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A Twist in Time

Page 7

by Donna Raider

  Leah overcame her burning desire and shoved Mika onto the floor. She stood up, glaring down at her. “Ask and ye shall receive, Priest.”

  Mika sat up and shook her head as if dazed.

  “I’m sorry,” she said breathlessly. “I couldn’t even remember our safe word. I think I left it on the front lawn when you ran into my arms.”

  Leah laughed. As long as she still wanted her, Mika was hers. She went into the kitchen and put on a fresh pot of coffee.

  “Can we talk?” A disconcerted Mika walked into the kitchen.

  “Of course, dear.” Leah handed her a cup of black coffee and led her back to the study, sitting down beside her on the sofa.

  “I… I… I don’t even know where to start.” Mika exhaled loudly. “I’ve had the strangest day.”

  “I understand,” she lied. “She is very beautiful.”

  “What? Who?” Mika wondered what they were discussing.

  “Amber Stone,” Leah murmured.

  “Oh, Amber Stone.” Mika looked at her incredulously, waving her hand, signifying a total disregard for the subject. “She isn’t important. Leah, I listened to the strangest confessions I’ve ever heard today.”

  She laughed out loud. Her heart laughed, too. Mika wasn’t the least bit interested in Amber Stone. She was troubled by confessions she had heard today.

  “I can’t talk about specifics,” she continued, “but nearly everyone I gave absolution to today seemed to be hallucinating. I don’t know if they are smoking or sniffing something, but it is an epidemic.”

  “I am so sorry to hear that, dear,” Leah said, scrunching her face as if the concept was beyond her. “I will speak to the council and see if they have noticed anything unusual.”

  “Do you have hallucinogenic mushrooms growing in the woods?” She frowned. “And I don’t know if I should be concerned about this or not, but all the men and half the women fantasize about sleeping with you.”

  “Sleeping with me?” Leah repeated the words incredulously. “Sleeping with me. Why would anyone want to sleep with me?”

  “For heaven’s sake, Leah,” she blurted out, “they want to have sex with you.”

  “Oh,” she exclaimed, as if understanding what Mika meant. “That is disturbing.” Leah smiled at her wickedly and raised her eyebrows, “As a group, or individually?”

  Mika laughed out loud. Leah could lighten the heaviest moment. It felt good to laugh with her. She hugged her shoulders tightly.

  “I don’t know what to say, Mika.” Leah shook her head. “Maybe you should speak with Dr. David, our town psychologist.”

  Mika nodded her head, then turned the conversation to Leah.

  “It certainly seemed that everything went well with Ms. Stone.” She wanted to hear about Leah’s day. “She’s very amiable and will be an excellent addition to our town.”

  “You seemed very taken with her.” Leah glanced at her sideways. “You stood there gaping at her as if you could eat her. She was certainly smitten with you. You do know she was flirting with you?”

  “I… I have met Amber before,” Mika admitted. “I was shocked to see her here. It took me by surprise.”

  “Oh?” Leah raised a questioning eyebrow. “She seemed very familiar with you.”

  “I was assigned to Rome for many years. That is where I learned Latin. The entire Mass is still in Latin in many parts of the world.

  “Amber was in the convent where I was,” Mika continued. “Not as a nun, but as an orphan. She’s brilliant and studied at the universities on scholarships. She truly is a marvelous woman. We became close friends. I was young and hadn’t taken my vows at the time.”

  Not a woman to be trifled with, Leah pushed for more information from this priest. She suddenly realized she knew very little about Priest Mika Cross.

  “Her transgressions must have been many,” Leah surmised. “Her confession was over two hours long.”

  “Not really. We were just reminiscing. I didn’t even hear her confession.” Mika shrugged.

  “Were you ever intimate with her?” Leah’s eyes smoldered.

  “Oh, God, no!” the priest exclaimed. “How could you even suggest such a thing? We were close. We were like family. I kissed her once, but there was nothing to it. She was too much like my younger sister.”

  Mika looked into Leah’s brown eyes and spoke softly, “You are the only woman for which I would jeopardize my soul. Hopefully, you will help me avoid that.”

