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Return of the Demon Lord Durbheeksh

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by Utkarsh Srivastava

  One serpent warrior stood up from his seat, 'A hope…, what kind of hope, Yo majesty?'

  'There is a divine axe embedded in our temple, below the statue of Dev Sheshnaag. It is the weapon, received as a boon by my son Yugandhar from our Kuldev. So, the warrior who lifts up that Axe, will be our leader.' Kanishka declared.

  'We all are agree with you, Yo majesty.' One Serpent warrior stood up and supported the queen.

  'Our leader will surely return…...' Another serpent warrior raised his weapon and supported Queen Kanishka.

  'To destroy the evils, and for the rise of the serpents. Har Har Mahadev….' The queen of serpents Kanishka, raised her sword and declared.

  'Har Har Mahadev…..' All the legendary warriors of serpent's race supported their queen, with their loud roaring voices.

  While in the front of the palace of Vidarbh, Vakrbaahu was narrating the tale of the past of the Demon King Markesh. But soon one maid came there and interrupted.

  'The condition of queen Vaishali is very critical, Mahabali Akhand. Vaidyraj is saying that, she doesn't have a reason to live, so she doesn't want to survive anymore. This situation is creating so much complication in her treatment, and it is getting very difficult to save her.'

  Tejasvi turned towards Akhand, 'First we should try to save your mother, elder. She thinks that you are not alive, perhaps that's why she thinks that she don't have any reason to live. Now only you can save your mother's life.'

  'Of course, that's my first priority. Take me to her room, she should know that I am still alive. Vakrbaahu, you wait for us.' Akhand rushed to save her mother's life.

  'Sure Akhand.' Vakrbaahu replied to him.

  Soon Akhand and Tejasvi reached Vaishali's room. Akhand was stunned to see the condition of his mother. Slowly, he stepped towards his mother and came near to her. He touched her hands, to make her feel that his one son is still alive.

  The hands of Vaishali began to shiver, she opened her eyes for a while and looked towards Akhand.

  'The battle has come to the end, and I am still alive mother.' Akhand looked into his mother's eyes.

  'Akhand, my son…' Vaishali tried to talk to her son, but soon she fainted.

  'Now there is a hope Mahabali Akhand, there is a hope. We can save your mother, I request you to go from here.' There was a ray of hope for Vaishali, which could be clearly seen in the eyes of Vaidyraj.

  'Sure Vaidyraj, I want my mother alive anyhow.' Akhand stared at Vaidyraj.

  'I am trying my best, Prince. You don't worry, your mother will not die, because you have given her a reason to live.'

  Akhand was quite satisfied with those words of Vaidyraj.

  'Queen Vaishali will be safe. Vaidyraj is capable enough to save her, now it's time to we move to Vakrbaahu. We need to know the secrets of the past, the past of which we are still unaware. I am dying to know. Let's go elder.' Tejasvi was eager to know the secret, which was to be revealed by Vakrbaahu.

  'Ok fine, let's go. Even I can't wait, I want to know what Vakrbaahu has to say.'

  Akhand and Tejasvi left that place, soon they reached outside the palace where Vakrbaahu was waiting for them.

  'Now tell me the whole story, I want to listen.' Akhand was eager to know the secrets of past.

  'Yes Vakrbaahu, we want to know.' Tejasvi asked.

  'I will narrate you the whole story, but before that you should know about all three of us i.e. me, Sage Omeshwar and Markesh the Demon King who was earlier called as 'Dushal-the fierce warrior', the first warrior who defeated me in a duel.' Vakrbaahu continued narrating the story of past.

  Vakrbaahu will tell only those things that he might have seen. But to know about the whole story, let's go 63 years back.

  'Ekchakranagari', a kingdom owned by 'King Yayati', Sage Omeshwar was the chief mentor of that kingdom. But Omeshwar was a stroller by nature, he use to travel around the whole Aaryavart along with his disciple 'Vakrbaahu'. He can't stay at a place for more than few days.

  On the day he returned to Ekchakranagari, he chosen his cottage rather than the palace of the king to take rest. He was sleeping on his bed in his cottage, and was having leg massage from his disciple Vakrbaahu. After sometime he opened his eyes and looked over Vakbaahu. He stood up from the bed staring at him.

  'What happened Gurudev?' Vakrbaahu was confused because of this sudden break in the sleep of his mentor.

  'Nothing much Vakrbaahu, but I want to know one thing. Do you really respect me?' Sage Omeshwar looked over Vakrbaahu.

  'Of course, Gurudev. I respect you a lot, from the depth of my heart.' Vakrbaahu was astonished to listen those words of his mentor.

  'Since many days I am noticing you, you have lot of questions in your eyes. Your training and education is complete, Vakrbaahu. Now you can sort out every problem of yours with me. And if you respect me, it's my order that you get rid of all your confusions.'

  'You caught me, Gurudev. You are right, I have lot of questions in my mind.' Vakrbaahu stood up, his face was appearing to throw lot of questions.

  'Then for what are you waiting for?' Sage Omeshwar asked him.

