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Return of the Demon Lord Durbheeksh

Page 4

by Utkarsh Srivastava

  Sage Omeshwar called his disciple Prajapati to bring that child. Thereafter, he took that child and stared at him, he was hiding his expressions, 'His name will be 'Surjan', and he will be a great warrior in future.' He then turned towards King Yayati.

  'I am leaving for Vidarbh. But I must tell you, you should keep one most important thing in your mind. Never let your son to work with any wrong people, he should not have any wrong or evil company. Otherwise, the result could be hazardous.' Sage Omeshwar warned him strictly. King Yayati agreed.

  Thereafter, Sage Omeshwar left for his journey to Vidarbh. After the journey of three days, he reached the kingdom of Vidarbh.

  'My lord, the great Sage Omeshwar has reached our palace. He wants to meet you.' One guard came inside the court of Vidarbh and informed his King 'Bhabhuti', who was ascended on a higher throne.

  'The great Sage Omeshwar, after so long.' King Bhabhuti was in deep thought, as he was not expecting his arrival.

  'What's your command, my lord?' That guard was waiting for the order.

  'Ya.. ya, of course… bring him in. And make sure, he should have a warm welcome.' King Bhabhuti was not able to command properly, as he was in deep thoughts.

  'What could be the reason of his arrival?' King Bhabhuti was still in deep thoughts.

  Sage Omeshwar entered in the court. King Yayati stepped down from his throne and came nearer to him, 'Tell me, sage. How can we serve you?'

  'I want to talk to you, aal alone.' Sage Omeshwar requested the King.

  'Sure, Sage. Come with me.'

  Soon King Bhabhuti and Sage Omeshwar were in a room. No one else was there.

  'So tell me, Sage. How can I serve you?' King Bhabhuti asked him respectfully.

  'I have come to know that you are going to be a father very soon, King.' Sage Omeshwar wants confirm the news of what he heard about.

  'You are right, sage. I think, it will take almost three months.' King Bhabhuti replied.

  Sage Omeshwar picked up a fruit from his bag, and instructed the King, 'Tell your wife to eat this fruit. Also you have to take special care of your child.'

  'But.., is there anything wrong?' King Bhabhuti was in hesitation while asking.

  'I know you are not so much familiar with me, but believe me, I am not doing anything wrong.'

  'No, No Sage. I have complete faith on you.'

  'Then follow my instructions as I say.'

  'Sure Sage.'

  'Please don't send your son to Gurukul, until my instructions for higher studies.'

  'But.. Sage.' King Bhabhuti was looking quite unsatisfied.

  'Don't worry about his education. I have called one of the greatest warrior among the Brahmins for your son. He is the disciple of Lord Parshuram.'

  'The disciple of Lord Parshuram, for my son. I am very much honored Sage, my son is really very lucky. Who is the one? I want to meet him.' King Bhabhuti was delighted.

  'He'll be reaching here very soon. Even I am also eager to see him.' Sage Omeshwar smiled.

  Sage Omeshwar and King Bhabhuti waited for a long time.

  Two prahars passed, One Brahmin with well built muscular body and enlightening face arrives at the main gate of the palace, he was having a bow in his hand. The guards were astonished to see him, one of them stepped towards him.

  'Who are you Sage, and why you are looking here and there?'

  'I am looking for Sage Omeshwar, he has called me here. I want to meet him as soon as possible.' That Brahmin replied.

  'Sorry to say sage, but King Bhabhuti is busy in a meeting with him. And he has strictly commanded us, that he should not be disturbed.' The guard tried to explain.

  'Sage Omeshwar has commanded me to meet him before the fourth prahar passes, so I cannot stop. I have to meet him.' Thay Brahmin said in heavy voice.

  'We cannot violate the royal order. So if you have to step forward, you would have to test the strength of my sword.' That guard was annoyed and pulled out a sword.

  'You are wasting my time.' That Brahmin grabbed his sword from the left hand, and at the next moment only that guard was on the floor through the hard smash of the punch of that Brahmin. He lost his consciousness.

  Another guard standing over there, rushed towards the palace. He went to 'Mahendra' (the army chief of Vidarbh) and informed him.

  'My lord, one Brahmin is entering in the palace violating the royal order.'

  The army chief Mahendra was annoyed, he tightened his grip on his sword, 'Let's see, who is that daring Brahmin.'

  That Brahmin entered the gate of the palace, and was walking towards the door. But Mahendra blocks his path.

  'Just wait, sage. Please tell me the reason of coming here.'

  'I have to meet Sage Omeshwar, before the sunset. I have received a message, that he can't meet me after the sunset, and the fourth prahar of the day is about to pass. So, just leave my path.' That Brahmin was quite eager.