  They talked until dawn, sharing their day and teasing each other. It still bothered Mika how many people wanted to sleep with her fiancée.

  Leah couldn’t say she was surprised by any of the information Mika shared with her. After all, she had always ruled with power, intimidation, and sex.

  They fell asleep on the sofa. Mika’s head rested on the pillows, and Leah’s head was on her shoulder. When Mika woke, Leah’s head was on her lap. She tried to move without waking her but failed.

  “Are you going to try to get some sleep?” Leah murmured, snuggling closer to her.

  “Just a shower,” Mika said groggily. “I start hearing confessions at nine.”

  “Let me get a quick shower and we will meet at the diner for breakfast.” Leah smiled up at her.

  “Yes,” Mika breathed. She kissed her longingly.

  “Is Amber in love with you, Priest?” Leah asked in a sleepy voice that demanded the truth.

  “Yes,” Mika answered honestly.

  CHAPTER 7 - The Winter Solstice

  It was dark by the time Mika blessed her last penitent. She checked her watch. She had exactly five minutes before meeting Richie at the skating rink to practice. She ran into the diner and grabbed a cup of coffee to go. She needed something to steady her nerves.

  She replayed the confessions of some of the more disturbing penitents she had listened to during the day. Leah had suggested she visit with Dr. David, but she was pretty sure Dr. David’s confession was one of the most troubling she had heard that day. The man thought he was a former king.

  She had to admit the prize for scariest confession went to the person who asked forgiveness for sins committed during the full moon. The voice had been deep, almost a growl, so she couldn’t tell if it was a man or a woman, but the agony of the individual’s soul was terrifying. Mika continually replayed the confession in her mind.

  “Bless me, Priest, for I have sinned,” the penitent had growled. “I have killed and devoured other humans to satiate my bloodlust. During the full moon, I have no control over the beast within me. I roam the countryside seeking my kill. When I have some control, I try to kill only livestock, but sometimes I come upon a human and kill them, too, for I am a werewolf.”

  Mika arrived at the skating rink to find Emily and Amber skating. Richie was nowhere in sight. She had to laugh at the sight of Amber dumbing down her skating abilities to make Emily look a little better. The priest knew from skating with her in the past that Amber was exceptional on the ice.

  She put on her skates and began to warm up on the ice.

  Again, she noticed how beautiful the town looked with Christmas lights and decorations everywhere. The skating rink was especially lovely with the ice reflecting the multicolored lights.

  Amber and her partner skated up to her. “Richie is running a little late,” Emily explained.

  “No problem.” Mika smiled. “It will give me a chance to loosen up. I have been sitting in that confessional all day.”

  “Skate with me, Priest.” Amber caught her hand and pulled Mika along behind her then turned so that she slid easily into her arms.

  Pressed against Mika, Amber quietly whispered, “Skate,” as the music blared across the park. She was a superb skater.

  They skated without speaking. Amber was thrilled as Mika held her, picking up speed, spinning around, so she was skating backward as Mika’s powerful legs pushed them faster around the ice.

  Without slowing down, they spun so Mika was skating backward, and Amber was driving
into her. They made none of the fancy moves Mika had initiated with Leah. They simply clung to each other and skated as one.

  From the bench, Leah watched, concerned that her woman was holding another so tightly. Jealousy and insecurity had always been Leah’s downfall.


  When the music stopped, Mika and Amber were on the far side of the ice from Leah and Emily, who had breathlessly watched them skate. They stood pressing their foreheads together, discussing something they didn’t wish to share with other skaters.

  “Why are you here?” Mika asked her softly.

  “Right now—in this life—this is where I need to be, Mika.” She smiled sincerely.

  Mika nodded, gripped Amber’s hand in hers, and skated to where Leah and Emily were waiting.

  Holding her skates, Leah hadn’t moved since her first sight of them on the ice. She glared at Mika as she approached. Ignoring her blatant dissatisfaction, Mika bent her head and kissed her urgently on the lips. She loved Leah so much. She hoped Leah knew how much she loved her. Leah turned away from her and sat down on the bench to put on her skates.

