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Totally Intoxicated

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by Wanitta Praks

  Maid to the Mafia: Totally Intoxicated

  Book 3

  Wanitta Praks

  Wanitta Praks Media

  Copyright © 2019 by Wanitta Praks

  All Rights Reserved

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  This book was self-published by the author Wanitta Praks. No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without agreement and written permission of the author. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. Purchase only authorized editions.

  Maid to the Mafia: Totally Intoxicated

  Author: Wanitta Praks

  Copy Editors:

  Janet Bessey

  Kimberly Dawn

  Cover Design:

  Wanitta Praks



  New Reality

  Gentlemen Discussion

  Morning Exercise

  Calling for Attention


  Café Love Sick

  Punish with a Kiss

  A Gift of Love

  A Gift of Love in Return

  My Beloved

  Welcome to My World

  Confiding in a Friend

  Like the Sun and the Earth and the Moon



  The Ice-cream Trap



  Too Late to Say I Love You

  Side story 1: Giovanni’s Jealousy

  Side story 2: Dawson’s Gift

  Maid to the Mafia 4: Totally Devoted

  The Billionaire’s Twisted Love

  Her Majesty is Here


  My new life in a new world

  The Delicious Taste of My First Meal

  That Hot Intruder who makes my heart pound

  Let Me Love You

  Also by Wanitta Praks

  About the Author

  Maid to the Mafia: Totally Intoxicated

  “Iron my shirt.”

  “Give me a kiss.”

  “Make my coffee”

  “Let’s make love.”

  And that’s essentially what Jenny’s life has bogged down to. One minute she’s the maid, the next she’s the lover of billionaire mafia boss, Giovanni Dente.

  Jenny tries to separate her two lives, what with friends, college and exams, but the more she lives with Giovanni, the more she’s dragged down to the underworld of mafia.

  Jenny knows she must fight back, to regain normalcy, but she can’t resist because this time, she’s totally intoxicated.

  Book 3 in the Maid to the Mafia series.

  Chapter 1

  New Reality

  I gazed at the bed in awe. The two plump pillows caught my eyes next. Giovanni had slept here last night. I could smell his scent. And there was one other female scent lingering among the bedsheets.

  Mine. I’d slept here last night, with him.

  I pinched my cheeks until I yelped in pain. Gosh. This was my new reality. I wasn’t dreaming, was I?

  After signing the new contract, I behaved in a way I thought a lover should. Giovanni was busy having a bath, the very bath I’d run for him. And now, here I was, waiting anxiously for his next move, holding this big fluffy towel, waiting for him to emerge from his bath.

  I bit my lip and waited. What’s the next step? I was so nervous I couldn’t think straight. This was even worse than my exams in high school.

  “Jay!” A deep baritone came from the direction of the bathroom, and there he was, Giovanni, the very man who made my heart pound, the man who’d totally captivated me at first sight.

  “Boss.” I beelined to his side. He was like a blooming flower at that moment, freshly dripping with spring dew. His tanned skin was exposed to my hungry eyes, and I ate his image up, eyes slowly licking every droplet of water from his body.

  He really was sculpted to perfection. Tall, lean, but not too bulky, just what I liked in a man. Such a beautiful creature. I found it hard to believe he was even human. But human he was, with his foul mouth and his bad attitude. He was still a heartthrob, to all the female population in this world, me included.

  Together, we were the perfect representation of beauty and the beast. He was the beauty, and I was the...

  I took a swift glance at myself in the mirror. Dressed in some lame pajamas with my mousy-brown hair and fair skin, I wouldn’t go so far as to call myself a beast. More like plain. We were beauty and the plain, but it didn’t matter, because right now, he was all mine. Mine. Mine. Mine.

  Snap yourself out of it, Jenny. When had I become this lewd?

  He was tall. Not gigantically tall, where I couldn’t reach him. Just a stretch of my toe, and with the helpful bend of his neck, and I could reach his head. Holding the fluffy towel in my hand, I rubbed his hair dry. But I was very uncomfortable standing on tiptoe, so I led him to the bed, making him sit there comfortably, while I stood on the side, doing my magic massage on his scalp.

  But Giovanni wasn’t having any of it. He just had to have his own way. He opened his thighs and wedged me in between, tugging me forward until I stood plastered to him.

  My face flushed to the color of cherry blossoms when I felt his naked skin against me. We were separated by only a thin cloth. My pajamas. Thankfully, under the low accent light of his bedroom, he couldn’t see the effect he had on me. He faced forward, eyes in line with my breasts, giving me access to his full wet hair.

  I was now his lover. We’d slept together a few times. I should get used to this, I kept telling myself, because as his lover, I would be doing more than domesticate things for him, not just drying hair. So, this was easy. I shouldn’t react to every little thing he did.

  Except I couldn’t seem to help it. At that moment, Giovanni lifted his head up and smiled at me, a lazy smile, one that shot straight into my heart.

  Oh Lord, my legs were turning to jelly. When he smiled like that, he looked like a totally different person, a side I’d hardly seen before.

