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Page 16

by Golden Angel

  "Hi um, D-dear," she stammered out. From the way she blushed, Kawan was fairly certain she'd almost called him Daddy, right in front of Lisa and the professor, which was a measure of how thrown off she was. By his presence, or by the professor's? Kawan didn't like the way the man was frowning at them. "What are you doing here?"

  "I wanted to surprise you." He winked down at her. "And I didn't want to wait to see you."

  Melody relaxed against him, snuggling into his side as a smile slowly spread her lips. She still looked a little worried though.

  "Are you another student?" The professor asked in an almost aggressively haughty tone. Kawan was certain the other man hoped he was, because he was obviously looking to retain some sort of power in the situation.

  Since Melody had never mentioned the man to him, Kawan wasn't entirely sure who the man was or what his problem was, but he could guess. He smiled at the professor, using what Sienna called his 'shark smile'—she'd seen him use it when meeting with the opposition. Lots of teeth and lots of intimidation, and it never reached his eyes.

  "No, I'm a lawyer with Lambert, Urbanski, and Reed," he said silkily. "They brought me in to work on their civil cases. You know, suing institutions for things like unsafe work environments, preventable accidents, sexual harassment. That kind of thing."

  The professor paled. Out of the corner of his eye he could see Lisa giving Melody a thumbs up and mouthing something to her. He couldn't be sure, but it looked like 'He's hot'. Well, he was happy Lisa approved.

  "I ah, good. That's good." The professor stepped back, nodding his head up and down as he continued to back away. "Very good. I... good. It was nice speaking with you, Miss Williams. You're doing good work here."

  Apparently realizing that he sounded like an idiot, the man managed a sickly smile before fleeing from Kawan’s hard gaze.

  “So hot!” Lisa mouthed at Melody, putting the back of one hand to her forehead and acting like she was swooning. Melody's lips twitched, but she couldn't disagree.

  Kawan had made Professor McCreepy run away with nothing more than a few words. Not that Melody had any proof of wrongdoing. He'd been standing way too closely to her but that wasn't something she could take to the school board. Close standing was creepy, but not actionable. Especially against a tenured professor.

  Still, after the way he'd just run away, she had to hope that he'd be less of a creeper from now on. He'd definitely been intimidated by Kawan.

  And it had been really hot to watch Kawan go all lawyer on him.

  Although, when Kawan turned his gaze on her, she winced a little as he frowned sternly. There was definitely some Daddy shining through there.

  "Was that man harassing you?" he asked, his voice steely.

  "Not exactly," Melody said with a sigh. "He's very careful to not cross the line into actual harassment. Well, at least with me." She looked over at Lisa, who shrugged in agreement.

  "He's a total perv, but he's good at toeing the line and talking around things," Lisa agreed. "The fucker."

  Melody snorted and even Kawan chuckled, relaxing slightly. "Well, tell me if he bothers either of you again. Or if you hear of him bothering someone else. I'd be perfectly happy to have a talk with him about appropriate behavior."

  Leaning into him, Melody felt her pussy quiver. Yup. So hot.

  He looked down at her and his gaze softened. "Go finish up your work so we can go home, baby girl."

  "Yes... yes, okay," she said, barely managing to keep from saying 'yes, Daddy' to him. While Lisa was definitely becoming a friend, Melody was so not ready to out herself like that in front of the other woman. Who knew how she would react.

  She just wanted to finish up her work and go home so that Kawan could be her Daddy all weekend. Melody was ready to explore.

  Chapter 18

  While Kawan was driving them back home, he put on Disney songs in the car. Melody sang along and was feeling very in touch with her little girl side by the time they got to the house, which she was pretty sure was the point. It made her giggle every time Kawan sang along with the men's parts, because he did all the voices too—including during Be A Man. He had a really nice voice.

  When he parked, Melody started to undo her seat belt, only to be stopped by Kawan's hand covering hers.

