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Blood and Spice

Page 6

by Lilah E. Noir

  "You've been such a good boy, little wolf. I'll reward you." She grinned and pulled away from his teeth. "Prepare for my whip, Corwin."

  They were getting lost to the rhythm of the insane fucking. The fragrance of their united flesh was so heated Laurel didn't even catch there was someone else in the room with them.

  Until it was too late.

  Laurel only realized they weren't alone when the velvet voice caressed her ear and two hands squeezed her shoulders in an iron grip. Corwin's eyes widened, and he yelled at her to watch out but he was bound and helpless.

  "Are you sure about that, pet?" The stranger whispered next to her neck. A rush of panic went through her when something cold and sharp pressed against her skin. "The tables are turning, Laurel. Tonight you'll taste our whips... and so much more. Happy Halloween."


  A pair of fangs pierced her neck and the sudden rush of pain and horror paralyzed her. His touch left her frozen in a panic, with a beating heart and pulsing neck. A warm stream of blood ran down the side of her neck when he leaned in to bite her harder. Poor Corwin growled and his eyes overflowed with fury but he was helpless to stop the attacker.

  Laurel had no time to even scream when her mysterious attacker grabbed a handful of her long hair. She gasped when he arched her neck and revealed his face. It was him, Severin, with his icy blue orbs and his mocking smile. He looked just as refined as that afternoon at the bookstore except for one little detail. His canines had grown long and sharp like a pair of tiny blades and her own blood had soaked them.

  "Are you really that surprised, Laurel?" Severin ran his free hand's thumb across her bloodied lips. "I told you we'd meet again... You knew I was around, didn't you? You should have protected yourself better."

  He tugged her hair so hard, he forced her to scream. His thumb kept its obscene journey down her torn, puffy lips, stroked her bent neck and stopped at the valley of her breasts. Severin handled her like his property with so little effort. She leaned against him as obedient as a doll. Laurel gasped for breath as if his cold, yet seductive stare sucked the breath out of her.

  "Did you want me to follow you? Find out who you really are? Such a bad girl." Her captor moved his lips so close to hers, it would be easy for him to kiss her. He nearly brushed her sore flesh with his razor sharp fangs. "I bet you're dying for a kiss... even if your pet is here, watching us."

  Corwin had been growling and thrashing in his restraints the whole time. He only pushed his Mistress against Severin's tall frame. Laurel's heart broke for him but she couldn't stop Severin. His dominant touch slowly warmed her up.

  The thought chilled her blood. Damn that fatal flaw of hers, her one weakness.

  Tears flowed from her eyes. Her lips trembled and the pain only made her clit throb more. Laurel had no idea how she found the strength to hiss in protest.

  "Go to hell." She twisted her upper body in a poor attempt to release herself. Her limbs refused to obey her. His strange scent and spell must have captured her. "Leave us alone."

  "Oh, I don't think you want me to leave, princess." He licked her lips and savored some spilled drops of blood. "You're so delicious. If I don't control myself, I can suck you dry... and what a terrible waste that would be."

  Severin forced her mouth open with his tongue and kissed her hard. Laurel tried to bite him but he yanked her hair and wrapped his free hand around her throat. A fog went down in her dizzy mind while he was kissing her.

  They spent an eternity in that cursed, unnatural kiss. He sank his fangs in her lips and tongue, which made her cry with agony. When more tears stained her cheeks, Severin withdrew, then he'd lick her wounds and place a soft, loving kiss on them. His palm choked her without mercy. Nails just as sharp as his teeth cut the back of her neck. Laurel could feel the bloody marks forming on her pale skin. She hated him for raping her defenses, for humiliating her in front of her pet... and yet she kissed him back. Bitter tears flowed down her face but that only made her captor hum with delight.

  Corwin's hard cock stretched her and pounded her now and Severin's lips stroked hers.

  Severin kissed her tears and whispered against her face. Laurel couldn't make sense of his words. He had wrapped her mind in a strange web of physical torture and sensual kisses. Fever. A new wave of horror crushed her defenses. What if... what if her power would crumble today?

  No, no, it can't end that way, Corwin doesn't deserve it. If I die tonight, he can't remember me that way.

