Book Read Free

Deal Takers

Page 11

by Laura Lee

I’d hate to admit that when I clench my fists, my palms do feel unusually slimy. I just attributed it to the flush one gets when they’re aroused. Now that we’re not making out, I can also associate the flutters in my stomach to something a lot less pleasant. As if on cue, my stomach makes a horribly loud grumbling noise. I clutch my abdomen and gasp when a sharp cramp follows it. My eyes widen in horror when I realize what’s about to happen. Bile rises in my throat while my insides continue to wretch.

  “Oh, fuck,” I mutter as I leap off the couch and run down the hall to my master bathroom.

  I barely manage to lock the door and make it to the toilet before all hell breaks loose. My body is violently ejecting my dinner from both ends. Okay, here’s the thing: I’m a Labor & Delivery nurse—I see a lot of gross shit on a daily basis. Sometimes literally, since it’s fairly common to have a bowel movement while pushing a human being out of your vag. Regardless, broadcasting the vile things that are coming out of my body right now is not something one wants to do near the man they were about to get naked with. I say a little prayer that Brody stayed in the living room and isn’t bearing witness to all the embarrassing noises echoing throughout the bathroom.

  Knock. Knock.

  “Rainey, are you okay in there?”

  I groan and inwardly curse that luck isn’t on my side. Thank fuck I had the foresight to turn the fan on because the smell alone would make someone run for the hills.

  “I’ll be fine,” I yelp as another stomach cramp hits. “You should just go home, Brody. I’m fairly certain I have food poisoning so we’re going to have to call it a night.”

  “I don’t like leaving you like this,” he says through the door.

  I heave into the wastebasket perched on my lap, and proceed to vomit horrid orange-tinted chunks of chicken and rice.

  “I’ll be fine,” I insist. “Just go. I’ll call you tomorrow to reschedule.”

  I close my eyes and breathe through my nose, trying to calm my gag reflex. I’m relieved when I’m met with silence on the other side of the door. I press down the flusher to help lessen the putrid scent coming from the bowl but I don’t dare leave the toilet, knowing more is coming fast. After who knows how long, I finally feel confident that I’ve expelled everything from my system. My mortification returns a thousand times over when I open the door and see Brody passed out on my bed. Dear lord, how long has he been in here? I take in the scene and see a giant sports bottle filled with water sitting on the nightstand next to a pack of saltine crackers. The wastebasket from the guest bathroom is sitting on the floor on the empty side of the bed with a freshly changed liner. I cautiously drink as much water as I can tolerate and slowly inch under the covers, no longer having enough energy to care how awful I must smell right now or what he must’ve heard. I don’t even remember closing my eyes before falling asleep.

  Chapter Thirty-One


  My eyes reluctantly open against the rising sun filtering through the windows. It takes me a moment to realize where I am but the confusion clears the moment I see the woman stretched out next to me. She’s lying on her back with her left arm flung over her eyes. I can’t help but smile when I see the little trail of drool running down her chin. It doesn’t matter that she looks like she was on a week-long bender, with her matted hair, smudged makeup, and chapped lips. Rainey O’Neil smells like a frat house on a Saturday morning and I’m pretty sure that’s dried vomit in her hair, but she’s still the most beautiful fucking thing I’ve ever had the pleasure of waking up to. I’ve dated some gorgeous women in my life but not a single one of them can hold a candle to her.

  I feel a stab of guilt from staying over without her permission, but in my defense, I couldn’t stomach the thought of leaving her in that condition, no pun intended. I feel semi-responsible because I was the one that fed her the contaminated food. I don’t know how long she was in the bathroom, but I’m pretty sure she was taking catnaps on the tile floor in between bouts of projectile vomiting and pissing out of her ass. I know she’s embarrassed but she needs to get over it because I’m not going anywhere. It could’ve easily been me in that situation had she selected the beef instead of chicken. I wouldn’t have been happy about it, but shit happens. Literally.

  “Good morning, sunshine.”

  Rainey groans as she stirs. She cracks one eye open and glances my way. “What are you doing here, Brody?”

  Her morning voice wakes my dick right the fuck up. She naturally has a sexy rasp but it’s apparently much stronger first thing in the morning. I shift, willing Thor to calm the hell down.