  "No, little girl," he said gently but firmly. "You sit there and wait for me to come let you out."

  Oh. Melody's thighs clenched and her pussy pulsed in response. There was a small part of her that wanted to protest at not being able to do such a simple thing but... that was the point, wasn't it? To give him complete control, to let him take care of her.

  He sat there, watching her, dark eyes full of patience as he waited for her response.

  "Okay, Daddy," she whispered, and she swore she felt a little mental shift inside her head. He was her Daddy, which meant he was going to take charge of her.

  She tried not to fidget with anticipation as he walked around the car to open the door. Leaning over her, he unbuckled her seatbelt and helped her out of the car. Was such a small thing supposed to leave her feeling breathless? Or maybe it was just the excitement at this clear and distinct sign that the weekend she'd been fantasizing about all week was finally beginning.

  As soon as she got out of the car, she bounced up and down with excitement, making Kawan chuckle.

  "Okay, baby girl," he said, taking her hand firmly in his. Despite how calm he appeared, Melody could hear the anticipation in his voice as well. "Let's get this weekend started."

  Leading her into the house, he took her straight to the room she hadn't been allowed in all week, and Melody could barely contain her glee at finally getting to see what was inside. She truly felt like a little girl as she hopped up and down impatiently while he unlocked the door. Normally she would have tried to contain her reaction, but Daddy's obvious enjoyment of her enthusiasm encouraged her to do more, not less.

  With a smile, he opened the door and she practically vaulted inside.

  She gasped, her hands going over her mouth as she took in the room.

  It was more than a little girl's room; it was a room fit for a princess. The walls were lavender, the canopy bed was white with violets, and white lacy curtains were drawn back from the windows. There were half full shelves of stuffed animals and toys, a bookshelf with everything from children's picture books to small chapter books, and a large white armoire took up one full corner of the room.

  "What do you think, baby girl?"

  "It's perfect." She especially loved all the purple, since it was her favorite color. Something he'd obviously kept in mind when he'd been setting the room up.

  She ran over to the bed, putting one hand around the post and looking up at the canopy. When she was a little girl, she'd had a similar bed and she'd loved it. She couldn't believe that he remembered her mentioning that in passing. Tears sparkled in her eyes as she looked back over her shoulder at him. "I can't believe you did all of this."

  It was an incredible amount of effort and thoughtfulness, all of which he'd kept hidden from her.

  Leaning against the doorframe, hands in his pockets, he was watching her with a combination of pleasure and lust, and Melody felt her own body heat in response. Her fantasies were coming to life. What was he going to do next?

  Seeing Melody's joy in her little room was everything Kawan could have hoped for. He'd left plenty open for her own touches, but he'd wanted to have the basics put together. It might be a little presumptuous, designing the room especially for her when their relationship was still so new and they had barely started exploring what kind of little she was, but he hadn't been able to help himself.

  Something in her expression changed, a furrow creasing her brow, and Kawan raised his eyebrows at her. "Something wrong, little girl?"

  "Um..." She looked down at the bed, nervously running her hand up and down the metal post. Kawan wondered if she'd seen the special design that would allow him to easily attach cuffs or anything else he'd like to the bed. "
Am I going to be sleeping in here from now on?"

  Her voice was a little higher and softer than usual, and definitely not as happy as it had been a minute ago.

  "Not if you don't want to," he said easily. "If you'd prefer to sleep in Daddy's bed at night, then we'll only use this one for naps."

  She'd brightened up as soon as he'd told her that she didn't have to use it at night, which pleased him because honestly he didn't want to be separated from her either, but then she frowned.


  "Oh, yes." Kawan pushed himself off of the doorframe, stalking into the room and over to her. Her eyes widened as he moved closer, making her look a little bit like a deer-in-headlights as she froze. "Sometimes little girls require naptime."

  "Hmm." Melody bit her lower lip, but she didn't argue with him.

