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Savage Breath of Darkness

Page 6

by Candice Stauffer

  Mia waited until Julie looked at her again. “Did he hurt you, Julie?”

  “It wasn’t his fault. It was mine.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “He didn’t mean to grab me so hard.”

  “What do you mean?”

  Julie frowned. “It was an accident.”

  “Why did he grab you?”

  “I was fighting him.”

  “Why were you forced to fight him off?”

  “I don’t know. He was mad. I just…I just freaked out.”

  “Show me.”


  “Show me,” Mia insisted.

  Julie lifted her sleeve to her elbow and revealed a bruise around her forearm in the form of a large handprint.

  “Oh, honey. Is this why you haven’t come into work?”

  “I didn’t want you to be upset. It’s nothing. It doesn’t even hurt. Not really. It looks worse than it is.”

  “You knew I would be upset because you know he had no right to hurt you. You didn’t want me to see what he’d done to you.”

  “Not just you.” Julie sighed. “I didn’t want anyone to know what happen. It’s humiliating.”

  “Why is it humiliating? It is not your fault. He knows he’s bigger and stronger. He never should’ve left a mark on you.”

  “You’re wrong. You don’t understand. It wasn’t his fault. It was mine.”

  “Tell me what happened.”

  She took a breath and held it for a few seconds. “Just know that I did something very stupid. It was entirely my fault. I forced him to do it.”

  “No.” Mia pointed at the bruise. “You didn’t do anything to deserve this.”

  “It was an accident.”

  “He knows he’s stronger than you.”

  “He didn’t have time to worry about bruising me.”


  “I don’t want you to think less of me.”

  “I will never think less of you. Not even if you made a mistake. None of us are perfect. I am the furthest thing from perfect.”

  You’re perfect for me. She felt Joseph.

  And you’re perfect for me. I need to find out what happened.

  My power is yours. Use it.

  I do not want to use a compulsion on her.

  Keep talking to her. She’s close to opening up. She wants to talk to you. She’s just afraid.

  What are you doing?

  Looking for Caleb.

  “You can tell me anything.”

  “He saved me from being rape by a group of werewolves,” Julie said.


  “He saved me.”

  “When did this happen?”

  “Three days ago.”

  “You should’ve said something to me.”

  “I know. But I was afraid you would be mad.”

  “At you?”



  “When I went out, I drank too much.”

  “I would tell you that it’s a very dangerous thing to do, but I wouldn’t get angry at you over having too much to drink. It’s not good. But it happens.”

  “I went out in the alley with a werewolf. I thought he was a normal guy. I didn’t know he wasn’t human.”


  “We kissed. It got heated.”

  “And Caleb showed up?”

  “The werewolf wasn’t alone. His buddies showed up. They attacked me before Caleb showed up.”

  “What exactly did they do to you?”

  “Not much. Caleb showed up before they were able to rape me. He pulled me behind him. He fought them. He got hurt pretty bad. He said it was my fault. I know it was. But he called me a whore. He said I was begging to be attacked.”

  “That’s terrible.”

  “I wish I could go back in time before I knew what he really thinks of me.”

  “He hasn’t contacted you since?”

  “No. I know it’s for the best but…” she trailed off.

  “It hurts.”

  “I thought he loved me.”

  “I’m sure he does.”

  “He has a horrible way of showing it.”

  Mia nodded. “Joseph used to believe we weren’t meant to be together.”


  “He believed I belonged to another man.”

  “But you haven’t dated anyone else in years.”

  “He believed we weren’t meant to be together because of our differences.”

  “You were born a werewolf.”

  “Yes. He a demon.”

  “Do you think that’s why Caleb doesn’t want me?”

  “I don’t believe it’s a matter of wanting you. In fact, I am sure he wants you. I think he’s afraid. I was reluctant to get together with Joseph because I thought I was dying?”


  “To protect him.”

  “That’s so sad.” She sighed. “I know Caleb has his reasons. But I…his temper scares me.”

  “Why? Did he hurt you?”

  “No. His moods are very dark. He was really pissed off. If he doesn’t want me why shouldn’t I be free to date? I hate feeling this way.”

  Mia reached for Joseph. Are you paying attention?


  I know he’s your friend.

  You know I don’t condone his behavior. She shouldn’t have any reason to fear him.

  You’ll deal with him?

  If I discover he’s a threat to her, I will kill him. If he’s just being a pain in the ass, I’ll make sure he understands her fear.

  “Was I wrong? After he told me that he didn’t want to see me romantically, I had a right to go out on a date.”

  “Of course.”

  “I saw Emily last night.”

  “How’s she doing?”

  “I don’t know. She never approached me. She was watching me.”

  “She’ll talk to you soon. I’ve heard she’s doing much better.”

  Joseph merged with Mia. He’s hanging around outside her apartment.

  You’re planning to talk to him now.

  I am. You might want to get her out of there. Something is off with him. I’m not sure how I will handle him.

  Be careful.

  I’ll be fine.

  I know.

