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A Twist in Time

Page 3

by Donna Raider

  Mika had no idea when the town transformed from a sleepy little snow-covered town into a living replica of the Christmas tradition, but she loved it. Her favorite was the skating rink that had been set up in the city park.

  “Come on, Mika.” Richie pulled her hand, guiding her through the shoppers to the skating rink. “I need you to teach me to ice skate. I want to surprise my moms.”

  Moms. There was that use of the plural form of mom. Mika had heard Richie use it often when he spoke of wanting to surprise Leah. Mika shrugged and followed Richie to the bench to lace on their skates.

  Mika stood and skated backward away from the boy, circled back, and came to a halt in front of Richie, spraying him with small shards of ice. Richie squealed and laughed. “Teach me to do that.”

  The priest pulled the child to his feet and held him as Richie slowly slid one foot in front of the other. Mika was amazed at how quickly the boy mastered the sport. He soon caught on to the push, glide premise of skating and let go of Mika’s hand.

  Richie took several spills before skating off alone. He turned and headed back toward Mika, picking up speed. The boy turned his skates and skidded to a stop right in front of the priest, sending ice spraying all over her.

  They practiced daily for two weeks before Richie felt confident enough to show his mom how good he could skate. They warmed up, waiting for Leah to join them.

  “Oh, there’s my mom now. Watch this,” Richie squealed as he sped off toward the benches.

  Mika’s heart jumped as she turned to greet the mayor, but it wasn’t Leah the boy was spraying with ice. Richie had skated into Emily Carver’s arms.

  Mika watched as the sheriff ruffled Richie’s hair. The boy looked up at her with a big smile, then vigorously waved Mika over to them

  “Mika taught me to ice skate,” he beamed, proud of his accomplishment. “Watch this.”

  Before Mika could greet the sheriff, Richie caught her hand and pulled her further onto the ice. “Make me look good,” he grinned, and Mika did. They skated side by side, forward and backward, and did figure eights. For their finale, Richie moved away from the priest, then turned and headed back toward her, picking up speed as he approached. As it looked like Richie would sail by Mika, the priest swept him up, swinging him round and round, so the two of them formed a graceful pirouette on the ice. Mika gently set the boy back on the rink, and they skated hand in hand toward the sheriff, who had been joined by the mayor.

  “That was breathtaking and scary.” Leah exhaled softly, and Mika realized the woman had watched the exhibition holding her breath.

  “I would never let anything happen to him.” Mika smiled at Richie’s dark-haired mother. “You know I had everything under control, don’t you?”

  She smiled one of her brilliant smiles. “Yes. I never worry when he’s with you. I didn’t even know Richie could skate.”

  “We have been practicing for two weeks,” Richie said, grinning. “We wanted to surprise you. We’re going to enter the skating competition at the Winter Solstice Festival.” He giggled, pointing at Mika and then himself. “Mika arranged for the two of us to skate together.”

  “Beautifully executed, Priest.” The sheriff smiled brightly. “Thank you for teaching our son how to skate. I look forward to watching your competition. Let’s go, kid. Grandma has supper waiting for us. See you tomorrow night at Naomi’s,” she threw back over her shoulder.

  Our son! What is going on? Mika thought as she watched Emily walk away with the boy beside her. She swung her gaze to Leah, who only looked at her as if she didn’t understand the troubled look on Mika’s face.

  “What?” Leah demanded.

  “Our son? You and Emily have a son together?” she asked incredulously. “I have been with you every day for the last six months. We’ve discussed every topic imaginable and you never once thought it was important to tell me you have a son with Emily Carver. How is that even possible?”

  A devastatingly beautiful smile slowly lit her gorgeous face as she realized what Mika was asking her. “Oh, no.” She laughed out loud. “It isn’t what you think.”

  “I am not sure what I think,” Mika mumbled.

  “Emily is Richie’s birth mother. She gave him up for adoption at birth, and I adopted him. Emily and Richie found each other last year. Emily wanted to be in his life, and I’m okay with that. I admit it took some getting used to, but we’ve worked it out. He lives with me, and Emily has him whenever she has time off. He sometimes spends the weekend with her, like this weekend. In the summer and the month of December, when school is out, she gets him during the week, and I get him on weekends.”

