Book Read Free


Page 8

by Jen Calonita

  “You know about the Stiltskin Squad too?” I ask.

  “Doesn’t everybody?” Jack plucks a daisy and rips off its flowers. “It’s his army. They do whatever he asks of them.”

  This is hard to admit, but Jack might be the only other person at this school who can understand what I’m going through. “My sister is a member,” I say quietly.

  He runs a hand through his short black hair. “I know.”

  I sit straight up. My heart starts to beat faster. “How do you know that?”

  “Anna Cobbler, right?” Jack asks. “I saw her with him. Back when he stole my mum and Milky Way. He called her by name. She’s the one”—his voice chokes up—“that handcuffed my mum.”

  My stomach begins to hurt. “She’s not evil,” I insist. “She’s just confused! He promised her so much, and she believes him. At least, she did before. I haven’t spoken to her, so I have no idea how she feels now.”

  “We have to find them,” says Jack, his breathing growing shallow. “Rescue them, talk sense into them. Do whatever it takes to get them away from Rumpelstiltskin. What are we waiting for?” He stands up quickly, and I grab his wrist.

  Something is holding me back. It’s like I can hear Jax’s voice in my head. It’s a wild-goose chase. “As much as I hate to admit it, Jax is right. We need more information before we bust out of here and try to find them. We have no clue where to look.”

  Jack sits back down. He grabs my hands and holds them tight. “Gilly, there is something I should mention about your sister…”

  I squeeze his hands. “Tell me.”

  “She might have gone with him willingly, but I don’t think she wants to stay in the squad anymore,” Jack whispers.

  “How do you know that?” I ask, scared to hear the answer.

  “Anna was the only one who fought back when Stiltskin wanted my mum,” Jack tells me. “She tried to stop him. It made me think she didn’t agree with his ways.”

  That’s the sister I remember, I think with pride. “Did he hurt her?” I ask.

  Jack shakes his head. “No, but he was mad. He said she’d pay for disagreeing with him.”

  My stomach begins to twist and turn. I can feel the anger bubbling up inside me.

  His brown eyes look at me sadly. “Don’t you see? It’s time we get them all out of there before it’s too late.”


  The Newest RLW

  So then I said to myself, ‘What would a princess do?’ And I knew immediately if I called to the songbirds, they’d fly to my tower window and bring me the pink scarf I dropped. And they did!”

  This is the story Raza is telling a group of rapt RLWs when Maxine and I walk into the meeting. A dozen girls in pink sashes are sitting on the floor listening as she tells her tale from the fluffy, pink armchair reserved for our club adviser, Rapunzel. The girls—and Ollie—are hanging on her every word.

  “I actually saw the scarf fall,” Ollie brags, his RLW sash flashing the word lad in bright-yellow letters.

  “See?” Raza says brightly, giving Tessa a sharp look. “My story is true.”

  “So I grabbed a magic carpet and raced up to deliver it,” Ollie adds.

  “No,” Raza says sharply. “A songbird brought it up. We have a connection since my magical fairy pet is a flier as well.”

  “Your fairy pet is a bat,” Tessa points out, and a few girls gasp.

  “It has wings,” Raza sneers. “Same difference.” She looks at Ollie. “And the bird brought it to me. Not you.” Ollie opens his mouth to protest. “Anyway,” Raza says loudly, “I clearly have princess talents since a songbird flew to my vicinity when I was in need.”

  I roll my eyes. “Why do I have to stay in this club again?”

  Maxine puts a meaty arm around me. “So we can hang out together more.”

  “We’re already roommates.”

  “But this is the only club I’m in with you! You know I can’t do fencing with these hands.” She motions to her large fingers. “I can barely grasp the sword. And you’d be pretty bad at Castle Storming. It requires major upper-body strength.”

  I nod. The last thing on my mind right now is clubs. All I can think about is what Jack said about Anna. She’s good! I knew she was! And she wants to get away from Rumpelstiltskin. Now that I know that, I have to get to her. I’m dying to tell Maxine what Jack said, but I’m not sure she’ll believe him. I know Jax wouldn’t.

  “What’s wrong?” Maxine asks, her brow crinkling. “Are you thinking about Rumpelstiltskin again?” I hear a chorus of gasps.