  Mia knew Joseph was saying he hadn’t ruled out killing him. “Why don’t you come to the boutique with me?”

  “I’m fine here.”

  “You shouldn’t be alone when you’re feeling down.”

  “You’re right. I think getting out is a great idea.”


  “I’ll take a shower, get dressed and then meet you at the boutique.”

  “I’ll wait for you out here.”


  Mia stood and looked down at the street. She took a deep breath and released it slowly. She felt Joseph’s presence a second before a rush of power came up from behind her and his strong arms wrapped around her waist anchoring her to his body. Leaning her back against his much larger, muscular body, she took a deep breath and released it with a long sigh. “You’re everything to me.”

  “And you’re everything to me.” She sensed something was wrong. “Are you okay, Joseph?”

  He pulled her even closer, pressing her backside against his body. “Better than okay.”

  “I thought you were dealing with Caleb.”

  “I am.” He turned her around and bent his head to rest his forehead against hers. “I just…I didn’t believe you could be my destined mate, but you’ve always been my chosen mate.”

  “I’m sorry, Joseph.” She got up on her toes and circled his neck with her arms. “I didn’t mean to upset you.”

  “You were too good, too perfect to be mine. But you have always been the one. The only one for me. I feared your safety if I lost control and tried to complete the ritual. I came close to doing it a few times.”

  “One heart. One mind. One spirit. We’re forever co
nnected. United as one.”

  “I was so blind, Mia. But I always loved you. From the moment we met, I have loved you. Only you. Forever you.”

  “I know. You went to hell and back with me, for me. I’ve always known you love me.”

  “I would’ve ended my life with yours.”

  “I know. I swear I have never doubted your love for me.” She knew he was hurting but she didn’t understand why. “I am so sorry for upsetting you, Joseph. I just wanted Julie to know people do irrational things to protect the ones they love.”

  Tilting his head to the side, narrowing his gaze, he stared at her mouth. “I can’t stand the thought of hurting you.”

  “You have never hurt me. I have never doubted your love for me.” She wanted to be clear on that. She felt a terrible sense of sadness. His sadness. It was weighing heavily on him. She wanted…no. She needed to find a way to eliminate it. “Kiss me, Joseph.”

  He captured her mouth with his. Kissing her gently, passionately. Loving her. Adoring her. Then, holding her close, he broke off the kiss. He lifted his head. Then, as if scenting the air, he turned his head slightly to the left.


  He nodded. He kissed her forehead. “He’s close.”

  “Do you think he’ll talk to you?”

  For a second his expression changed, and he looked dangerous, like the demon he was. “I don’t plan to give him a choice. He’s waiting for me across the street in the park.”

  Mia knew better than to expect anything less from Joseph. He always had her back. No matter the situation. Right or wrong he was always ready and willing to fight for her. “I need to work late. I received a lastminute order for a wedding dress. Do you think you’ll have enough time to come see me at the boutique later?”

  “Nothing will keep me away.”


  Joseph didn’t want to leave Mia for a second. His heart physically ached when he heard Mia tell Julie that he believed she belonged to another man. He’d been a blind fool. He didn’t want her to ever believe he didn’t love her from the moment they met.

  Joseph felt Caleb’s hostility. He knew the vampire wouldn’t want to discuss his relationship problems.

  “What the hell do you want, Joseph?”

  “I want you to tell me what happened?”

  “Mia can’t get Julie to fill her in on all the juicy details?”

  “Don’t fuck with me. Tell me what happened.”

  “I don’t want to talk about it.”

  “Mia thinks of Julie as a little sister. She has taken care of her for a long time.”

  “Better Mia than me.”

  “She’s very protective of her. And concerned. I need to know what happened.” Joseph wouldn’t leave without answers. “She was hurt the other night.”

  Caleb sighed and shook his head. “She is damn lucky she wasn’t raped and killed.”

  “She said she was attacked.”

  “That is true.”

  “I need details.”

  “She was intoxicated.”


  “She was completely out of her fucking mind. When I tried to intervene, she went batshit crazy on me.”

  “I can understand how that could complicate the situation.”

  “I didn’t want to hurt her. I didn’t have time to worry about her human frailty.”

  “I never thought you wanted to hurt her.”

  “She fought me. I needed to get her behind me. Her attackers were armed with knives.” He pushed his hair back. “I am not proud of putting a bruise on her, but she didn’t leave me any choice.”

  “I’m not judging you. I understand it was an accident.”


  “Why are you dragging your feet?”

  “I am not discussing my intentions with you.”

  “It wouldn’t have happened if you’d claimed her.”

  “I can’t.”


  “She’s not ready for me to claim her. She’s too young.”

  “She’s an adult.”

  “An adult who behaves like an impulsive child.”

  “That’s harsh.”

  “She doesn’t want to be claimed by anyone right now. She doesn’t want to be tied to one man. She enjoys playing games.” He rubbed the bridge of his nose. “Ridiculous fucking games. I do not have the patience or the strength to play them with her any longer.”

  “She loves you.”

