Book Read Free

Edge of Darkness

Page 12

by Barker, Freya

  “Agreed. At least we were able to confirm they were pouring concrete at the site that day. Good catch on the picture’s date signature, Bucco.”

  We discovered they’d poured the foundation for what is supposed to become a community center on that day.

  “So now what?”

  “I’m guessing GPR—ground penetrating radar—to confirm there is a body buried there.”

  Meredith Carter joined us in the conference room this morning and agreed we were likely looking at human bones. She suggested the body had been buried for at least eight or so years to have deteriorated to a skeleton. Gomez was looking into who would’ve owned the property back then.

  “We have that technology?”

  “We don’t, but the FBI does, as does the Colorado Bureau of Investigation.”

  It’s been a long, crazy week, but at least we’re getting some traction on this case. Even though getting it by way of yet another body is not ideal. The problem is, the people who might be able to tell us more are nowhere to be found.

  Pro Concrete’s foreman is on vacation somewhere in Central America, we still don’t have a bead on Spengler, and now Phil Becker from Arches Homes is not showing up at work or answering calls.

  On the plus side, we’re not short muscle on this case, which is why I don’t balk when told it’s my turn to take the day off tomorrow. I need to get some groceries, I’m running out of clean clothes, and I have some sleep to catch up on.

  Of course there’s also the fact Yuma is supposed to get back today, which might mess with my plans of catching up on sleep, but I’m willing to sacrifice.

  Me: On my way home.

  I figure he’s probably still on the road when I don’t get an immediate response, so instead of heading straight home, I stop at the City Market. Might as well get groceries over with, so I don’t have to leave the house tomorrow if I don’t want to.

  I pile enough in my shopping cart to last me a few weeks. I’m not sure when I’ll next have a chance to hit up the grocery store. With the back of my truck loaded up, I head home.

  Butterflies hit my stomach when I see Yuma’s motorcycle in the parking lot. I barely have a chance to turn off the engine when my door is yanked open and I’m hauled out of my seat.

  “Fuck, baby…” Yuma growls down my throat.

  Just like that my legs are around his hips, his hands on my ass, and my back pressed up against the side of my truck. My fingers tangle in the strands of hair brushing his collar when his tongue plunges into my mouth.

  I completely forget where I am when he rolls his hips, rubbing the significant bulge in his jeans against the heat between my legs.

  “Get a room!”

  Ezrah’s voice is like a bucket of ice water and I’m suddenly scrambling to get my feet on the ground. Yuma chuckles as he reluctantly lets go of me, grabbing my hand, and pulling me toward the building where the boy is sitting on the stairs, shaking his head.

  “Good plan, kid,” Yuma mutters as we pass him.

  It’s not until he kicks my door shut and pulls me straight to the bedroom, I remember my bags in the truck.

  “I’ve got groceries—”

  “Later.” He yanks off my top and his hands immediately go to the clasp of my bra.

  “Some of it needs to go—”

  “Later, Lissie,” he mumbles, bending low to close his mouth over a nipple the moment my breasts are exposed.


  I can’t do more than moan when he shoves one hand down the back of my pants, presses the other in the middle of my back, and pulls my breast deep into the heat of his mouth.

  Suddenly I need to feel his skin under my hands. I claw at his clothes and he gets the message, yanking his shirt over his head. My fingers fumble with the buttons on his jeans until he brushes them away, doing the honors himself.

  In seconds we’re naked. I’m tumbled back on the bed, his body landing heavy on top of me, as his mouth catches mine. Then he rolls, taking me with him so I end up on top. He arranges me so I’m straddling his hips. Sliding his hands into my hair hanging down on either side of my face, he gently lifts my face.

  His softly muttered, “Ride me, baby,” sends a full-body tingle over my skin. I’d love to ride him, but I have something else in mind first.

  I slowly slide down his body, my tongue trailing over his skin. A growl sounds deep from his chest when I stop to tease his bellybutton. My lips draw into a smile when I reach the salty tip of his cock and he whispers, “Mercy.”


