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Page 18

by Golden Angel

  Melody panted for air, flushed with the long build-up. Even though her pussy was empty, even though his tongue would only tease her clit, she could feel her orgasm building. The drag and push of his fingers rubbing in and out of her was so close to what she needed, but not quite. She wriggled and squirmed, the rising passion inside of her building and building, like she’d been running a marathon and the finish line was finally in sight. His tongue flicked over her clit again.

  “Daddy, please…”

  Her body tightened—and Daddy pulled away, leaving her pussy pink and needy and untouched.

  “No!” The orgasm, which had seemed so imminent, was stymied from lack of stimulation. Melody felt tears pricking her eyes at her need and she practically sobbed as Daddy’s fingers twisted in her bottom, keeping her on edge without allowing her to tip over. “Daddy, please, I’m so close!”

  “Are you going to remember to leave your hands where Daddy tells you to next time?” His voice was deep, dark with emotion and need, and Melody felt her insides twist in response.

  “Yes, Daddy, I promise!” In that moment, she would have promised anything, if he’d just let her come.

  The fingers inside of her pulled out and Melody cried out at the loss as their withdrawal left her completely empty.

  Then Daddy’s weight was on top of her, pinning her down to the bed, his lips descending to hers as his cock pressed against her pussy. She could taste herself on his mouth as she kissed him back desperately, finally able to touch him in some way. She sucked on his tongue, trying to pull it further between her lips, in a way that she couldn’t with his cock.

  Then she screamed, because he was thrusting into her, so hard and fast that it was almost painful, but her brain didn’t register it that way. She was finally full where she’d been empty, Daddy’s body pressing against her clit where she’d had no stimulation, and it was exactly what she needed to cross the finish line. The tightness inside of her exploded, curling her toes as bursts of ecstasy went off like fireworks throughout her entire body. She clenched and pulsed as he began to thrust atop of her, filling her so perfectly as wave after wave of pleasure rolled through her.

  The hard unrelenting thrusts were almost overstimulation and her legs struggled to try and close. Jerking on her restraints only served to turn her on even more, adding another layer to her climax, and Melody felt tears run down the sides of her face as the intense sensations swamped her body. Her cries were muffled by his lips until he began to move so fast that they couldn’t continue the kiss any longer. Then they rang out in the room as he pounded between her thighs, making her scream with ecstasy.

  Melody quivered helplessly beneath his thrusts, her hips tipping upwards to meet him, her pussy clenching around him as she came. Every time she started to come down from the high, he would change his thrusts slightly, press against her clit from a different direction, sending her into a new wave of rapture.

  He wallowed in her body, sinking into her over and over again, filling his senses with her, taking his fill of pleasure from her. All the while, she writhed in her own erotic bliss squeezing his cock with every throb of her body. As her cries slowly began to turn to whimpers, he began to thrust harder and faster again, now for his own pleasure rather than hers.

  The rough stimulation made her spasm and she let out a sobbing wail as his balls tightened in readiness. The tension broke and he groaned, burying himself inside of her so that her clenching walls massaged his cock while he emptied himself into her. Beneath him, he could feel her breasts heaving as she panted, and he rested his forehead against hers. Her eyes were closed, lashes dewy with tears from the intense sensations, lips open as if waiting for a kiss.

  Kawan obliged, dropped a gentle, undemanding kiss on her mouth as his cock pulsed for the last time. After a moment, she returned the kiss, tipping her head back to give him better access to her lips. It was sweet intimacy to cap the riotous passion they’d just shared, leaving him satisfied in every possible way.

  Chapter 20

  The morning with Melody went well. Kawan woke up before her, his body curled around hers in a spooning position, which he decided to take advantage of. Perfectly vanilla but highly enjoyable, especially because she was so soft and sleepy at the beginning. By the end, she was bucking back against him, her hand over his as he played with her clit, giving her a very good morning wake-up call.