  “No. She loves playing games. She does things, crazy fucking things to test me, to piss me off. She places herself in dangerous situations to get my attention. She’s immature.”

  “You have hundreds of years on her.”

  “I know.” He shrugged in a failed attempt to appear unconcerned. “But regardless of her age or mine, we are completely incompatible.”

  “You don’t want her?”

  “No. I don’t want her. Not now. Not ever.”

  “You’ve lost your mind. She’s your mate. Do you really think you could handle losing her to another male?”

  “I can’t handle her nonsense. I’ve no desire to deal with her.”

  “If that’s true you don’t deserve her.”

  “I agree. She’s better off without me. She never considers consequences. She goes wild. She puts herself in dangerous situations.” He shook his head. “She nearly got herself raped and killed by rogues just to make me jealous.”

  “She’s acting out because you haven’t claimed her.”

  “I won’t claim a woman who behaves like a child.”

  “You need to work things out with her before things get worse.”

  “Are you deaf? I’ve made up my mind. I’m leaving. I can’t be with her.”

  “After waiting to find your mate for hundreds of years you’re giving up on her, you’re abandoning her because she’s young and immature?”

  “Did she mention where she went for her night out?”


  “She went to the one place she was sure to get herself killed.”

  “She went to Mary’s club?”


  “What makes you think she went for revenge. You know she was probably attempting to find her sister. I’ve sure she didn’t go to the club to get into trouble.”

  “You’re wrong. She looked for trouble and she found it.”

  “You’re going to run off and leave her unprotected?”

  “No.” He shrugged. “I agreed to meet you to let you know I will no longer be around to keep her out of trouble.”

  “You expect me to watch over your mate for you?”

  “Not at all. You don’t owe me anything.” He smiled. “I know you’ll do it for Mia’s sake.”

  Joseph cast a privacy spell with a wave of his hand. “Damn it, Caleb. I know there’s more to this than you woke up one day and decided to be an asshole. I know you’re not giving up on your mate because she needs time to grow up. Tell me what the fuck is going on.”

  “While her behavior is a disappointment, I simply have no desire to be tied to one woman.”

  “When do you plan to return?”

  “I won’t.”

  Joseph knew Caleb was lying to hide something. He’d known him for too long to believe he would ever reject his mate for any reason. He decided to try to piss him off. “Fine. Stay the hell away from her. We will help her move on.”

  Rather than take the bait and respond with anger, Caleb nodded. “Good.”

  Joseph watched him walk away. He was a stubborn as hell vampire. Now on top of all the problems he had to deal with, Joseph had to try to figure out what was motivating Caleb to fear Julie’s safety if he claimed her.


  Z ack woke up in paradise, lying flat on his back on the hardwood floor with Emily’s body sprawled over his. He loved feeling her soft skin against his. He could’ve stayed right there with her for forever. He would never give her up. It was a truly magical moment.

  Without her he had nothing. A
bsolutely nothing. With her he had everything. Rather than risk disturbing her, he remained perfectly still and just savored the moment.

  Her body jerked. Every muscle in her body tensed for a second and then relaxed.

  He moved his hand from her hip and up her back to her shoulder. “I thought you were going to sleep the day away.”

  She looked up at him and smiled. “I guess this means we’re officially a thing.”

  That brought his eyebrows up. “A thing?”

  He was an alpha. And she was an alpha. Despite being smaller than most women. Strong. Mean as hell. Demanding. Perfect. She looked like a fucking angel. “You know what I mean.”

  He used to believe he was meant to be alone. Always alone. Forever alone. It felt wonderful to belong. To be wanted. To be needed. “Explain.”

  “I need to tell everyone you’re my boyfriend.”

  “Your mate.” He had no idea how wonderful it could be.

  He’d met his match. Emily was a savage lover. His savage lover. She didn’t hold back a damn thing. She gave him everything and more. And she took more from him than he’d ever thought possible. He’d always know a demon’s mate was a perfect match.

  Her lips, tongue and teeth traveled from the base of his throat to his chin and across his jaw. “That sounds a bit permanent.”

  It was a damn good thing he was immortal. He needed every ounce of strength immortality afforded him to keep up with her. He was in heaven. She taken him to heaven. Several times. “We will be together for forever.”

  He moved fast and pinned her body beneath his with his thighs crowding her hips in the most scintillating way. She loved the way his large muscular frame covered her body. He was a dominate, incredibly captivating lover. His need for her defied logic.

  He bent his head and took command of her mouth with his, parting her lips with his tongue and kissing her passionately. It was a hot sensual exchange that went on and on. He moved his body against hers intimately. His kiss held the promise of carnal bliss, of satisfaction. It was so damn potent. It was so incredibly, wonderfully intoxicating.

  He would never get enough of her kisses, of her touch, of her body. Of her laughter. He loved the way she teased him. He loved the way she loved him.

  In a flash, his expression changed. He looked serious. Too damn serious. Even his eyes darkened. What followed next was a silence that seemed to go on and on though it only lasted for a few seconds.

  “What’s wrong, Zack?”


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