Book Read Free

Deal Takers

Page 16

by Laura Lee

  Chapter Forty-Four


  “We need to talk, Rainey. Really talk,” Brody says.

  Ugh. I know he wants to go public after that stunt he pulled last weekend but I’m so not ready to have this argument again. I’m not ready for this thing to end yet and that’s exactly where a conversation like that would go.

  I pull his button-up shirt out of his pants. “Sure, Brody. We can talk. Later.”

  He groans when I pop the button open on his slacks. “No, Rainey, I’m serious. No more sex until we talk.”

  I pull his zipper down and shove his pants down over his hips. “That’s funny.”

  He grabs my wrist when I reach for his boxers. “Will you fucking be serious for a minute?”

  I’m taken aback by the harshness in his tone. “I am being serious. As in, I seriously want your dick inside me.”

  He pulls his pants back up. “Honey, I want that just as much as you do, but this is more important.”

  I bite my bottom lip, drawing his attention to the motion. “But, I have a surprise for you.”

  He looks at me skeptically. “What kind of surprise?”

  I grab the little black plastic bag off the counter and hand it to him. “I stopped by the store on the way home.”

  He reaches into the bag and pulls out a purple bottle. He looks physically pained when he reads the label. “Anal lube?” he chokes out. He peeks in the bag again and pulls out the hot pink toy. “And a butt plug?”

  I pull on the tie to the silk kimono I’m wearing. “I’m feeling...adventurous. Thought maybe it’s time to see what all the fuss is about.”

  He looks at the items in his hands and swallows hard. “I don’t think...we can’t...I mean, we need to—”

  I drop the robe, exposing my naked body. “We need to what, Brody?”

  “Oh, hell,” he groans.

  I pull his arms and lead him to my bedroom. I grab the props out of his hands and toss them on the bed for later. Brody bites his knuckles when I crawl onto the mattress and open my legs suggestively. “Show me how this is done, stud.”

  I’ve never seen a man undress so fast. He’s fully nude and on top of me within seconds.

  “You’re such a fucking temptress,” he growls. “You’re driving me mad.”

  I lick my lips. “I like you a little crazy.”

  He bites my lip, hard, and shoves two fingers inside of me, pumping them in and out. “Jesus, you’re soaked.”

  I release a needy sigh and wrap my legs around his waist, tilting my hips up. “It’s all for you, Brody.”

  Brody removes his fingers, now drenched with my arousal, and presses the tip of one against my puckered hole. “You want me to fuck your ass, baby?” He rolls his hips which causes his cock to slide back and forth over my clit.

  I moan like a porn star when his finger pushes inside.

  “I need to hear you say it, Rainey. Do you want me to fuck your pretty little ass?”

  He lines his dick up against my entrance and easily pushes inside. Brody rocks against me, his dick and finger each working separate holes, but in perfect harmony. I can feel the thin membrane separating the two channels as he rubs inside of me.

  “Tell me, Rainey. Tell me that you want me to own your ass. Tell me you want me to fucking ruin you for any other man.”

  “Aaaahhh! Oh fuck!” I scream when he adds a second finger in my behind. It’s impossibly tight now but feels so unbelievably good.

  “God...Brody,” I pant. “Don’t stop. Please don’t stop.”

  “Say the words,” he demands through gritted teeth.

  “Fuck my ass!” I scream. “Fill me up. Take me. Own me. Just fucking do it!”

  His mouth slams into mine as he picks up the pace. He swallows my scream as my orgasm hits me out of nowhere. It’s so powerful, I swear to God I see stars.

  I’m boneless.


  Dying for more.

  Brody pulls out and flips me onto my stomach. I’m still recovering; not capable of much more than waiting to see what he’ll do next. I shiver when his fingertip trails along my spine with feather-light softness. When he reaches my shoulder, he brushes my hair aside and places wet kisses over my pulse point, knowing that spot revs me up like crazy. His hard-on is nestled in the cleft of my ass, but he doesn’t make any attempt to do something with it. I glance over my shoulder, needing to see him, and he takes advantage of my new position by claiming my mouth. I’m not sure how long we kiss, but it’s long enough that my lips feel bruised. He pulls back with one more nibble on my neck before kissing a path down my spine. I yelp when his hot breath reaches my cheeks and he bites down, hard enough that I know without a doubt, his teeth are imprinted on my skin. First the left, then the right.