  A look of relief crossed Mika’s face as Leah’s words registered with her, and she felt like the world’s biggest fool.

  Leah tilted her head slightly and smiled in that maddening way she had. “Tell me, Priest, how did you think we would be sharing a son? You do know about the whole male/female thing and how that works, don’t you?” Her brown eyes sparkled as she teased Mika.

  “I… It’s just that it would have been nice to know that bit of information.” Mika ducked her head and sat down on the bench to remove her ice skates.

  “Want to join me at Naomi’s for dinner?” Mika looked up at Leah with her shy, little-girl smile, and Leah knew she would follow her anywhere.

  Leah nodded yes and took her hand. Mika’s hand was warm and comforting, and Leah leaned against her shoulder, drinking in Mika’s warmth as they walked. She is such an innocent, Leah thought as she stole sideway glances at the beauty walking at her side.

  As always, they slipped into their easy conversation. They discussed Richie’s athletic abilities and how quickly he had learned to ice skate. They discussed the upcoming Christmas party at Naomi’s and the Winter Solstice Festival.

  “I hope it’s okay with you that Richie and I are going to skate in the Festival competition,” Mika said. “He wanted to surprise you.”

  A frown furrowed Mika’s brow and she asked, “Is there a father in the picture?”

  “Nick,” Leah spit out the word as if it left a bad taste in her mouth. “The town drunk.”

  The priest nodded, recalling the inebriated man she had seen on several occasions at the diner. “I’m sorry, for Richie’s sake. Maybe I can help him. I have had good experiences working with alcoholics. They truly are tortured souls.”

  Leah caught both of Mika’s hands in hers and turned to face the blonde, looking up into her deep blue eyes. “I believe you can, if anyone can.”

  After dinner, they walked toward the mansion as a light snow started to fall. Mika was glad Richie was spending the night with Emily.

  “It’s cold.” Leah’s breath frosted the air as she opened her front door. “Please come in and let me fix you a hot buttered rum. I promise it will keep you warm all the way home.”

  Mika stepped inside the mansion that was now familiar to her. She slipped off her loafers, placed them beside the coat rack in the foyer, and followed Leah into the kitchen.

  “Okay, let me get this straight.” Mika frowned, sliding onto a stool at the kitchen island. “Samson and Delilah are Emily’s parents and Richie’s grandparents, but they look the same age as Emily.”

  “Great genes.” Leah smiled.

  “Nick is Richie’s dad. Nick’s father is Mr. Legion, who owns half this town as far as I can tell. So that makes Legion Richie’s other grandfather. Legion is married to Jesse, so she is Richie’s step-grandmother. She also looks very young.”

  “She is,” Leah agreed. “Trophy wife. Second marriage.”

  “So that is all on Emily’s side of the family,” the priest continued, trying to get Richie’s family tree straight in her mind. “And you…what about your parents?”

  “I’m afraid I don’t bring much to the table,” Leah said casually. “Both of my parents are dead. I have no living relatives.” She didn’t add that she had killed them all.

  “That must be very hard on you, especially around the holi
days,” Mika said.

  “Not really. Emily’s family—Samson and Delilah—always include me in holiday celebrations. For the most part, they’re decent people. We have a long history together.”

  Mika finished her buttered rum and stood to leave. “I was wondering if I may escort you to the Christmas party tomorrow night.”

  “I would like that.” Leah smiled up at her, then stood in her personal space.

  Mika couldn’t take her eyes off Leah’s beautiful face: her dark brown eyes, almost going to black; her perfectly arched eyebrows; long, sweeping lashes; her flawless skin; and her lips, the most sensual lips she had ever seen.

  Leah stood on her tiptoes and lightly touched her lips to Mika’s. Fire shot through the priest. Mika pulled Leah against her, pressing their lips together. Leah moved her full lower lip against hers, sending shockwaves throughout Mika’s body. Leah slipped her tongue between Mika’s lips, asking for more. Mika gladly gave her access, reveling in the feel of Leah’s soft lips. Leah’s tongue-teased Mika’s then she put her arms around her neck, flattening the entire length of her body against Mika. “I want you,” she whispered. Mika moaned and bent to sweep her up in her arms. She started up the stairs to the bedroom.

