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The Trans Ultra Collection Vol 2

Page 24

by Ursula Lovelace

  The payments from the drug trial meant I didn’t need to work a nine to five job. I spent most of my day exercising, reading, and watching TV. It was honestly a little boring since this drug was filling me with energy.

  I wondered what the other test subjects were going through. Surely, they were experiencing the same changes to their body that I was feeling. The guys in charge of the trial encouraged us to not speak with each other. I figured they didn’t want to communicate and figure out which group got the placebo and which got the real deal.

  Day by day, I emptied the bottle of pills. I was sky high on whatever chemicals were inside of the capsule. I didn’t want this trial to end.

  At the same time, I definitely knew that I wasn’t taking a placebo. My body was changing far too quickly for this to be a natural response. I was undergoing some sort of transformation.

  It was subtle at first.

  I noticed that my face was rounder. My cheeks were more pronounced as if I had applied a layer of natural blush to them. In fact, I hadn’t had to shave in weeks. My new bare face was soft and wily compared to my usual gruff exterior. I felt like a little girl with how often I stared at myself in the mirror.

  Nonetheless, I didn’t know how to put my transformation into words. It wasn’t easy writing down how my lips had become plump or how my hair was so silky. Even my pubic hair was smoother than usual. I was starting to suspect this drug was an alternative to shampoo.

  My body hair was another story. It seemed to have fallen off over time. My armpit hair was long gone. Likewise, I had shed the hair on my legs and forearms.

  Then, there was the stuff I wasn’t comfortable telling the doctors. My skin was extra sensitive to touch, especially my nipples. I could spend hours just touching my nipples. There were sensitive enough to make me come just by flicking them for a few minutes. It had been weeks since I last masturbated by putting my hand down my pants.

  My body had undergone physical changes as well. I had lost weight in all the right places. My physique was now lean with curves in all the right places. My waist seemed smaller which exaggerated my hips and upper body. I hadn’t changed anything about my diet or exercise routine. It was all very strange but it was hard to complain about the results.

  Well, there was one thing to complain about. I could hardly get my cock up when I wanted to. Sure, I could come but I never got it my erection to my previous height. It wasn’t exactly some type of erectile dysfunction. Instead, it felt like I didn’t need to tease my cock to achieve an orgasm.

  It wasn’t as if my sex drive had gone dry. In fact, it was just the opposite. I was watching quite a bit of porn these days. I especially liked gang bangs where a bunch of guys shared one girl. However, I couldn’t pull up the willpower to call an ex-girlfriend. It was a strange change to my behavior.

  In fact, my whole body had changed. I couldn’t fit into half of my clothes. I had to buy a new set of clothes with my payments from the drug trials. My new clothing was smaller and more form fitting. I didn’t think it was too much of an issue until I went out wearing them.

  My chest was getting narrower while jutting outward. A pair of small breasts had been sprouting under my shirt all this time. They were firm as a teenager’s with a pair of pointed nipples.

  That wasn’t the only change.

  Between my legs, my cock had shrunk small enough that it was nearly gone. My balls had collapsed into a set of pussy lips. A patch of downy pubic hair capped off my new orifice. It was a strange sight to see a cunt down below. I had gingerly explored it with a finger but I was afraid to go any deeper. I didn’t know what was happening to my body but I didn’t want these changes to stop either.

  One day, I headed out to the gym at night. I preferred to exercise later in the night. It allowed me to focus on my routine without any distractions.

  While I was at the water fountain, one of the staff members at the gym approached me. “Would you like a coupon, ma’am?”


  That was a new one.

  Getting up from the fountain, I stared back at the man in bewilderment. “Excuse me?”

  I figured he was trying to talk to someone else. However, there was no one else in sight. He handed me a coupon. “We’re having a special offer for our loyal female members. If you subscribe to six months of gym membership, then you’ll get an additional six months for free.”

  It was a very generous offer. I just didn’t know why he was giving it to me. “Wait, it’s just for women?”

  I wanted to go to the locker room and retrieve my stuff but this guy wasn’t letting me off so easily. “We’re trying to reward loyal female members such as yourself.”

  I couldn’t believe what this guy was saying. He actually believed that I was a woman. Sure, I had slimmed down due to the mystery drug. My new workout clothes highlighted my soft curves. However, this felt like some sort of prank.

  I caught my reflection in a nearby mirror. My hair was short and I didn’t wear any makeup. Nonetheless, I could easily pass as a woman. Hell, I could be mistaken for a rather attractive woman. I wasn’t sure what this drug was but its results were rather impressive.

  I decided to take the coupon. “Thanks.”

  Perhaps, looking like this came with its advantages. I had plenty of money in the bank from drug trial payments. It wouldn’t hurt to buy new clothes and treat myself to a makeover.

  Chapter 3

  “Why aren’t you a beauty, miss,” the woman at the counter praised. I never got used to being mistaken for a woman, especially by an actual woman. “I’m sure we’ll have something in your size.”