  'I just want to know the reason of my birth, the reason of my immense strength. The aim of my life, what is the aim of my life? For what I have been blessed with so much of strength and capabilities.'

  'That's the boon of Lord Shiva to you Vakrbaahu. I can't say anything about it. But there must be some reason behind this.' Sage Omeshwar explained.

  'I need to find a warrior who could compete me. Is this world having a warrior who could ever dominate over my strength, Gurudev?'

  'Control your vanity, Vakrbaahu. I am warning you, this is the nature of the Asuras i.e. Pride, vanity. And I think that these symptoms have started rising in your soul.' Sage Omeshwar stood from his bed, his eyes were filled with flames.

  'I am sorry, Gurudev. It was my mistake, I have crossed the limits in the pride of my strength. Please forgive me.' Vakrbaahu laid down and joined his hands in front of his mentor.

  Sage Omeshwar calmed down up to some extent. He looked over Vakrbaahu, he was feeling guilty of his words. He brought him up and said.

  'You have immense strength Vakrbaahu, but the strength is not always useful in duel or a war. Any skillful warrior could dominate you, if you will not use your mind while fighting. Everything in this world is meant for a cause, may be your boon by Lord Shiva will work for some cause.' Sage Omeshwar tried to convince his disciple.

  Suddenly one Brahmin disciple of Sage Omeshwar 'Sage Prajapati' entered in the room. He appeared to be too much disturbed.

  'What happened Prajapati? Why you are so disturbed?' Sage Omeshwar asked him, as he was astonished to see his condition.

  'Dus..ha.l, Dushal.' Prajapati was too much tired, he appeared to be breathless.

  'Dushal…., are you talking about the Demon King? Why you are so much worried?' Sage Omeshwar asked him.

  'One of the most fierce warriors of the demon's race, 'Dushal' who recently ascended on the throne of the Patallok, is about to attack Ekchakranagari.' Prajapati informed him.

  'Dushal, the scion of Lord Mahabali. How can he do that? This is not possible. The demons who are the scions of Bali are devotees of Lord Vishnu. They believe in peace, not in war. Are you sure, Prajapati?' Sage Omeshwar was astonished.

  'I am very sure, Gurudev. I heard that, at just the age of 21, he has great skills in archery, and he is a great swordsman and a wrestler too.' Prajapati narrated about the skills of the Demon King.

  'I am getting you Prajapati.' Sage Omeshwar turned towards Vakrbaahu and looked at him proudly.

  'You were having lot of questions in your mind Vakrbaahu, the answer to your first question is now in front of you.'

  'The first answer. I didn't get you Gurudev, please elaborate.' Vakrbaahu joined his hands in front of his mentor.

  'The time has come Vakrbaahu. The Demon King Dushal is overrating himself, you have to put down his ego. This is the test of your strength Vakrbaahu, may be you'll get
the motive of your life from here. This is the beginning of your journey, you have to destroy the ego of the Demon King.' Sage Omeshwar looked at his disciple proudly, and kept his hands on his shoulder.

  'I am glad to receive this chance, Gurudev. And I will not let you down.' Vakrbaahu joined his hands in front of his mentor, and touched his feet.

  'Let's go Vakrbaahu, we have to stop the Demon King.' Sage Omeshwar commanded his disciple.

  They both set out for the journey of Patallok, to stop the Demon King.

  'Prajapati' was staring at them continuously while they both were going. After they disappeared, that disciple of Sage Omeshwar 'Prajapati' smiled and impersonated himself as Sage Omeshwar. He smiled again. Who was this person? May be a danger was stepping towards 'Ekchakranagri'.

  Soon the person who impersonated himself as Sage Omeshwar, stepped towards the palace of 'Ekchakranagari'. Within a prahar he was in front of the King of Ekchakranagari, 'King Yayati'. The King ascended on his throne welcomed him, he thought that he is only Sage Omeshwar. He laid down and touched his feet.

  'I am glad to see you here, Sage.' King Yayati joined his hands in front of him.

  'When your wife is going to give birth to a baby boy?' That person who impersonated himself as Omeshwar asked the King.

  'You know it very well, sage, that my wife is about to deliver a baby within a week or ten days. But why you are asking such a question?' Yayati stared at his mentor doubtfully.

  'Because this child is very precious to the whole mankind.'

  'I know sage, that's why I am taking special care for his birth. According to your boon, my son will be as skillfull warrior as you, and because of your blessings only, he will be having the divine power of five elements by birth. The powers which you have gained after years of meditation'.

  'I know it very well King Yayati, that's why I have brought one thing for your child.' Omeshwar picked a fruit from his bag and given to King Yayati.

  'What is this, sage?' Yayati was amazed.

  'This is a divine fruit, which will make your son more powerful. Give it to your wife before your son takes the birth.'

  'Sure Sage, my wife will have it today itself. Just have your seat, it will be my pleasure to serve you.'

  'No…no, King Yayati, I am getting late. I have to leave now.' That person, which appeared as Sage Omeshwar wants to leave as soon as possible.

  'As you wish sage. I know that, noone can ever violate your words. If you want to leave, no one can stop you.' King Yayati joined his hands in front of him.

