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Incy Wincy Spider

Page 18

by Alex Focus

  Chapter 17

  Sydney - Monday: September 27

  The trip to Sydney took a little over an hour. This time we were given very good earphones, which not only cut out the horrible noise of the helicopter, but also allowed Maria to fill us in on the scant information they had.

  We landed on another US war ship and then we were sneaked out into a taxi, and finally we were back in Steve's small apartment. Maria had remained on board the war ship and would be our contact.

  Our return was an occasion of such happiness for Roger that he barked and farted all around the apartment. He was so happy in seeing us both that we ignored his noxious emissions. After all, we can't all be pretty and smell sweet, can we? I took him for a long walk as a reward for his exuberance. Steve went to call in at work, while I walked Roger.

  Sitting on Steve's lounge after walking Roger, who was panting away like a steam train, at my feet from the unexpected exercise, my thoughts kept going around and around, thinking of this approach or that, but could not come up with anything useful.

  It was not a good sign.

  Fortunately, the earlier storm in Roger's digestive system had subsided and at least the atmosphere was not toxic, but it was depressing nonetheless. My mobile barking was a welcomed diversion.

  "I have been ordered to fully cooperate with you and to assist you in any way I can," Robyn's familiar voice sounded very unhappy on the other end of the line.

  "I am not sure I want your help, Robyn. I have been told you have severe rodent problems," I told her bluntly.

  "That particular pest has been controlled? permanently," she said. The lack of inflection in her voice sent a chill down my back.

  "Did you find anything out anything of value, before you? er? controlled it?"

  "Not much, he was working for the group you took care of earlier in the week. He knew little about the group you are looking for now," she said.

  "Are you sure?" I said.

  "Quite sure," she said. I did not want to imagine what they had done to him in order that Robyn could be 'quite sure'. But, it would not have been pretty. I did not ask for details.

  "He did give us a bit of information; however, apparently his contact was a man of middle-eastern appearance. The mole seemed to think that his contact's cover was that of a high school teacher probably under an assumed name in a public school, somewhere in the eastern suburbs." She added, she had been keeping that information back, but must have decided to do the unthinkable for her, and share.

  "Well that's a lot more than we had a few minutes ago? how reliable is the information," I asked.

  "I am sure it's pretty reliable, he?ehm?resisted quite a bit before he gave it up," she admitted. I could just imagine. Still, death and/or torture are a mole's ultimate destiny.

  "Ok thanks Robyn, I'll be in touch," I said

  "Right," she said and hung up.

  What next? A few hours ago, Robyn was ready to have us shot on sight, now she was being very helpful. I guess Uncle Sam's fist had come down on someone higher up than her, and that someone had brought Robyn up to speed very quickly. It was a good thing to see. Steve would be pleased and amused.

  To cheer myself up I called Lidia.

  "Hi, it's Louie," I said.

  "Oh, hi there," she answered brightly.

  "How are you?" I asked.

  "Fantastic! I have just come back from the most wonderful weekend ever!"She said, happiness boiling out of her like liquid nitrogen hitting a hot plate.

  "I am very glad, Lidia. I have some good news too. The police are close to making an arrest, it will soon be over. I am not sure of the details, but I will let you know," I lied.

  "That is very good news, thank you very much Louie." She said.

  "Ehm?Lidia, I saw Henry on Friday, he asked me to tell you that he had a family problem crop up? he had to leave immediately. He may not be back, Lidia." I told her.

  "Oh! I am so sorry; I hope he is all right. I am very sorry to lose him, he was great," she said, saddened by the news.

  "If you are short of a driver, I think that Joe would love the job," I suggested.

  'Why, that's a wonderful idea, Louie. Thank you so much. I can't wait to ask him, I'll ask him up to the house right now," she said excitement building in her voice. Definitely a little girl in a woman's body. No doubt about it.

  "Take care, Lidia," I said, ready to sign off.

  "Wait a minute, Louie, how much do I owe you?" She asked concern in her voice.

  "Why, nothing Lidia. We are square." I told her.

  "Oh Louie, it can't be, I must owe you more, let me send you another cheque," she almost pleaded.

  "Absolutely not, Lidia. Really, we are square. Take care," I said.

  "Okay, Louie, you take care too," she said, reassured and then we hung up.

  Steve did not get back from work until the early hours of the morning, by that time I was sound asleep on the couch with Roger cuddling up to me. It had been a fight to retain ownership of the lounge, but in the end, I had won a compromise.

  "You lazy ass, while civilization crumbles to dust, you are taking a nap? And were you cuddling my dog? Roger you are a slut!" He said, as if scandalized...

  "You are just jealous? on both counts" I said, stirring awake. He winked and headed for the shower.

  "I'll make us a cuppa? do you still have that dandy espresso machine?" I asked, rising from the lounge and wondering whether I was imagining fleas crawling all over me. Had Roger actually shared some of his friends with me? Great!

  "Can't go wrong with a cuppa," he agreed. "The machine is under the sink. While you make us both a cuppa, I am going to have a shower. I have been working all night and I need one. You also need one because you smell like Roger," he smirked.

  "Blah, blah, blah" I answered, but I doubt if he heard me as the shower was already running.

  As we sipped our short blacks, after we had both showered and dressed, I filled him in on Robyn's call. He loved hearing about it.We went through a number of plans, but they were all pretty useless. It seemed like an impossible task.We were at it all night and into the early hours of the morning. The result? Nothing.


  Chapter 18


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