  'Sorry to say sage, but we have strict orders. Sage Omeshwar is busy in meeting with our King Bhabhuti, and until they finish their meeting, we can't disturb them.' Mahendra said politely.

  'But Sage Omeshwar has sent me a message, that I should surely meet him before the sunset. So just leave my path.'

  'Stop it Sage, I don't want to raise my weapon in front of a Brahmin.' Mahendra tried to warn that Brahmin.

  'Just get out of my way.' That Brahmin pushed Mahendra, he fell on the floor.

  The guards of the palace begin to surround that Brahmin.

  'Stop soldiers, no one will come in between.' Mahendra commanded his troops.

  That Brahmin turned towards Mahendra, he smiled. Mahendra stood up from the floor and stared at that Brahmin.

  He rushed towards that Brahmin, both of them collided. Within few moments, that Brahmin was on the floor. He again stood from the floor and smiled.

  'I thought you were just wasting my time, but that was my mistake. I underestimated you, but I will not repeat this blunder again. Come on, let's fight.' That Brahmin challenged Mahendra.

  Mahendra again rushed towards that Brahmin and jumped on him. That Brahmin pushed him back on the floor. He stood up and rushed to attack again, but this time that Brahmin made light blow on his shoulder.

  His shoulder was stiffed, and he was unable to move is hand.

  'I think that's sufficient for you.' That Brahmin smiled at Mahendra.

  This annoyed Mahendra, he pulled out the sword from his left hand and rushed towards that Brahmin.

  'Stop it Mahendra, that's enough.' The voice command of King Bhabhuti stopped Mahendra.

  Sage Omeshwar was with the King. That Brahmin and Mahendra turned towards them.

  'That was just a small test for you. That's why I have given you an ultimatum of meeting me before the sun sets.' Sage Omeshwar smiled at that Brahmin.

  'You were right, sage, he is an ultimate warrior. 'Mahendra' the army chief of Vidarbh is one among the great warriors of Aaryavart, and he has defeated him so easily.' King Bhabhuti was feeling proud.

  'You should introduce yourself, sage.' Sage Omeshwar stared at that Brahmin.

  'I am disciple of Lord Parshuram, Kapish is my name.' That Brahmin joined his hands in front of King Bhabhuti and Sage Omeshwar.

  He then turned towards Mahendra, 'Don't worry, this is a minor injury. It will be automatically healed within a prahar.'

  Mahendra smiled, 'It's okay, sage. I am fine.'

  Sage Omeshwar came nearer to Kapish, 'I have called you here for a reason, Kapish. You have to take a big responsibility.'

  'I will be honoured, if I could work for you.' Sage Kapish replied.

  'Stay here for some months, until the wife of King Bhabhuti give birth to a child.'

  King Bhabhuti came forward and joined his hands in front of Sage Kapish, 'Heard lot of things about you. I will be honoured, if you accept the post of chief mentor of Vidarbh.'

  Kapish looked over Sage Omeshwar, he indicated him the positive sign.

  'It's my pleasure, King. I accept th
e post of chief mentor.' Kapish replied.

  After this, Sage Kapish and King Bhahuti went inside the palace. But Sage Omeshwar was stroller by nature, he can't stay on one place for much time, so he left. King Bhabhuti gives the divine (given by Sage Omeshwar) fruit to his wife to eat.

  Three months passed, wife of King Bhabhuti gave birth to a baby boy. Sage Omeshwar reaches the palace of Vidarbh, as soon as he gets to know about it.

  Now that infant was in front of the King, Sage Omeshwar and Kapish. Sage Omeshwar picked him up and given it in the hands of Kapish, 'This is your responsibility, Kapish. May be this child is only the hope for the safety of the future of Aaryavart.'

  'What you are saying, Sage? Is there any danger approaching towards Aaryavart?' Kapish was quite astonished.

  King Bhabhuti also came forward, 'There are lot of questions in my mind also, sage. Why and what type of fruit you have given me, and why?'

  'I just want to ask, do you both trust me or not?' Sage Omeshwar doesn't want to open all the secrets in front of them, so he pretends to be annoyed.

  'No, No Sage, we completely trust you.' King Bhabhuti joined his hands.

  Kapish moved forward and said, 'I know there is some secret, which we are unaware of. But if you are hiding it, there might be some reason behind this. I will not ask you regarding this any furthur. But you must do one thing.'

  'And what's that?' Sage Omeshwar asked astonishingly.

  'This child is going to be my disciple. And I want that you should give him a name.' Sage Kapish gave that child to Sage Omeshwar.

  Sage Omeshwar took that child and stared at him with pride, 'He will be the symbol of Kaalshastra, the fierce warrior who will remain undefeated in any duel, until he is alive. He will be called as 'Vikramajit.'

