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Return of the Demon Lord Durbheeksh

Page 7

by Utkarsh Srivastava

  Both the warriors were bleeding harshly. Dushal thought that this was the right time to use his master stroke of paralyzing the opponent's body. He jumped on Surjan and grabbed his neck in his arms, he was about to attack on Surjan's shoulder, but Surjan was alert for that move. He blocked his hand coming on his shoulder, and made a fierce attack on his chest. Dushal was pushed backward through this.

  He fell on the ground, 'Now it's enough, I have to finish these things.' The Demon King Dushal was annoyed. He stood up and stared towards Surjan, he rushed towards him. He made a fierce punch attack on Surjan's chest, due to which he fell on the ground.

  The crowd started praising the Demon King once again. Surjan was bleeding severely, he was losing his confidence. Bhairavnath noticed it on his face. He stood up and came in front of the crowd. While Dushal and Surjan continued fighting.

  Bhairavnath shouted at the crowd, 'Stop it, you fools.'

  This lead to the pin drop silence among the crowd, Bhairavnath shouted again.

  'You all are fools. Actually, I must say not only fools, you all are coward. We are the demons, we are equally powerful as Devas, so we are born to rule. If Dushal will be the Demon King, you can never go out from the Patallok. You all will remain here till the end of your life. You will never get a chance to see the beautiful world outside. You all deserve to dominate over the humans, because they are much weaker than you all. So what do you all want? You want to be here for whole life, or want to see the world outside.' Bhairavnath tried to misguide the demons.

  There was a huge silence among the demon's crowd. At the next moment only, some sounds of murmuring started among the crowd. This disturbed the concentration of the Demon King, Surjan pushed him on the ground. Both the warriors were seriously injured, and were bleeding harshly too.

  Bhairavnath took advantage of the situation, 'Look at both of them. On one side, there is Demon King Dushal, and on another side there is a seventeen year old boy who is dominating over your experienced Demon King. So, you all only decide, who deserve to be your leader.'

  There were lot of murmuring sounds among the Asuras.

  'No, this cannot be, before my people loses faith on me, I have to defeat this boy to regain the faith of my people.' Dushal stood up regaining all his strength, and stepped towards Surjan.

  Surjan also rushed towards Dushal. Both the injured warriors were in front of each other.

  'Really, you are the best opponent I ever met. But for regaining the trust of my people, I have to finish this fight.' Dushal punched hardly on his face.

  Splits of blood spilled out from Surjan's mouth, he fell on the ground. Thereafter, Dushal tried to press him within the ground with his feet. But Surjan resisted his attack through his hand, and pushed him back.

  'If I am the best opponent you ever met, then how could you think, that it's so easy to defeat me.' Surjan jumped on him, their duel continued.

  Bhairavnath was losing patience, he confronted demons crowd, 'What you all are thinking of? It's the perfect time, choose your leader. Dushal, or the warrior who could make your future bright, this seventeen years old Durbheeksh. If you want the progress of the demon's race, then take your decision now. Praise the new Demon Lord Durbheeksh, if you want him to be your leader.'

  The minister of Dushal, who joined hands with Bhairavnath, 'Gurudev Bhairavnath is absolutely right. I am with him, and you all should be. So I support the new Demon Lord 'Durbheeksh'.

  'Come on, support him.' Bhairavnath shouted.

  'Durbheeksh, the Demon Lord.' One demon among the crowd shouted.

  'Durbheeksh, the Demon Lord. Durbheeksh, the Demon Lord…..' Soon the praising sound of Durbheeksh spreaded all over. These voice of praising Durbheeksh destroyed Dushal's confidence.

  Vakrbaahu was unaware of this conspiracy, he arrived later, and was stunned to see the condition of his friend.

  Dushal was defeated mentally through the boycott from his people. Surjan made a final smash on his chest. Dushal was on the ground, Surjan kept his leg on his chest.

  'You are defeated, Demon King. As I vowed, now this world will call me as 'Durbheeksh'. You were the Demon King, you could only lead them. But I will be the Demon Lord, they will worship me.'

  Love story of a Demon

  Dushal was lying on the ground. Vakrbaahu rushed towards him, and handled him.

  But Bhairavnath interfered between two friends, 'As it was decided, you are the slave of the new Demon Lord.'

  Dushal was badly injured, he stood up anyhow, 'I am sorry Vakrbaahu, I failed to save your freedom.'

  Vakrbaahu came near and hugged him, and said confidentially in his ears.

  'You fought bravely, Dushal. You got defeated just because of your people. Go to Ekchakranagari in search of Sage Omeshwar, he will surely help you. And I am sure that, you both will return to defeat this boy. So I could get freedom from his slavery.'

