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Return of the Demon Lord Durbheeksh

Page 16

by Utkarsh Srivastava

  'Dushal, who always followed the path of idolism. He always worked for the welfare of both humans and demons. He was against my policy, and the result is in front of you. Since sixteen years he is busy in intense austerity just to avenge the death of his wife.' Bhairavnath stared at Markesh while saying this.

  Bhanusen was continuously staring at Markesh, 'You mean to say, he is only the Demon King Dushal, who was missing since sixteen years.'

  'Yes, he is the one. Who is busy in intense austerity since sixteen years, just to avenge for the death of his wife Shivanya. And do you know about whom I am talking? I am talking about your mother 'Shivanya'.' Bhairavnath tried his best to provoke Bhanusen.

  Bhanusen was stunned for a while, but soon he calmed down and stared at Bhairavnath, 'Do you really think that I'll believe you? My father's name is King Bhabhuti and my mother's name is 'Nandani'.'

  'Have you ever seen the face of your mother?' Bhairavnath asked.

  'No, I have not. Because my mother died while giving birth to me.'

  'What a joke? Queen Nandani of Vidarbh died while giving birth to her second child Veersen. And everybody in your kingdom knows that, except you.' Bhairavnath taunted at him.

  Bhanusen was silent for a while. Bhairavnath pinched him again, 'You are the son of sister of King Bhabhuti i.e. Shivanya. Your mother 'Shivanya' was in love with a demon i.e. Dushal. She married him, but King Bhabhuti could not bear that his sister married a demon. So he played a deceit and killed his own sister Shivanya. Also he adopted you just because you are blessed with a boon of immense strength. And do you know who has given you that boon? The best friend of your father 'Mahabali Vakrbaahu'.' Bhairavnath continued provoking Bhanusen.

  Bhanusen was in great confusion, whether to believe Bhairavnath or not. He was standing still and continued staring at the demon's mentor.

  After sometime he asked Bhairavnath, 'Whatever you have told me right now, can you prove it?'

  Bhairavnath smiled at Bhanusen, he stepped towards him, 'Well, I cannot prove that my each and every words are true. But I can prove that you are the son of a demon. You have demoniac soul in your human body, and that is the only the reason why you are attracted towards our father, when you saw him for the first time.'

  'Ok, I am giving you a chance. Prove your words, otherwise leave my path.' Bhanusen was almost trapped by Bhairavnath.

  'Ok, I must tell you that each and every demon have some hidden powers with him since his birth. But one need to activate those powers through intense meditation. Look over these six demons in front of you, they are the younger brothers of your father. Each one of them is having some hidden powers since birth. And you are having it too.'

  Bhairavnath continued, 'Whenever, a demon begins the search for his hidden powers, his eyes turns red for a while, and his whole body will turn as a beast. So I think you should meditate for a prahar. You will get the first sign of power, and you will notice the change in your body.'

  Bhanusen was still confused, 'I am not able to get what you are saying. What type of meditation?'

  Bhairavnath tried to make Bhanusen comfortable, 'Just sit here and concentrate at the center of your forehead. You will get your answer soon.'

  Bhanusen sat on a floor and started concentrating.

  Bhairavnath looked over him, and waited eagerly. After a prahar, Bhanusen opened his eyes.

  Suddenly he screamed, he was suffering with a severe pain.

  'Bring the mirror, fast.' Bhairavnath ordered one of the demons.

  Bhanusen stood up from the floor, he found himself in the front of the mirror. He was astonished to find that his eyes were red, tooth were sharpened and lots of hairs grown on his body.

  'This is your reality, Bhanusen. You are the eldest son of the Demon King Dushal, and the scion of Lord Mahabali.' Bhairavnath continued encouraging Bhanusen.

  Within few moments Bhanusen was back to normal.

  'So this was your reality, Bhanusen. You are the future leader of demons, and still you are living with the humans.' Bhairavnath almost succeeded in provoking Bhanusen.

  While the sixteen year old Bhanusen looked at the Demon King Markesh and asked Bhairavnath, 'How did my mother died? Narrate me the whole story.'

  Bhairavnath narrated the story of Shivanya's death. But he shows the same image of King Bhabhuti as he had presented in front of Dushal.

  Bhanusn was furious listening all this. He pulled out a sword from the sheath and roared, 'I will fulfill the desire of my father. I will destroy the whole family of Vidarbh's clan.'

  'No, you can't. There is no warrior in this whole Aaryavart, who could defeat Vikramajit. Your father is busy in intense austerity, because he just want to gain such a boon, so that he could defeat Vikramajit. But I doubt he could do that. Vikramajit is a shield of Vidarbh's clan, and that shield could be only destroyed through any deceit.' Bhairavnath explained.

  'So you only tell what should I do? My hands are eager to kill King Bhabhuti.' Bhanusen was furious.