  "Just try it," he said, cupping his hand under her chin to lift her face up to him. Her expression immediately softened, her tension easing. "This weekend is about finding out what kind of little you are. I'm going to want you to try some things that may not appeal to you at first, and we may never do them again after this weekend, but at least this way you'll know. Can you do that for me?"

  Her breathing had changed while he spoke, her pupils dilating. Melody was turned on by even that small show of dominance. Probably also because she was wondering exactly what he would have her do this weekend. She nodded.

  "I need the words, baby girl. What do you say?"

  "Yes, Daddy, I’ll try." The words came out breathless with excitement and she blushed as she realized how eager she sounded. Kawan grinned, lowering his mouth to hers for a deep kiss, a reward for being a good girl. There'd been other kisses during the past week, but not like this one.

  Deep. Possessive. Demanding.

  Melody mewled against his lips as his tongue delved between hers, claiming her mouth. His cock filled, hardening so fast he could almost feel the blood rushing to the organ.

  Which was why he had to end the kiss before he was ready to. Otherwise he was going to become distracted. He hadn't controlled himself all week just to lose it now. He had plans.

  "Okay, baby girl, let's get you ready for tonight." Her eyes lit up with anticipation and Kawan chuckled, wondering exactly what she was going to think when she found out what he wanted. "Sit down on the bed."

  While she was following his order, Kawan went over to the armoire where he had some of what he needed. When he turned around, a lavender colored frilly dress in one hand and a diaper in the other, Melody's mouth popped open.

  "A diaper?" Her voice went so high and shrill that it broke on the word and he almost had to laugh.

  "I thought we'd start the weekend off with the youngest you can go and let you grow up a little each day." Kawan gave her a look. "Remember what I said about trying?"

  "But..." She bit her lip and then looked at him pleadingly. "A diaper isn't sexy. I mean, I've read about them being used but..."


  "Some baby girls prefer to separate their little side from sex completely," Kawan told her, noting the disappointed slump to her shoulders. "But it sounds like you are more interested in having a sexual component even when you’re little."

  Her shoulders hunched inward, a shamed blush reddening her cheeks. "I mean..."

  "That's not a bad thing, sweetheart," he said soothingly, moving over to the bed. He sat down next to her, putting down the diaper and dress so that he could rub her shoulders, soothing away the tension. "It's just two different ways we can do this. Do you want your little play to be sexual?"

  Despite her blush, she nodded, looking down at her hands. Then she peeked at him, head tilting to the side. "Does that mean I don't have to wear the diaper?"

  Kawan chuckled. "Oh no, baby girl. You're still going to wear the diaper. You're just going to wear it a little differently."

  Dammit. Melody wasn't sure how she felt about actually being diapered.

  But he'd told her that he wanted her to try things, so she didn't want to wuss out on the very first thing he wanted her to try. And it wasn't like a diaper was painful or anything. Just embarrassing. Definitely not something she felt like she could safe word over.

  But maybe, just maybe, she could talk him out of doing it since she wasn't interested. She turned to face him more fully, widening her eyes pleadingly.

  "Shouldn't we focus on things that I want to try though? Since I'm exploring?" There was the tiniest hint of begging in her voice.

  Daddy smiled, and something about his expression made her feel like he could see right through her attempt at manipulation. Letting go of her shoulders, he bopped her on the nose with his finger.

  "Actually, since I owe you some discipline, this seems like an appropriate time to explore nontraditional punishments."

  "Nontraditional punishments?" She wasn't sure she liked the sound of that. But at the same time, a little shiver went down her spine, as if some part of her did like it.

  "Oh, yes. I think being treated like a baby might be a very a good punishment for behaving irresponsibly. If you're not interested in being diapered, then I'm sure you'll remember this the next time you're forgetful about taking proper safety measures." He gave her such a stern look that Melody felt her insides churning a little.