  It was hard to predict what was going on in that palace, and what was the actual motive of that person impersonated as Sage Omeshwar?

  While on the other side, Sage Omeshwar and Vakrbaahu were on the way to Patallok. Soon a guard noticed them coming. He rushed to inform his king.

  'My lord, one muscular demon and one Brahmin are coming towards our palace.' That demon guard informed his King 'Dushal' (The Demon King).

  The Demon King Dushal stood up from his throne, and thought deeply, 'A sage with a demon, what could be the reason? Why they are coming here, in Patallok?' While he was in deep thoughts, a roaring sound challenged him.

  'Demon King Dushal, come out, and accept my challenge of a duel war.' Vakrbaahu was roaring at the door of the palace.

  Soon Dushal was in front of the Sage Omeshwar and Vakrbaahu. He joined his hands in front of Sage and asked, 'Who are you, sage? And why you have come here?'

  Before Sage Omeshwar could say anything, Vakrbaahu smiled and challenged him again. 'Dushal, the Demon King, heard lot about you. Let me test your strength, are you capable enough to ascend the throne of the Demon King or not.'

  'Firstly, introduce yourself, and tell me the reason, for which you have come here. Do you want to capture my throne?' Dushal confronted Vakrbaahu.

  Vakrbaahu laughed at Dushal and taunted him 'It seems that, the great Demon King is getting afraid of defeat.'

  'Don't overrate yourself, whoever you are? It seems that you have immense strength, but strength not always work my friend.' Dushal warned Vakrbaahu.

  Sage Omehswar stepped forward, and kept his hands on the shoulder of his disciple. 'This is not you, it's your fear Dushal. You very well know that, you can't even stand till a prahar in front of my disciple 'Vakrbaahu'.' (You need to learn a lesson Vakrbaahu, and the defeat in this duel will teach you a lot) while confronting Dushal, Sage Omeshwar was staring at Vakrbaahu.

  'I was not expecting such type of words from you sage.' Dushal stared at Sage Omeshwar.

  'It's not the matter of words Demon King. I am very well aware of the result of this duel. I just want that, the winner should get the glory, and the one who lose should learn the lesson.' Sage Omeshwar was staring at his disciple, but Vakrbaahu didn't noticed that.

  Dushal was in great confusion, he was unable to predict that what Sage Omeshwar actually wants.

  At the next moment only, Vakrbaahu challenged him. 'What are you waiting for, Dushal? I think you are the biggest coward of this world, I am challenging you since half of aprahar, and you are still mute.' Vakrbaahu taunted at Dushal.

  'Enough Vakrbaahu….' Dushal roared at Vakrbaaahu.

  'You have not challenged me, you have challenged the whole demon's race. I am the scion of Lord Mahabali, I don't believe in violence. But today you have forced me to use my war skills. If you want the show off of my strength, then I am ready to do so.' Dushal shouted at Vakrbaahu.

  'Then what are you waiting for? Come let's fight. This duel will only decide, that who is the best.' Vakrbaahu roared beating his chest.

  Dushal jumped up in air about fifteen yards, Vakrbaahu jumped too. Both the legends collided in air and pushed each other. Both the warriors fell on the ground.

  They both stood up again, and rushed towards each other. The duel among them started again. Two prahars passed, but the decision was still pending. Vakrbaahu wants to grip the Demon King's waist, but he was unable to overcome the agility of the Demon King.

  While Dushal was in search of any weak vein of Vakrbaahu. The duel lasted two more prahars, and finally Dushal got a weak vein of Vakrbaahu. He applied tremendous pressure on a weak vein of his shoulder, due to which upper body of Vakrbaahu turned numb for few moments. The Demon King Dushal took full advantage of this time and pushed Vakrbaahu on the ground. At the very next moment, he pressed Vakrbaahu's chest with his right leg. Now Vakrbaahu was unable to resist, as one leg of Dushal was on his chest, his one hand was pressed by his left feet and another hand was pressed by Dushal's elbow. Vakrbaahu was totally helpless, he was unable to move even a little bit.

  'Now tell me the reason, why you have come here?' Dushal want to know the reason of their arrival.

  While Vakrbaahu turned and looked over his mentor, 'Gurudev, what are you waiting for? You can easily defeat this Dushal. Then why you are not doing so?'

  Dushal stood up, he left Vakrbaahu lying on the ground. He stared at Sage Omeshwar and joined his hands in front of him, 'Don't force me, sage. You are a Brahmin, so I don't want to raise my weapons in front of you.'

  'I will not put you in this dilemma, Demon King Dushal. Because I know that you are one of the example of idealism. You are the true scion of your ancestor Lord Mahabali.' Sage Omeshwar smiled while looking at Dushal.

  Listening this Vakrbaahu stood up from the ground, he was astonished by the words of his mentor, 'What are you saying, Gurudev? Your most trusted informer as well as disciple Prajapati has informed us, that this Demon King Dushal was about to attack on 'Ekchakranagari'. We have come here to stop him, and now you are praising him, why?'


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