  As she always did, Mika knelt in front of her, removing her boots and putting on her skates. She could feel her fury. She knew it was because she had skated with Amber.

  “You know, that is where you need to keep a woman like her.” Amber smiled devilishly. “On her knees.”

  Joshua, the operator of the park sound system, ran up to them. “Your song is about to play, Mika,” he said, grinning. “You know, the one you asked me to play the first time you skated with the mayor.”

  Leah snapped her head up to stare directly into her eyes. “You requested that song? It didn’t just happen to be playing the first time we skated?”

  Mika nodded shyly, looking like a little girl that had been caught feeding her puppy from the dinner table. The look that made Leah want to make love to her. Leah thought, Almost everything she does makes me want to make love to her.

  Their song started, and Mika pulled Leah into her arms and skated toward the middle of the rink. “Are you ready to do this?” She smiled.

  “Yes, Priest. Make love to me on the ice again,” she whispered. Her body was alive with the feel of the sheer strength of Mika. She was even more powerful than Leah remembered. She thrilled at the feel of her. Mika lifted her overhead then slowly slid her down the soft, length of her body, only to catch her just before she hit the ice. She let go and trusted Mika, responding to whatever she demanded of her.

  Once again, they finished their performance to a roaring applause and waved to their friends as they skated toward the benches. Leah leaned heavily against Mika, suddenly very tired. Then she remembered they hadn’t slept the night before.

  As Mika removed Leah’s skates and slipped on her boots, she suggested dinner at the diner. “You look very tired and in need of a good night’s sleep.”

  Leah nodded, Thankful that Mika always seemed to know what she needed.

  “Where is Richie?” she asked, noting that the boy hadn’t shown up for their practice, which was very unlike him.

  “Delilah called,” Emily said. “He is running a slight fever, so she took him home and put him to bed.”

  “Do you need to go home?” Amber asked, concern filling her voice.

  “No, he’s sleeping, and I promised you dinner.” The sheriff grinned, grabbing the other blonde’s hand.

  The two couples walked to the diner, laughing and joking about the events of the day. Mika couldn’t find much to smile about as she recalled the happenings of her day. She was certain she had heard Delilah and Samson’s confessions today. She was sure they were the only ones who would try to crowd into the confessional together. This entire town is crazy, she thought as she recalled Delilah’s confessed hatred for Leah.

  She could understand why Delilah would be jealous of the mayor. Leah was drop-dead gorgeous. Her clothes were stylish. She always looked perfect. She was charismatic, extremely intelligent, gracious, and a wonderful mother. All the things Delilah was not. However, the hatred seemed to run far beyond jealousy. Mika knew Delilah had clung to the hatred even after she gave her absolution.

  In the diner, Leah sat beside the priest, with Emily across from her, and Amber across from Mika.

  “The sheriff tells me that you are skating in the pairs and adult/teen competition at the Solstice Festival.” Amber’s inquisitive eyes were dancing. “Something about winning prize money.”

  “Yes.” Mika grinned. “We’re trying to raise the funds to put in a baseball field on the property behind the church. Our very generous mayor has volunteered the maintenance department’s heavy equipment for the major work, but we still need funds for fencing, the actual field preparation, bases, equipment, bleachers, uniforms, etc. You know the drill. There is a five-thousand-dollar prize for the teen/adult competition and a ten-thousand-dollar prize for the pair’s competition.”

  “Our town has never competed seriously before,” Leah added. “We’ve never had a strong skater like Mika, and Richie is looking very good.”

  “You’re pretty great yourself,” Amber complimented the brunette, who smiled graciously.

  “Thank you.”

  Amber placed her hands flat on the tabletop with a little slap. “Our dealership will match whatever you win, Priest.”

  “That will cover just about everything we need. That is so generous.” Mika smiled. “I don’t know how we can ever thank you.”

  Leah suppressed a twitch as she heard Amber’s words.

  “I’m sure I can think of something,” the flaxen-haired beauty said as she smiled seductively at the priest.

  Leah smiled as she pictured Amber tied to a post and set on fire. She shook her head, trying to drive the evil thoughts from her mind.