  “Thanks,” I replied, glancing around the department store. It had everything a girl could ask for. Unfortunately, it was my first day as one. “Where’s the dressing room?”

  She answered with a smile. “To the back and to the right. You can’t miss it.”

  A weird spell had taken over me. Ever since that incident at the gym, I was beginning to see myself as a woman both literally and figuratively. My reflection barely resembled the person I was before taking this mystery drug. In Alex Grayson’s place was a beautiful woman with all the right curves.

  On more practical matters, I was starting to hate my old clothes. Even the new ones I bought were rough against my skin. This drug was making my skin hypersensitive to coarse fabrics. Unfortunately, it was slim pickings when came to finding men’s clothes that I could tolerate.

  It wasn’t like I was hurting for money. I had a tidy sum saved up after receiving my payments for the drug trial. I could chalk up a shopping spree as a cost of doing business. I’d still have plenty left in the bank after treating myself out.

  Browsing the racks of women’s clothing, I found a few nice outfits. There was even a full dress on sale for a price that was an absolute steal. The fabrics were soft and silky. It sure beat wearing old t-shirts and shorts all day.

  Like a tiger on the prowl, I explored every segment of the store. I picked up everything from undergarments to a pair of sweat pants for exercising. It was a much different experience than shopping as a man. Usually, I just picked up whatever shirt caught my eye. I rarely ever tried to try it on in the dress room before making my purchase.

  As I went around the store, I overheard women gossip about me.

  “I wish I had a tummy like that,” one of them sighed. “I can barely fit into my wedding dress.”

  Staring daggers at me, the other added. “I’m happy my husband isn’t here. He would be eyeing her all day.”

  It was strange being the subject of such jealousy. I decided to keep my head down and finish my shopping. I didn’t want to risk the embarrassment of being unveiled as a man. After all, I still had my boxer-briefs on.

  Speaking of which, I found myself struggling with what kinds of underwear to purchase. There was just so much to choose from. I saw everything from lacy lingerie to skimpy thongs. A part of me wished I could call up one of my sisters and ask them to guide me through this. Thankful
ly, help wasn’t far away.

  “Can I help you, miss?”

  I turn to see a man working for the department store. His nametag identified him as Allen. He didn’t seem to have the slightest suspicion that I was a man. “Just browsing for some underwear. Do you have any sets on sale?”

  He smiled. “It looks like you’re a B-Cup. I think we have something in your size.”

  That surprised me. I looked down at my chest and saw there was a slight bump underneath my shirt. Sure, my nipples felt harder and longer but I never realized I was building up a bit of a bust. I knew my body was changing due to the drug but this was odd.

  Stranger still, I didn’t really care about what was happening to my chest. Allen picked out a few sets of lingerie for me to try out in the dressing room. I knew I would spend a lot of time testing out my new look.

  “There you go,” he said, handing me a set of designer lingerie. “This beauty is on sale. You can also use a discount card on it. Do you have a membership with us?”

  I shook my head. “It’s my first time here.”

  He smiled. “Don’t worry. I’ll use my employee discount for you.”

  If I didn’t know any better, I would guess that Allen was flirting with me. He seemed too generous for someone trying to land a sale. “Thanks.”

  I headed towards the ladies side of the room with my stack of clothing. After a brief wait, one of the rooms opened up and a young woman came out. She passed me by without so much as suspecting that I was a man or some kind of pervert.

  I couldn’t fault her. With my budding chest and soft facial features, I could easily be mistaken for the fairer sex. The illusion would be even more complete with some more feminine attire.

  Once inside the dressing room cells, I locked the door and undressed.

  I couldn’t help but stare at my chest. My breasts were rounded and firm. My cock had practically vanished. It shrunk to form the clitoris of my new pussy. For all intents and purposes, I was a woman.

  And any proper woman needed a good set of undergarments.

  I took out a pair of lacy panties from the clothes I had brought. One leg after another, I stepped in and pulled it up. I instantly felt the softness of fabric against my bare skin. I felt the narrow strip of the thong fit snuggly between my buttocks. The gusset covered my newly formed pussy well enough. A few stray pubic hairs poked out from the sides. Perhaps, I was due for a visit to the spa as well.

  It felt a lot better than my pair of boxers. This was snug without feeling restrictive. Better yet, it revealed the curves of my new body. I twirled around before the fitting room’s mirror to further examine my body. The panties really brought out my ass and hips.

  My budding chest needed from support as well. They had become increasingly sensitive these past few weeks. In particular, my hard nipples made me tingle with pleasure at the slightest touch. I needed something soft to encase them in.

  Taking the other half of the set, I put on the bra over my breasts. The harder part was clasping it behind my back. I was an expert at unhooking a bra but putting on one was new to me. I turned around and used my reflection in the mirror to guide my hands.

