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The Clock Runs Down 2

Page 14

by Joe Kelly

  Logan nodded to the boy named Ben who brushed past. “S’cuse me” Ben said, not even pausing. He seemed in a big hurry, Logan thought. “It’s pretty damn cold out there Ben, don’t stay out too long.” Logan found himself saying. Oh, great I’m becoming a parent he thought with a laugh.

  “Don’t worry Logan, I’m going someplace to get warm” Ben replied as he vanished out the doors. Something about the way the kid said that made Logan look back towards the doors and frown thoughtfully.

  “Oh” Mattie said as she reached down and adjust the blanket across Kevin’s legs. Logan turned to look at them and saw Kevin blush as Mattie finished with adjusting the blanket over Kevin’s lap and smiled demurely at Kevin. Logan hid another grin. Mattie was apparently determined that Kevin was going to get the point.

  “What did you mean oh?” Logan asked hoping it wouldn’t lead to finding out what had just occurred between Mattie and Kevin.

  “Ben there has been spending a lot of time with Amy Spears, great girl really.” Mattie said, tilting her head towards the door.

  “Oh” Logan said and chuckled. It felt good to be able to feel humor again without the gnawing fear that had gripped him for so long.

  Jared watched Kevin and Mattie for a moment, glad to see something going right for Kevin who had becoming more and more depressed. The Farm seemed to be damn good for him and many of the others. The lack of undead would do that he thought wryly. Jared had been so concerned about Kevin that he had even talked with Clay to see if maybe Clay would step in and have a talk with Kevin.

  As Jared watched Logan slipped away after a moment giving Kevin and Mattie some privacy and walked over to feed logs into the wood burning stove in the corner.

  Even with the news that John Graham had brought Jared almost smiled as he watch Mattie and Kevin talking intently once Logan had stepped away. He tipped a glance at Jill and winked, odd how love seemed to blossom so quickly in high stress situations. Well not really, when your faced with dying at any time. Most of the old social standards vanished when you met someone you liked but wouldn’t have asked out before.

  He turned back to Graham who was pulling out a second map and spreading it on the table next to the first one. This map was much more detailed than the first one and had hand drawn symbols and notes on it. The slight amusement he had felt watching the love birds vanished as he centered his thoughts firmly on the much more serious matter that John Graham had come to discuss.

  “Three days ago, those raiders hit us again. They got about half the supplies stored in one of the outbuildings before burning the place down” John said. The Survivors in Cherokee had been using two buildings near their compound to store any excess supplies they had gathered, John hadn’t explained why though Jared was curious about the reason. “they bugged out just before we got there.” He sighed and rubbed his jaw with a thump and finger for a moment. “lost two good men trying to get what we could out of the place. Before it burned completely.” Grief glimmered in his eyes as he stared at the map for a second. Then pointed out a spot and said, “then yesterday one of our scouts spotted three off road trucks on the blue ridge parkway, coming from this area.”

  “They never got close enough for us to hear or see them” Lloyd commented.

  There were probably some very good reasons why they hadn’t show up at the camp, but Jared didn’t believe any of the perfectly innocent reasons were right, or he couldn’t let those reasons keep him from planning for the worst. “oh, that’s not the worst of it, we had a band of scouts work their way to Maggies gap, they spotted a pretty large mobile force come through the area, heading this way, four hours after the group a horde of undead streamed through apparently following the convoy.”

  “just great,” Steve muttered. “We’ve worried about that happening to us too.

  Graham, pointed out where the warehouse had been, and the location of the scout who had spotted the truck, Jared leaned forward studying the map intently. Graham had used the information provided by his own scouts to mark out bad roads, landslides, downed bridges and large gathering of zombies and that information was just as interesting to Jared as the other.

  “Our scouts have had a hell of time past this point due to zombies.” John said indicating another spot to the south and east of Cherokee. “we are leery of leading them back home so we haven’t really pushed in that direction. We still have enough undead in town to deal with, without adding more from the outside.” Graham said as he touched a point on the map with his knife. “We think, I think, that the Raiders target is the farm. We have been collecting canned and dried foods, but you people grow crops, and forge tools, make oil, make clothes, and have a wide variety of other skills that would appeal to anyone wanting to live half way comfortably. You’re the logical target and if they take the farm, or just raid it and destroy what they can’t take with them. Not only will the people here suffer. But my people will lose the help that the farm has and will provide for us.

  Many of our people no longer have the knowledge to farm. And hunting isn’t what it should be, animals have been rare since the zombies showed up and started eating everyone.” Graham said, it was clear he wasn’t happy acknowledging his people’s shortcomings, but he was too honest to not to bring it up.

  Not that it would take the Natives in Cherokee long to relearn what they lacked or improve what they did know, Jared believed, and in truth, the Natives probably still knew more about farming and hunting than the average American who hadn’t worked here at the farm.

  Jared studied the map a moment longer his mind working over how to defend the farm with the limited number of people they had. The farm and the area around it was large and he would need far more people to cover that then they had.

