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Return of the Demon Lord Durbheeksh

Page 18

by Utkarsh Srivastava

  While Jaivardhan confronted Subaahu, 'I forgive a person for one mistake and this is the only rule I follow. So I am giving you a chance, stop acting like a wild beast and killing innocent children, otherwise today will be the last day of your life.'

  Listening this Subaahu laughed at Jaivardhan, 'A prince, he will kill me? Just look at his innocent face. Have you ever killed anyone in your whole life?'

  'Yes, I haven't killed anyone till now. But it seems that today will be the first one.' Jaivardhan pulled out a sword from the sheath.

  Subaahu also pulled out a sword and stared at Jaivardhan, 'Why not? Let's fight. I have been waiting for such an experience since years.'

  Both the warriors rushed towards each other. The collision of their swords produced a huge sound.

  The duel continued till half of a prahar. Finally, Subaahu was disarmed and was on the ground.

  'You are defeated. So just get lost and don't you dare to return back.'

  Jaivardhan turned back. While Subaahu picked up a sword and made a fierce attack on the thigh of Jaivardhan. Jaivardhan was alert enough, he moved back and tried to save himself, but then also his thigh was quite injured.

  'This is a duel war, so the result will be either victory or death.' Subaahu challenged Jaivardhan again.

  The furious Jaivardhan turned back and swings the sword with tremendous speed.

  The next scene was hilarious. The sword of Jaivardhan was filled with blood, and the head of Subaahu was on the ground, also his body was separately vibrating at the other part of the ground.

  'You wanted victory or death, so the second option was more suitable for you. You deserve it.' Jaivardhan embedded the sword in the ground with all his strength.

  Prince Jaivardhan was standing still. The tribal begins to praise him.

  But suddenly there was a tremendous vibration in Subaahu's body. Some unknown thing came out of Subaahu's body and started entering in the body of Prince Jaivardhan.

  Jaivardhan screamed with pain, and falls on the ground.

  The tribal people were astonished to see the condition of Prince. Now Subaahu was dead and Jaivardhan was unconscious.

  After some time, Prince Jaivardhan opened his eyes. He stood up from the ground and looked over the tribal people.

  'I succeeded in my plan, now the body of Prince Jaivardhan is now under my control.' The spirit of Subaahu was now in the body of Jaivardhan.

  While Bhadra came nearer to Jaivardhan, 'What happened Prince? How you are feeling now?'

  Jaivardhan stared at Bhadra furiously and thought in his mind, 'I wish I could kill him on the spot, but it could harm our plan.'

  'What happened, Prince? Why you are staring at me like this?' Bhadra pinched him again.

  'Ah…., nothing much. Actually, I have some more important work to do. So I should leave now.' Jaivardhan was eager to leave.

  Return of the Demon Lord

  Jaivardhan was in hurry to leave that place. Bhadra requested him to stay there for some time, but he didn't agreed.

  He ascended on his horse and proceeded towards his destination. Within a prahar, he was in front of the demon's mentor Bhairavnath.

  'Who is in front of me? Subaahu or Jaivardhan?' Bhairavnath asked.

  'Our plan succeeded, Gurudev. Now this body is completely under my control.' The spirit of Subaahu was now in the body of Prince Jaivardhan.

  'Well done, Subaahu, or so called Prince Jaivardhan. Come with me, we have to go.' Bhairavnath ordered Subaahu.

  'Sure, Gurudev. Let's go.'

  Both of them ascended on their respective horses and proceeded towards their destination.

  Soon they both reached in the cave. Bhairavnath stepped down from his horse, Jaivardhan followed him.

  They both entered in the cave. Bhairavnath came nearer to the box and opened it. Jaivardhan was astonished to find that the box was filled with ice cubes. Within some time Bhairavnath removed the ice cubes.

  'Who is he? It seems that he is too young.' Jaivardhan looked over the person inside the box.

  Bhairavnath smiled and said, 'Yes, he is very young, just eighteen years old. And you know what, he is eighteen years old since seventy years.'

  'What….? What you are saying? I am not able to understand anything.' Jaivardhan was confused.

  'Don't bother. You'll get to know each and everything soon. Right now, take this poniard and make a slight cut on your palm.' Bhairavnath gives a poniard to Jaivardhan.

  'What…? But Why?'

  'Just do it, as I am saying.' Bhairavnath commanded Jaivardhan.

  'Ok fine.' Jaivardhan took the poniard and made a slight cut on his palm.

  'Now drop your blood in the mouth of this body.' Bhairavnath commanded Jaivardhan.

  'Yes, sure.' Prince Jaivardhan done exactly as Bhairavnath commanded him.