  “Maxine?” Tessa marches up to us, her uniform skirt unusually swishy and large, and whispers so that only we can hear. “Could you please not mention the former headmaster who tried to corrupt our entire school in the RLWs’ presence? You know how much it upsets us.”

  I roll my eyes. “That’s ridiculous! We can’t pretend it didn’t happen! We lost two RLWs to that evil troll.” I stand up and stare at the others. “Finding that trickster is way more important than picking out towels for the bathrooms. Students are just going to steal them anyway!” There are more gasps and Tessa narrows her eyes at me, but I don’t care. Jack stirred something inside me that I can’t deny anymore. I might be the only one who can help my sister.

  Maxine tries to steer me away from the line of fire. “You’re cranky, and when I’m cranky, a snack always helps.” She offers me a plate of pink cookies, but I shake my head. Ollie walks over and pours me a glass of pink lemonade. That I take, gulping it loudly.

  “Feel better?” Raza asks, surveying me unkindly. “Good. Now I understand you miss your sister. We miss the RLWs we lost too, but crying over them into a cloth napkin is so uncivilized!” She whips out an embroidered handkerchief. “If we must cry, it should be into one of these, which the club lovingly embroidered at our last meeting. The RLWs have spent a great deal of time hand-stitching handkerchiefs with the letters FTRS, and I think it’s done a lot to lift everyone’s mood. Just because we go to a reform school is no reason for our bathrooms to be anything but beautiful.”

  The other members agree.

  “We should all do our parts to make sure they aren’t stolen.” Raza looks directly at me with her beady goblin eyes.

  “Raza? Can I just say, I love the fresh flowers we’ve added to the bathrooms,” Maxine gushes.

  “Me too,” adds Ollie. “The flowers mask the fart smell in the boys’ bathrooms.”

  Raza ignores his remark. “Tessa has been putting fresh flowers in the bathrooms for weeks. Millie and Maxine have been adding baskets of fresh potpourri. Ollie is tackling the boys’ rooms. Maxine even donated some jewelry for girls to liven up their bland school uniforms.” She crosses her arms and looks at me. “What have you been doing, Gilly?”

  “Helping me,” a sweet voice says.

  AG is standing in the doorway. She curtsies, and everyone rises fast to curtsy to the actual princess in our midst.

  “Gilly’s been so busy helping me to settle in and understand my coursework that she hasn’t had much time for bathroom duty,” says AG, a small smile playing on her lips.

  She’s making a joke! And I’m in on it. This AG might not be as shy as I think.

  “Exactly,” I say solemnly. “I’ve become the princess’s unofficial school tour guide.”

  “Is this the Royal Ladies-in-Waiting meeting?” AG asks, looking at the pink wallpaper, pink chandelier, and pink chairs, tablecloths, and curtains. “Or do you all just like to hang out in a very pink room?”

  “Yes,” says Tessa. She looks at Raza so quickly I could blink and miss it. “But it’s a club for members who aspire to help royals, not actual royals. I don’t think you would like it much, being a royal and all.”

  “Really? Raz invited me.” AG walks in farther. “Wow, there really is a lot of pink in here. Who decorated this room?”

  “Me,” Tessa says fiercely. “It follows the RLW code. Pink is a princess’s favorite color.”

  “Not all princesses,” AG points out. “I prefer blue.”

  I am loving this.

  Raza stammers. “Well, it’s a favorite of the princesses that we serve. Maybe your kingdom is different.”

  “AG, you made it!” Rapunzel sweeps into the room in a lilac dress, carrying a basket of teacups. She gives her goddaughter a kiss on the cheek. Tessa looks like her head might explode. “Everyone, I take it you’ve met AG. She’s going to be joining the RLWs.”

  Raza clears her throat. “Rapunzel? I thought the club was just for those who wanted to serve the royals. Can a royal serve herself?” Many RLWs nod.

  “We let boys in this year, didn’t we?” Rapunzel replies, and Ollie waves to the room as a reminder. “I see no reason why royals can’t join us if their goal is to help change the kingdom. And AG knows what it means to make a change more than most of us.”