  “You are getting good at this,” he said, his eyes sparkling with mirth. “How long have we been lovers?”

  “Just over 48 hours ago,” I automatically responded. “I strive to do the best in everything I do.”

  “Aren’t you a good girl.” And I reacted again, his fingers crawling on my back, up and up my spine, making my nerves dance in a crazy fashion.

  Having zero experience in relationships, I didn’t know how to react to all this, so I just kept wringing his hair, ignoring the hot flush spreading through me. I was here to be his lover, and that’s what lovers should do.

  “You know what I’m about to do next, right?”

  His question drew me, and we locked eyes. His pupils glistened with something resembling love. Or was it lust? I wasn’t sure. Either way, I was excited and pleased, because he found me desirable.

  I smiled, a bit awkwardly. In response, his fingers did all the talking. First one button, then two. Slowly, he unbuttoned my pajamas and exposed my naked breasts to him.

  “Are you scared, Jay?” he asked, knowing I didn’t have enough experience in this field.

  I didn’t realize I was closing my eyes and holding my breath. Last night I was the enthusiastic participate. Tonight, I couldn’t do anything right.

  “Open your eyes, Jay. Look at me.”

  I flipped my lids open, and Giovanni was my focal point.

  “Are you scared?�
� he asked again, his hand cradling my cheek.

  I nodded and bit my lip. “A little. I don’t really remember what happened last night.”

  “Tonight, Jay, I want you to remember everything.”

  “You are more subdued than normal, Boss.”

  “That’s because I know you’re mine, my Jennifer.”

  My heart vibrated when he called me by this name. Somehow, I felt an attachment to it, even though I knew it wasn’t mine. Still, I wanted to borrow her name, so I could spend an eternity with Giovanni.

  He kissed me, soft and subtle at first. This was no hard kiss like before. This was slow and melting. His lips lingered there, just hovering above mine.

  Seconds later, he moved to my nape. I felt his hot breath on my neck.

  “Boss, you okay? You sound like you’ve run a marathon.”

  “Jay. Be prepared. I’m going to make love to you slow and long, then hard and fast, and the only sounds coming from your lips will be moans and groans,” he murmured beside my ear.

  I drew a sharp breath and swallowed hard as his words took full meaning. His intention was clear. The image he painted was too vivid in my head, and my body throbbed in anticipation.

  “Boss...” I managed to rasp out through my lust-fogged mind.

  That one word was the magic code. Giovanni frantically tore off my clothes.

  “Boss, you ripped my new pajamas,” I yelped, fully wakening from my trance and completely astonished at his change of behavior. “I thought you said you were going slow.”

  “And fast. I said slow and fast,” he corrected me before spurting out another attack on my pajamas buttons, yanking at them so hard, three flew across the room. “Fuck, Jay, why do you even wear clothes to bed? You don’t need them.”

  “I’m a civilized human being. I don’t sleep in my birthday suit. Unlike you. As for my pajamas, I want another set.”

  “I’ll buy you a hundred, a thousand sets, just so I can rip them off you again,” he boasted, a smug look on his face when his mission of removing my last article of clothing was accomplished. Now I was completely naked.

  “You’re wasting money, Boss. I only need one pair,” I retorted in annoyance, sliding to my side to face the wall.

  “Jay,” he lazily said, correcting my position and sliding on top of me. He pinned both of my hands beside my head. “Are you mad at me?”

  “No. I just feel sorry for my pajamas. I only got to wear it today, and now it’s destroyed.”

  Giovanni offered a solution. “How about next time I’ll be more careful.”

  I smiled. “Agreed. Now, please kiss me.” I closed my eyes and pursed my lips forward, waiting for his kiss.


  And I was still waiting.

  When is he going to kiss me?

  I opened my eyes and was unprepared for the sight of Giovanni’s penetrating gaze. His eyes were so intense. He said, “Don’t ever smile like that to another guy. Promise me, Jay. I won’t take it if you do.”

  And then he kissed me, so hard my head was spinning. By the time I could grasp the situation, he was already positioning himself in me. I bit my lip when he entered, feeling his hardness inside of me. He ground and gyrated his hips, angling this way and that, making sure I enjoyed every bit of the pleasure, too.

  My eyes rolled over in lust when I felt his lips descend to my neck. He found the spot, latching onto my nape. Like a vampire to his victim, he sucked me clean.

  That’s right. I was his victim. I was completely at his mercy. He could do whatever he wanted with me, and I’d be happy to comply. I chose this. I wanted this. I wanted to be his lover. And I loved it. Every single minute he embraced me, every single breath he took when he thrust into me. I wanted it all.

  I was greedy, I knew this. But for once, I wanted to be selfish. Grab all the attention Giovanni offered me.

  “Boss,” I puffed out, my eyes going glassy with lust. “Please go easy on the neck. I don’t want bruises. I have school tomorrow.”

  “My favorite spot,” he husked, over and over, ignoring my request. “My woman. My girl. You’re mine.”

  I was pleased. I was happy. He said I was his. And that was all the assurance I needed. So, I let the sensation ride through me, because when sunlight hit, he might disappear. But for now, when both of us were cloaked in darkness, he was mine, fully mine.