  As a result, the body in the box starts vibrating. Soon the eighteen year old warrior opened his eyes.

  'Yes, we have done it. Only a scion of Vikramajit could do it, and now the result is in front of us. Welcome back, Demon Lord Durbheeksh.'

  Jaivardhan (Subaahu) was completely unaware of these things.

  'Demon Lord Durbheeksh. I haven't heard about him before.'

  'He was a warrior, who was unconscious since years. He was defeated by Vikamajit, so only the scion of Vikramajit could bring him back to life.'

  Listening this Durbheeksh turned furious and stood up from the box, 'No, I was not defeated. I was not defeated by Vikramajit. It was a deceit, that wretch Vikramajit attacked me, when I was disarmed.'

  'Ok, Ok calm down, Durbheeksh.' Bhairavnath tried to convince him.

  Durbheeksh stood up, his hands were still vibrating. Bhairavnath kept his hands on his shoulder and tried to convince him.

  'Calm down, Durbheesh. You need to gain strength, as you have come back to sense after long time.'

  'It doesn't matter. It's time for the revenge….., I have…to kill…Vikramajit.' Durbheeksh rushed out of the box. He lost his balance while walking, but before he falls, Jaivardhan grabbed him.

  'W…hat's happening? Why I am fee…ling… this.. much… weakness?' Durbheeksh was astonished.

  'It's just because, you have opened your eyes after long time.' Bhairavnath explained.

  'After long time? How much time?' Durbheeksh asked.

  Bhairavnath was silent.

  'Why you are silent? Tell me.' Durbheeksh shouted.

  'Since…..Since seventy years, Demon Lord.' Bhairavnath finally told him the truth.

  Durbheeksh was stunned. He was staring at Bhairavnath continuously.

  Bhairavnath came closer to him.

  'Stay away, Stay away I said.' Durbheeksh was furious.


  'No, I want to be alone. You both go from here.' Durbheeksh wants them to leave that cave.

  'Ok, Ok, we are going. Let's leave Jaivardhan.'

  Both Bhairavnath and Jaivardhan left the place.

  'I am really not able to understand anything, what's going on.' Jaivardhan kept his doubt in front of Bhairavnath.

  'He is a great weapon, a great warrior. Believe me, without him you cannot defeat Tejasvi and his warriors.'

  'Ok fine, you do it what you think is right. Just tell me what I should I do now?' Jaivardhan (Subaahu) asked.

  'You go to the palace of Vidarbh and live a normal life. And make sure that you should get married before your elder brother Vikrant.'

  'But why I should get married soon?'

  'Just because, I want your son should be the eldest of all in Vidarbh's clan. But no, right now, you stay here for some time. I have something in my mind.' Bhairavnath explained him the plan.

  While Durbheeksh was alone in the cave. The scenes of the painful past were all roaming around in front of his eyes.

  'So many years passed, and till now I am of the same age. No one is there whom I can trust now, I was just wasting my life since years. And that wretch coward Vikramajit, is he alive or not? How will I take my revenge? Why,
Why I am the only victim? I haven't done anything wrong, but I was humiliated and expelled from my own kingdom. All the games and deceits were played against me, why? Why I am only the victim?' Durbheeksh was frustrated, he closed his eyes again.

  After a prahar, Durbheeksh opened his eyes. He stood up and came out of the cave.

  'What happened, Durbheeksh? Are you ok?' Bhairavnath asked.

  'Nothing much, I need some fresh air. Who is this person with you?' Durbheeksh asked looking over Jaivardhan.

  'He is Jaivardhan. Son of King Tejasvi, and grandson of Vikramajit.'

  'G… Grandson of Vikramajit. You mean he is with you?' Durbheeksh was astonished.

  'No, actually not him, his body is with me.'

  'I am still not getting you, what do you mean?' Durbheeksh was still confusion.

  'The spirit of one of my demon, Subaahu has dominated over his whole body. So, Prince Jaivardhan is now under his control. And if he is in his control, undoubtedly he is under my control.' Bhairavnath explained.

  Durbheeksh was annoyed listening this, 'I just can't understand, what type of person you are? Can't you find a right way to achieve your goal?'

  'Oh, now you think my path was wrong. Do you know that only a scion of Vikramajit could bring you back to life? So you only tell, what other way I might have opted?' Bhairavnath confronted Durbheeksh.

  Durbheeksh was silent for a while listening this. He didn't had a reply for that.

  While Jaivardhan came nearer to Durbheeksh, 'You don't bother, my lord. Don't keep any burden on your heart.'

