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Rogue Devil

Page 19

by Kylie Gilmore

  I sit back on my seat and commence power rowing. “I can’t help it if you’re loud.”

  “You make me loud.”

  “I simply give, Chloe, I’m a giver. You have to get better control of yourself.”

  We grin at each other for one sparkling moment, completely in tune, in the middle of a lake on a sunny day with the birds chirping and the gentle lap of the water against our boat. Every moment with Chloe is amazing, but this one is special. My wife for the second time is soaking wet, wearing my groom shirt and smiling at me. My chest aches with all that I feel for this incredible woman.

  The moment I get us back to shore, I frame her face in my hands and kiss her. “I love you, wife.”

  “I love you, husband.”

  And then we walk hand in hand back to the house, looking like two mutts who just took a swim, dripping wet and happy as can be. Mostly because we’re about to get very dirty getting clean, but also because of the love. Always the love underneath it all. She’s got my heart and I’ve got hers. Forever.

  Don’t miss the next book in the series Rogue Beast, featuring Garrett in a fake relationship with very real chemistry!

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  Rogue Beast


  Everyone thinks I’m tough as nails because I used to play a CEO on TV. I’m not. Unfortunately, it’s brought weird stalker men out of the woodwork, which is why I finally broke down and hired a bodyguard. Cut to: a beast of a man with striking aquamarine eyes shows up on the set of my new show. Insta-lust completely takes me by surprise. I’m talking a full head-to-toe rush of heat, fluttering stomach, every nerve ending alive.

  This is a problem. I have a boyfriend, and this is supposed to be a professional relationship. I’m lusty as a teenager coming face-to-face with my crush. And then I realize—my crush is into it.

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  I was visiting my sister-in-law on set when Harper Ellis invited me to her trailer. She’s a beauty, all right. A little shy and very sweet. We really connected, so I didn’t want to spoil the moment by admitting I wasn’t her bodyguard.

  Her real guard shows up and I figure that’s the end of it. Turns out she’s got a boyfriend. But then they breakup and the fallout makes people feel sorry for her (the guy cheated on her in a public way). To save face she claims she was seeing me.

  I don’t care if we’re faking a relationship for the good PR, the chemistry is real, and I start thinking we have a future. Until everything blows up in my face. Now I have to prove that we belong together.

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  I slow my pace as my new bodyguard heads toward me and suck in air. He’s a beast of a man. My mouth goes dry, my pulse racing. He’s tall, six feet plus, and bulky with muscles. His physique is shown off to perfection in a snug black T-shirt and faded jeans. His dark brown hair is clipped short, drawing attention to his sharp cheekbones and strong jaw. Black sunglasses hide his eyes. Tough. Hot. Sexy AF. Did not expect that.

  I recover myself as he passes by my trailer, not knowing he missed it, and dash ahead to greet him, a professional smile pasted on my face to hide the raw lust. “Hi. Actually, this one is mine.” I gesture to the trailer. “Follow me, I’d like to chat before taping starts.” I go on ahead, unlocking the door, and head inside, holding the metal door open for him.

  He doesn’t join me. Instead he pushes his sunglasses to the top of his head and just stares. His eyes are a striking aquamarine. My God. He could be in movies. My stomach does a crazy flip, heat flashing through my entire body. I’ve never had such a visceral reaction to a man on first sight. This could be a problem. I have to be professional, he’s in my employ. Also, I have a boyfriend. How could I forget Colton? He’s only been in England for three weeks filming a movie. I should call him.

  “Please come in,” I say.

  “You’re Harper Ellis.” His voice is deep and smooth like my favorite dark chocolate, giving me a similar jolt of pleasure. Better, if I’m being honest.

  “Yes. Welcome.” It occurs to me he sounds a little surprised. I thought he knew who hired him, though I do look different today from the character I used to play. Amanda Boxer wore business suits and sensible pumps, but the biggest difference is my hair. I used to wear a short, straight-haired dark brown wig as Amanda because it was too much work for the show’s hairstylist to straighten my curly hair and caused too much damage to it in the process anyway. I was on the show for three years, so I appreciate my stylist having the foresight to save my hair. Apparently, shoulder-length curls don’t say tough CEO.

  My new guard takes the two steps into my trailer, and the space suddenly shrinks with his large presence. He checks out my trailer while I check out him. He’s exactly what I need to scare off creeper men. His neck is thick and corded, his shoulders wide, and his biceps are so large his arms don’t lie flat at his sides. His thighs look solid and strong, long legs leading to black work boots. Probably steel-toed for maximum fighting power. All in all, I’m quite pleased. My assistant told me he’s a blackbelt and also enjoys boxing and weightlifting. Really working for him.

  He rubs his hands together. “So…nice to meet ya. I caught Capital Asset a few times.” That’s my former show. Amanda Boxer was a ruthless hedge fund CEO.