  Then he got her dressed in a ruffled dress with ruffled panties, although the style was enough to make her ‘older’ than she’d been last night. She had fun twirling in front of the mirror and then coloring while he got breakfast ready. After they ate, he did her hair in two curly ponytails and then they played games until he needed to get lunch ready. He smiled to see her going right back to the princess coloring book he’d gotten for her—it was obviously one of her favorite activities already.

  Following lunch time, she was agreeable to changing and ‘growing’ a little bit more. The dress he put her in didn’t have any ruffles and it wasn’t quite as childish. The dress was lavender with a white collar and had a dark purple belt around the waist that tied with a bow in the front. The skirt fell to just above her knees and he put her in little Mary Jane flats, but left off the socks this time. He’d chosen it deliberately because the style wouldn't stand out in a crowd. Unfortunately, Melody disagreed and that’s where they ran into the difficulty.

  “I can’t wear this out in public!” Her voice had changed from the higher, little girl’s voice she’d been using to a woman’s. She whirled around, away from the mirror, two bright pink spots on her cheeks. Kawan raised his eyebrows at her change in tone, giving her a Daddy look.

  “Why not? You look adorable.” He kept his voice mostly neutral with just a slight warning.

  “I look like I’m ten.” She jutted her chin up as if daring him to contradict the exaggeration. And it was an exaggeration. She didn’t actually look like a ten-year-old, even if the dress was something that could pass as part of a ten-year-old’s wardrobe. It also was something that could pass in an adult’s wardrobe—although, from what he’d seen of her clothing, it wasn’t something she would wear as an adult.

  Kawan tilted his head at her. “You were perfectly fine with the dress a few minutes ago.”

  “That was before you told me you wanted to go somewhere!” Her lips were mulish, pouty. Interestingly, the more she argued with him, the more she regressed again. Her voice was becoming higher and her foot jerked a little, like she’d been about to stomp it.

  “Do you want to spend all weekend inside with just each other?” he asked, trying not to feel upset about the idea. Just because he’d planned some enjoyable outings didn’t mean she’d be ready for it, and he did want to be sensitive to how new she was to all of this. Although eventually she’d have to get used to the idea. They’d have adult dates too, but he enjoyed doing little dates just as much if not more sometimes. “I wanted to take you somewhere fun, but—”

  “This is stupid!” she interrupted him, clenching her fists. “You’re stupid!” With that shocking reaction, she ran out of the door of her bedroom, and he could hear her footsteps pounding down the hall and down the stairs.

  Flummoxed, Kawan went very still, listening.

  The front door never opened. Which meant she was downstairs somewhere. Possibly hiding.

  Ah. So she wasn’t going to call her safe word, this was just another testing of boundaries.

  Well, he had just the medicine for that.

  Why did I do that? Why did I call him stupid? Oh my god, I’m in so much trouble!

  Melody’s heart was pounding as she tiptoed through the living room, her eyes frantically scanning for a good place to hide. She didn’t know what had come over her. He’d put on her shoes and then had said she was ready to go out… and then she’d asked where and he’d said it was a surprise, and she’d panicked.

  Out? Where people could see her? Where anyone could see her? She’d had a sudden flash of running into people she knew, like
Lisa or Katherine, or, even worse, McCready… worst of all would be Peggy. She might sink into the ground and die of shame if Peggy saw her dressed like this.

  Peggy would know Melody had never worn anything like this since they’d met. It wasn’t her style at all.

  That she actually really liked the dress didn’t make a difference, adult Melody would never have bought it.

  Maybe adult Melody is the stoo-pid one.

  That was entirely possible. All she could think about now was that Daddy was probably really mad at her. Maybe he wouldn’t even want to be her Daddy anymore. She’d simultaneously rejected and insulted him at the same time.

  See? Stoo-pid.

  Was he even going to come after her?

  Melody froze. She might not need to hide. Why would Daddy look for someone who acted like she didn’t want to be his little girl?

  But I do!

