it coming back.”

  “And if it does, you’ll keep on fighting. That’s who you are, and you love Ink. He loves you. I don’t think you should worry about what Anthony says. You know he’s morbid and totally into his own sense of importance.”

  Darcy smiled, wiping away the tears that had spilled. “It’s fine. It’s something I’ve thought about a few times actually. Not just because we’re together.”

  “You are together.”

  “Yes. We’re together. I don’t know how long for.”

  “Don’t act like that. I know you, and I know Ink. There’s no way he’s going to let you go, and there’s no way you’re going to let him go. You love him, and he loves you.”

  Darcy smiled. “He did tell me he loved me.”

  “See, that’s a big step.”

  “You’re right. I shouldn’t be sad right now. I’m happy. I’ve just got to tell my family, and it will be fine.”

  “Wow, you’re at that stage already? You’re not going to sneak around, have some fun with it?”

  “No, I don’t want to waste time sneaking around. What has gotten into you today?” Darcy asked.

  “Nothing. I hate school. The usual crap. Anyway, I better go. I’ve got to head back to school before someone realizes I’m not there. Don’t forget to take a break.”

  “Collect your winnings,” Darcy said to Tabitha’s back.

  She watched her friend run out of the library and shook her head. Tabitha was always on the move. It was like she was scared if she stopped, everything around her would as well. Darcy made her way to the main reception, and sure enough, Ink was there, waiting for her.

  In the back of her mind, Anthony’s words niggled at her. Even as she took Ink’s hand, there was a new wave of doubt. She knew why he’d left those years ago, but there was a risk it would come back, and she couldn’t help but wonder if he even knew that.

  “Was that Tabitha I saw running off?”

  “Yeah, she wanted to win a bet.”

  “What kind of bet?” he asked.

  “Oh, you know, the usual. So, are we inviting my parents to my place or yours?” she asked.

  “To my place. I think if your father decides to kick my ass, we’ve got a bit more space.”

  “Hey, I love my place.”

  “I love your place too. It’s surrounded by you, and knowing you love it, I love it.” He pulled her close and kissed her.

  No matter her doubts, she would live with them.


  Ink poured the wine as Emily and Blaine took the seat at his table. One look at Blaine, and he no longer saw a club brother, but his woman’s father. It was strange how that had changed for him, and really quickly.

  Blaine had every right to hate him.

  Darcy was his little girl.

  You’re in love with her.

  You’re not doing anything wrong.

  “I was surprised to get an invite,” Emily said. “Especially as we’re the only ones here. Is this a special occasion?”

  “You could say that,” Darcy said. “Actually, there’s something Ink and I want to talk to you about.”

  Ink paused in opening the wine as Darcy stepped to the table. “First, I want to say that I know what you guys did. How you rented out my apartment and got me my job. Ink told me.”

  He kept his gaze on Darcy. She looked absolutely stunning in a dark blue dress and black flats. Part of him wondered if she’d dressed for his funeral, which he could imagine happening.

  The club brothers were all protective of their little girls, and he didn’t imagine for a second, Blaine being any different.

  “I also want to tell you that I’m not mad at you. Ink and I are also dating. Let’s eat.” Darcy rushed through the last bit and sat down as he brought over the wine.

  “Wait a minute, you’re not mad?” Emily asked.

  “Hold on, seriously, I don’t care that you’re not mad. Don’t for a second think you can rush over this thing with Ink. You two are together?”

  “Yes. Ink and I are a couple.”

  Ink took a seat beside Darcy and forced himself to look Blaine and Emily in the eye. “I love your daughter, and I’m going to do everything in my power to make her happy.”

  Darcy gave his hand a squeeze, and he didn’t think he’d need her support, but clearly, he really did.

  “Ink, a word.”

  “Dad, don’t. I mean it. Ink and I love each other, and we want to make this work.”

  “I also want to talk to the man who thinks he’s good enough for my daughter. A word, Ink, or I’m taking Darcy back home with me.”

  “I’m nineteen years old.”

  “You’re still my daughter, and I will do whatever I have to, to keep you safe.”

  “You were with Mom when she was younger than me.”

  “That’s your mom’s and my business, not yours, and you’re not in the same situation. Ink is a lot older than I was.”


  Ink gave her leg a squeeze. “It’s fine.” He kissed her temple, leaving her alone with her mother, while he followed Blaine into the bedroom.

  It was unusual for him to follow the other brother into a bedroom, but he was also braced to get hit.

  Tensing up, he waited for it, getting ready for when the blow would finally land.

  “I can’t let her go. I love her, and I’m not going to walk away.”

  Blaine shut the door. “When I was young, I fucked up big time. I nearly lost Emily and Darcy because I was a prick. A giant, fucking, waste-of-space prick.”

  Ink knew the story and had heard it told many times.

  “I love my little girl. Darcy, no matter how old she gets, will always be my daughter. I want the best for her.”