  Durbheeksh stared at Jaivardhan (Subaahu), 'You have brought me back to life, I am your debtor now. So I want that you ask something in return. I assure you that I would not deny.'

  Jaivardhan (Subaahu) looked at Bhairavnath and smiled. Perhaps it was one of their plan, which was to be executed.

  Jaivardhan turned towards Durbheeksh and said, 'Ok fine, if you want me ask something, I demand for your support. You have to support me whenever I'll need you, and you will not raise your weapons against me ever.'

  Durbheeksh stared at Jaivardhan for a while, 'Ok fine, it's my words to you. Whenever you will need, I'll be there for you with all my strength and weapons.'

  'The plan succeeded..' Bhairavnath smiled.

  'I want a horse.' Durbheeksh asked Bhairavnath.

  'Sure, my lord. You can take this.' Jaivardhan offers his horse to the Demon Lord.

  Durbheeksh ascends on the horse and turned towards Bhairavnath, 'I'll meet you soon. Right now, I just want to travel around.'

  'Ok fine, will see you soon. And remember one thing, you need intense meditation and practice of the weapons, to get back your strength.'

  Durbheeksh stared at Bhairavnath, 'Ok fine, I'll remember these things.'

  Durbheeksh pulled the rein of the horse and proceeded towards an unknown destination.

  He travelled till three prahars. He was feeling weakness, and was quite tired too. Therefore, he pulled the rein of horse to stop. Thereafter, he stepped down from the horse and was looking for water.

  There was a Sage with some of his disciples walking through the jungle. Durbheeksh realized that there is no harm interacting with them.

  He came in front of them slowly, and joined his hands in front of the Sage.

  'Can I get some water? I am very thirsty.'

  The Sage looked over Durbheeksh for a while, 'Ok fine, you come with me. You'll get enough amount of water.'

  Along with all his disciple, the Sage proceeded towards the Gurukul. Durbheeksh also started walking along with them and his horse.

  But suddenly, a tiger came in front of them. The horse of Durbheeksh produced a huge snickering sound and ran away.

  The Sage and his two disciple were having no weapons in their hands. The tiger jumps on one of the disciple.

  Durbheeksh knows that he was weak, but he was not so much weak that he couldn't fight a tiger. He jumped to save that disciple and punched on the face of that tiger.

  The tiger falls on the ground, and blood spilled out from his mouth. After few moments, the tiger stood up and rushed away in the dense forest.

  The disciple of the Sage stood up from the ground.

  'Thank you.' The disciple was thankful to Durbheeksh.

  The Sage was astonished to see the strength of the eighteen year old boy, he thought in his mind, 'This much of strength at this young age? Who is he?'

  'Ok fine, we should go. And you too can come with us.' That Sage stared at Durbheeksh.

  They all reached the Gurukul soon. The Sage was continuously staring at Durbheeksh. While the disciple who was saved by Durbheeksh, brought a pitcher filled with water for him.

  'You are really amazing. Thanks once again for saving my life.' The disciple of the Sage appreciated Durbheeksh.

  'It's my pleasure, my friend.' Durbheeksh continued drinking the water.

  The whole pitcher was empty within moments.

  'It seems that you were very thirsty.'

  'Yes, I was. I was searching for a water since a prahar. Thanks for this.'

  That disciple was eager to know about Durbheeksh, 'Ok fine, let us know each other. I am 'Shatrughan', the Prince of Ekchakranagari.'

  Durbheeksh was stunned to hear the name of Ekchakranagari. He spilled out water from his mouth.

  'What happened, friend? Are you ok?' Shatrughan tries to make him comfort.

  'Yes, Yes, I am fine.' Durbheeksh was back to normal.

  'Are you sure?' Shatrughan asked him again.

  'Yes, I am. You were saying that you are the prince of Ekchakranagari. So what is the current scenario of Ekchakranagari?'

  'Current scenario? It might be fine. Actually, since six years I am here in the Gurukul, so I don't know about the current scenario, as it is a trend of getting training in Gurukul at least of ten years.'

  'Yes, I know that.' Durbheeksh speaks in a flow.

  'You know that, what do you mean know that?' Shatrughan was astonished listening this.

  'Ah…, yes of course. Many kingdoms in the Aaryavart are having this type of trend.' He uttered according to the situation.

  Shatrughan was quite convinced, 'Yes, I think so. Well, tell me who are you? It's time for your introduction.'

  Durbheeksh thought for a while, 'Surjan, my name is Surjan. I am a common villager.'

  'Surjan….' Shatrughan was staring at Durbheeksh.

  'What happened? Why you are so disturbed listening my name?' Durbheeksh asked.

  'Ah…, nothing. Actually this name is very famous in our kingdom.'


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