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Loving Cara

Page 9

by Kristen Proby

“What did you bring?”

  “Strawberries,” he replies with a straight face. “Covered in chocolate.”

  “God bless you,” I say as he holds one up to my lips. I bite through the hard milk chocolate and sweet, juicy berry, and Josh’s eyes greedily watch my mouth. Suddenly I forget about the movie and the dozens of people sitting around us as I take another bite of the delicious treat.


  “My turn,” I whisper, and reach into the basket for another strawberry and offer it to his mouth. His eyes shine with mischief as he takes a bite and then bends down to kiss me, the chocolate and the juice from the berry on his lips. I lick them clean and he kisses me firmly.

  “I’m about to make a scene,” he whispers, making me chuckle.

  I pull away from him and munch on chocolate strawberries as he pours me a glass of sweet white wine.

  “Red Solo cups are so romantic,” I giggle softly.

  “I can’t pour it into wineglasses.” He shakes his head, a wide grin on his face. “Alcohol is prohibited in this park.” He places his finger over his lips, warning me to keep our secret between us, and then takes a sip of my wine before handing it to me.

  “You’re not having any?” I take a drink.

  “I’m driving us home.”

  “Not for a while.”

  “That remains to be seen.” He runs the backs of his knuckles down my cheek. “I’m having a very hard time keeping my hands off you.”

  Just like that, it’s as if the wind were knocked out of me. He says the sweetest things.

  The first movie ends and the crowd stirs, people standing and stretching, gathering blankets and bags of snacks. Kids whine about having to go home to bed. Some parents let their little ones simply sleep on the blankets on the ground while they stay for the second show.

  “I’m gonna go use the restroom.” I stand and raise my hands over my head, stretching up on my toes. “I’ll be back.”

  “Okay, babe.”

  A line wraps around the small brown-brick restroom building, but it seems to be moving fairly quickly. I move to the back of the line and notice a group of women about five people ahead of me.

  If there had been “mean girls” in my high school, it would have been two of those three girls. Sunny Lawson and Lauren Cunningham were classmates of Jillian’s and mine, and they were horrible. Both from wealthy families, they were pretty and popular and incredibly snobby. I frown, remembering. Actually, that’s not true. Lauren was always just quiet. She was never cruel, she just hung out with girls who were.

  I wonder why?

  The third woman, Misty Maddox, is newer to town. I believe she’s only been here for a couple of years, but, boy, does she ever fit in well with that group. I’ve never met a cattier woman.

  “. . . Cara Donovan.”

  My ears immediately perk up at the sound of my name.

  “He’s not interested in Cara.” Misty smirks.

  “Didn’t you see them sitting together?” Sunny asks. “He looked interested to me.”

  Oh, trust me, he’s interested.

  “Why would he be interested in that fat bitch? Trust me, he just feels sorry for her because the tree fell on her house. You know how he is, always saving someone from something.” Misty shakes her head condescendingly.

  “Stop that,” Lauren interrupts. “Cara’s a nice person.”

  “I didn’t say she wasn’t,” Misty agrees. “But she’s so not his type. He’s a ten and she’s a three on a good day.”

  “At least she’s straightened her hair.” Sunny giggles. “Remember her hair, Lo? Oh, God, what a mess!”

  “Tell me about her hair!” Misty is smiling giddily and I just want to throw up. I’m mortified. I want to run away, but I can’t make my feet move. They still haven’t seen me, and the people in front of me haven’t noticed me standing here either.

  “She had this horrible, curly frizzy hair.” Sunny gasps for breath from laughing so hard. “It was all over the place.”

  “I think it looks nice now.” Lauren is scowling at both women. “You two are ridiculous. This isn’t high school.”

  “Oh, loosen up, Lo.” Misty waves Lauren off dismissively. “It’s all in fun. And trust me, girls—Cara Donovan is no threat.”

  “You’re right,” I call out, to the surprise of everyone around me.

  The three women turn, eyes wide and mouths open. Lauren and Sunny both blush, but Misty quickly recovers and narrows her eyes viciously at me.

