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All He Needs: A MMM Romance (My Truth Book 1)

Page 19

by Ann Grech

  Our little girl had captured all our hearts—we lived for her giggles, and the older she got, the more they happened.

  The four of us had found our groove. Dada was the best father figure I could ever have asked for; Mace was a teacher at heart, and she was blossoming from his tutelage. When she needed comfort, we were all right there, but it was Papa she always wanted, something I did too. Ricky was her wall of strength, the safety she sought when she was scared. I think I had the best role of all though. Seeing Gracie as she closed her eyes at night, watching her get all cuddly and fall asleep, was the coolest thing ever. I treasured those little moments with her.

  “More, more,” Gracie huffed indignantly, a little V forming in her forehead. Uncle Angelo and Uncle Trent were taking far too long as far as she was concerned, but I could see why. They’d roasted the marshmallow, pressing it between the cookies, and were now waving it around, cooling it down so she didn’t burn herself. My unofficial brother-in-law and his best friend doted over her too, as did virtually everyone else who met our baby girl.

  I shook my head, smiling, and turned my attention back to the discussion about Reef’s guest interview with a relative of Ford’s. The guy was apparently an ex-TV star who was now an ambassador for an LGBTIQ organization in Australia. Reef had spoken to him about his experience as a pro athlete and having to hide his sexuality, what it was like coming out, and more recently how Gus and Adam, the two superstar Olympians, had inspired Reef and so many others. Reef had done a great job, and the passion he carried into his training and competition—the same passion that made him a world champion—was so apparent in the interview. It was clear that he loved his new gig as a ski instructor, and bookings for his lessons had tripled since he’d been on-air.

  Teaching kids how to snowboard was the perfect job for him. I sometimes wondered if I could’ve held down something like that after I retired, but the what-ifs never lasted long. I loved my job. It was a lucky break getting hired on the construction crew, and I was proving my worth every day. Building called to me, and getting to work with my hands was the greatest, even if the winter mornings on site were fucking freezing. It was hard work, honest work. I’d come home sweaty and dirty, but I was making a difference, having a hand in creating something that would become a family’s home, a place where they made memories every day.

  The song playing softly in the background ended, and Charlie Puth’s “One Call Away” started, filling the air between the laughter.

  “Go on, you know you want to,” Rick interjected.

  Reef flashed a smile at Ford, who was looking at him like he was his world. He whispered something in his ear before they stood up. The smile on Ford’s face, the love reflected in his eyes, would’ve made me swoon had I not been on the receiving end of the same love from Rick and Mace every day. Stepping around the birthday presents littering the deck, they moved down onto the grass and wrapped their arms around each other tight, swaying slowly to their song.

  “Up?” Gracie asked sweetly, her face and fingers sticky with marshmallow and cookie crumbs from the s’more she’d just devoured. I snagged a wet wipe from the tub on the table and went to her, cleaning her up before popping her on my hip.

  “You want to dance, baby girl?”

  When Gracie nodded enthusiastically, I took the same route as Reef and Ford, moving down to the patch of grass in the yard. It didn’t take long for Rick to step in front of me, taking my free hand in his and wrapping his other arm around my waist, keeping Gracie between us. Mace came in behind me, standing close and nuzzling into my neck just as the song wrapped up.

  There was barely a pause before Ed Sheeran’s “Perfect” started. With Ed crooning about a sweet girl who held his heart, I smiled at Gracie. She was my perfect girl. They were my perfect guys. Dancing there, under the night sky blanketed with millions of tiny pinpricks of light sparkling like diamonds, I looked up into the heavens. It was overwhelmingly beautiful, and in that moment I knew without a doubt that Anna had heard my begging. She was right there with us, loving us.

  “Can you feel that, baby girl?” I took a shaky breath, blinking back tears of joy. Knowing Anna could still see her daughter, could still watch over her and love her, had my heart exploding with joy. “Your mama’s here. She’s an angel watching over us.”

  Losing Anna had broken me, but from her loss, I’d gained a family. We were a perfect little unit of four. They were everything I needed but never in a million lifetimes would’ve dared dream possible.