  The sun had risen, peeking through the light curtains. I breathed in the scent of Giovanni, my mafia boss, nestling my nose at the crook of his neck. He smiled with his eyes closed and chuckled, folding my naked body around his until we were wedged together, all our body parts touching.

  We’re so intimate. I’m still not used to this, I thought to myself. Waking up in the arms of this most fearsome man, who controlled the underground world of New York City. This man was dangerous. I shouldn’t be in this position, getting tangled up with him, with my heart and soul being captivated by him. His words alone consumed me, his touch, his taste, they were all imprinted so clearly in my mind. These last few days I’d lived in a paradise. Whenever he said I was his Jennifer, I’d always melt in his arms. I lost my sense of self, my own control in life. I wanted to be with him. I craved his touch. I craved his taste. This was my own choice. But still, each morning when I woke up, I still lamented about this subject.

  “Boss,” I mumbled, “I need to get up. Get off me, please.”

  “Let’s go for another round before you leave,” he mumbled in my ear, sending more shivers of desire down my spine.

  “No, Boss. I have chores to do, plus I have an early start at school.”

  It’d been close to three days since I’d officially become Giovanni’s lover. But my task as his lover was interchanged between lover and maid. And right now, I didn’t know whether I should act as his lover or his maid.

  “School, again, huh?” He peeked one eye open, rested his head on one elbow, and gazed at me with those dark obsidian eyes.

  I was awestruck by those amazing dark pupils. Whenever I looked at those eyes, they seemed to suck my entire soul out of me, and I entered this dream-like state, like I was intoxicated by some drug or something. I blinked, blocking this new sensation. My happiness must be kept to a minimum. Who knew when I’d be replaced?

  “Yes, school again,” I replied.

  “You know, I’ll support you forever, even if you don’t want to attend school.”

  His words should’ve reassured me about my future, but I wasn’t the least bit reassured.

  “I don’t want to rely on you.” I turned away from him. He was too beautiful for my eyes. I felt like being his lover was purely a dream, and soon I’d wake up. “What if one day you wake up, and you no longer want me, or what if you found the real—”

  Giovanni swung me around to face him and cut me off with a succulent kiss. He cradled my head, resting his forehead against mine, shutting off any negative thought I had of myself.

  He looked at me. No, his eyes literally burned my entire soul. “Shut up, Jay. I told you already that you’re mine. I would never let you go. You are my real Jennifer. So, stop thinking those stupid thoughts. You’re mine. You hear that. Mine. And what belongs to me I’ll cherish forever.”

  Even if the real Jennifer comes along? I wanted to say. But I didn’t. I let him take me, even though I was not convinced yet. I knew my time with him was coming to an end soon, but for the remainder of the day, I wanted to spend time with him. Maybe he was right. At least once in my whole, entire nineteen years of life, I wanted to gain some happiness. Even one small happiness would be fine, too. A person like me, who’d never experienced love, even a shred of love, would take it and cherish it. Like Giovanni said, he’d never let me go, he’d cherish me forever. As for me, if he did let me go, I’d cherish this love we had together. Until then, I was willing to stay beside him, and although I didn’t know how long it’d be, I wanted to be fully immersed in his world, become totally intoxicated by him.

  Chapter 2

  Gentlemen Disc

  Giovanni stared at the pinot noir swirling in his wine glass. He took a sip of it. A light and crispy texture, it befitted his superior palate very well. Just what he liked.

  The taste itself reminded him of the first time he’d dined with Jay on the night he’d declared he wanted her as his lover. His eyebrows slanted upward, a devilish grin curving his lips.

  Fuck! The thought excited him.

  His heartbeat drummed rapidly, his pulse speeding up at the memory of their first night together. Now he wanted to be back home at Cory Mansion, snuggling next to Jay, embracing her with his warmth.

  But he couldn’t. This was an important meeting among his business associates and close friends. Although he was a mafia boss, he did have legitimate businesses outside of the dark underground circle.

  He was making his way out of that circle slowly. Even Giuseppe had said it. The world of the mafia would only end in bloodshed. Since he’d found his Jennifer again, the idea of gangsters and fights revolted him. His future plan... he wanted to excel in the proper business arena, legitimately.

  Giovanni listened to the conversation around him. Something Dawson had said caught his attention. Swinging his eyes up, he said, “Repeat that.”

  Dawson, his business partner and close friend, smiled calmly at him. “You’re looking happy today. Found yourself a new pet?”

  “You could say that,” Giovanni replied. “A cute pink bunny.” A smile decorated his lips again, and a look of delight passed his eyes. “I’m keeping this one, though. Permanently.”

  His eyes snapped to the other two men in the room, Julian Devereux and Justin Valenti. Both also knew his current background as the mafia boss to the Dente Group. Their relationship stemmed from the different businesses in which they collaborated. Julian in the stock market and Justin in real estate. Not to mention Justin was also half Italian, like him.

  Julian smirked, cutting into his sirloin steak. He said nonchalantly, “Thought you had your other pet, Melena or something.”


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