  'The symbol of Kaalshastra, what's that Sage?' King Bhabhuti seemed astonished.

  'You don't need to bother about this, my lord. When the right time comes, you both will get to know about it.'

  Thereafter, Sage Omeshwar turned towards Kapish, 'Now I want one promise from you, Kapish.'

  'What type of promise, Sage? I assure you, I will not defy you.' Kapish tried to convince Sage Omeshwar.

  'One danger is rising in the Aaryavart. He could affect Vidarbh's clan too, so I want your words that you will protect the kingdom of Vidarbh until you are alive.'

  Kapish stared at Omeshwar, 'I assure you, Sage. It is my words to you that I will fight for the throne of Vidarbh until I am alive.'

  Kapish was not knowing that his words was going to be drastic for him.

  'Now I have to leave.' Sage Omeshwar was about to leave.

  Both of them stared at Omeshwar. He then smiled and said, 'Don't worry, nothing wrong will happen, I am there.'

  'We trust you, Sage.' King Bhabhuti joined his hands.

  'I have to leave now, but I will return soon. You train your disciple as your mentor 'Lord Parshuram' has trained you, Sage Kapish. And I know that you will not disappoint me.' Sage Omeshwar had full faith on Kapish.

  Sage Omeshwar left. King Bhabhuti and Sage Kapish were continuously staring at him. They were having lots of unanswered questions in their mind.

  Durbheeksh - 'The Demon Lord'

  Sixteen years passed, both the legends continued their training under the guidance of their respective mentors.

  But soon a day arrived, which was going to be darkest for Prince 'Surjan'. First time in his life he went out from his palace. He was on the visit of the villages of 'Ekchakranagari'. He has not taken any slave or security guard with him.

  Till now Surjan was unaware of the fact, that he is half human and half demon with divine power of five elements. He still look like a handsome prince.

  'You should have taken some soldiers with you, Prince.' The charioteer of Surjan suggested him.

  'I am capable enough of facing any danger single handedly. You just take care of one thing, that our path should not be blocked, otherwise it could cause great bad luck for our kingdom. And it's the order of my father.' Surjan commanded his charioteer.

  'Of course, Prince. I'll make sure, that our path is not blocked.' The Charioteer continued riding the chariot.

  But suddenly a goat came in front of the chariot. To save her, a child (around ten years old) came in between.

  Charioteer was now compelled to stop the chariot, he pulled the rein of horses.

  'What the hell? You shouldn't have stopped the chariot.' Surjan was annoyed.

  'But what could I do, prince. That child came in between. I had no other option but to stop.' Charioteer explained.

  Surjan was furious, he jumped from the chariot, and stepped towards that child. He grabbed the neck of that child, and lifted him up. The demoniac soul of Surjan was dominating on him, he was completely filled with anger.

  The mother of that child was passing from there, she was stunned to see her child in danger. She rushed to save her child, and lied down in front of Surjan.

  'Please, please leave my son, Prince.' The mother cried.

  'I will not kill him. But he has committed a great sin. You all were strictly instructed earlier, that my path must not be blocked. Even after this, your kid dared to come in between, how dare he? He will be punished for this.' Surjan tightened his grip on the neck of that child.

  'No, please, please, my lord.' The mother cried.

  But that didn't made any difference, it was unable to melt the heart of Surjan. He thrown that ten year old child over a rock, to punish him.

  But before that child could get struck by the rock on the ground, two muscular hand grabbed that child to save him. Surjan stared at that person, he was in a royal outfit.

  'Who are you? How dare you interfere in my justice?' Surjan was furious.

  'I am the one, who has right to punish each and every criminal, who tries to create havoc among the people of Ekchakranagari.' The muscular man stepped towards Surjan.

  The charioteer of Surjan looked at him for a while. He thought, 'I have seen this face earlier. Oh God, he is Prince Saket. I have to stop this collision of the two siblings.'

  Saket and Surjan came closer. They both were staring at each other furiously.

  Within few moments Surjan pushed Saket on the ground. Saket was a trained warrior, he stood up again and rushed towards Surjan. Both the warriors collided. Saket was astonished to see the strength of a sixteen year old boy, he was pushed back again.

  'Stop, stop it Prince. He is your elder, he is Prince Saket. You were eagerly waiting for him since years, and now you are hurting him.' These words from the charioteer made Surjan stop his hands.

  Saket was also astonished, he stood up from the ground and stared at Surjan. Thereafter, he stepped towards him.

  'I have got the news in Gurukul, that I have a younger brother. But if he is the one, I am really ashamed of him.' Saket was furious.

  Surjan couldn't dare to raise his eyes in front of his elder brother.Thereafter, Saket ascends on his horse and proceeds towards the palace of Ekchakranagari.


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