  “I…I can’t do this, Leah,” she moaned. “It’s against the rules.” She bolted out the front door.

  Leah stood looking where Mika had disappeared out the door. She suddenly felt cold. A shiver ran up her body. She wondered if Mika was even aware that her shoes were still sitting in the foyer. I need a good stiff drink, Leah thought as she headed toward the study.

  Way to go, Leah, she chastised herself. You can really pick them, girl. First a cruel king, then the sheriff, and now a priest, for God’s sake. All forbidden loves. Oram’s. Since Mika, she couldn’t even remember Oram’s full name. Emily Carver, the sheriff; only Emily hadn’t been strong enough to withstand the social and parental pressures of dating the Wicked Queen.

  She took a sip of the Scotch and swallowed it slowly, letting the liquor burn down her throat and into her stomach. Why did I kiss Mika? I’ve ruined everything. She hadn’t been able to stop herself. Totally immodest, she knew she was a beautiful woman. Looking up at Mika, who was mesmerized by her beauty, she knew Mika wanted her as much as she wanted the blonde. Heat flashed through her body as she recalled Mika’s firm, demanding lips on hers. The way her strong arms had crushed Leah against her body. She couldn’t live without Mika. No matter what it took, she had to have a daily dose of Mika Cross. Be it platonic or sexual, she had to have Mika in her life.

  Leah jumped when her phone rang. She saw Mika’s beautiful face come on her screen. She pushed the accept button, thankfully bringing Mika back into her life.

  “Leah,” Mika’s voice was soft and sensual, “I’m sorry. I would never hurt you or take advantage of you. I love you, but there is nothing I can do about it. If you never want to see me again, I understand and will keep my distance. Leah, please say something,” she pleaded.

  Leah’s heart soared. She loves me. Forbidden love, but she loves me, nevertheless. “You left your shoes in my foyer,” she said, breaking the silence. “I bet you’re afraid to come for them tonight.”

  “Yes, I’m afraid. I couldn’t walk away from you twice in one night.” Mika’s voice was still hoarse with desire.

  “Then I’ll see you at breakfast tomorrow.” She was back in control. “Do you have another pair of shoes?”

  “Tennis shoes.” Mika’s voice lightened as she realized Leah wasn’t going to hate her. “I love you, Leah.” Without waiting for her reply, Mika broke the connection between their phones.

  Mika was lying in the darkness when her phone dinged an incoming message. She looked at her screen and her heart beat faster. The message simply said, “I care for you, too.” A smile stole across Mika’s face.

  Two tortured souls lay in two separate houses, in two separate beds, and thought about all the secrets they tightly held. Secrets that should be shared with the other, but neither knew where to begin.


  Saturday morning, Mika bound down the stairs two at a time, hoping Leah would already be in the diner. Before she entered the back door, she could already hear the buzz of diners ordering breakfast. There she was, sitting in their booth, perusing the menu, oblivious to those around her. Mika stood in the shadow of the stairs and took a good long look at Leah. If she could do nothing else for the rest of her life, she would be satisfied just to view her beauty. She silently thanked her God for the millionth time for allowing such a magnificent creature to grace her life.

  Waiting to get her pounding heart under control, Mika took deep breaths before entering the diner.

  Leah didn’t look up. She had been aware of Mika as soon as she opened the back door. She knew Mika was studying her, wanting her. That was enough. She bowed her head as a knowing smile crossed her face.

  Mika slid into the booth with her, touching her hand briefly. “Good morning, beautiful.” She smiled and was rewarded with a brilliant smile in return. Her heart leaped. “Did you bring my shoes?”

  “No,” Leah teased. “You need to be woman enough to get them. Just be thankful they weren’t under my bed this morning.” She smiled as a light pink blush made its way up Mika’s neck to the top of her blonde head.

  “Again, I apologize. It is difficult to be with you,” Mika whispered. I am in so far over my head, she thought.

  “I know,” Leah answered truthfully.