  I can’t stay quiet one moment longer. “There’s no threat because Josh has chosen to be with me. I guess he’s just not into catty bitches.” I prop my hands on my hips and tilt my head to the side. My heart is racing with adrenaline. “It’s good to see Lauren has grown up. When are you two going to join her?”

  Before either Misty or Sunny can respond, Lauren grabs both their arms and yanks them into the restroom.

  “Those girls always were trouble.”

  I spin around to see Mrs. Baker, my eighth-grade math teacher, standing behind me, her eyes narrowed and hands planted on her ample hips. She always was a force to be reckoned with, and retirement hasn’t changed that.

  “It doesn’t matter,” I murmur.

  “It does too matter. I don’t like that new girl one bit. If she were in my classroom, I’d make her life a living hell.”

  I smirk and silently agree. Maybe Misty needs a scared-straight field trip.

  The line moves, and before long all three girls leave, walking quickly, not glancing my way.

  By the time I walk back toward Josh, I can’t help but feel just a little twinge of doubt because, at the end of the day, what if Misty was right? What if Josh just feels the need to swoop in and save me?

  The part that pisses me off the most is that she’s made me doubt why he’s attracted to me, despite the fact that Josh himself has never given me a reason to doubt him.

  God, Jillian would smack the shit out of me right now. After she smacked the shit out of Misty and Sunny.

  I almost trip on my own feet when I see Misty sitting on our blanket next to Josh, smiling up at him adoringly, her hand planted on his shoulder. Her raven hair is pulled over one shoulder, exposing her other naked shoulder and showcasing her cleavage.

  She’s thin, with big gray eyes and plump lips.

  And her hands are on the man I’m currently sleeping with. The woman has balls of steel.

  I’m going to rip her hair out by the roots.

  I force my feet to move, propelling me forward as I glance at Josh for the first time. He has a small smile on his lips, but it’s forced. His eyes are combing the crowd, and when he finds me, his smile widens and he immediately stands, ignoring whatever it was that Misty was saying.

  She glares at me, but I ignore her and focus on the magnificent man striding toward me.

  “There you are.” He takes my hand in his and pulls it up to his lips.

  “There was a line,” I mutter, and offer him a small smile. He narrows his eyes at me, sensing the change in my attitude, I’m sure.

  I’ve been stupid to just jump into whatever this man is offering without being cautious.

  “As I was saying,” Misty begins. “My parents own a house . . .” Her voice fades as Josh drapes an arm over my shoulders and turns us to look over at her. She’s standing next to the blanket now, twisting her fingers at her stomach.

  “Hey, Misty, let’s go get our spot back for the next movie,” Lauren calls from a few feet away and gives me a sympathetic smile as if to say, Sorry.

  “I’ll call you, Josh.” Misty smiles sweetly and joins her friends.

  “What’s wrong?” Josh asks me when she’s gone. “What happened?”

  I just relived my junior year, that’s what. “Nothing. I think I’m ready to go now if you don’t mind.”

  “I’ll take you wherever you want to go. What I mind is whatever has upset you.”

  Before he can stop me, I begin gathering the blanket and the picnic bas
ket. He takes the basket from me and I immediately walk toward the truck.

  I’m embarrassed. That’s what it is. I’m just so damn embarrassed.

  He’s silent as he stows the blanket and basket in the backseat and helps me into the truck, turns the ignition, and pulls away from the park.

  “Where would you like to go?”

  I really want to go home.

  But that’s not an option.

  “Your place is fine.”

  His eyes narrow on my face, watching me. “Talk to me.”

  I swallow and look out the passenger window and ignore the expletives he mutters under his breath. The lights from the city dwindle as we head out of town toward the ranch, and with each passing mile I get more and more angry.

  I’m pissed at those bitchy, stuck-up women. They need to grow the fuck up already. And I’m pissed at myself for letting those toxic women get into my head.

  “Are you fucking me because you feel sorry for me?” I blurt out, and immediately wish I could grab the words out of the air between us and stuff them in my pockets.