  'Sure Vakrbaahu, I'll return soon to rescue you. This time the conspiracy of Bhairavnath misguided my people against me, but I will return for the sake of my people. I have to regain their faith back.' Dushal was in pain.

  'Throw him out of this palace, Vakrbaahu.' Bhairavnath shouted.

  'I am not your slave, Bhairavnath. I am not compelled to follow your commands.' Vakrbaahu confronted that evil mentor.

  Listening this, Durbheeksh stepped forward, 'But you are compelled to follow my commands, Vakrbaahu. Throw him out, and return as soon as possible.'

  Dushal looked at Vakrbaahu, 'Do it as he is saying. I will return soon to rescue you.'

  Thereafter, Dushal and Vakrbaahu proceeded towards the gate of the palace. Dushal ascended on his horse.

  'I can't help you anymore, Dushal.'

  Dushal stared at him, 'I can take care of myself. And you don't worry, I'll return soon to rescue you.'

  Dushal proceeded towards Ekchakranagari. Vakrbaahu continued staring at him.

  Dushal continued his journey for four prahars. He was continuously bleeding from many parts of his body, but then also he didn't stopped.

  He was passing from Vidarbh. The sun was about to rise, but Dushal failed to see that rising of sun. He closed his eyes before the rise of sun and fainted. His horse continued carrying him.

  His horse was walking on the path of Vidarbh carrying him on his back.

  One chariot with hundreds of security soldier, was passing from there. Ten soldiers were in front of the chariot, other soldiers and maids were behind that chariot. It was the journey of a beautiful princess ascended on that chariot.

  Soon that horse of Dushal was in front of that chariot.

  'Who is that person? Go and check.' The princess ordered.

  One soldier went towards the horse, and checked Dushal.

  'He is seriously injured, your highness.' That soldier informed the princess.

  That princess stepped down from the chariot, and came nearer to Dushal.

  'Wait Princess, he is a demon. You should stay away from him.' The leader of security suggested.

  'Don't teach me, what should I do or what I shouldn't. He need a proper treatment, call a Vaidya as soon as possible.' The princess commanded.

  'Sorry to say, your highness. But it is very difficult to get a Vaidya within this jungle.' The soldier replied.

  'He is still alive. Just put on our camp here. I can give him the primary treatment, till then you go in a search of any Vaidya, and bring him as soon as possible.' The princess ordered.

  Listening this, an old soldier came nearer to princess. 'But you have to reach Ekchakranagari as soon as possible. Your marriage is fixed with Prince Saket. He wants to meet you before marriage, he is waiting for you. So you should reach there on time.'

  'Just do it I said. Prince Saket can wait for me. I can't leave him, until a Vaidya arrives.'

  As the princess commanded, soon many tents were arranged and fixed at the proper place.

  Dushal was brought in the tent. He was bleeding severely, that princess quickly applied some herbs on his injury. D
ushal was still unconscious.

  One soldier came inside the tent. He was stunned when he noticed the face of Dushal clearly.

  'Why you are helping him, princess? He is a demon, actually not just a demon. He is 'Dushal', the King of Demons.'

  All the people present there were stunned. But there was no change in expressions of that princess.

  'Throw him out, princess. Throw him out.' That soldier tried to warn the princess.

  'Stop it.' One aged soldier interfered.

  There was huge silence among the soldiers.

  That old soldier continued, 'Yes, of course, he is a demon. 'Dushal', the Demon King. But what do you all know about him. He is the scion of Lord Mahabali, he is symbol of idolism. Inspite of being a demon, he is much better person than many kings of this Aaryavart. He is a selfless person, who never think about his personal life. Even I think, currently there is no warrior in the whole Aaryavart, who could compete with him, then also he never attacked any kingdom of Aaryavart without any strong reason for the sake of thrones. But it is hard to believe, how he is injured like this. Because no one in this Aaryavart has capability to defeat him.'

  These words of that soldier affected the heart of that princess very deeply. But she didn't expressed her feelings.

  'So it's decided, we'll help him.' The princess declared.

  'Vaidyaraj has arrived, your highness.' One soldier came there and informed.

  'Now, we should proceed towards Ekchakranagar. Prince Saket might be waiting for you.' The leader of security guards suggested.

  That princess was not willing to leave, 'It's night time. It could be dangerous, if we start our journey this time. So, we will start our journey with the rise of sun. Perhaps, the Demon King Dushal may open his eyes till that time.'

  'As you wish, your highness.'