  “I didn’t want to leave you alone like that.”

  I watch her expression morph three times in as many seconds as the memories from last night flood back in. “Unh...” she whimpers. She slams her palm over her mouth before mumbling, “You didn’t have to do that.”

  I smile. “Sure I did. What if you needed to go to the hospital? I wasn’t going to put that on my conscience.”

  She rolls her eyes. “I work in medicine, Brody. I know the signs of food poisoning and how to treat it. I didn’t need anyone to witness...that.”

  “Why are you talking with your hand smashed against your mouth?”

  “Because my mouth tastes like something died in it,” she replies. Or at least that’s what I think she said.

  I laugh and get out of bed, stretching my arms over my head as I do. I don’t miss the way her eyes trace the movement. “Why don’t you go clean up while I make you some toast?”

  She shakes her head emphatically. “Nuh uh. I’ll be fine. You can head home.”

  I smirk. “Wow, sweetheart, you really know how to make a man feel loved, but I wasn’t really asking. I’m not leaving until I know that you’re okay and I’m not going to know that until you prove to me that you can keep down some food and hydrate yourself. Now get your fine ass out of bed and in the shower. I’ll be in the kitchen when you’re done.”

  “Pushy asshole,” she mutters.

  I wink. “I’ve been called worse.”

  Twenty minutes later, Rainey joins me in the kitchen, looking and smelling much better than she did when I left her. I place a plate of dry toast topped with sliced bananas on the breakfast bar and pull the stool out for her.


  She takes a seat and grumbles, “Thanks.”

  I round the counter and take a sip of coffee. When I see Rainey eyeballing it longingly I say, “Sorry, babe, no can do.” I nod to the glass of water sitting next to her. “Clear liquids only until we know you can keep them down.”

  “Jerk,” she says, glaring.

  “Aw honey, you know you don’t mean that. C’mon, admit it; you’re glad I stayed so you could feast your eyes on all of this.” I wave my hands up and down my body and wiggle my eyebrows.

  Rainey smirks. “I may have appreciated the water and crackers last night. And the breakfast.”

  “See? Was that so hard to admit? And to think, all I ask in return is that you wear a sexy nurse’s costume the next time I see you.”

  “Oh, is that all?”

  I shrug. “I wouldn’t be opposed if you wanted to throw in some head. I did go to sleep with a pretty serious case of blue balls last night.”

  Rainey gives me a wry look. “Duly noted, Brody. Slutty nurse with a side of blow job. I’ll see what I can do.”

  “Wow, you should get food poisoning more often. You’re awfully amenable. I like this Rainey.”

  She full on laughs this time. “I aim to please.”

  I lean over the counter and kiss her forehead. “And I’m more than happy to return the favor. I need to get to work. Get some rest and let me know how you’re doing later.” I open the front door and add, “Oh, and Rainey?”


  I wink. “I look forward to picking up where we left off.”

  Chapter Thirty-Two


  It’s unseasonably warm for early fall in Seattle, yet I’m standing here wearing an a
nkle length rain coat. Why, you ask? Because I’m about to make Brody Harris a very happy man.

  “Yeah?” he calls through the door after I knock.

  “It’s Rainey.”

  I hear muffled curses and loud stomping as he makes his way to the door. He swings it open with a huge smile. “Well, hello. To what do I owe this honor?”

  “Are you in there alone?”

  Brody tilts his head to the side. “Yeah...why do you ask?”

  I slip under his arm and step into the living room right off the entryway. I look around to confirm that we are, in fact, alone. “I wasn’t sure with all the noise when I knocked. Thought maybe you were hiding some skank in a closet or something.”

  He smirks. “Honey, you’re the only skank I want in my closet.”

  I raise an eyebrow.

  “That didn’t come out right,” he laughs.

  I slowly untie the belt that’s holding my double-breasted coat together. “Oh, I don’t know. I’m having awfully skanky thoughts right now.”

  Did I mention that Brody is shirtless? Brody without a shirt is a beautiful thing. I’m sure my interest is crystal clear as my eyes run over his ripped abs and muscular pecs.

  “Really now? Do tell.”

  I let my actions speak for themselves as I fully open the coat and let it drop to the floor.

  “Fuck,” Brody says reverently.