  Biting her lower lip, she glanced over her shoulder, back toward the hall where the stairway was. No sign of Daddy. Maybe if she begged his forgiveness, he wouldn’t be mad? He would understand that she was nervous. She was pretty sure that he’d even started to offer staying home. But that made her feel bad because he obviously had planned to take her out and she didn’t want to disappoint him.

  Dragging her feet slightly, she tiptoed back to the stairway. Because of the wall there, she couldn’t see up the stairs until she was right in front of it, and the moment she turned the corner, Daddy swooped in. Melody shrieked as she found herself upended over his shoulder and being carried up the stairs—and not in the romantic way he’d done last night.

  “Little girl, you are in so much trouble.”

  She bounced on his shoulder, half anxious and half elated. Elated, because obviously Daddy wasn’t going to kick her out. Anxious, because she was in soooo much trouble. But the relief coursing through her made the anxiety worth it. She'd much rather be in trouble than have the weekend end.

  Why had she balked anyway?

  To see what he'd do, the little voice in her head whispered.

  Ugh, how very... childish. Melody almost smiled as the thought hit her. That was kind of the point, but she had a feeling she was going to regret the impulse. A preemptive apology couldn't hurt her cause, right?

  "I'm really sorry, Daddy," she said, sincerely and contritely. "I was just scared about what other people would think when we go out."

  Daddy's hand patted her bottom, which, given her current position, was not as reassuring as it might have been under other circumstances.

  "I understand, baby girl," he said, and his voice was kind. Melody slumped with relief, only to tense again at his next words. "You were very naughty though. We're still going to go out, but you need to be punished first."

  Melody let out a little moan even as her pussy clenched with excitement.

  Kawan was pleased that Melody had come around on her own, although he wasn't going to go any easier on her punishment. This weekend was about exploring her little side, but it was also about setting her boundaries when he was being her Daddy. Calling him stupid was several steps over the line and he was going to make sure she knew it and remembered it.

  With that in mind, he headed for the bathroom instead of the bedroom.

  "No, wait... what are you doing?" she asked, a slight hint of panic in her voice. The change in venue had unnerved her, as it was meant to.

  "You were a very naughty little girl calling your Daddy stupid," he said, bending to set her down on her feet in front of him. His body blocked her exit and her eyes darted around the small room, looking for a means of escape. Rather than looking him in the eyes, she stared at the ground, hands wringing in front of her, looking like a rather sorry little girl. She was going to be a lot sorrier in a minute. "We'll start off with a mouth soaping for insulting your Daddy."

  Now her head swung up, eyes wide with horror. "A mouth soaping?"

  Kawan already had the bar of soap in hand and Melody swayed slightly on her feet, like she was about to retreat. He froze her with a look, his cock hardening when she went still. He loved how she responded to him, even when she was in trouble. Maybe especially when she was in trouble.

  "To begin with," he said, holding up the bar of soap and waiting to see if she'd protest. She gulped audibly but didn't say anything. "Good girl. Now open wide."

  A little whimper escaped her throat, but she opened her lips. His cock throbbed. He ran the bar under the tap quickly and then pushed it between her lips, moving it back and forth over her tongue to make sure it got sudsy. Melody's nose wrinkled and she gagged slightly at the taste, but she didn't try to reach up and stop him. Her hands were tightly gripping each other, her knuckles white as she kept from reaching up.

  "Good girl," he repeated. Her pupils dilated. "After your mouth soaping is done, I'm going to give you an enema, and then I'm going to plug your naughty bottom. Having a plug in should help remind you to behave for the rest of the day." The enema might be pushing her limits a little, but she hadn't made it a hard limit, and since he wanted her to wear the plug all afternoon, it was the best course of action. She made another little whimpering sound, squirming slightly, and he could tell she was pressing her thighs together, aroused despite her soapy mouth.

  He almost smiled, but he managed to push it down. After all, he was disciplining her right now; he didn't want to ruin his stern Daddy facade.