  'Then go to Vidrabh, and behave normally as if you don't know anything. As soon as your father will open his eyes. We'll execute our plan further.' Bhairavnath suggested.

  'Ok fine, I am going back. But how will I? I mean what will I tell Vikramajit and Veersen, they might be searching for me.'

  'Don't worry I have a plan too for that.' Bhairavnath continued explaining Bhanusen about his plan.

  While in the jungle Vikramajit and Veersen were continuously searching for Bhanusen. The sun was about to set but still they couldn't find him.

  'We need more troops to search for Bhanusen. We should spread our soldiers in this whole forest.' Vikramajit turned back his horse, Veersen followed him too.

  They were returning to their palace. But soon they were stunned to find Bhanusen in front of them, he was lying on the ground. Both Vikramajit and Veersen jumped from their respective horses and rushed towards him.

  'He is injured very badly, let us take him to the palace.' Vikramajit lifted up Bhanusen and rushed towards the palace.

  Soon a Vaidya was called, and he started the treatment of Prince Bhanusen.

  After sometime, when the Vaidya came outside Bhanusen's room, 'It seems that he was injured by the group of wild animals. But now he is out of danger.'

  Listening this King Bhabhuti, Vikramajit and Veersen entered in his room. They looked over Bhanusen, whose eyes were closed. They didn't find right to disturb him.

  'How this happened, Vikramajit?' King Bhabhuti confronted Vikramajit in low voice.

  'I don't know, father. Suddenly, a dense fog appeared in our path, and Bhanusen disappeared from that place.' Vikramajit tried to explain.

  King Bhabhuti was annoyed listening this, 'You know very well, Vikramajit. We have to take special care of Bhanusen, because he is the last sign of my sister Shivanya, we cannot lose him. Also we have to make sure that he should not get in touch with that wretch Bhairavnath, because he can provoke Bhanusen against us. No one knows, where his father Dushal is? So we have to take care, that he should not join any wrong company.'

  'Sure, we'll take special care from now onwards.' Vikramajit assured his father.

  The eyes of Bhanusen were closed, but he was not unconscious, he was listening these chats clearly.

  'Ok fine, call the RajPurohit (the chief priest of the clan) of our kingdom. I have to ask him something about Bhanusen.' King Bhabhuti ordered.

  'Sure, my lord.' Vikramajit went out of the room.

  Thereafter, King Bhabhuti looked over Bhanusen for a while. And then he also left the room along with Veersen.

  Bhanusen opened his eyes, and stood up from the bed. His eyes were filled with the flames of vengeance, 'Now it is confirmed, that the demon's mentor Bhairavnath was right. They were lieing to me since sixteen years. But now they all will be penalized. It's time to execute the plan made by the demon's mentor.'

  The Rajpurohit of Vidarbh was coming towards the palace. Suddenly, his charioteer stopped the chariot.

  'What happ
ened? Why did you stopped the chariot?' Rajpurohit asked the charioteer.

  The charioteer turned towards the priest, and looked over his eyes.

  'Now you are in my control, and you will do whatever I will command you.' That charioteer turned to his actual form, he was actually the demon's mentor Bhairavnath.

  The priest was trapped. He was now under the control of Bhairavnath.

  Thereafter, Bhairavnath turned again into a charioteer and explained the priest what he has to do.

  Soon the priest reached the palace. He received a warm welcome from King Bhabhuti.

  King Bhabhuti was ascended on his throne. And the Rajpurohit was sitting beside him.

  'I have called you for a special motive. I want that you look over the horoscope of my youngest son Bhanusen, and tell me something about his future.' King Bhabhuti asked the priest.

  'Sure, my lord. Please show me his horoscope.' The priest replied.

  King Bhabhuti clapped and signaled to bring the horoscope of Bhanusen. A slave brought it soon, and gives it to the Rajpurohit.

  The priest looked over the horoscope of Bhanusen for some time. He was shocked.

  'Why you are giving such reactions? What happened?' King Bhabhuti was astonished.

  'Bhanusen will face lot of troubles this year, my lord. It could be hazardous even for his life.' The priest explained.

  King Bhabhuti stood up from his throne, he was in deep thoughts. Thereafter, he asked the priest, 'Don't we have any solution for this?'

  'We have only one solution for this.' The priest said.

  'And what's that?'

  'Prince Bhanusen should get married within a week. And that is only the solution to get rid of his danger as well as tough time.' The Priest suggested.

  'But how this is possible? Bhanusen is just sixteen years old, and his elder brothers are still unmarried.' King Bhabhuti was astonished.

  Vikramajit stood up and interfered, 'But we have to do this, my lord. This the question of our brother's life.'

  'I agree with you, Vikramajit. But who will give his girl to a sixteen year old boy?' King Bhabhuti was in great confusion.