  “I know.”

  “I don’t know if you’re the best for her, but you’re who she loves. I’m not going to come between the two of you.”


  “You will shut the fuck up and listen to me. That girl has been through hell and back. She went through what no child living on this earth should ever have to go through. She also watched you walk away from her once, and I’m not a fool. I know she loved you then, and that love has only grown.”


  “I know why you left. Lash told me about it when it happened. I didn’t think you had to leave because of that. I get that she put you in an uncomfortable situation, and I thank you for not doing anything about it. You proved to me that you’re the perfect gentleman. I need you to clarify for me where you stand now.”

  “You mean the details of my sister dying of cancer?” he asked.

  “Yes. I’m so sorry for your loss and what you suffered. I couldn’t imagine losing Darcy. I don’t even want to think about it. You need to think long and hard right now, Ink. My daughter could get cancer again. She could be back in that hospital with a similar or worse diagnosis. Emily doesn’t want me to meddle. She wants our daughter to have fun, enjoy life, and I want that for her as well. But I know there’s a chance at the end of all of this, there could be heartbreak. Before my daughter gets dragged into this too far, you will need to make a choice. One that will benefit the both of you. If you can’t handle my daughter getting sick again, you need to leave. You n
eed to turn your back on her, and on the club. Go back to Piston County, and never fucking return. Or you stick it out. You fight with us all even in the worst-case scenario. I don’t want your answer now, but that’s me putting my cards on the table for you to understand why I’m hesitant to enjoy this.”

  Blaine left, not giving him a chance to talk or to explain.

  Sitting on the edge of the bed, Ink knew Blaine had a right to feel the way he did, and he couldn’t help but wonder if Darcy felt the same way.

  After he composed himself, he joined Darcy in entertaining their guests. He served up wine while Darcy dealt with the food. No one spoke about her cancer or him walking away like he did last time.

  Emily and Blaine loved their daughter, and he knew they were only looking out for her. He couldn’t blame them. He’d left because of Darcy, but it had also opened up those feelings he’d kept buried about his sister as well. He wasn’t going to run again. Darcy was an adult. A woman who could make her own decisions. He didn’t run because of his sister. She was merely an excuse to keep him away. The truth was, Darcy had scared him. She was fifteen, growing up into a beautiful woman, and had cancer. He didn’t want to risk rejecting her, or even worse, doing something he would regret, like giving her what she wanted.

  By the time they left and Darcy leaned against the door, smiling at him, he just wanted to make love to her.

  Stepping up to her, he pressed her against the door.

  “That went better than I thought it would.”

  He slammed his lips down on hers, silencing her, stopping any more talk, and just focusing on the now with her.

  He couldn’t think of anything happening to her, of never being able to hold or love her. Taking her hands above her head, he kissed down her body, sucking at the pulse in her neck.

  Lifting her up in his arms, he carried her through to his bedroom, stripping her out of her dress, quickly. He didn’t give her a chance to touch him as he removed his clothes. Pushing her to the bed, she wrapped her legs around him, and he moved between them, rocking as close to her as he could get.

  Touching her pussy, he felt how wet she was. He pushed two fingers inside her, stretching her, trying to make her even more ready for him.

  Drawing his fingers up to her clit, he stroked her, while kissing her. He didn’t want to stop kissing her lips. He was addicted to them, and they were driving him wild.

  Plunging his tongue into her mouth, he heard her moan, and felt how close she was to coming.

  Gripping his cock, using her lubrication on his length, he slid inside her, pushing his fingers against her clit to bring her to orgasm.

  The moment she did, her cunt tightened around him like a vise, and he groaned, pausing inside her as the pleasure was almost too much.

  “I love you, Darcy. So fucking much,” he said, between kisses.

  “Please, don’t leave me,” she said. “I love you too.”

  This made him pause.

  Breaking from the kiss, he stared down into her eyes, holding her face. “I’ll never leave you. Are you worried I will?”

  “No. I love you, and I know you love me.”

  “I’ll never leave. You own me, Darcy. This is not for the short term. This is long. You and me. I won’t ever leave you again.”


  “You shouldn’t be smoking,” Tabitha said, sneaking up on Anthony, who was hiding behind the back of the clubhouse with a cigarette.

  “You shouldn’t be sneaking out of school, but you still do, and no, I don’t tell anyone.”

  Tabitha smiled. “We’ve all got our secrets to keep.” She locked her fingers together and stretched out her knuckles.

  “Are you trying to tell me you know something?” Anthony asked.

  “I don’t know more than you, you know that.”

  “It’s late, and I’m bored. What is with the cryptic bullshit?”

  She giggled. This was why she liked Anthony. He rarely took any shit, but for the most part he was silent. He got most of his work done by being quiet. Rarely did he have to raise his voice or speak out of turn. She knew his secrets though, just as he knew hers.