  Finally, I managed to clasp the strap together. I turned back around to admire myself. The bra further exaggerated my breasts. They looked a cup size bigger than what they actually were. Altogether, you would be hard pressed to tell that I had been a man a month ago.

  I moved on to put on a skirt. Using the buttons on its side, I put it on with casual ease. The skirt was tight enough to highlight the curve of my ass. Walking around in it wasn’t a problem either.

  I finished the look by putting on a nice, flowing blouse. It was semi-transparent and revealed the outline of my bra. My reflection was that of a total knockout. I loved how my new outfit showed off my curves.

  I couldn’t help but be a narcissist and fall in love with my reflection. As Alex the man, I was an average specimen of my sex. As a woman, I was an absolute seductress.

  I just needed someone to seduce.

  Despite the changes to my body, a part of me still thought of myself as a straight man. Now, that side of me was dissolving away. I wanted to use my body to tempt a man. I would do all kinds of unimaginable things to him.

  I thought about the sexy, muscular men I saw at the gym. They were tall and sinew as they pumped iron. I recalled the sweat dripping down their rippling muscles.

  I knew their cocks were just as big as the rest of them. I was also certain that my sexy new body would seduce them with ease. I would make them forget about all the other women.

  I imagined myself on my knees before their massive cocks. I would stroke a cock with my dainty fingers until it was hard as steel. Then, I would lean forward and swallowed it.

  I knew it would throb in my mouth with warmth and power. His pubic hair would rasp against my face. I would suck his shaft dry of his hot cum.

  The mere thought heated my loins. I slipped a hand under the waistband of my skirt and into my panties. I felt my soft pubic hair tickle my fingers as I teased my cunt.

  I was already wet with my pussy dripping its juices. I couldn’t believe how real it looked or felt. My fingers grew moist from rubbing my cunt. My opening radiated with heat. It wanted to be explored.

  I gingerly slid a finger into my wet pussy. I immediately felt the walls of my sex clamp down on it as if expelling an intruder. My hand rubbed my clit as my other hand kneaded a breast. My nipples grew rock hard and jutted out from beneath my blouse.

  Finally, an explosive orgasm rocked my body to the core. My hand reached out for a wall so I could support myself. I had completely drained my panties. It wasn’t anything like having a cock shoot a load.

  Suddenly, I heard a soft voice from outside the stall. “Is everything alright in there, miss?”

  “I’m fine,” I replied back with a blush. My pussy was completely soaked. I would have to pick up another pair of panties. “Just open up a counter for me. I’m getting everything.”

  I wanted something bigger than a finger in me.

  Chapter 4

  With my new wardrobe, I regularly attended the gym with a set of form fitting sweatpants. It attracted all kinds of attention as I did my routine. It was just what I wanted.

  While there were a few slobs, most of the men here were all in top shape. It was hard focusing on my exercises with all the ripped bodies around me. I saw the sweat drip down their bodies. I wanted to lick it off their hard bodies. I knew the attraction was mutual from the looks I was getting.

  The ladies, however, gave me looks of jealousy. My body was in much better shape than most of the women here. I was almost tempted to tell them about the miracle drug I was testing. Nonetheless, I had to remember to change in the women’s locker room.

  I wasn’t the only one doing the gawking. My tight sweatpants had caught the attention of nearly every male here. They were practically lining up to ask me out. It didn’t take long before one tall, dark haired man worked up the courage. “Smooth moves.”

  I smiled at him. “Thanks, I’m Alex.”

  My name worked as well for a girl as it did for a guy.

  “Hey, I’m Andrew,” he introduced himself. “I work as a bartender at the bar down the block from here. We have happy hour tonight. There’s a special deal for ladies. It’s a good place to let your hair down and relax.”

  He handed me a business card. “Thanks, Andrew. I’ll keep that in mind.”

  I decided to get back home before any of the other men tried to propose to me. I was attracting more attention than I knew what to do with it. Nonetheless, I was interested in Andrew’s offer. The bar down the street was a pretty nice place. I had been there before as a man. I knew I could easily hook up with someone and take care of my new womanly urges.

  When I got home that evening, I showered and took out one of my new dresses. It was a dark blouse and skirt combo with a pair of matching platform shoes. Underneath the stylish garment was a set of fresh designer lingerie.r />
  Over the past few days, I had practiced doing my makeup. A few online guides taught me the finer points of mascara and lip gloss. It wasn’t long before I could apply eye shadow with ease.

  I had also visited the spa earlier to do my hair. An interesting side effect of the drug was that it stunted the growth of body hair while allowing the hair on my head to grow long and thick. I had a hair stylist go to town on my hair until it was smooth as silk. Back home, I trimmed my pubic hair until it was a small tuft above my slit.

  Finally, I headed to the bar. I had been there before as a man but this time was different. As luck would have it, they were having a special for ladies. Drinks were half off and women didn’t have to wait in line.


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