  He pulled away from her lips and stared down at her with a strange worship. Scarlet drops of blood stained his pale lips. All the icy exterior in his gaze had melted. Laurel longed for more of his painful kiss, even if it killed her.

  No matter how deadly and twisted that attraction, she found him irresistible. Towering over her, with her heart and willpower at the palm of his hand.

  "I hope you'll forgive me, I'll take your Mistress away from you." Severin laughed at Corwin's face. Her wolf responded with another inhuman growl. He clawed with fury and despair and his rough claws left marks on the stone floor. "I'm sorry but I promise to make it up to you."

  How casual he sounded, even when he was face to face with an angry werewolf. Severin didn't even tremble.

  If only she hadn't designed his restraints to be so strong. Corwin could tear the stranger from limb to limb... and maybe he'd do the same to his unfaithful Mistress.

  Severin ran his hands down her waist and stopped them at her hips. Laurel squeezed her pussy around Corwin, trying to hold on to him. She looked up, without even noticing the pain in her neck, and stared into her pet's eyes, begging for forgiveness without words.

  Nothing but fury and hate.

  "Keep away from me, you freak." Laurel hissed when Severin dug his fingers in her ass cheeks and pulled her off Corwin. His hard shaft remained erect and dripping with precum and her own nectar.

  "Now, now, Laurel... mind your tongue. We must punish your mouth tonight. And freak, really?" He whispered in her ear and nibbled it.

  Laurel tried to restore some of her lost will but to no use. She could have tried to claw her way out of a stone well. Severin laughed with dark amusement and pushed her down on her knees. He stroked her cheek and looked down on her with the same wicked mockery.

  "What are you, Laurel?" He ceased his soft touch and grasped her by the face, forcing her to look up at him. Any of that seductive mischief evaporated and a dark shadow had fallen over his features. "Just don't tell me you're an ordinary witch. How come we can bite you without turning you?"

  His voice was full of bewilderment. He had raped her consciousness with his strong presence and made her body crave him. Yet, his spell wasn't strong enough to hide his confusion that bordered on fear. She almost laughed.

  It was the one secret he wouldn't reveal.

  "Answer the question, you bad girl." Severin narrowed his eyes and leaned in to stare down at her. Laurel trembled at the power of his gaze, the mind bending strength he exuded. "I've turned many women, you know. Most of them begged for it. They offered me their blood, their cunts, their wealth, everything they had."

  "Are you sure they really begged, you monster?" Laurel growled, burning with fury and just as much fear. Her heart beat with anxiety, a scared bird in a cage trying to break out. "You're no ordinary bloodsucker, either. Do you hypnotize all your victims?"

  Severin gave her a cold smile and inclined to kiss her again. He bit her with such a savage abandon, it surprised her his fangs didn't tear her lips apart. When he pulled away, a fresh stream of blood ran down her lips.

  "Whenever I bit them and gave them what they wanted, they turned right away... but not you. His bite has no power, either." He whispered, ran fingers through her hair and tangled them in her raven locks.

  Laurel gathered her courage to smile back with all the mockery she had in her tortured body.

  "Poor thing, it must be awful. You must love coercing people... Not this time, bloodsucker." She spat in his face. "You might rape me
and suck me bloodless but you'll never learn."

  A shadow of insecurity crossed his features and he released her from his rough grasp. Severin looked up at Corwin, whose chains clattered and reminded her of vicious, distorted music. That moment of hesitation passed as fast as it appeared and he looked down at his trembling victim. Laurel was shaking as if in a fever but her eyes were burning with defiance.

  "You underestimate me, princess." Severin placed his hand on her heart. That simple gesture was so intimate and unexpected, it sent shivers of pleasure straight to her core. "I can read so much about you with a simple touch, Laurel. You're much older, aren't you? I can read all those centuries of wisdom you have gathered. There was a fire somewhere back in your past, wasn't it? A huge funeral pyre."

  Blood withdrew from Laurel's face and she shook her head with vigor. Her eyes pleaded with him but he was relentless and kept his invasion in her mind. There was not a hint of remorse as he kept dissecting her thoughts and feelings. The whole time he had his hand on her heart as if they were lovers.