  The priest interfered in between, 'I have the solution for that. I am talking about the King of 'Navgadh', his daughter 'Vaishali' is also sixteen years old. I think it's a perfect match.'

  'But would King of Navgadh will agree for his daughter's marriage at this young age?' King Bhabhuti was in doubt.

  'If he disagrees, then we might have to force him. Life of Bhanusen is much more precious for us.' Vikramajit tightened his grip on his sword.

  'Ok fine. Vikramajit, you go to Navgadh and explain our condition. And if they still defy, you are free from my side to raise your weapons.' King Bhabhuti ordered Vikamajit.

  'Sure, my lord.' Vikramajit left.

  The crown prince of Vidarbh, Vikramajit proceeded towards Navgadh.

  While in Navgadh the messenger informs the King about the arrival of Vikramajit.

  The King of Navgadh 'Shrutsen' welcomed Vikramajit warmly. Thereafter, Vikramajit kept the proposal in front of him explaining him all the condition.

  'Sorry to say, Prince. But my daughter is too young for the marriage.' The King of Navgadh defied.

  'You should think again, King Shrutsen. It is a question of my brother's life, and I can do anything for that.' Vikramajit warned King Shrutsen.

  'How dare you? You are challenging me?' King Shrutsen stood up from his throne and confronted Vikramajit.

  'You are taking me very lightly. It's my challenge to you and your whole army, defeat me if you can.' Vikramajit raised his bow.

  The army chief, ministers and some soldiers rushed towards Vikramajit with the naked sword in their hands. While Vikramajit needed to shot only ten arrows to defeat them all. Soon they all were injured and lying on the floor.

  Thereafter, Vikramajit evocated the Naagpashastra and targeted it towards King Shrutsen. The King of Navgadh was captured by the prince of Vidarbh.

  'Now you'll follow my order as I say. Your daughter Vaishali will go with me.' Prince Vikramajit stared at Shrutsen.

  The eyes of Shrutsen were down, he was not having any other option. Vikramajit takes Princess Vaishali with him, and reached the palace of Vidarbh.

  Within three days, Bhanusen was married to Vaishali. Bhairavnath also attended this marriage ceremony as a slave. He looked over Bhanusen and thought in his mind, 'Mission successful, now the eldest son of Vidarbh's clan will be the scion of the Demon King.'

  A trap for Jaivardhan

  Let's come back to present.

  'That was the actual truth, which you all need to know.' Vakrbaahu completed his words.

  Both Tejasvi and Akhand were silent for a while. The eyes of both the warriors were filled with tears.

  'Ok fine, Vakrbaahu. You are a free person now. You can go wherever you want.' Akhand told Vakrbaahu.

  Vakrbaahu joined his hands in front of him, 'Thanks, Mahabali Akhand. The goal of my life is complete now. I also want peace.'

  Vakrbaahu disappeared.

  After some moments, Akhand turned towards Tejasvi, 'I have some important work to do. So I have to leave. You ascend on the throne of this kingdom, you'll be the new King of Vidarbh.'

  'No elder, it can't be. You are the eldest son of Vidarbh's clan, it's your right to ascend on the throne and rule over this kingdom.' Tejasvi joined his hands in front of his elder.

  'Don't you forget, Tejasvi. I am the scion of Lord Mahabali, I have a demoniac soul in my body. Also I am not the scion of King Bhabhuti, so it's not my right ascend on this throne.' Akhand tried to convince Tejsasvi.


  Before Tejasvi could say anything, one slave arrived and interfered in between, 'Mahabali Akhand, your mother is calling you.'

  'I think, you should meet your mother first.' Tejasvi suggested.

  Akhand agrees to him and proceeds towards the palace of Vidarbh.

  Soon he entered in the room of his mother. Queen Vaishali was on the bed, she was unable to speak. Akhand sits aside her and grabs her hand, 'Look at me mother, I am alive. Your son is alive.'

  Tears of joy spilled out from Vaishali's eyes. Seeing this Akhand promised his mother, 'You don't worry mother, it's time for the revenge. I will punish the culprit who is responsible for this war.'

  Vaishali couldn't speak, but she looked over Tejasvi who was standing nearby.

  'No, he is not the culprit. The real culprit is the demon's mentor Bhairavnath, who created dispute between our families, which leads to this huge war.' Akhand tried to convince his mother.

  A prahar passed, Akhand was sitting beside his mother. After that Akhand said to his mother, 'I have to leave now, mother. You take care of my wife and infant son Vikrant. I'll return soon.'

  Vaishali was in pain listening this, she grabbed Akhand's hand to stop him. Akhand tried to convince her, 'I'll return soon mother. But I have to go right now.' Akhand stood up and left her room.

  Tejasvi rushed out to stop Akhand, 'What happened to you? Where are you going?'


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