  Life was like that though, moments of sheer perfection in an ever-changing world. My journey had been tough so far, but with my family next to me, I knew I could face anything.

  Though somehow, I knew clear skies laid ahead of us now.

  About the Author

  Thanks for reading All He Needs. I do hope you enjoyed Caden, Mace, and Ricky’s story. I appreciate your help in spreading the word, including telling a friend. Before you go, it would mean so much to me if you would take a few minutes to write a review and share how you feel about my story so others may find my work. Reviews really do help readers find books. Please leave a review on your favorite book site.

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  Other Books by Ann Grech

  If you loved All He Needs, you might enjoy the other sweet, sexy, hot erotic romance stories I have published.


  Unexpected Series:


  White Noise


  Gold Coast Nights:


  MV Dreamcatcher:

  Dance with Me


  Always Him

  The Gift (free for newsletter subscribers)

  M/F works:


  One Night in Daytona


  This story wouldn’t have happened without the help I received from so many beautiful people. To Susan Horsnell and Gibby Gibson, thank you both for helping me create Anna. Gibby, for your knowledge of all things military and picking the perfect career for a kickass woman, and Susan, for your medical knowledge and guidance. Anna’s story shattered me. It was one of the hardest things I’ve ever written and Susan, your guidance in tweaking the medical parts of it was invaluable.

  Another thank you also needs to go to my beautiful critique partner who looks at all my work and always sets me on the right path. Kariss, thank you, beautiful. I always appreciate your eyes. On that note, another thank you to Kristin for her mad editing skills (apologies for all the comma splices and unnecessary words!), Paula and Andrea for their beta review and Kim and Tina for their eyes. Becky, for your years of unwavering support and for giving me the chance to join the Hot Tree Publishing family, thank you, gorgeous. You know I adore you, right? Thank you also to Tracey Weston for your stunning cover. As soon as I saw it, I knew it was perfect. You managed to capture everything Caden without even knowing him.

  Caden’s backstory came to me when I was literally in the middle of a sentence while teaching Sport Law and writing Whitewash. I completely lost track of what I was going to say and the rest is history. Thank you to those fifteen or so students who waited for me to reengage my brain and resume our chat about drugs, drug testing in sport, and the infamous cheaters. Caden had to be the bad guy in Whitewash, but I knew there was so much more to him and for a long time, he was begging me to tell it. He was never alone though—Rick and Mace were always right there with him, and Caden was pretty insistent that he wouldn’t choose between them. So, Caden, thanks for butting heads with me and winning!

  For my A-Team, who kept pushing for another installment in Reef and Ford’s world, here it is. I hope that I’ve done Caden, Mace, and Ricky’s story justice for you. Thank you always for your friendship, encouragement and mild outrage when I get up on my soapbox about something that’s got me worked up! You’re always there, and I appreciate you to no end for it.

  Hubby, you always had the hug I needed when I was crying over Caden. Thank you for not questioning my sanity too often, but poking fun of me was not nice. These guys are not just fictional characters. You should know that by now! B and J, you boys are so damn special to me—you and your dad are the loves of my life. Holding you in my arms for the first time were my two greatest moments. Thank you for choosing me as your mum and for giving me the inspiration to write about the love a parent has for their kids.

  Last, but not least by any stretch of the imagination, a huge thank you to all the readers who pick up my books and the bloggers who show so much love for the book community. I can never thank you enough for your love and support over my years of writing. The time you take to buy, read, review, reach out and share your thoughts about my books is so very appreciated. Thank you for pushing me to be a better writer with every word I type.

  Ann xx

  About the Publisher

  Hot Tree Publishing opened its doors in 2015 with an aspiration to bring quality fiction to the world of readers. With the initial focus on romance and a wide spread of romance subgenres, Hot Tree Publishing has since opened their first imprint, Tangled Tree Publishing, specializing in crime, mystery, suspense, and thriller.

  Firmly seated in the industry as a leading editing provider to independent authors and small publishing houses, Hot Tree Publishing is the sister company to Hot Tree Editing, founded in 2012. Having established in-house editing and promotions, plus having a well-respected market presence, Hot Tree Publishing endeavors to be a leader in bringing quality stories to the world of readers.

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