  If we add in walls, trenches, stake walls and anything else I can come up with might just hold off a large force. Especially if we can pin that force in an area we want them in. Which only leaves the one obstacle to making this work, he told himself, the equipment we would need to do this fast.

  “I wonder if they are all part of the same group” Jared said still studying the map. “but we can’t afford to think they aren’t.”

  “I think we have to consider the fact that if the Farm falls, Cherokee is next on their list” Steve commented giving Jared a questioning look. Probably wondering when I am going to tell them what I am thinking, Jared told himself.

  He cleared his throat drawing everyone’s attention. “here’s the deal. First, John if your people can find where they are camped, hiding whatever I’d appreciate it. They don’t have to get close. I just need a target area to send scouts too.”

  “I can, but if you’re going to send scouts to investigate any camp we find, why not just send out scouts to locate it.” John replied as he studied the map then focused on Jared.

  “Glad you asked” Jared said. “we need time to get some defenses set up here at the farm, I can’t split a team off and reduce the manpower we need to get those defenses set up.”

  “I can see that,” John commented, “those split rail fences wouldn’t keep the undead out of the farm if there were more than twenty of them.”

  “what are you proposing” Lloyd asked.

  “I’d love to throw up some serious defenses, but truthfully, we don’t have the manpower or the equipment to make that happen, at least not in a short time frame. Let’s face it we have limited manpower, to hold off an attack by a larger determined force and fighting the undead without walls is a losing proposition.” Jared said, that was something all of them could agree on.

  “Terrain will play a factor in numbers, and the weather.” Lloyd pointed out, “against the undead that is, people can get around rough terrain.”

  “true,” Jared said then returned to the first map that was a topo of the River valley and area around the farm. “I figure we have a week probably less before we get hit, assuming those raiders are really going to strike, and probably sooner.” Jared said lifting a red gold eyebrow inviting questions,
John and Steve nodded in agreement, so he continued. “so that means limited defense’s, stuff we can throw together with hammers and shovels.”

  “what about finding some of that heavy equipment in Cherokee, I mean there has to be some bulldozers, and back hoes somewhere around there.” Lloyd pointed out. “They were doing some construction on the south side just before the dead….” His voice trailed off and he got a look on his face. “I’m a freaking idiot.” He said suddenly.

  “I can’t believe I had forgotten about the place,” He added then saw the questioning looks from the others. “the Park has a maintenance Yard and equipment storage place up on the mountain, I had completely forgotten about it. I know there is at least a couple of bobcats up there, chainsaws and other stuff. I rarely went there, back before the dead, so I don’t exactly know what they have, but I’d bet they have heavier stuff too. Damn I am an idiot.” He leaned over the table and pointed to the yards location on the map. “it’s right there.”

  Jared frowned slightly, his eyes tracing out the roads on the map for half a second. “that would mean that whoever it was Johns scout spotted, might have gone far enough north to see the maintenance area.” Jared said noting the narrow park road that connected to the main road the enemy scout had been seen on.

  Graham looked thoughtful for a moment. “It’s possible I guess, but why would they bother. Besides they would have to get on Big Cove road, and you folks might have spotted them as they got off the Blue Ridge and then crossed the bridge onto Big Cove”

  Jared looked at the map and had to agree, it wasn’t more than a mile and half past the Farm. But it was still possible they could have slipped past without anyone noticing the sound of a motor. It was a densely forested region after all, so actually seeing a vehicle was problematic.

  “What else is up at the yard that might draw some interest?" He asked Lloyd.

  “Timber, lumber, vehicles, tools, not really sure to be honest. It wasn’t a place I visited much.” Lloyd said trying to remember what else might be up in the yard.

  “I think we need to take a trip up to the yard just to see. And if anyone has been up there we should at least be able to spot tracks in the snow.” Jared said looking around the table. No one disagreed so the matter was settled as far as Jared was concerned.

  “I guess we should have done that before now. But to be honest, it never occurred to any of us. We had light, food and shelter.” Lloyd said bitterly.

  “You had a lot on your mind with so many people to tend to, and the whole dead rising thing.” Jared commented, making notes in a small notebook he almost always carried in his back pocket. “Unlike us, you were settled, you had no real reason to risk your lives trying to search the park for things you may or may not need not to mention the fact that you could have led a horde of undead right back here.

  Graham nodded in agreement. “Trust me hind sight is kicking a lot of us in the ass lately.” He said with a grim chuckle.

  “Okay then, I’ll take a team up there and look the place over. Our priority is to make this place secure and the stuff in that yard could help immensely.” Jared said then turned to Jill who had walked up a few minutes ago and had been listening quietly “you’ve been pretty good at ideas in that regard, why don’t you get with Lloyds people and see what you can come up with for the farm.”

  “I will,” Jill said, “I would like to know that a place like this is here to come back to if the rest of our plans fall apart.” Jill said tapping a long slim finger on her chin looking thoughtfully at the map. “Why don’t we just send Ronny up in the ultralight? Have him check it out, before we waste time and a lot of fuel and find out the place has nothing we can use" Jill asked suddenly.