  “No, I don’t!” AG blurts out. Her voice is frightened. “I haven’t changed one bit! Have I?”

  Rapunzel touches AG’s hand. “I meant change as in moving, dear. You made a huge change when your family moved to a new kingdom, no?”

  AG smiles with relief. “Right. Of course. I knew what you meant.” She looks down at her hands.

  How strange. I glance at Maxine, who is busy trying to swat a fly away with her hand.

  “But back to today’s task: we will focus on tea service.” Rapunzel gestures for us to take a seat at the long, pink table. She takes teacups out of her basket and places one in front of each girl. “How does one serve tea? Properly pour tea? And how does an RLW create the perfect garden party?”

  Millie gasps. “Tell me we’re having a tea party! Tell me we’re having any kind of party.”

  Collectively, the RLWs look at Rapunzel, who grins. “Yes. We are having a tea party!” The girls squeal. “One to welcome our newest Fairy Tale Reform School family, Prince Sebastian, Princess Beauty, and their daughter, our very own AG, who is now an official member of the RLWs!”

  Rapunzel places an RLW sash over AG’s head. We applaud as AG blushes. All of us but Tessa and Raza. Tessa’s green-hued skin actually turns greener when Rapunzel asks AG to sit next to her. Suddenly, the pair of them are up and trying to get people to switch seats so they can be by AG.

  “I want you all to take a few minutes to jot down party ideas with those around you. Think about what the perfect welcome party for our prince and princess would be,” Rapunzel says. “We don’t have much time to plan, I’m afraid. The royal court has next weekend available, so the headmistress has granted us permission to host the party then.”

  “One week?” Tessa cries. “There’s no way we can get a suitable band to play on such short notice. Gnome-More books up months in advance. And how will we have time to order fine tablecloths and china?”

  “No worries,” AG interrupts. “Raz and I are going to her castle this weekend to pick out some for us to borrow. We’ll bring back everything we need.”

  “Just the two of you?” Tessa says weakly, and AG nods. “I usually pick out linens for the group. I could come. It will be too much to carry them all yourself.”

  “You’re too kind, Tessa, but that’s what the Pegasus coach is for,” Rapunzel says.

  “What about a menu?” Tessa sounds desperate as she consults her scroll. “Little Miss Muffet’s Bakery is so hot right now. She could do little quiches and tea sandwiches and—”

  “We’re using Pattycakes,” Rapunzel says. “AG went there with her mother and said they make the best cinnamon rolls for dessert. We’ve also decided to skip the tea sandwiches. They’re pretty, but no one eats them.”

  “Fried chicken is the perfect picnic food,” AG says, and a few RLWs nod.

  “I love fried chicken,” says Maxine, licking her lips.

  “Fried chicken?” Raza pouts. “But we have to eat it with our hands.”

  “Exactly!” Rapunzel cheers. “Headmistress Flora loves AG’s ideas of making the party feel fun rather than stuffy. There will be outdoor games and magic carpet racing and dancing too.”

  Tessa stares at AG with a look bordering on contempt. “Sounds like you two already planned everything. I’m surprised we even needed an RLW meeting today.”

  AG frowns. “I didn’t mean to step on anyone’s toes.”

  “Nonsense,” Rapunzel says. “There’s still plenty for all the RLWs to do.”

  “We were thinking there could be a big tent, in case it rains, with picnic blankets scattered underneath containing picnic baskets with food,” AG tells us. Everyone starts to get excited.

  “This sounds like a great picnic,” I agree. “It’s not stuffy at all. Other than the tea.” Tessa’s frown deepens, which I love.

  “Are you saying we’re going to serve tea to royals sitting on the ground?” Raza looks horrified.

  “Yes,” Rapunzel says as if this part should be obvious. “Tea is still the perfect ending to any royal meal.” AG nods. Raz places a stack of white napkins in front of us. “As are pretty napkins. Still a royal must.” Tessa claps excitedly. “Why don’t you work on turning these into a festive shape. We have over two hundred to do for next weekend, so we might as well get started. AG and I have actual tea with her mother this afternoon, so we may have to leave early.”

  Rapunzel drops a napkin in front of me, and I start to hack.