  Brody palms my ass and squeezes. “God, I love your ass. Have I ever told you that?”

  I think about it for a moment. “I’m not sure. You praise the girls pretty much every chance you get, but I don’t remember any other body parts.”

  He gives my right cheek one more nip. “I fucking love every part of your body, Rainey.” His hands move over my hips, down my outer thighs. “Every curve.” They begin to crawl toward my inner thighs. “Every dip.” My spine bows with a gasp when his fingers find my center and slide over my clit. “You’re so responsive to my touch. Do you know how good that makes me feel?”

  “If the state of your dick is any indicator,” I pant, “then my answer is yes.”

  Brody chuckles and grinds said dick into me. His hands continue their exploration of my body, one snaking around my front to knead my breast while the other resumes stroking my clit from behind. I shamelessly arch my back, presenting my ass to him.

  “Getting impatient, are you?” I can hear the smile in his voice.

  He rubs me faster, preventing me from saying anything intelligible. As another orgasm washes over me, he takes that as his cue to slide into home base, making Gina a very happy hoo-ha.

  “Fuck,” he mutters, as I clench around him.

  I blindly fumble for the bottle of lube until I reach it. I extend my arm back, imploring him to take it.

  “As much as my vag loves being filled by you, she’s willing to pass the torch to her backdoor counterpart now.”

  I squirm when he releases a deep belly laugh while still inside me. “We’re going to take this slow, baby.” He pulls out, almost to the tip, and grabs the bottle from me.

  A thrill of excitement rolls through me when he pops the top on the lube. A couple beats later, his slippery finger circles my tight hole before pushing forward at the exact moment his dick drives back into my pussy. I grunt when he adds a second finger after only pumping in and out a few times. God, who knew double penetration could feel so awesome?

  I whimper when Brody slides his fingers out of my rear, but my disappointment only lasts for a second when he reaches over my shoulder to grab the plug. I know it’s coming, but I still tense up when I feel it pressing against me.

  “Breathe, baby,” Brody coos. “I’ll stop anytime you want me to.” The plug breaches my barrier as I focus on my breathing, telling myself this is no different than his fingers. “Slowly push your sexy ass back into the plug, Rainey...Yeah, that’s it...Just a little bit more to go, baby.”

  Geez, how long is this thing?

  “There you go,” he says. “Damn, I wish you could see how hot you look right now.”

  Now that my initial fear is gone, I feel surprisingly...needy.

  “Brody, please move.”

  “Gladly, honey. Just relax. I promise you’re going to enjoy this.”

  Oh. I forgot that I bought the vibrating model until he switches it on. Wow, that adds a whole other element to it. Brody holds the toy against my ass while he fucks me with his dick. When he gives the plug a little twist, I feel the familiar tension coiling low in my belly, quickly escalating into a full blown explosion. Holy shit, I think this is the fastest I’ve ever come in my life.

h. My. God.

  Brody stills as I pulse around him for like, the thousandth time. “Fuck, honey, you’re so tight like this. You feel incredible.”

  I don’t know how he’s still stringing sentences together. I can only manage greedy little whimpers and pleas for more. He eases out of me as I come down and slowly removes the plug, leaving me strangely empty.

  “That was intense,” I pant.

  I see a flash of hot pink as he throws the plug to the side. “ really was. You ready for more?”

  A ribbon of lube drops between my buttcheeks. Brody spreads it around my asshole then he pours some more into his palm and lathers his cock.

  I bite my swollen lip. “I think so.”

  He bands his arm around me and pulls me onto my side, my back to his chest. “This angle will ease up the pressure a bit.”

  I take his word for it and hold my breath as his crown presses against my sensitive flesh. I start to panic when the flared head dips inside, just barely, but it sends a stark reminder to my brain that Brody is not a small man, in any sense of the word. Sex toys are one thing, but can his dick really fit into such a tight space?