  I’m pretty sure she killed me.

  My heart is hammering in my chest as I gasp for air.

  Lissie is sprawled on my chest, her hair spread over my face and neck.

  “I’m too heavy,” she mumbles, trying to push up but I tighten my grip on her lush ass, holding her right where she is.

  “Don’t move.”

  I love the feel of our slick skin pressed together as her body still pulses around my cock. I inhale deeply, enjoying the heavy scent of sex mixed with the sweet smell of her hair.

  “Are you sniffing me?”

  I chuckle as she lifts her head.

  “Smells a fuck of a lot better than the exhaust I’ve been breathing in most of today.”

  She props her chin on her fist, her dark eyes on me.

  “How was the rally?”

  I’m tempted to brush off her question with a simple ‘good,’ but I force myself to be honest.

  “The rides were great. The parties hard. I’d show my face and eventually hide out in my room. Not sure if you’ve noticed, but bikers don’t often take no for an answer.”

  She snorts and fails to hide a smile. “I wouldn’t know.” She leans forward to brush a kiss on my lips before lifting off me. “Need to go to the bathroom.”

  Reluctantly I let her go but the moment I slip out of her body, I freeze. I can’t miss the jiggle of her ass as she disappears into the bathroom, but it’s not enough to heat the sudden chill in my bones.

  I hear the toilet flush and then the faucet run, before she comes back in the room, a wet washcloth in her hands. Sitting beside me on the mattress, she gently wipes me clean.

  “Shit, Lissie,” I groan, regret lacing my voice.

  “I know. That wasn’t smart, but it’s done. If it helps, as of my last check up I’m clean.”

  “Fuck, baby. Wasn’t you I was worried about. I’m the one with the history.”

  She pelts the washcloth in the direction of the bathroom and stretches out, tucking herself against my side.

  “I was considering that, but I’m sure you were given a full physical when you went into the treatment center, am I right?”

  I’ve tried hard to forget what little I remember, especially of that first week in Denver. Now that I think about it, though, I remember my blood being taken.

  “I think so.”

  “Okay. If it makes you feel better, we can both get tested and be sure. For all you know I had a similarly crazy sex life before you too.”

  “Did you?” flies out of my mouth before I can harness the accusation clear in my tone.

  Fucking hypocrite.

  She laughs in my face, and I deserve it.

  “No. At least I don’t think so.”

  I’m well aware it’s a double standard and all, but I breathe out a sigh of relief anyway. If there was ever a good opening…

  “About that,” I start and her eyebrow lifts. “I think I mentioned booze and sex were an escape that used to go hand in hand?”

  “I recall you mentioning something, yes.”

  “Not proud of it. Not proud of the parade of nameless, faceless people I was with.”

  “Doesn’t matter, I’m not really looking for a blow-by-blow,” she says with a wince. Smartass.

  “What I wouldn’t give to pretend that was never part of my life, but I can’t because I know it’s gonna come back and bite me in the ass sooner than later.”

  “Is it that bad?” She scrunches
her eyebrows together.

  I don’t like seeing worry on her face and with my thumb brush at the frown on her forehead.

  “Depends what you consider bad. I wasn’t particularly discriminate, Lissie. One partner, two, sometimes more, whoever was in, I was game.” I try not react to the expression on her face and forge on. Might as let it all fly now. “Was never looking to get attached, and despite being clear about that, not everyone had the same idea.” I have to grab her when she moves to the edge of the mattress. I roll partially on top of her so she can’t take off. “Not the same with you,” I assure her, but I see doubt creeping in anyway. “Different place in my life, baby. I was drunk mostly and didn’t mind sharing.”

  “Sharing?” Her voice comes out like a squeak.


  “You mean take turns?”


  “Well…I guess sometimes, but it doesn’t really work like that. More like an all for one and one for all. Mostly I was a third to a couple.”