  Right. The whole not telling anyone about going to Black Light last weekend. And forgetting to let him know when she got home on Sunday. All things considered, wearing a diaper didn't sound like too bad a punishment for that. It was just a little embarrassing, but as long as they didn’t go anywhere then she thought she could handle it. It wasn't sexy, but punishments weren't really supposed to be, were they?

  Plus, she was kind of curious about what he meant by wearing the diaper differently.

  Before she could say anything, Daddy stood up in front of her. "Now, let's get you undressed, baby girl."

  Melody blushed as she realized that he wasn't going to wait for her to agree. Of course he wasn't going to wait. He was the Daddy, so he decided what they were doing.

  And even though she wasn't super interested in being diapered, him taking control like this turned her on. She held up her hands, feeling strange as he began to take her clothes off. Shirt, then bra, then pants and undies, all while he remained fully clothed.

  It made her feel vulnerable. Small. Incredibly turned on. As he knelt in front of her, tugging her panties down, Daddy's fingers trailed over her smooth mound. She'd just shaved that morning and her skin tingled with pleasure in the wake of his touch. If this was the prelude to being punished by diapering, this wasn’t going to be so bad at all.

  "Very nice, baby girl," he said approvingly. Melody nearly fell over when he gave her a kiss there, right at the front of her slit, over her clit. It was a chaste kiss but it made her ache for more. "Now lie back and put your feet flat on the mattress, hands above your head."

  Why was being bossed around so sexy? She didn't know, but there was no denying the effect it had on her. Her nipples were already hardening into little buds, and it was all she could do not to wriggle around once she was lying down horizontally across the bed.

  Legs bent and spread, feet firmly planted, fingers laced together above her head, she didn't know that she'd ever felt so completely vulnerable before. Daddy stood above the bed, watching her, his eyes gleaming as he looked over her naked body. Melody's breath hitched under his penetrating gaze. Even though she knew he was about to put a diaper on her, in this position, with him looking at her like that, she felt strangely sexy.

  "Good girl," he said, giving her pussy a little pat before moving over to the nightstand.

  Melody craned her head, trying to see what was in the drawer he opened, curiosity creeping through her. "What are you doing, Daddy?"

  "Just getting a few things to make this punishment more interesting for you," he said, straightening back up. She couldn't quite see what he had in his hand, but it looked like a tube of something.

  The expression on his face when he moved back to stand rig
ht in front of her pussy, was not reassuring.

  "Now, Melody, you were a very naughty girl last weekend, weren't you?" he asked, looking down at her. Heat spread through her at being called a naughty girl. It was just as good as being told she was a good girl, just in a slightly different way, although her body reacted the same. "You didn't let anyone know you were going to Black Light and you didn't check in after I asked you to."

  "I'm sorry, Daddy," she said immediately, although she had to admit she didn't feel particularly sincere. It felt more like she was playing a game.

  "Oh, I'm not sure you are yet, baby girl," he said. "But you're about to be."

  The way he said it made apprehension shoot through her and Melody squealed a little as he picked up an ankle in each hand, swiftly bringing them together so he could hold them in one hand. The position was humiliatingly vulnerable, especially with her hands above her head. She barely resisted the immediate urge to reach down and cover her bottom—which was good because Daddy immediately started spanking her.


  Three hard swats on each cheek, laid down in the exact center, one atop of the other, so quickly and harshly that she barely had time to cry out before it was over. Being on her back and seeing the look on Daddy’s face as he spanked her actually made everything a little bit harder. He didn’t look turned on at all, he looked like a disciplinarian meting out the necessary punishment to a naughty little girl.

  The stinging centers of her cheeks throbbed with heat as he lowered her legs back down, and Melody felt just as chastened as he’d obviously intended. It didn’t matter that the spanking was over quickly, Daddy’s stern demeanor in addition to the hard swats had driven the message home.

  “I really am sorry, Daddy,” she said in a smaller voice.


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