  His fingers bite into my hips. “Rainey, you need to breathe.” He pushes in a little bit further, past the first ring of muscle. “Oh fuck, motherfuck. Relax, baby.”

  Gah! It hurts! “You’re too big, Brody.”

  “No, I’m not, honey,” he assures me. “You can take it. You just need to breathe.”

  I squeeze my eyes shut as he approaches the second ring. “It burns—there’s too much pressure.”

  He places soft kisses along my neck. “I know, sweetheart. The bad part is almost over. Just stay with me.”

  I try, I really try, but I can’t seem to unwind enough to allow him in any further. Brody’s hands stroke my skin softly, trying to coax my body into submission. I’m just about to tell him to stop when his fingers begin rubbing circles over my clit. Oh...that helps. His other hand grabs onto my breast, rolling my nipple between his index finger and thumb.

  He breaches the second barrier and slides in more until I can feel his balls against my over-sensitized flesh. “There you go, baby. I’m all the way in. It’s smooth sailing from here on out.”

  Huh. He was right; it doesn’t hurt anymore, now that my body is no longer resisting. It’s definitely a foreign feeling that I think will take some getting used to, but it’s just pressure now. A lot of pressure, but not necessarily in a bad way. He continues working my love button into a frenzy while I adjust around his length. I climb higher and higher, getting wetter and wetter, until I’m dripping and wriggling against him, begging him to move.

  “Move, Brody,” I whine.

  His forehead falls to the back of my neck. “Thank fuck.”

  He pulls out almost completely before shoving back in with a groan. He quickly develops a rhythm that’s unhurried, yet desperate all at once. As he moves inside of me, I’m in awe by how intimate such a supposedly depraved act can feel. What started out as pure debauchery, turned into something truly special. Brody’s caressing every inch of my skin that he can reach. He’s kissing the back of my neck and shoulders, telling me how beautiful I am. How honored he is that I trusted him enough to do this. How I make him happier than he’s ever been in his life. I don’t know at what point it began, but once my eyes start shedding tears, I can’t seem to make them stop.

  My earth-shattering orgasm triggers his and the feeling is like nothing I’ve ever known. I couldn’t find words to describe it if my life depended on it. After it wanes, he slowly pulls out with a long exhale and hugs me closer while we catch our breath.

  Brody gently wipes a tear from my cheek. “Are you okay?”

  I nod my head. “Yeah.”

  “Then why are you crying?”

  “That was...amazing. I’m just overwhelmed. I wasn’t prepared to have so many feelings.”

  He tightens his hold on me and nuzzles his nose between my shoulder blades. “Me neither, baby. Me neither.”

  Chapter Forty-Five


  “Dude, who died?” Drew asks.

  I take a long pull from my beer. “I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about.”

  Yes, I do.

  Rainey has been avoiding me for three days and I’m frustrated as fuck. I was planning to talk to her the other night after we finished having sex, but we both crashed almost instantly. By the time I woke up, she was already at work. I have no idea how the hell she managed to not wake me because I’m usually a pretty light sleeper. All I can say is that I must’ve been in a post-coital coma. That’s a real thing, you know. Google it.

  Yeah, yeah, I know what you’re thinking. I should’ve talked to her before the fucking commenced. I should’ve held my ground. Well, you can just fuck the hell off with your admonishments. There’s not a dude alive that would’ve done any differently. At least not a respectable one. IT’S ANAL. If a woman is dangling that tasty carrot in front of your face, you do not turn that shit down. Butt sex is always awesome, because how can you go wrong with a tighter channel, but that night with Rainey was one for the record books. It’s definitely going to be a featured member in the spank bank.

  “No, he’s right,” Riley insists. “There’s something going on. You’ve been nursing the same beer for half an hour now and you haven’t glanced at our waitress’s watermelon tits once.” He feels my forehead. “You sick or something?”

  “Fuck off,” I mutter.

  Thank God we decided to meet for Happy Hour because I’m going to need something stronger for this conversation. I wave our waitress over and order three fingers of whiskey.

  Riley narrows his eyes. “Wait a minute...I know this look. This is about a woman, isn’t it?”

  “What makes you think that?” I challenge.