  “Is Richie going to be able to practice with me today?” Mika changed the subject, wanting to slow the beating of her heart.

  “I don’t know. You’ll have to ask Emily.” She took a sip of her coffee, running her tongue over her lower lip, intentionally setting Mika on fire.

  “Do you skate?” Mika asked, trying to pull her eyes away from Leah’s gorgeous lips.

  “Yes. I do.” Leah frowned as if trying to remember something. “It has been a long time.”

  “Let’s go skating when we finish here.” Mika grinned. “It will give me a good excuse to put my arms around you.” Two can play your little game, she thought.

  Samson, Emily, and Richie rushed through the door of the diner, letting in a little swirl of snow and cold air.

  “Mom! Mika.” The beaming boy slid into the seat next to his mother, giving her a sideways hug. “We were just looking for you. Are we practicing today?”

  “Mika was just asking that same question.” Leah smiled at her son, pulling him close beside her, her arm around his shoulders.

  “Your mom said I would need to check with Emily.” Mika looked questioningly at the sheriff.

  “Sure.” Emily shrugged. “That will give us time to get in some Christmas shopping.”

  “Delilah and I are looking forward to the consecration ceremony.” Samson stepped forward and shook hands with the priest. “You have done amazing things with the cathedral. It truly is beautiful. We’re excited. It will be our first Christmas Mass in thirty years.”

  “Oh, yes. It is,” Delilah agreed. “Have you seen what Priest Mika has done with the inside of the church, Leah, dear?”

  Leah shot the woman a go to hell look and stood up.

  “You’d better do it quickly,” Emily added. “You know, before the consecration and all.”

  Leah looked at Emily as if the sheriff had kicked her in the stomach and shook her head in disbelief.

  “Leah, I’m sorry,” Emily almost cried. “I didn’t mean that. I…”

  “That has always been the problem,” Leah growled through clenched teeth, “you do mean it.”

  Mika watched in fascination as a scene she didn’t understand unfolded right in front of her. Although the words were civil, they seemed to be filled with double entendre. She rose quickly to take the mayor’s arm.

  “We’ll be at the skating rink when you’re ready to practice.” She shot a questioning glance at Richie, who also seemed to be upset at the way his grandparents and Emily were treating his mother.
r />   “What was that all about?” Mika asked as they walked toward the skating rink.

  “Oh, just Samson coming on strong,” Leah said. “I need to run by the house and get my skates.”

  They walked in silence until they entered the mansion.

  As soon as the door closed behind them, Mika took Leah in her arms and kissed her, a long, gentle kiss, siphoning all the pain and sorrow from her body. She loved the feeling of Leah’s soft lips moving against hers. It was a feeling that had haunted her dreams at night.

  “I can’t stand to see that look in your eyes,” she whispered into her hair. “Just give me a chance, Leah. I’ll fix us,” Mika promised.

  Deep inside, Leah knew she would. She had come to know that the priest could fix anything, and she trusted her.

  She marveled at how easily they had become a couple. It seemed that Mika had always been in her life. She knew she needed her.

  Later they stopped by Mika’s room to get her skates. The family was at the skating rink when the couple arrived.

  Mika went to her knees in front of Leah, slipping off her snow boots and putting on her skates, as if she had been doing it all her life. She laced them up then sat down beside Leah to put on her own skates.

  “I rather like having you around, Priest,” Leah teased. “Especially the part where you dropped to your knees.”

  “Good.” She smiled. “Because I plan on being around for a very long time…like, say for all eternity.”

  Leah shot Mika the strangest look she couldn’t fathom.

  “Just teasing,” Mika said, pulling Leah to her feet.

  She put her arm around Leah, allowing her hand to rest on the brunette’s tiny waist. Leah was an incredible skater. She was extremely responsive, anticipating Mika’s every move. Someone turned on the park’s public sound system, and “When a Woman Loves a Woman” blared across the skating rink. Somewhere in the back of her mind Mika recalled that a couple named Underhill and Martini had won world skating titles while skating to the song.

  “You want to do this, Leah?”

  “Yes,” she whispered as Mika moved her across the ice.


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