  “You know they’re going down,” she said.

  Anthony smirked. “And here I thought we were talking about something else.”

  Ever since they had merged two high schools, they’d been in a war ground with another club. While those schools had remained separate, there hadn’t been any kind of war, but drawing them together, and every day they had to watch their back. Their parents didn’t know the true extent of the trouble that faced them every day, and she wasn’t going to be the one to tell them either.

  They were Skulls kids, and they could handle whatever bullshit was thrown their way. She wasn’t afraid of anyone, and never would be.

  “She’s got what is coming to her,” Tabitha said.

  “When does it go down?”

  “Friday night at the game.”

  The game wasn’t the Fort Wills football game but something different. They used it as a code so their parents never knew where they were or what they were doing.

  “You think you’re ready for that.”

  “I’m ready to take that bitch down.”

  Anthony smirked. “Then consider us all there.”

  Tabitha laughed, leaning against the brick wall, taking a long deep breath. Things were changing in Fort Wills, especially for them, and it was more important than ever to stick together.

  Chapter Fourteen

  “Tell me again why you’re nervous?” Ink asked.

  “Because, this is the first time we’re going to the clubhouse, and we’re, like, together. You know, a couple.”

  “I know, and I even get it, but why are you nervous?”

  “I care what people think. Are they going to hate me for sending you away and then stealing you back?”

  “First of all, you didn’t steal me away. I came willingly. Second, I love you, and there’s nowhere else I’d rather be than with you. Thirdly, I’m going to have to go on the road with the guys tonight.”

  Darcy sighed. “Again?”

  They’d been an official couple now for a month, and in all of that time, Ink had to go on random trips. She knew it was to help people, and she hated feeling selfish because other people really needed him. She was so proud of what he did, but moments like this, when she was alone, she couldn’t help but want him all to herself.

  “I know, baby. If you want, I can cancel, ask Lash to take someone else.”

  Then if something was to happen to whoever needed help, she would never forgive herself. “No, no, it’s fine. Honestly. You need to go and do what you need to do. I’ll be fine. I’m just being silly.”

  “I don’t think you’re being silly. I rather like this, how you’re missing me all the time.”

  She wrapped her arms around him. “I worry that you won’t come back.”

  “I told you I’m not leaving you again.”

  “I don’t mean that. I mean if something was to happen, I’d never forgive myself.” She cupped his face. “I love you so much.”

  He kissed her lips, and the passion she felt took her breath away. He had this way of holding her that made her believe the world was a safer place with him in it.

  “When I get back, we’re going to have a long weekend together. Take some days off from the library.”

  “Is that an order?” she asked.

  “Yes. I want a weekend of you, all of you.” He kissed her again and pressed his body against hers. She gripped his arms, wishing they were heading to the bedroom and not out of the apartment. “We better go before I end up ravishing you right here.”

  “I don’t mind a ravishing.”

  “I know, baby.” He kissed her again before he finally released her. “Come on. You’re far too tempting for me.”

  They rode down the elevator, and she watched the numbers change as they got down. When they got out, she moved toward his car, but he caught her wrist.

“No, I want my woman on the back of my bike.”

  “You want me to ride with you?”

  “Yep. We’ve not done this before, and I also want you to wear this.” He pulled a leather jacket from the hold all of the bike, and she was surprised to see it was a leather cut with the words, “Property of Ink” printed on the back.


  “I want every single guy to know you belong to me.”

  “Did you give this out to all the girls?” she asked, being coy, knowing the truth.

  “Nope. Just you. You’ll be the only one wearing my leather cut, and you know that. You just want to hear me say it.” He held the jacket open, and her heart beat a little faster. As she slid into the leather, the jacket smelled incredible. Pulling her hair, which had grown in length and was in fact getting quite long, she gave a little turn for Ink to have a look.

  “What do you think?”

  “I think your ass was made to sit on the back of my bike. You’ll be wearing that at the library.”

  “Please, there’s no way you’re jealous.”

  “I’ve seen the way some of those old guys look at you. I’m not taking my chances.”

  She burst out laughing, holding him close. “You say the nicest things.”

  “I say the right things.” He pulled out of her arms, straddling his bike. “Get on, baby. I want to take you out for a spin.”

  She climbed on the back of his bike, wrapping her arms around his waist, pressing her face against his back.

  “I forgot one thing.”

  “Don’t make me wear a helmet. Go slow, but please, let me feel the wind in my air.” During her three years in the hospital and being on the meds, she craved the outdoors and nature and feeling wind on the back of a motorcycle.

  “You got it, but I will be going slow.”

  She didn’t care.

  He pulled away from his parking space, and he wasn’t too slow. She was still able to tilt her head back and bask in the freedom and love of all that she had found with Ink. This was what their life should have always been about. This was what she’d dreamed with him, and to know it was happening now, it sent a thrill down her spine. She loved it.


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