  My lips curve up in approval. Not because he watched my show. It’s his rough-sounding Brooklyn accent. (I know accents well, part of my training.) This is great. I couldn’t have asked for a better fit for this gig. When those local creepers come at me, they’ll have to deal with one of their own.

  Suddenly I realize I’m being rude, checking him out for my own needs. Obviously he’s already been vetted by my assistant, who went through all the resumés. My only requirements were strong, competent, and not too old. Joe Sullivan looks mid-twenties. Perfect.

  “Can I get you a drink?” I ask, gesturing toward my mini-fridge. “I have bottled water and diet iced tea.”

  “Sure, I’ll take a water.”

  I brush by him on the way to the mini-fridge, catching the scent of a sexy, musky cologne. Must. Be. Professional. I open the refrigerator door, grab a bottled water, and hand it over to him, careful to keep from touching him in the exchange.

  “Thanks,” he says, unscrewing the cap with a quick movement. Strong, so strong with those large hands. He lifts his brows, eying me as he guzzles water. I might be staring.

  I look away. We’re going to be working closely together, so I shouldn’t hold back on the hospitality, even though I’m running low on my contraband. This is an important occasion, my first bodyguard ever is going to risk life and limb to keep me safe. I really fought the idea of a guard for a long time, but when a man broke into my apartment two weeks ago—startling me from a sound sleep to ask me to whip him—that was the final straw. It’s one thing to be harassed on the street, a whole different thing to have a home invader. The even more disturbing part is that he managed to get past the lobby’s night watchman and knew how to disable my apartment’s security system.

  The least I can do is share my secret stash with my new guard. We’re building a professional relationship here. That’s right. Keep it professional. Ignore his sexy scent, his stunning body, and beautiful eyes. I open the cabinet above the microwave, push aside the camouflaging red plastic cups, and retrieve a small Ziploc bag.

  I open the bag, telling him, “I’m not supposed to have this. My wardrobe is set with a lot of designer stuff for my exact size right now. It’s a big deal if I gain weight.” I lift my gaze to his, getting a jolt when our eyes meet. “Would you like one?” I have three individually-wrapped squares of dark chocolate with cherry. I’m normally very careful to make them last the entire show season, but he’s important, the key to me getting a sound sleep again.

  Joe shakes his head. “Real nice of ya to offer, but it’s not in my diet either. I try to eat clean.”

  “Of course, completely understand.” I quickly put the chocolate
back in the bag, even though it smells so luscious all I want to do is stuff it in my mouth. It’s near dinner, but I can’t eat until the taping is over. Otherwise, I’ll get sluggish and my performance will show it. I tuck my stash back in its hiding place, shut the cabinet, and gesture toward my sofa. “Have a seat.”

  He ambles over to the sofa with a relaxed stride. Wish I could be that relaxed. I’m usually a little high-strung before a taping, but this is also an unusual situation for me, working with my first bodyguard.

  I take the seat next to him, crossing one leg over the other. He’s drinking water again, his Adam’s apple going up and down hypnotically. Get a hold of yourself! “So, I’m not sure if Trina clued you in, but this is my first time having a bodyguard. Please bear with me as I get used to having a shadow. I know for sure I want you on set when we bring in the live studio audience on Fridays. We’ve got nine more weeks of taping, and then I’m not sure where I’ll be after that. A lot depends on if the show gets picked up for another season as far as what future roles I can take. But, if we both feel it’s working, I wonder if you’d be open to travel?”

  He rubs the back of his neck. “Hafta think about that one.”

  I hold up a palm. “Sorry. I’m rushing ahead. We’ll play it by ear. You stick close on taping day, and accompany me to and from work. I know I’ll sleep better at night knowing you’re next door.” I bought the next-door apartment, too, with the intention of knocking down the separating wall to expand my own, so it worked out well to have the nearby space. He’s supposed to move in tomorrow.

  One corner of his mouth lifts, and my pulse thrums through me. “Sounds like we’ll be spending a lot of time together. It’s good to get to know each other. Gotta say, you don’t sound as tough as you do on TV.” Living Gold hasn’t aired yet so he’s referring to my CEO character.

  I try to keep the irritation from my voice. “That’s because Amanda Boxer was a character I played, not me.” I don’t know why people don’t get that.

  He leans close. “It makes me realize what a great actor you are.”

  “Oh.” I run my finger along the seam of the soft sofa cushion, staring at it. I’m not good with compliments, having received so few growing up. General Joan did not coddle. (My grandmother who raised me.)

  He leans back in his seat and continues, “You seem sweet in real life.”

  “Well, sweet doesn’t help in a fight.”

  He smiles, his aquamarine eyes twinkling. My stomach does another crazy flip. “Probably not, but I like it.”

  My cheeks heat, my heart kicking hard, my brain completely checking out on me. I’m all discombobulated with the compliments and the sexiness. Professional. Keep it professional.

  “You’re exactly as I hoped,” I say. Except gorgeous. I should’ve been more careful with my list of bodyguard requirements and requested a nongorgeous type.

  He cocks his head. “How am I what you hoped?”