  I’ll give you two guesses what I’m wearing.

  I smirk. “That’s the idea. Well, sort of.”

  He bites his knuckles as he stares at the garters sticking out of my short white dress. “Sort of?”

  I flatten my hand on his chest and prompt him to walk backwards. He takes a step back for each one that I take forward until his legs smack into the couch. I give him a little shove until his ass is sitting on the leather cushions.

  “You’ll see.” I straddle him, putting my chest at eye level. I smile when his eyes become fixated on the wide gap of exposed skin.

  “God, Rainey.” Brody’s hands grip my hips possessively as his face dives into my cleavage. “Would it totally ruin the moment if I motor boated these babies right now?”

  “Probably.” I laugh when he pouts and I take his face in my hands. “Easy, sport. I wouldn’t want this to end...prematurely.” I nod to the slight wet spot on the front of his sweatpants.

  His head falls back and he groans. “You’re killing me here. You can’t put your tits in front of my face like that and not let me feast on them.”

  I give him a quick kiss at the corner of his mouth before sliding off his lap and dropping down to my knees. His thigh muscles tighten as I push them apart to make room. As I loop my fingers under the waistband of his sweatpants, I wink. “You sure about that? Would you like me to come back up there so you can have my breasts? Or would you rather have my mouth?”

  I pull his hard-as-steel dick out of his pants and stroke my hand down its length. It’s even better than I remembered from all those years ago. Brody is long and thick—not porn star grotesque—but I’d guess his dick tops out at a solid nine inches, and proudly points to his abs. His manscaping is on point, too, which is always nice. Listen up, fellas. If you don’t manscape, you’re doing a disservice to all female kind. Nobody wants to nuzzle a hairy bush or get pubes stuck between their teeth. Seriously.

  “Totally not a fair question,” he whines.

  I circle my tongue around his crown. “Which one will it be, Brody?”

  His back arches. “Mouth! God, please wrap those sexy lips around me.”

  I smile. “Good choice.”

  Our gazes lock as his cock slides past my lips and disappears into my mouth, inch by rock hard inch. I move up and down his shaft, mirroring the motion with my fist on the part that doesn’t fit. His penis jumps as it hits the back of my throat and I increase the suction.

  “Fuck!” he groans. “You’re so goddamn good at this.”

  I smile around his girth before sucking him in deeper and stroking harder. Brody’s hands are now clutching my hair with the perfect amount of pressure. His fingers flex every time I flick my tongue against him, paying special attention to that spot right beneath the head. His obvious enjoyment emboldens me as I reach for his scrotum with my other hand and tug lightly.

  “Fuck, fuck, fuck!” he shouts. “Don’t...stop...please...unh, just like that.”

  I release him with a pop and smile smugly. “Don’t worry, Brody; I’m not stopping until your cum is dripping down my throat.”

  Chapter Thirty-Three


  Is this really happening? Surely I’m having some sort of hallucination. First of all, who knew Rainey had such a filthy mouth? Fuck, that in itself is a major boner inducer. And what she can do with that mouth? My eyes roll back into my head as she resumes bobbing up and down my cock, using the perfect mixture of suction, teeth, and tongue. No joke, there’s never been a blow job in the history of all blow jobs better than this. My toes curl when she hollows her cheeks and rolls my balls in her palm. I’m trying really hard to let her set the pace and not thrust into her mouth, but I quickly lose the battle when she hums in appreciation as I start fucking her face. My God, could there be a more perfect woman?

  For the record, I was totally joking about her dressing up but I’m thanking every fucking god in existence that she did it anyway. Every sexy nurse fantasy that I’ve ever had is coming to life. And trust me when I say that I’ve had A LOT. Especially since the day Rainey walked into my life.

  I feel the telltale tingle that I’m about to blow my load. Even though she said she was planning to swallow, I still feel the need to give the obligatory warning.

  “Rainey...I’m gonna...I’m about to...come.” Please, for all that is holy, have her follow through with the swallow.

  Rainey moans, acknowledging me and encouraging me to let it go. And let it go, I do. I feel it in every part of my body as my orgasm rips through me and cum shoots down her throat. I don’t think I’ve ever come harder or longer in my life. Rainey takes it all too, not spilling a drop.

