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Return of the Demon Lord Durbheeksh

Page 13

by Utkarsh Srivastava

  'No, Surjan. If you want you can take my throne, but don't behave like this.' Saket tried to convince him again, but he was severely injured, so he couldn't speak more.

  Surjan smiled, he was having tears too in his eyes, and was angry too, 'You want me to take your throne. What will I do with that throne? On whom will I rule? The people who are terrified of me. Suppose if I will ascend on the throne, then who will respect me? Everyone will say that I have snatched the throne of my elder. Just because of you I have lost my selfrespect in front of the people of Ekchakranagari. You humiliated me in front of the people, and today I've dragged you in front of the people of Ekchakranagari and humiliated you.'

  Surjan stepped back and lied down on his knees, 'My mission is accomplished. I got my revenge, I have to go now. And I'll try my best not to return on this land again.'

  Thereafter, Surjan stood up and was about to leave. Saket tried to stop him, 'Forgive me, Surjan. Please come back.'

  Surjan didn't reply, he turned towards the chariot. He ascended on that chariot, and pulled the rein of his horses.

  But soon one arrow with tremendous speed came and took away the flag of his chariot. Durbheeksh was stunned, 'This much speed of an arrow, who is that archer?' Durbheeksh was eager to see that archer.

  At the very next moment, one more arrow arrived towards him with tremendous speed, Durbheeksh jumped from the chariot. The chariot was completely destroyed, Durbheeksh was completely stunned.

  'Who is there? Come in front.' Durbheeksh shouted.

  Listening the challenging voice of Durbheeksh, one warrior ascended on a horse came in front of him with a bow in his hand. He was a teenager, same as that of Durbheeksh.

  Durbheeksh stared at that boy carefully, while that boy jumped from his horse and stepped towards Durbheeksh with a bow in his hand.

  'Who are you? And why you are blocking my path?' Durbheeksh asked.

  'I, the prince of Vidarbh, Vikramajit, has arrived here to challenge you.' That boy raised his bow and challenged Durbheeksh.

  'Vikramajit…., interesting.' Durbheeksh stood up from the ground and looked over Vikramajit.

  'I am here to challenge you for a duel.' Vikramajit challenged him again.

  Durbheeksh pulled out a sword from his sheath and stared at his opponent, 'I am eagerly waiting because I just love challenges.'

  Vikramajit also kept his bow down and pulled out a sword.

  'No prince, wait.' Saket tried to stop him.

  Meanwhile Sage Omeshwar also arrived there after defeating the demon's army, he confronted Saket, 'No Saket, now there will be no mercy. Vikramajit go on.' He commanded Vikramajit.

  Both the warriors rushed towards each other. The collision of their swords produced a huge vibrating sound. Both the warriors were pushed back.

  While Durbheeksh rushed again and made a fierce attack, but Vikramajit successfully resisted and punched on the face of Durbheeksh with his another hand.

  Durbheeksh was stunned with his move, he falls on the ground. Blood spilled out from his mouth. He was completely astonished to see the strength of Vikramajit.

  'He is much better than Dushal, I have to be alert.' Durbheeksh thought in his mind.

  He stood up again and stared at Vikramajit.

  'What happened? Are you scared?' Vikramajit taunted at him.

  'This much of pride is not good, my friend.' Durbheeksh rushed towards Vikramajit.

  Both the warriors swings their respective swords with tremendous speed. The swords collided and Vikramajit tried the previous move once again. But Durbheeksh successfully resisted and punched on the face of his opponent. This time, Vikramajit was on the ground, blood spilled out from his mouth.

  He stood up again and stared at Durbheeksh. The duel started again, a prahar passed, the duel continued.

  Durbheeksh and Vikramajit were still fighting. While Vakrbaahu also arrived there, he was back to normal. Sage Omeshwar stared at him furiously. The eyes of Vakrbaahu were down.

  While at last Durbheeksh dominated over Vikramajit. He lifted him up with his both hands and threw him towards Sage Omeshwar.

  Vikramajit stood up once again and stepped towards Durbheeksh, but Sage Omeshwar grabbed his hand, 'No prince, it's very tough to defeat him.'

  Vikramajit was astonished, 'But you said, it necessary to defeat him.'

  Sage Omeshwar closed his eyes, and chanted some mantras. As a result, the divine Panchshastra was in his hand.

  He then rushed towards Dubheeksh. While in the meantime, Bhairavnath also arrived there. He was quite astonished looking at the divine Panchshastra.

  Durbheeksh stared at Sage Omeshwar. While Sage Omeshwar looked over Vikramajit, 'I have used my maximum powers in producing this divine weapon. I am not too sure, that I will be able to defeat him or not. If I fail to survive, then you are the only one who could defeat him. Two years before he was an innocent child who had not seen the world outside, but now he is the great weapon of the Demon's mentor Bhairavnath. Make sure, he should not survive.'

  Vikramajit looked at Durbheeksh, 'Sure, Sage.'

  Sage Omeshwar challenged Durbheeksh, but he was standing still.