  She pushes herself up in bed, resting her back against the headboard as she pulls the sheet up to her chin.

  “A couple as in a woman and a man?” Her eyes almost bulge out of her face.

  “Sometimes it happened,” I admit.

  She stares straight ahead at the door of her closet, and I try to decipher the thoughts playing out on her face.

  “Say something, Lissie,” I finally urge her when the tension gets to me.

  “I…I don’t know what to say. Is that…” She turns her tearful eyes on me. “…what you want? What you need? I’m not sure if I can—”

  Realizing where her head is going, I stop her. “No. It’s not what I want.” I scoot up on the bed as well, and pull her tense body in my arms. “Not in the least. Fuck. I was wild, Lissie. Didn’t give a fuck about anyone or anything, but that’s different now. I’ve never cared before. Now I do.”

  “But what if…” She doesn’t need to finish that sentence because I can read her well.

  “Not gonna happen.”

  “How do you know?”

  “Beautiful, look at me.” She resists at first but finally tilts her head back to look me in the eye. “I’m not drunk, I’m not numb, and I’ve never felt what I feel when I’m inside you. Not ever.”

  Despite my words, she pulls away and this time I let her go. She grabs some clothes off the foot of the bed and heads for the bathroom.

  I swing my legs out of bed and pick my jeans off the floor shrugging them on. My shirt is next.

  “Where are you going?”

  I yank the shirt over my head and look at Lissie, who walks in, dressed. I almost tell her I’m heading to my place, but take a chance at the last minute.

  “Grabbing your groceries from the truck.”

  She blows out a breath. “Thank you.”

  “Lissie? You okay?”

  The smile she throws me is weak, but I’ll take it.

  “I’m not gonna run, Yuma. What would that say about me? Running when you trust me enough to show me the edge of your darkness?” I start moving toward her but she holds up a hand. “You’re gonna have to give me some time to process, though.”

  I can give her that and then some.

  “All the time you need.”




  I never considered myself a prude, but that confession shook me more than a little. Especially on top of the realization we’d had unprotected sex. That was monumentally stupid. I had my Depo shot, but that was right before I left Albuquerque. I’m probably due soon; I’d better start looking around for a new GP.

  Other than once when I was young and not thinking clear, I’ve always insisted on a condom. It’s a little scary, after twenty or so years of practicing safety; this man can make me forget my own basic rules. Hell, he doesn’t just make me forget, he makes me lose my mind with those blue eyes looking straight into my soul.

  I watch him walk into my apartment carrying all eight grocery bags at once. He sets them on the counter and starts unpacking them while I fish out the perishables and put them in the fridge.

  “Are you hungry?”

  Yuma looks up. “I could eat,” he says, and I hate the caution in his eyes. I hate the tension in the room.

  “I want to cook for you.”

  A faint smile plays over his lips. “What’s for dinner?”

  “Beef Stroganoff?”

  “Won’t say no to that, Babe. Need me to do anything?”

  “Pour us some tea?” I busy myself with dinner, while he gets drinks and sits down at the island. “How is your mother?” I ask, anxious to break the silence building.

  “Taking freakin’ dance lessons.”

  I let out a snort at his disgruntled answer. “Is she having fun, though?”

  “I guess.”

  Silence stretches again while I slice strips of beef and mushrooms, tossing them in the hot butter.

  “What was it you wanted to talk about? The morning I left, you mentioned having a few things to discuss with me.”

  Yikes. I did say that. I wish I knew where to start.

  “A friend of mine is missing.” A deep frown appears on Yuma’s face and I quickly add, “Well, I’m not technically sure she’s missing, but I’m worried about her.”

  I proceed to tell him about Dani while I work on dinner. How close we were when we were younger, how she took off on the back of a motorcycle—I glance over to see that piqued Yuma’s interest—how we lost touch after a few years, and finally I recount the very brief final conversation I had with her.

  “She said Durango?”