  “Because of the wind” Ronny replied from where he sat at a nearby table. “With the possible wind shears and sudden up and down drafts here in the mountains, not to mention it’s snowing, I’m not really comfortable with flying around.” He explained, and then shook his head. “Look I can fly, and not badly. But I really don’t have the hundreds of hours in the air, I need to feel comfortable flying in this kind of weather and terrain. And I should point out I would be doing the flying in what amounts to a lawn chair with a motor so I pretty much figure you folks will understand why I'm hesitant.” There were nods of agreement from those in the room. No had to ask Jared to know what his opinion was on flying in anything.

  “Any questions, concerns, or bitches, and no Ronny sexual fantasies don’t count” Jared said looking around the room. Steve looked eager to get on with business. Ori was quiet as usual, he would go where Jared led. the rest didn’t look eager but no one disagreed wither. “then its settled.” Jared said rising to his feet and grabbed his coat off the back of his chair.

  “A word in private if you would Graham” Jared asked motioning towards the door.

  Graham retrieved his own coat and with a nod towards the rest of the Cherokee party who sat quietly talking amongst themselves, the Native American followed Jared to the door.

  Outside the snow was blowing, as the two men walked slowly around Jared’s camp. “I know what you’re interested in Jared, but she still says the time isn’t right” Graham said before Jared could bring up the topic. Jared shoved his hands deeper into his pockets, and stopped to look up at the gray sky

  . “Do you believe in this whole dream message thing?” Jared asked finally. Graham was silent for a long moment listening to the wind.

  “Some of my people and even some of yours, used to believe that you could hear the spirits or God on the wind.” He shrugged his shoulders. “With the undead walking around, it gets hard not to believe in all sorts of things.” He replied adjusting his gloves.

  “I was hoping for a more definitive answer than that.” Jared said, with a lopsided smile.

  “Not going to get one from me, I don’t know what to believe anymore. We have, Didanawisgi, medicine men, for lack of a better word, who warned something was going to happen. Both of our peoples have traditions of Magic and the supernatural. Who’s to say now, that it’s not real and that some are touched by it?”

  “I don’t know what to believe, but Magic, come on. Undead yes I can see them, I don’t understand what makes them work, but I don’t have to, they can be crippled or killed and that’s good. But spelling tossing, chickens blood, maybe use the blood of virgins, forget it.”

  “that’s all movie nonsense, well most of it” John said sharply. “science suggested once that our emotions, our collective belief shapes our reality, and that we are all connected on the quantum level. Maybe the scientists are right, that’s how some people could do things we dismissed and refused to believe in and maybe explains how, whatever is behind this has the power to alter in a limited way, our reality for its own purpose.” John said.

  “aside from the fact that suggests we created ourselves, I can’t buy some dark being in a alternate reality getting a wild hair up its butt to destroy us.” Jared stated.

  “when the darkness comes your spirit shall grow less and dwindle away, never to reappear.” John said uneasily.

  “What?” Jared asked turning fully to face John.

  “part of a ritual, an old ritual that majority of us no longer practice, just a few of the old ones.” John said. “my grandmother taught me some of them when I was younger. She said that sometimes there is real meaning and warning in the symbols of our people even if people dismiss it out of hand. Lately some of the elders have been referring to the Dark or darkness as the cause for the undead. Something that comes from Usunhi’yi the Darkening land.”

  “land of the dead” Jared said thinking he understood.

  “not really, we call that, or used to called it, Tsusgina’I the Ghost country, where the dead live, it’s a place in the darkening land but there are other places too, places were monsters and other things live, at least according to legend.” He said uncomfortably, he had never like talking about this side of his heritage it sounded, ridiculous or had in the modern world. But
now, who knew. “regardless I think there are two sides to this and want to believe that one side, God or whatever, is trying to save us, or help us save ourselves. Instead of sitting here, thinking it’s all gone to hell and there’s no hope. Maybe that is the whole point, Hope.” Graham said shrugging as they walked to the far end of the parking lot.

  “If you start singing the sun will come out tomorrow, I will shoot you right here John Graham.” Jared warned with a laugh. The two men laughed together for a moment, and then grew somber, “All I can say Jared, is it is not my call to make on when its time. And she isn’t ready yet, she says it has to be at a certain moment no sooner, there are rules to be followed.” Graham said getting back to the point of the conversation as he rubbed his gloved hands together for added warmth.

  “I keep hearing that, Rules to be followed. And I'm about sick of not being issued the rule book” Jared said almost lightly. But a tinge of Bitterness came through with the words. “well let’s get this show on the road, and I know you and yours need to get back home.” Jared added as he headed back to the visitor center.

  ✽ ✽ ✽

  The drive up to the Maintenance yard took longer that it might usually have due to snow and the need to keep a lookout for outsiders. Skeletal limbed, snow shrouded trees, loomed over the roadway. Rivulets of ice hung like stalactites from rocky outcroppings. Here and there snow slid from branches of the trees landing with an audible thump, to pile on the ground around the trunks


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