  Leah looked at Emily. “Why don’t I work from home tomorrow and keep Richie home from school? I don’t want him getting seriously ill.”

  “Good idea, babe,” Emily let the term of endearment slip out before she knew what was happening. “I’ll drop him off around nine in the morning.”

  Mika finished her dinner in silence as the three women talked animatedly. She just wanted to take a shower and crawl into bed. She was bone tired.

  Mika felt Leah’s hand rest on her leg, then move slowly to the inside of her thigh. Fire shot through her and crept up her chest to the top of her head. Well, maybe not that tired, Mika thought. “If you’re ready, honey, I’ll walk you home.”

  Leah nodded, thankful for her.

  Mika kissed her goodnight at the mansion door once they arrived.

  “Don’t you want to come in?” Leah sighed.

  “I do,” she said, grinning, “but I am in a much-weakened state where you are concerned right now, so I better go home. No phone sex tonight, okay?”

  She kissed Leah again, never getting enough of the feel of her lips. An old rock song flitted through her mind. She definitely had Kisses, Sweeter than Wine. Mika reluctantly tore herself away from Leah.


  December twenty-first dawned clear with a coldness that seeped into one’s bones. The two skating teams had decided not to practice, conserving their energy for the big competition that night. Everyone in town was heading to Brighton for the Winter Solstice Festival.

  “Try to stay sober this year,” Leah chided Emily as they all rode over together. Amber had picked up everyone in a new Lexus SUV. The group was glad to be riding to the festival together, and everyone’s spirits were high.

  Amber had insisted on Mika sitting in the front with her, but she had opened the door and pushed Emily into the front passenger seat.

  “I need to sit back here so I can discuss strategy with my partners in crime,” she said with a grin, bumping fists with Richie and brushing Leah’s lips with hers.


  The finals of the skating competition were about to start with two contenders left in each category. Leah and Mika were skating against the mayor of Brighton and his wife. Richie and Mika were ska
ting against Isaac and his father.

  As the mother-daughter skaters were finishing their run-off, Richie pulled Mika and Leah aside. “We have a problem,” he said nervously.

  “What is it, dear?” Leah put a protective arm around his shoulders.

  The boy looked around to make sure they were alone before answering. “We have to find some way to lose to Isaac and his father.”

  “Why would you do that?” Leah asked.

  “They need the money.” Richie frowned. “Mary told me they were going to lose their home if they didn’t win this money to pay their mortgage. Legion is going to take it.”

  “We can help them,” Mika promised, “but you need to skate your best tonight. Okay?”

  “They won’t accept charity,” the boy cried. “They are very proud.”

  “We will take care of it.” Leah smiled at her son and pulled him to her for a hug.

  “Don’t worry.” Mika kissed Leah’s lips gently. “I will handle this.”

  “I know you will.” She smiled.

  The Brighton mayor and his wife had finished their performance, and the announcers were calling for Leah and Mika.

  “This is the first time Mayor Anthal has brought her entourage to our fair city,” the announcer introduced Leah. “Let’s have a big hand for Mayor Leah Anthal and Priest Mika Cross.”

  When a Woman Loves a Woman filled the skating rink as Mika moved them effortlessly across the ice. Passion fueled their bodies as they sped around the rink. When Leah had to pull away from Mika, her hands left her body reluctantly, as if it hurt her to move away from the blonde priest. Mika’s powerful legs propelled her into Leah’s arms as she caught the mayor around the waist and lifted her overhead. She lowered Leah down her back headfirst. Leah’s hands caressed Mika’s back, sliding down her firm side muscles. Leah caught her calve muscles briefly as Mika released her. Mika pulled Leah between her legs and moved her slowly up the front of her body. Mika felt every part of her as Leah pulled her tightly against her, moving sensuously up her abdomen. Leah’s hands pressed hard against her breast as if she wanted to feel every inch of Mika and came to rest behind her neck. The full length of her body was pressed tightly against the priest as she spun them, coming to rest with their lips barely inches from each other. The music died down and the crowd exploded, pulling the two away from their desire to kiss.


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