  “Because you’ve been a miserable sonuvabitch,” Riley replies. “And I’ve been in your shoes, so the signs are pretty easy to recognize.”

  “Whatever,” I mumble.

  “Holy shit!” Drew shouts. “This is about Rainey, isn’t it? You finally tapped that, didn’t you? How was it?”

  I glare at him. It’s not like Drew and I, or Riley and I for that matter, haven’t discussed our exploits in every porny detail before, but I don’t like hearing him talk about Rainey that way. And I’m sure as hell not about to give him the play-by-play. Sadly for me, my silence speaks volumes based on the smirks both of my friends are wearing.

  “I knew there was something behind that kiss at the zoo!” Drew says excitedly. “When did this happen? How did this happen?”

  At times like these, it sucks when someone knows you so well. I guess there’s no point in trying to bullshit my way out of this. Thankfully, my new drink has arrived.

  I down half of the amber liquid in one gulp. “Do you need a refresher course in the birds and the bees, Drucilla?”

  Drew flips me off in reply. “Please, fucker. I could teach a Master’s Class in that shit.”

  Riley slouches back into the booth and folds his arms over his chest. I really don’t like the way he’s looking at me right now. It’s like he’s trying to do some Jedi mind trick and pluck information out of my brain. “You finally found it, didn’t you?”

  “Found what?” Drew asks. Clueless motherfucker.

  I nod, answering Riley’s question.

  Riley laughs. “Welcome to the club, brother.”

  “Welcome to what club?” Drew asks. “What are you assholes keeping from me?”

  “The Magic Pussy,” Riley explains. “Rainey’s it for him.”

  Drew shakes his head. “The M.P.’s just a myth, man. No pussy is unforgettable.”

  “Not true,” Riley says. “I felt it right away with Devyn. The very first time we had sex, I knew I was never going to find someone better.”

  Drew plugs his ears. “La-la-la-la-la.”

  I snort. “What the hell are you doing, you idiot?”

  He makes no attempt to remove his fin
gers from his ears. “I’m preventing myself from being mentally scarred for life. I don’t need to be a part of any conversation that involves my baby sister and sex.”

  Riley pulls Drew’s arms down. “Quit making a scene. It’s not like I went into great detail about how snug her p—.”

  “Aaaah!” Drew plugs his ears again and starts singing the intro to The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.

  I laugh at Riley’s antics. Screwing with Drew will never get old.

  “Anyway,” Riley continues, as if Drew isn’t belting out sitcom theme songs right now, “that still doesn’t explain why you’re so miserable. What happened?”

  “She refuses to give me a chance,” I explain. “She likes to remind me how temporary we are, every opportunity she gets. According to her, we’re just friends-with-benefits, which is complete bullshit. That may have been the initial plan, but that went to hell the second I slid inside of her and had a goddamn epiphany. Every time I try having a meaningful conversation with her about being something more, she senses it and distracts me with her boobs.”

  Drew decides to stop acting like a three-year-old and joins the conversation again. “Ooh, now this I can get on board with. Tell me more about Rainey’s boobs. Those beauties are real, aren’t they?”

  “Fuck off, Drew.”

  He laughs. “So, I’ll take that as a yes. What color are her nipples? I’ve always imagined them to be light pink. Am I right?”

  “I’m not discussing the color of her nipples with you, asshole. Or any other parts of her body.”

  “Damn, you do have it bad,” he muses. “I mean, it’s clear that you’ve had the hots for her. A blind man can see that. But I didn’t realize it went beyond that. I thought you annoyed the shit out of her. How in the hell did you manage to convince her to sleep with you?”

  I shrug. “She’s the one that suggested it, actually.”

  “No shit?” Drew and Riley ask simultaneously.

  “No shit.”

  Cara, AKA Watermelon Tits, arrives with our appetizers and lays them out on the table. “Here you go. Nachos, wings, mozzarella sticks, and fries. Can I get you boys anything else?”

  I don’t miss the suggestive tone or the way she angles her tits in my direction as she says that. And no, I’m not imagining it. Cara and I got biblical a few months back, and she made it clear she wouldn’t mind a repeat. Funny thing is, for the first time in my life, I have no desire to take her up on it.


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