  “It’s the reason I jumped on it when I saw an opening with the DPD,” I confess. “I know we hadn’t talked in years, but that’s why that last, unexpected phone call left me shaken.”

  I put the lid on the pan to let it simmer and turn to Yuma, who seems to be deep in thought, staring down at his hands. Then he raises his eyes to me.

  “That why you’re here?”

  I flinch at his voice—rough and full of accusation—but it’s not entirely unexpected. He’s a smart man; I can see why his mind would go there.

  “I’m here because I needed a better place than the trailer I was renting. The fact the building is owned by the only biker club in town was an added bonus.”

  “And me? Am I an added bonus too?”

  “No.” I’m being truthful, but I can see he’s not buying it.

  “Seems pretty convenient. You’re in Durango looking for a friend who likes to hang with bikers, and you’ve gotta admit, you latched on to me pretty fast. Who better than the biggest man-whore in the club?”

  My mouth falls open in disbelief.

  “Are you for real? You honestly think…?”

  He stands up and leans forward with his hands on the counter. “What do you expect me to think?” He abruptly turns his back; both hands go to his head and pull on his hair. I can just hear him mutter to himself, “Knew it was too fucking good to be true.”

  The moment I see him start moving, I dart out of the kitchen and slip in front of him. I block the exit with my back against door and my arms spread wide. I meet his glare head on.



  “Fucking move.”

  “No. I’m not gonna let you walk away. I didn’t. I asked for space, yes, but I didn’t walk out like you’re about to. If you recall, I was as hesitant as you were to start anything. Do you honestly believe I’m that good of an actor I can fake being into you? You’d have to be delusional.” I’m working up a good head of steam here, but I’m not done. “Life isn’t perfect, James Wells.” His nostrils flare and he takes a step closer when I use the name he was born with. “But to have you dismiss what’s happening between us as fantasy, when it’s the most agonizingly beautiful reality I’ve ever known, is inexcusable.”

  Even as I utter the last syllable, he crowds me against the door, his arms braced on either side of my head, and hi
s mouth slamming on mine in a punishing kiss.

  I take it. I take all of it and give it back in equal measure. It’s angry and bruising at first—and goes a long way to burning out our tempers—until lips turn soft and the brush of tongues gentle.

  When he ends the kiss, he leans his forehead to mine, his eyes full of remorse. I cover his lips with the tips of my fingers to stop him from saying the words he’s clearly struggling with.

  “Come have some dinner first.”

  I take his hand and lead him back to the kitchen.


  “One latte no sugar and one Americano.”

  I grab the coffees I’ve already paid for and head outside where Lissie is siting at the small table, her face turned up to the sun.

  Won’t be long until the temperatures will really start dropping, and before you know it we’ll be up to our armpits in snow. That means I’ll have to stable the bike until the damn stuff melts again. I should try and get Lissie out for a nice ride next time she’s got a day off.

  She smiles at me when I hand over her coffee.

  “Beautiful day.”

  “Yes, it is,” I agree.

  To think I almost walked out on this—on her—last night. Almost stepped over that edge I know would’ve been straight into the darkness, but she held me back. She didn’t bow down. Outshouted those demons feeding my self-defeating thoughts.

  I was right when I told Trunk this woman is so much stronger than I am. She’s strong enough for both of us.

  Last night we wound up in her bed, and we ended up falling asleep simply holding each other. Another new experience for me.

  “Tell me about Dani.” She looks at me over the rim of her coffee cup, surprised. “Maybe I can help?” It’s my version of an apology, one she hasn’t allowed me to verbalize any other way.

  “You sure?” she asks with barely concealed hope, and I feel like an ass when I nod. “I have notes at home—pages I pulled out of my journals—with some recaps of conversations I had with her. I also have a few pictures and some postcards. Not a lot, and I’ve gone over them time and time again without finding anything, but I keep thinking there’s something there. Something I’m missing.”

  “Want me to have a look at them?”


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