  Pulling the soap from her mouth, he saw with satisfaction that there was a nice white sheen to her tongue and lips. She immediately started to turn toward the sink, but his hand on her shoulder stopped her.

  "Oh no, little girl. We'll rinse your mouth out after your bottom is cleaned out and you're plugged."

  "Pleaaaathe, Daddy," she begged, her words sounding a little strange, because she was trying to move her tongue as little as possible. Her eyes pleaded with him. "It'th tho groth!"

  "I hope you remember that the next time you're about to insult me," he said, giving her a stern look. "Now unless you want a spanking to go with your punishment, you need to turn around and bend over the side of the tub. I want your skirt up and panties down."

  She whined and hung her head, looking like a very sorry little girl now, huffing a little as she moved to do what he said. Kawan got the enema kit out from the cabinet under the sink. Today he'd use the syringe rather than the hose and bladder; although that was his favorite, they were on a bit of a time crunch. Keeping one eye on her as she knelt in front of the tub, he began to prep the enema. Warm water would be enough for today, since it was her first one ever and because she'd apologized without being asked.

  Any fight seemed to have gone out of her though, and she obediently draped herself over the tub, pulling up her skirt and pushing down her panties. The position revealed that she was very wet, her pussy glistening under the bathroom light. Between her rounded cheeks, her anus winked at him as her cheeks clenched, as if in anticipation of what was about to happen. Kawan's cock was hard as a rock when he finally stepped up behind her to administer her 'medicine'.

  Soap tasted awful. Melody could feel her stomach churning, wanting to gag at the flavor that lay thick on her tongue. How she could be so aroused when her mouth felt so terrible was beyond her, but she was.

  Bent over, butt up in the air for her Daddy, about to get her first enema, and she was both very uncomfortable and very turned on.

  I can't believe I'm about to do this.

  I can't believe I'm letting him do this.

  I can't believe I'm turned on by this.

  She bit back a moan as she heard him moving behind her, felt his presence looming over her. It made her want to whimper again. Her bottom clenched, as if a mere muscle spasm could stop him.

  "Just relax, baby girl, this will only be as uncomfortable as you make it." His deep voice was soothing, the words were not. How was she supposed to make an enema more comfortable? Something slick and hard pressed against her little hole and Melody tensed. "I said, relax, sweetheart."

  A warm hand rubbed he
r lower back and Melody squeezed her eyes shut, forcing her muscles to release their tension. It slid inside of her, shorter but harder than his finger.

  Warm liquid began to stream into her, steady and inexorable, and Melody gasped. Her bottom clenched again, but this time the nozzle was already inside of her and it was too late. Daddy easily held it in place, keeping her impaled on the implement as water continued to rush into her bowels. She hadn't thought anything could distract her from the distasteful soap still lingering in her mouth, but the enema managed it.

  It felt strange, uncomfortable, and oddly pleasant. Melody moaned, her thighs quivering as she pressed herself more firmly against the tub, caught between its porcelain edge and the hard nozzle. As her stomach filled, it cramped again.

  "Daddy, too much!" She wriggled, trying to get away but there was nowhere to go and more water gushed in. It was getting hard to breathe.

  And then it stopped.

  Melody shuddered. Her insides sloshed. Daddy's hand rubbed her lower back again and her pussy clenched.

  "I'm so proud of you, baby girl."

  Somehow that made the embarrassment over what came next better.

  She'd thought he'd leave the room. He didn't.

  Shame, humiliation, and arousal all licked at her in equal measure. The last was the most confusing. At some point, shouldn't her pride rear up? Although, pride was what had gotten her into this position in the first place, so maybe it was for the best that it took a back seat right now.

  Once she was empty, Daddy bent her over the counter facing the mirror. Now she could see her flushed face, her wide eyes, and Daddy's expression as he held up a long black plug with a fat bulb.

  "This is a punishment bulb, baby girl. You're going to wear it all afternoon and it will help you remember to behave."


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