  "No, please... stop it... get out..." She shrieked in agony.

  "Yes... you have died once, haven't you, pet?" He stated with a clinical detachment and pushed his thumb between her bleeding lips. "Poor girl... strapped and helpless... forced to watch your mother burning."

  It was more than just words. Severin was leading her back to the thorny path she'd been trying to escape from. The pain of the memory burnt her flesh and mind as cruel as a brand. Laurel burst in to tears and dropped her palms on the floor. That buried grief resurfaced like a phoenix and there was nothing she could do to stop it.

  Corwin always comforted her when her memories emerged from the darkness. She couldn't find solace in him but he must have felt her pain. Her wolf was howling as if he had a fatal wound.

  "I don't know." She cried out. Only her red cloak protected her but it wouldn't stay for too long. "I don't know what I am... All I know is that I wasn't supposed to live, but I crawled out of the ashes... Please, just leave, I'm begging you. We found peace, don't take it away from us."

  When Severin forced her to face him again, there was sympathy and regret on his face. Her hope he'd just walk away in the night outside perished.

  "Oh, I don't plan to interfere with your peace, Laurel." Sarcasm tainted his words again and arrogance got back in his eyes. "I'll just play with you tonight, with you and him, and then I'll leave you behind. You can't blame me, pet. It's been a while since I had such magnificent creatures under my control."

  That was the last straw for Laurel. Tonight she had been the worst Mistress to Corwin. She let her guard down and allowed them both to become vulnerable to assault. Her lust and buried submissive needs overruled her common sense. If Corwin and her ended up scarred and deprived of everything, it would be all her fault.

  She knew one thing. Severin had to think twice if he believed she'd submit without a fight. Laurel Stone wasn't anyone's toy.

  Fury was brewing inside her, both poison and medicine, a cure for her shameful lust. When it got to its boiling point, she yelled at him to go to hell, lunged and got up on her feet. Severin stared at her and his eyes widened in shock. His arrogant facade slipped and he took a step back. Laurel used his moment of weakness and pounced on him like a cougar on its prey. Both of her hands clawed at his neck.

  He tumbled down on his back and groaned when the back of his neck hit the stone floor. Their midnight guest was at least two feet taller than her and wouldn't struggle to dominate her. She was much stronger than her enemies gave her credit for and had the advantage of the surprise.

  A veil of raven black hair fell over her face while she was pinning him down with one knee. Laurel blew the unruly curls out of her eyes. It'd be suicide to let her hands off his neck and lose her position of power. She shifted her right knee and used it to part his legs with one abrupt move. Severin cried out in pain and flailed his arms.

  "That's what you deserve for breaking in my home and threatening me." Anger had contorted her pretty face. Her skin was as red as the cloak flowing down her shoulders. She squeezed her fallen enemy's neck harder, the same way he did to her earlier. If only there was a rope or cuffs somewhere close to her.

  The strain of keeping him down got to her and the muscles of her upper arms burnt with the pressure. Severin shifted beneath her and she pushed her knee harder in his crotch. A ridiculous sense of pride was swelling inside her when she saw the red marks forming on his neck.

  "You..." When he tried to speak she caught that same ridiculous self-confidence. "You're a very bad girl, Laurel... That's no way to treat your guest."

  She spat at his face and sank her nails harder at the soft flesh of his throat, right over the collarbone.

  "Nobody survives for over two centuries by being nice." Her knee dug deeper between his thighs and she used the moment for another hard hit. "... and you're not my guest, bloodsucker. You'll leave now and you'll never come back."

  "Do you want us to bet, princess?" Severin grinned, raised his hands and grabbed her by the shoulders. Laurel tried to kick his balls again, but he got her in a steady grip. She cried out when the man beneath her curled his legs around her waist.

  "Now, Laurel, I knew you wanted me from the moment we met." He grinned with effort and used his entire body to make her fall over on her back. His attempts to pin her down by her wrists failed. Laurel was still clutching his neck like a cat, even with his stronger body pressing her to the ground. "I see you want me to tame you and claim you as my bitch, don't you? At your service, little one."