  Josh’s head whips around, his eyes wide in shock and anger. He clenches his mouth shut, tightens his grip on the steering wheel, and ignores the question altogether.

  “Well?” I demand as he angrily flips on the blinker to turn down his driveway.

  “Shut up, Carolina.”

  “What did you say?”

  “You heard me.”

  “No, I must be mistaken, because if you just told me to shut up, I’m going to kick your ass.”

  He pulls in front of his house, kills the engine, and turns in his seat to glare at me. “Why in the name of all that’s holy would you ask me that?”

  “Just answer the question.”

  “Cara, I’m going to warn you right now, I’m fucking pissed that you would even think for a second that I would fuck you, as you put it, because I feel sorry for you. Why is that thought even in your head?”

  God, I’m stupid. I sigh and rub my forehead with my fingertips.

  “Is this about Misty?” he asks, and my head whips back up to glare at him. “Shit.”

  “What’s going on with you and Misty?” I ask, despising the accusatory tone in my voice.

  “Nothing’s gone on with her for over a year.”

  “You slept with her?” I ask incredulously.

  “No, I dated her exactly twice, and then I found out what kind of person she is and stopped seeing her.” He shakes his head and brushes a finger down my cheek, but I flinch away from him. “What did she say to you?”

  “She didn’t say anything to me.”

  “Carolina,” he growls in warning.

  “I overheard them,” I whisper, and look out the window, loathing the tears I feel trying to form at the corners of my eyes.

  He doesn’t say anything, he just waits, and I love him and hate him for understanding.

  “Misty clearly has a thing for you.” I clear my throat as though it’s not a big deal. “She made it clear that a fat, ugly chick like me is no threat when it comes to a ten like you. You clearly just feel sorry for me and are trying to save me.”

  “And you fucking believe that bullshit?”

  “No, I don’t believe her!”

  “Then why are we fighting about this?”

  “I don’t necessarily believe Misty’s bullshit, but a tiny part of me can’t help but wonder why you’re attracted to me.” The last few words are whispered shamefully.

  Josh stomps angrily out of the truck, slams the door shut, and moves in angry strides around the vehicle, yanks my door open, and, before I can do anything, pulls me easily over his shoulder, lifting me from my seat.


  “I’ve heard enough.” He slaps my ass—hard—and carries me into the house, slamming the door behind us with his foot.


  “I warned you.” He sets me on the kitchen island, slams his palms on the granite on either side of my hips, and pushes his face into mine. “I warned you the first day you were here that I’d spank your ass if you called yourself fat. It pisses me off.”

  “So I’m gathering,” I whisper.

  “Misty and her friends are bitches and most likely have been since the day they were born. I don’t give a fuck what they think about you or me or you and me together.” I hesitantly touch my fingertips to his cheeks and pull them down his face. “The only two people in this room are you and me, Carolina, and we’re the only ones who matter.”

  He cups my face in his hands, his brown eyes on fire, and kisses me hard, his mouth claiming mine, marking me.

  He grabs my hand in his, leading it to his erection, still covered by his slacks. “Trust me, sweetheart, this doesn’t happen around women I feel sorry for. Feel what you do to me.”

  My cheeks flush and I just want to slink away and be mortified while he’s not watching, but he makes me meet his eyes with my own.

  “Pull that dress over your head.” He takes a small step back, giving me room to do as I’m told.

  I bite my lip, embarrassed all over again because I’d been brave earlier and gone without panties. Now I wish I’d worn them.

  “Carolina,” he whispers, and drops to his knees, spreading my thighs wide. “You’re so beautiful.”

  I whimper as he traces my labia with a fingertip and presses a light kiss over my clitoris. “Soft. If I’d known you weren’t wearing panties all night . . .” He swears under his breath and then gently kisses my clitoris again.

  I white-knuckle the edge of the countertop as electricity shoots through me at the touch of his mouth. “Josh.”

  “That’s right, baby.” He pushes two fingers inside me and nuzzles the most sensitive nub with his nose. “I fucking love your pussy.”