  'Raise your weapon, why you are standing still?' Sage Omeshwar was annoyed.

  'You are a Brahmin, I cannot raise my weapon on you. I cannot take a sin of Brahmhatya on my soul.' Durbheeksh said clearly.

  'Sin, are you talking about sin. Are you really afraid of a sin? Then what have you done with the people of Ekchakranagari?' Sage Omeshwar taunted at him.

  Durbheeksh shouted at him, 'That was revenge, a revenge for my humiliation. But then also, I have not killed any of them.'

  'Of course you have not killed anyone of them, but tried to make their life like a hell.' Sage Omeshwar taunted him again.

  'Yes I have done it, when they humiliated me. I also suffered exactly like this, I was also starving and roaming in the forest and there was no one to support me.'

  Both Durbheeeksh and Sage Omeshwar were silent for a while. Sage Omeshwar was not having any reply. Meanwhile Bhairavnath also reached there, seeing the situation he tried to provoke Durbheeksh, 'Kill that Sage, my lord. He is the only person who can harm you.'

  But Durbheeksh was standing still, he didn't uttered a word.

  Sage Omeshwar stared at him, 'You are an ideal warrior, Surjan. But just because of your impatience and anger, you are not eligible for the powers you are having. I don't have any personal issues from you. But your death is necessary.'

  Saying this, Sage Omeshwar stabbed Durbheeksh with the divine Panchashastra.

  Durbheeksh was completely stunned, he stared at Sage Omeshwar astonishingly.

  'Sorry Surjan, but today you have shown that you don't deserve to survive.' Sage Omeshwar pulled out the Panchshastra from his body and pushed him back.

  Durbheeksh was on the ground, he was feeling severe pain. Saket and Bhairavnath were stunned too.

  Few moments passed, Bhairavnath looked over Durbheeksh. He was astonished to notice that, the wounds of Durbheeksh begins to heal automatically. Bhairavnath was delighted to notice that.

  'Stand up, my lord. Your wounds are healed.'

  Durbheeksh checked his wounds, there were only some splits of bloods on his armor. He stood up from the ground and was completely astonished.

  'You are a legend, Demon Lord. You are having many divine powers, of which you are still not aware of. Now no one in this world could defeat you. So stand up and kill that wretch Sage.' Bhairavnath provoked him again.

  Durbheeksh stared at Sage Omeshwar, 'This time I'll not leave you, Sage. You stabbed me, when I was disarmed. You don't deserve to be called as Brahmin. So now I will not feel any guilt in killing you.'

  Sage Omeshwar didn't replied him. At the very next moment 'Dushal' arrived there. Sage Omeshwar was delighted to see the divine Vijaydhanush in Dushal's hand.

  He then stared at Durbheeksh, 'Your end is near, Surjan. So be alert.' He looked over the divine Panchshastra and chanted some mantras.
  As a result, the Panchshastra was converted into an arrow. He then turn towards Dushal, 'Dushal, give that divine bow to Vikramajit.'

  Dushal was stunned for a while. Seeing this, Sage Omeshwar tried to convince him, 'Believe me, Dushal. After you, he is the only warrior who could lift this divine bow.'

  Dushal stepped down from his horse and stared at Vikramajit. Vikramajit stared at Dushal surprisingly.

  'Take that divine bow, Vikramajit, now you are only capable enough to defeat this demon.' Sage Omeshwar tried to encourage Vikramajit.

  'Remember one thing. A selfless person, whose heart is filled with compassion, whose mind is stable and who is devoted towards his goal, can only lift this divine bow.' Dushal explained Vikramajit.

  Vikramajit looked over that divine bow, he touched it.

  'Believe yourself, have full faith on you, while lifting this divine bow.' Dushal encouraged Vikramajit.

  Soon the divine Vijaydhanush was in Vikramajit's hand. This raised his confidence level.

  While Durbheeksh and Bhairavath were completely unaware of what was going on. Sage Omeshwar stepped towards Vikramajit. Bhairavnath felt that something is wrong.

  'My lord, Sage Omeshwar has lost his divine powers, that's why he was not able to kill you. But I don't know about this boy Vikramajit. So you stop Sage Omeshwar, that divine weapon should not go in Vikramajit's hand.'

  'Sure Gurudev, I'll not let that happen.' Durbheeksh took up two swords from the ground and thrown it towards the hand and legs of Sage Omeshwar.

  Sage Omeshwar was very weak at that time, he lost his balance and the Panchshastra falls from his hand. Sage Omeshwar was injured and was on the ground.

  While Durbheeksh and Vikramajit rushed towards that weapon, both the warriors were engaged in fighting while doing this.

  'You were talking about the rules of war, then why did you attacked Sage Omeshwar when he was not alert enough?' Vikramajit taunted Durbheeksh.

  'Yes because, he also done this to me when was disarmed. But don't worry I'll not do this with you, we'll have a fair duel.' Durbheeksh replied back.

  Their duel continued, no one succeeded in getting that weapon. Seeing this Sage Omeshwar turned towards Dushal, 'Dushal pick up that weapon from the ground.'