  “Lavender scented,” she says. “Gives the napkins a little something extra.” She smiles at me cheekily. She knows I hate this stuff.

  “I’m really good at folding napkins,” says Tessa, folding a napkin in thirds.

  “She is,” Raza seconds, taking a napkin of her own. Tessa swipes it so that she has two.

  “I won the RLW napkin-folding contest last spring and a golden napkin award from Princess Rose. It’s hanging in my room.”

  I snort. “There’s a golden napkin award?”

  Ollie nudges me. “Don’t make fun. I’m going for it this year.” I stare at him worriedly, and he winks.

  “Swans are so over,” Tessa adds, eyeing AG’s design. “Last year, my napkin was folded into a rose just beginning to bloom, and this year I’m thinking of making it a book with pages in honor of Princess Beauty.”

  “Lovely,” Raza and Millie second.

  Ollie makes his look like a pirate sail. Maxine’s tongue is hanging out as she tries to fold her napkin like a square. I get frustrated and roll mine into a ball. AG quietly keeps working.

  “AG!” Rapunzel cries, rushing over to see what AG created. One napkin is shaped like a braid, like Rapunzel’s long hair; another is shaped like an apple for the Evil Queen; and the third is somehow transformed into a wolf or some sort of hairy animal. Maybe her dad? “Those are stunning! Everyone look at Allison Grace’s napkins! These are the epitome of grace and beauty. AG? Why don’t you teach us your style, and we’ll copy it for the tea.” She walks to the other end of the table to discuss silverware.

  Tessa smiles at AG. “Wow, aren’t you the perfect RLW already! We’re lucky you joined.”

  “We are?” Raza says, and I hear what sounds like someone’s foot being stomped on. “I thought she was making us mad.”

  This can’t be good.

  “I’m just trying to help,” AG says, scratching her neck suddenly. She starts to scratch her hands too.

  “Ignore them. They’re a little too into being RLWs,” I tell AG. “And napkin folding.”

  “And that is why you don’t belong in this group, Gilly,” Tessa snaps. “Napkins are important! AG could tell you that. She’s a real princess. As a matter of fact, maybe we should start serving her as well.” She stands up and bows to AG, who gapes.

  “Tessa, you don’t have to bow,” AG says, scratching her right elbow. She’s scratching so hard she�
�s starting to make a red mark and her eyes are brimming with tears. “I just want to be part of the club. I’ve never been in a club before. That’s all.”

  “Part of the club or president?” Tessa rips off her RLW president button. “Maybe you want this too.” She tosses it across the table to AG.

  “That’s enough, Tessa,” I say, but Tessa isn’t looking at me. Her face has changed, and she suddenly looks concerned. She points to AG, but no words come out of her mouth.

  “What’s happening to your arm?” Tessa asks.

  We all turn to AG, who looks down in horror. Her pale arm is suddenly growing hair at an alarming rate, almost as if… AG slaps her arm hard and the hair recedes for a split second, then starts to grow back.

  “It’s happening to your other arm now too,” Raza points out.

  AG laughs awkwardly. “Must have been that planting spell I tried in Fern Woodland’s class. I should go talk to her. If you excuse me…” With a curtsy, she exits quickly.

  “What was that about?” Maxine asks.

  “I don’t know.” All I know is that AG’s clearly upset. “If you’ll excuse me.” I motion to Maxine. “Come on.”

  By the time we get out of the classroom, AG is long gone and the hall is empty. Before we can figure out which way to go, we hear a growl.

  “It came from this way!” Maxine points to a hallway to her right. We hurry down it, and a creature galloping on all fours rushes past us. It’s wearing our school uniform.


  The creature bursts through an exit leading to the Pegasus stables. We quickly follow, stopping short when we reach the Pegasus corrals. The Pegasi have flattened themselves against the barn wall. Now I see why: a half-girl half-beast is cowering in the opposite corner.

  Allison Grace’s hands are covered in dark-brown fur. Her head has sprouted horns, and her back is hunched and twice its normal size, shredding what remains of her uniform jumper. Her eyes are now yellow, and fur has taken over her cheeks and chin. She opens her mouth, revealing sharp fangs. AG lets out a growl so deep I could swear I’m standing in front of Professor Wolfington.


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