  I push my fingers into his thick, soft, dark brown hair and hold on as he laps at my core, sucking and nibbling and making me crazy. I’m panting and whimpering, begging him to stop, but then begging him to never, ever stop.

  He pulls away and lifts me off the counter. Stripping his clothes off quickly, he turns me around and bends me over. Before he slams his hard cock inside me, he slaps my ass again, the loud thwack echoing throughout the great room. He growls as he buries himself balls-deep inside my slick pussy.

  “Get it through that gorgeous head of yours, baby, this is not pity, charity, or just because I’m fucking horny. I want you, Cara. You.” He grips my hair in his fist and pulls me back so he can whisper in my ear, “You.”

  “Josh,” I whisper, and hold on for dear life as he smacks my ass again and then loses himself in the fast, hard rhythm of taking me from behind. There is just the slapping of skin and our harsh, ragged breaths filling the room until I can’t stand it anymore and I convulse as my orgasm rips through me, clenching around his cock.

  Josh growls and finds his own release, holding himself buried to the hilt as his own shudders rack through his body. He kisses my back gently and slides out of me, turns me to him, and wraps me in his strong arms.

  “Do you want to hear my list?” he murmurs as he brushes his lips across my temple.

  “What list?”

  “I have a whole list of reasons that I’m attracted to you, sweetheart. It goes without saying, although I’ve repeated it many times, that you’re beautiful. But more than that, you’re funny. You are dedicated to your job and you’re proud of what you do.”

  His hands glide up and down my back in long, sweeping motions, soothing me.

  “You’re kind and generous. You’re so fucking smart, baby. I plan to spend a lot of time making you see you how I see you because the view is unbelievable.”

  I bite my lip and will the tears that have gathered in my eyes at bay.

  “What I feel for you is so big, Cara. No more doubts.” He tips my chin up to look me in the eye. “You’re with me because there’s nowhere else I want you to be. Got it?”

  I offer him a small smile and nod. “Got it.”

  “Good.” He lifts me and car
ries me toward the bedroom. “But just in case, I think I’ll work on reminding you some more.”




  The house is quiet as I let myself in the back door. I’ve been at work for a few hours, having left Cara in my bed before the sun was up this morning.

  She is not a morning person.

  I rinse out my coffee mug and grab a clean one from the cupboard above the sink, and as I turn to the coffeepot to pour both Cara and myself a cup, I hear her shuffle up behind me. She wraps her arms around my waist and presses her sweet little body against my back, nuzzling her face between my shoulder blades.

  And just like that, I’m hard.

  “Good morning,” she murmurs sleepily into my back. I grin and grip her hands in my own, turn in her arms, and loop my arms around her shoulders as she snuggles into my chest.

  God, she’s so fucking adorable.

  “Good morning, sweetheart.” I press my lips and nose to the crown of her head and take in a long, deep breath. She smells like strawberries and Cara, her own soft, sweet scent mingling with the berries. It’s intoxicating. “I’m pouring you some coffee.”

  “Mmm.” She rubs her nose against my chest.

  I lean back against the counter, holding her to me, content to stand with her as she wakes up. “Did you sleep okay?” I glide my hands up and down her slender back, enjoying the feel of the soft cotton of my faded, old college T-shirt over her skin.

  “Slept fine.” She tilts her head back to smile up at me.

  Dear God, I’d give anything to wake up to this smile for the rest of my life, and that thought is more than a little unnerving.

  “Good.” I kiss her nose and then her lips softly before offering her the mug of steaming-hot coffee.

  “Thank you,” she murmurs, and, holding the mug between both her hands, takes a long sip. “How did you know how I like my coffee?”

  “I pay attention.” I shrug and take a sip of my own coffee, watching her over the brim. She’s all mussed up, her blond hair a bit tangled and messy, and her face is clean of makeup, glowing and flawless. My old University of Montana T-shirt hangs on her petite frame covering her yoga shorts and leaving her smooth legs bare. “You have great legs.”


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