  Laurel was breathing hard and staring at him with wild eyes. Sweat was coating her body and the world in front of her was getting blurry. Their fight made her return to the feverish state of lust but she didn't let go of him. All her energy went in choking that bastard and it was already leaking out of her.

  An evil grin flashed across his face and he snaked his hand between her thighs.

  "Oh, mine..." He chuckled when his thumb found her clit. "Look at you... Your enemy's at your home and you're sopping wet for him. Such a slut. I bet if I fuck you now you'll be screaming for it."

  He shoved two fingers deep in her wet hole and rubbed her clit with rough moves. Laurel cried out and lost her grip on his throat. Severin didn't need to wait for another chance and gathered her weakened wrists. Laurel found herself with her back flat to the ground, his right hand in an iron hold around her hands. His rough, furious finger fucking was the last blow to her resistance.

  "Please, stop... I can't..." Laurel whimpered in humiliation. Her tormentor said nothing and just smiled. He speared his fingers inside her in a V-shape and rubbed her tight walls, searching for all the possible sweet spots.

  "Oh yes, you can." Severin whispered. His fangs once again scratched her neck. "You were ready for me today, Laurel. I felt how wet and needy you were from the moment I entered your store. You have no idea how difficult it was not to bend you over your counter and fuck you like you need."

  She shut her eyes, mortified at her body's reaction, how wet she was, how only his breath next to her ear made her blood race. Laurel squeezed his fingers and raised her ass to make them sink deeper, just like she did with Corwin earlier.

  Corwin. She thought with grief as her weak flesh gave in and the pleasure of being manhandled rushed inside her. Please, forgive me, forgive me, my little wolf.

  "No... have mercy." Her cheeks were as wet as her thighs when the erotic insanity pushed all other emotions away. "Please..."

  Severin brushed his fang against her nipple, close enough to make it bleed.

  "You need it, pet. You need me to top you. Be a good girl and let me play with you." He thrust his fingers harder inside her and pulled them out to play with her hardened clit. No matter how soft his voice was, Laurel knew he wasn't asking for permission. She'd be his sex toy tonight and Corwin would watch her degrade herself. "Tomorrow, I'll leave and you'll never see me again. Tonight you'll be our whore."

  Laurel kept h
olding her wrists over her head even when Severin let her go. He slid his hand beneath her thigh and raised it up high. His whole fist entered her wide open hole, and she heard herself cry out when she squirted all over her red cloak. Spasms of pleasure shattered her defenses and soon she was groaning out loud. Her tortured, raw walls were squeezing his hand inside her.

  Our? Did he say our?

  His whisper had been so soft she couldn't be sure what he spoke. Laurel's mind was too messy with lust and guilt to comprehend it. Severin was pushing his fist in and out of her. To add insult to injury, he was staring at her the whole time.

  Laurel was panting while his blue eyes were stripping her of the last shred of dignity. She was laying naked, with a soaked red cloak and he reveled in how vulnerable she was.

  "Stop looking at me." She swallowed and shut her eyes. That night of erotic humiliation was far from over... and it was already hard for her to look at him.

  "Why not? There's nothing hotter than the sight of a defeated strong woman." He bit her nipple. "Maybe a few things..."

  Severin pulled his hand out of her and spanked her thigh. He got up and towered over her body. Laurel closed her thighs and pressed them together as if that would hide her painful arousal.

  "Get down on all fours." His voice startled out of her oblivion as strong as a whip. "You'll spend a long time on your knees tonight... Mistress."

  The asshole couldn't restrain his laughter at the last words. She looked up at him with indignation when he reached out and pushed his boot against her raw pussy lips. The contact with the leather made her wince.

  "Do it now..." Severin laughed. "We've left your poor pet alone for too long. You didn't think we'd just let him watch you have all the fun, did you?"


  As soon as Laurel took the disgraceful position of a literal pet, Severin removed the red cloak from her shoulders. She had came all over the slick fabric during her forced climax, so it was too soggy to wear. Her heart felt heavy when her captor stripped her of her last sign of authority and reduced her to a slave of her own desires. There she was, in nothing but skimpy lingerie, on all fours like a proper bitch, with her breasts popping out of the tight corset.


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