  Would it be weird if I tell her how proud of her I am? It brings a little tear to my eye.

  She makes one more slow slide upward before releasing me from the veritable paradise that lives behind those bee stung lips. Her eyes sparkle as she runs her thumb over her bottom lip and winks.

  “I think I enjoyed that almost as much as you did, Brody. It’s definitely something I’d like to repeat.”

  Goddamn, it’s fucking awesome being me right now.

  Rainey squeals when I abruptly lift her off the floor, bringing her onto my lap so I can kiss the shit out of her.

  I break away to get some air. “You are fucking incredible.”

  She smirks. “I bet you say that to all the girls.”

  “Honey, you are one hundred percent woman. And there’s never been anyone more incredible than you.”

  Rainey gives me a small smile and dives down for another kiss. My dick is still sticking out of my pants and half hard so when she grinds into my lap, I can feel every bit of the heat coming from her pussy. She starts sliding her lace-covered clit over the length of me, trying to get herself off while we’re making out and it’s the hottest thing ever. I love it when a woman isn’t afraid to take what she wants. I can feel Rainey’s thigh muscles tensing so I know she’s close when I decide to take over. I band my arms behind her and twist our bodies so she’s now the one sitting on the couch and I’m on my knees in front of her, staring at her tiny, soaking wet white panties.

  “Brody, what are you doing?”

  I give her my signature smirk as I guide both of her legs over one shoulder. “I’m returning the favor.”

  “This wasn’t about reciprocation,” she says in protest. “I wanted to thank you for taking care of me the other night.”

  Did you catch that?

  Her words say one thing but her body says another. Rainey’s already lying against the back cushion, her limbs loose and pliant. She gasps when I
unsnap her garters and trail my fingers up her thighs, looping them around the strings on her hips. I place a wet kiss on each one of her toned calves as she straightens her legs so I can remove her panties.

  “Honey, you are thanking me by letting me do this. You have no idea how badly I’ve wanted to bury my face in your pussy until you come screaming my name.”

  Her cheeks flush beneath her freckles. “Well, if you insist.”

  “Oh, I abso-fucking-lutely insist.”

  I remove her sexy-as-fuck heels and swing her right leg over my other shoulder so she’s spread wide for me. Her pretty pink perfect pussy glistens, looking so welcoming. Thor jumps, begging for admittance to the golden gates of Heaven. I don’t waste any time as my face dives right to the nirvana between her thighs. I nuzzle my nose into her bare mound, groaning when I take in her sweet scent. Okay, here’s the thing: Don’t believe those mommy porn books that like to tell you that a woman’s pussy smells like fucking roses and whatnot. Pussy smells like pussy. But Rainey’s pussy is unlike anything I’ve ever encountered. When I say it smells sweet, I don’t mean sweet, as in someone’s baking cookies. Make no mistake; Rainey’s cookie is mouthwatering. It’s so pretty and inviting—it’s practically drawing me in, begging me to mark her. She’s laid out perfectly like my own personal puppy pad.

  What the fuck, you say?

  Hear me out before you slap my dick. So you have a puppy, right? And you’re training it not to piss all over your house while you’re at work. Well, insert the puppy pad. They have those handy dandy built-in attractants so your puppy knows that’s where he’s supposed to take a leak. Well, Rainey’s pussy has the strongest motherfucking attractant known to man. At least to me. One whiff makes me want to live with my face crammed between her thighs 24/7. Do you think that would be peculiar if I did? Surely I’m not the first asshole to think such a thing. Anyhoo, I’m getting off track again. Rainey’s pussy is right in front of my face—literally—and I’m clocking in to get to work.

  Her back arches when I spread her plump lips with my thumbs and give one long lick in between. I grip her hips, holding them immobile as I lick her up and down, left to right, clockwise circles alternated with counterclockwise. I mix it up, spelling the alphabet and fucking her with my tongue like it’s my sole responsibility in life. Rainey screams when I slip two fingers inside of her and flatten my tongue against her clit. Her head lolls back and forth as I move my fingers in and out, curling them so I can hit her G-spot. She’s climbing higher and higher as I listen to her cues, backing off right before she reaches the final rung of the orgasm ladder. It’s delayed gratification at its finest and I promise you, it’ll be worth the wait.


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