  The last prahar of the night passed. That princess waited till sunrise, she waited so that Dushal may get conscious, and she could meet him. But that didn't happened. As the sun rises, the princess has to leave for Ekchakranagari.

  Dushal gained his consciousness soon, but the princess left for her journey until that time. When he opened his eyes, he found a Vaidya and some soldiers in front of him.

  'Who are you all? And where I am?' That was the first question he asked from those unknown people.

  'You are in our camp, and we are the warriors of Vidarbh.' A soldier informed him.

  Dushal looked over his injury, 'Thanks to you all, for helping me. I was stranger, then also you helped me. I am grateful to you.'

  'You should be grateful to our Princess 'Shivanya', who compelled all of us to help you, as no one was ready to help you because you are a demon. Also, she has only given you primary treatment before the Vaidya arrived. She wanted to meet you, but she was getting late, as she had to leave for her journey.' One aged soldier said.

  Dushal was silent for a while. Thereafter, he stood up from the bed.

  'Thanks to you all. But I have an important work to do, so I should leave now.'

  'You are not well enough to proceed for a journey. You should rest for at least a day, so that your injuries could be properly healed.' Vaidya suggested him.

  'Thank you so much, but I have to leave. Some duties are more important than my life, I have to perform those duties.' Dushal went out from the camp searched for his horse and ascended on it. Thereafter, he turned towards the warriors of Vidarbh.

  'Thank you once again for helping me.' Dushal proceeded towards Ekchakranagari once again.

  He was still thinking about princess Shivanya, who saved his life, 'Who could be that princess? I want to see her.' He was in deep thoughts.

  Suddenly his horse produced a huge snickering sound and stopped moving. Dushal who was lost in his thoughts, when he got to know the reason for this, he was completely stunned.

  There were dead bodies of around hundreds of soldiers and maids. The path was filled with bloodstreams. Dushal noticed that one of the maid was still alive. He jumped from his horse and rushed towards that maid.

  'Who are you? And how all this happened?' Dushal asked that maid.

  'Our Princess,….., please, please save her. The bandits of this jungle abducted her.' The maid cried.

  'What..? Where they took her?' Dushal asked that maid.

  She was only able to raise her finger in a direction, after that she closed her eyes forever. Dushal felt quite sad for her.

  'A human lady, princess of Vidarbh saved my life. I should also help that princess, who is abducted by those wretch bandits.' Dushal stepped forward in the direction of which was signaled by that maid.

  He was walking in the jungle, as directed by that maid. Within few period of time he found some splits of blood on the leaves of a tree.

  'It is a fresh blood. Those bandits might be very near to this place.' Dushal guessed.

  And the guess was right, he found a cave from which lots of sounds was coming. He walked towards that cave slowly. He found some guards on that cave.

  He hid himself behind a tree. One of the guards came towards that tree. This was the great chance for Dushal, he grabbed that bandit and pulled him behind that tree. He attacked on the shoulder of that bandit to make him unconscious. Thereafter, he transformed himself as that bandit.

  Dushal was looking as same as that bandit. He went towards that cave, but another guard stopped him.

  'Where are you going? We are instructed to stay here, so stay here.'

  'Ah…. actually, our leader has called me. That's why I am going to meet him.' Dushal was hesitating.

  'Ok, you go. I am guarding here.'

  Thereafter, Dushal went inside the cave. He was shocked to see the situation of the cave. That princess was tied with the pole, and many bandits were dancing around her.

  Dushal was filled with anger seeing this, but anyhow he controlled himself. He was waiting for the appropriate time.

  'Stop it.' The leader of those bandits signaled them.

  Thereafter, he stood up from his throne and looked over that princess with his lusted eyes, 'I have never seen a beauty like her. She is amazing. I want her, but there will be no fun, if there is no challenge. I invite you all, come, fight and defeat me. The bandit who will defeat me, will get her.'

  'You will pay for this, you wretch. You can't even guess, who I am. I am Shivanya, princess of Vidarbh.' Shivanya shouted at him.

  Dushal was stunned listening this, the lady of whom he was searching for was in front of him.

  The leader of bandits ignored the words of Shivanya. He continued, 'So come on. Is there anyone who could fight with me?'

  No one dared to utter a word.

  Dushal was thinking, 'She saved my life, so now it's my duty to save her.'

  'No one has courage to fight with him. All right, you all should have this fear. So it's decided, this beauty is mine.' Leader of bandits came downstairs and stepped towards Shivanya.

  'It's not so easy, I will fight you.' Dushal who was in the getup of a bandit, came forward.

  The leader turned and looked at him and laughed, 'A guard, till now you have not even killed a single human. And you want to fight with me?'


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