  Listening this Durbheeksh also commanded Vakrbaahu, 'Vakrbaahhu, stop Dushal and grab that weapon.'

  Vakrbaahu also rushed towards the Panchshastra. He stopped Dushal before he could grab it, 'Sorry, my friend. I have to do this, because I am a slave.' He pushed Dushal back.

  Dushal was stunned at that moment, he was unable to resist. Now that weapon was in Vakrbaahu's hand.

  'Vakrbaahu, give that weapon to me.' Durbheeksh ordered Vakrbaahu.

  Dushal was on the ground, he tried to stop Vakrbaahu, 'No Vakrbaahu, you can't do this.'

  'I am a slave Dushal. I have to follow the command of the Demon Lord.' Vakrbaahu thrown that weapon towards Durbheeksh.

  Durbheeksh pushed Vikramajit and grabbed that weapon.

  'Kill that Sage, my lord.' Bhairavnath provoked Durbheeksh.

  Durbheeksh threw that divine weapon towards Sage Omeshwar targeting towards his chest.

  'Gurudev…..' Vakrbaahu was stunned, when that weapon enters the chest of Sage Omeshwar.

  But the great Sage Omeshwar didn't lose hope. He was standing still like a great wall.

  'You deserve to die through a deceit, Sage. You deserve to die.' Durbheeksh taunted him.

  Sage Omeshwar didn't replied. He turned towards Vikramajit.

  'Lift the VijayDhanush, Prince Vikramajit.'

  On his command Vikramajit lifted up that divine bow. While Sage Omeshwar pulled out the weapon from his chest. Streams of blood spilled out from his chest. The eyes of all the three warriors Vakrbaahu, Vikramajit and Dushal were filled with tears.

  'Take this weapon, and kill that wretch demon.' Sage Omeshwar gives that divine weapon to Vikramajit.

  Now, that weapon was in Vikramajit's hand.

  'Target it towards his heart, Prince.'

  Vikramajit shoots the arrow as per the command of Sage Omeshwar. Within a moment, it embeds in the heart of Durbheeksh with tremendous speed.

  'Again, a deceit. You attacked on a disarmed warrior. You will pay for this, Vikramajit, you will pay for this.' Durbheeksh was in deep pain. He falls on the ground and lost his consciousness.

  'You deserve it, Durbheeksh.' Vikramajit replied.

  'Pull out that weapon from his chest. That weapon should not go in wrong hands.' Sage Omeshwar commanded Vikramajit.

  Listening this, Bhairavnath also stepped towards Durbheeksh.

  Bhairavnath was very near to Durbheeksh. He pulled out that weapon first, but soon he realized that the weapon was heated too much. His hands started burning, but then also he didn't throw the weapon.

  Vikramajit also came near, and tried to snatch the weapon from Bhairavnath.

  Seeing this, Sage Omeshwar thought something in his mind, and started chanting some mantras.

  Bhairavnath used all his strength to grab that weapon. His hands were continuously burning, but he was not ready to leave the divine Panchshastra.

  Sage Omeshwar continued chanting some mantras. The result was in front of all, a huge lightning produced, and that divine weapon was divided into five swords.

  One sword was still in Bhairavnath's hand, and one was in Vikramajit's hand. Rest all the three were on the ground. Seeing this, Sage Omeshwar commanded Vikramajit, 'Vikramajit, kill that wretch demon Vakrbaahu.'

  Vikramajit was surprised, 'But Sage….'

  'Do it as I say…' Sage Omeshwar was in pain, but he was still standing still.

  Vakrbaahu joined his hands, 'I deserve this. Prince Vikramajit, do it as he is saying. Punish me for my sin.'

  Vikramajit lifted that sword, and unwillingly targeted that sword towards the abdomen of Vakrbaahu.

  'No, stop…..' Dushal cried.

  But it was too late, that sword embeds in the abdomen of Vakrbaahu.

  Sage Omeshwar confronted Vakrbaahu again, 'You are the cause of my death, you tried to destroy the resources of Ekchakranagari. You ruthlesely killed the soldiers of Ekchakaranagari. It's my curse, you will not die, you will lose all your memories, you will be a statue of stone, who could only listen and see things, but will never understand or respond.'

  That curse of Sage Omeshwar started showing his symptoms. Vakrbaahu realized that he could not move his leg. This was the beginning of turning into a statue.

  'No, no, wait, Gurudev. I have to give very important information to Dushal.' Vakrbaahu cried (he wants to tell Dushal about Bhairavnath's plan )

  While Dushal went towards Sage Omeshwar and requested, 'Please, Please Sage. Forgive him, he has committed these sins just because of me. He trusted me and kept himself at stake, it's my sin, Sage.'

  Sage Omeshwar falls on the ground, Dushal holds him, while the Sage looked over Dushal, 'I can't take my words back. You are also the culprit, you should also be punished, and your punishment is that until you are alive, Vakrbaahu will never get back to his memories. And he can be only rescued when any scion of 'King Bhabhuti' will pull out my sword from his body, but then also he cannot get back to his memories.'


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