  I gesture with both hands around his massive shoulders and biceps. “Jacked.”

  “Funny. Jack is my brother.”

  I laugh a little. “I meant—”

  “I know what you meant. I like to keep fit in my line of work. Prevents injuries.”

  I nod. “Makes perfect sense. I hope I didn’t make you uncomfortable, talking about your muscles.” My cheeks flame. God, Harper, could you be a worse boss ogling your new employee?

  He gives me a panty-melting smile, his teeth flashing white against a sexy five o’clock shadow. “I’m perfectly comfortable.”

  I’m dying here.

  This is not at all embarrassing.

  “Good,” I say softly.

  Our gazes lock. I’m enthralled, aching to get closer. The attraction is like nothing I’ve ever felt before. If we had an on-screen chemistry test, the director would go nuts for us as a couple. You need him. Don’t screw this up. I can’t seem to look away, caught in something more powerful than myself. Oh, God, it’s mutual. The attraction is mutual. Ah, hell.

  I tear my gaze away, scrambling to figure out how to navigate a professional relationship when I’m lusty as a teenager coming face-to-face with her crush. And my crush is into it.

  “What do you like to do when you’re not working?” he asks.

  I attempt to sound casual and normal. “I love music, so live performances are my favorite.”

  He shifts toward me. “Yeah? Me too. I hit up as many music festivals as I can.”

  I smile. “Cool.” I’ve heard music festivals are fun, but it’s impossible for me to attend like a normal person. I only went once when a headliner, who was a friend of mine, invited me. I watched from backstage with her security detail.

  A sharp knock on my trailer door startles me. I leap up. “They probably want me on set. We should go.”

  I head for the door and open it, expecting one of the production assistants. Instead it’s a scary-looking man with a shaved head and a neck tattoo, wearing a white button-down shirt open to mid-chest, revealing another tattoo over one of his pecs. Good thing I’ve got Joe here. How did this scary guy get past security?

  His brown eyes are intent on mine as he offers his hand to shake. “Harper Ellis, I’m Joe Sullivan.”

  My bodyguard.

  My stomach drops, my knees weak. “What?” I whisper over the roaring in my ears.

  “Your new bodyguard,” he says. “I got a little lost on the way to your trailer. Hey, you okay? You look kinda pale.”

  The complete stranger I let into my trailer steps outside. “Real nice to meet ya, Harper. Save some of that chocolate for Joe.” He winks, turns, and walks away.

  I slip back into my trailer and make my way to the sofa, flopping down in a cold sweat. My real bodyguard waits outside.

  Who the hell did I let into my trailer?

  Preorder Rogue Beast now!


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  Also by Kylie Gilmore

  Happy Endings Book Club Series <
  Hidden Hollywood (Book 1)

  Inviting Trouble (Book 2)

  So Revealing (Book 3)

  Formal Arrangement (Book 4)

  Bad Boy Done Wrong (Book 5)

  Mess With Me (Book 6)

  Resisting Fate (Book 7)

  Chance of Romance (Book 8)

  Wicked Flirt (Book 9)

  An Inconvenient Plan (Book 10)

  A Happy Endings Wedding (Book 11)

  * * *

  The Clover Park Series <
  The Opposite of Wild (Book 1)

  Daisy Does It All (Book 2)

  Bad Taste in Men (Book 3)

  Kissing Santa (Book 4)

  Restless Harmony (Book 5)

  Not My Romeo (Book 6)

  Rev Me Up (Book 7)

  An Ambitious Engagement (Book 8)

  Clutch Player (Book 9)

  A Tempting Friendship (Book 10)

  Clover Park Bride: Nico and Lily’s Wedding

  A Valentine’s Day Gift (Book 11)

  Maggie Meets Her Match (Book 12)

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  The Clover Park STUDS series <
  Almost Over It (Book 1)

  Almost Married (Book 2)

  Almost Fate (Book 3)

  Almost in Love (Book 4)

  Almost Romance (Book 5)

  Almost Hitched (Book 6)

  * * *

  The Rourkes
Series <
  Royal Catch (Book 1)

  Royal Hottie (Book 2)

  Royal Darling (Book 3)

  Royal Charmer (Book 4)

  Royal Player (Book 5)

  Royal Shark (Book 6)

  Rogue Prince (Book 7)

  Rogue Gentleman (Book 8)

  Rogue Rascal (Book 9)

  Rogue Angel (Book 10)

  Rogue Devil (Book 11)

  Rogue Beast (Book 12)

  About the Author

  Kylie Gilmore is the USA Today bestselling author of The Rourkes series, the Happy Endings Book Club series, the Clover Park series, and the Clover Park STUDS series. She writes humorous romance that makes you laugh, cry, and reach for a cold glass of water.

  Kylie lives in New York with her family, two cats, and a nutso dog. When she’s not writing, wrangling kids, or dutifully taking notes at writing conferences, you can find her flexing her muscles all the way to the high cabinet for her secret chocolate stash.

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