Born To Kill

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Born To Kill Page 7

by Erin Trejo

  “You can sleep here. No one will bother you. I’ll start a fire, it gets cold out here at night.” She sets about moving around the room, placing logs into the fireplace like she’s done it a million times, and maybe she has. I walk over and sit on the small couch as I watch her move. Her long wet hair clings to her cheeks as she bends over flicking the lighter.

  “You’ve become very self-sufficient,” I tell her. Asia giggles and steps back once the fire is burning.

  “You live and learn, right? This is my space and I like to keep it that way. Matteo respects my boundaries.”

  “How is that going?” She moves to sit next to me on the couch and the proximity of her sends a chill down my spine. I clasp my hands in my lap and lean my head back on the couch.

  “It’s…going. The wedding is still on for next year, but that means nothing to me.”

  “It should. This is the rest of your life we’re talking about, Asia,” I remind her.

  “How was California? You’ve always wanted to go there.” I love how she changed the subject. I chuckle a little before grabbing a cigarette and lighting it up.

  “It’s hot all the time. Humid, but the ocean is different. The sky is always blue. It’s the opposite of here,” I tell her. Keeping conversation with Asia was always easy. Even now that we’re miles apart inside, I can still feel her.

  My eyes slowly flutter closed and I vaguely hear her giggle once more, causing a smile to tug across my face. I don’t know how long I’m asleep when I feel her. Not just her, all of her. Her warm hands are on mine, holding them against her soft skin. Her lips traveling a heated path down my neck. I pry my tired eyes open and find hers staring back at me.

  “What are you doing?” I whisper, my voice husky from sleep.

  “You are the only person I’ve ever loved, Gio. You are the only person I want to love,” she says as tears fall down her cheeks. My chest becomes tighter knowing what this is. I don’t want to stop her but I need to.

  “We can’t do this, bambina.”

  “We can. I love you, Gio. Please just love me,” she begs. Tears drip from her cheeks, landing on the thin material of my shirt, as I look into her eyes. When I move my gaze lower, I find that she’s completely naked straddling me.

  “So beautiful,” I whisper as she works to remove my shirt. I let her pull it over my head, discarding it to the floor. “You are so beautiful, Asia.” Her eyes flicker with fire ready to burn me to the ground, and I’m ready for it. Asia leans back, sliding off my lap until she’s on her knees in front of me, working my jeans down my hips. I raise them up to help her, and when she pulls my jeans and shorts off, my cock springs free. She licks her lips as she reaches forward and clasps it in her hand. I hiss out a breath feeling her skin against mine. So many nights I’d dream of this, of her, and now here she is, doing what we shouldn’t be. Long strokes keep me on edge, but when she lowers her head, her tongue running over the tip of my cock, I almost lose all control. I reach for her, grabbing her under her arms and jerking her off the floor back onto my lap. Our mouths collide, kissing so hard that I know both our lips will be bruised, but I don’t care; I can feel this girl running through my veins.

  “Not like this, Asia,” I warn her when she grinds against my cock. Her wet pussy slips and slides against me making me groan. I’m impossibly hard when I lift her off me and set her on her feet. Climbing off the couch, I reach for her, lifting her in my arms. Asia wraps her legs around my waist, pulling me closer as we kiss again. Teeth collide as my world spins out of control. Our breathing is rapid, mimicking each other as I move toward the bed. The front of my legs hit the mattress and I climb on laying her beneath me. The fire crackles in the background but it’s Asia’s soft cries that send me over the edge. I pull back and gaze down at the girl who has always held my heart in her hands. I have no remorse for what I’m about to do because frankly, this has been a long time coming. Reaching between us, I grab my cock and tease her. Asia arches her back pressing against me.

  “This is wrong, and you know it,” I remind her. I’m giving her the chance to back out because once I get inside of her, I will not stop. I press the tip of my cock inside of her and she gasps shaking her head.

  “It’s never been wrong, Gio. Never,” she rasps seductively.

  I push into her a little more listening to her soft moans of pleasure. Inch by inch I slide inside of her warmth. This is perfection. This is what I’ve always wanted. This is home. Asia tenses, her eyes full of tears. I’m taking something so special and I have no remorse for it. Her virginity was always mine to take and now here we are.

  “I love you, Gio,” she whispers as I thrust slowly into her. I want to take her roughly, God do I want to. But this moment, this is our moment, and I want to make it last forever. I keep my eyes on hers while my hips keep moving. I’m afraid to blink, to miss what’s happening. When she moans, I want to see the look in her eyes, when she comes I want to memorize her face. There’s nothing more important to me right now than this moment in time with her.

  “Look at me,” I demand softly. Asia opens her eyes, the burn intensifying. I can see the tears and I can’t help but lean in and kiss them away. This is a moment that neither of us will forget no matter how hard we try. It just resurrects all the old feelings we’ve had. Our bodies move as one, hers clenching around me, mine swelling for her. I’ve never felt anything quite as perfect as this. In a perfect world, Asia would be mine. In a perfect life, we would be married and having children. But our lives are far from perfect. They never will be, so for now we take what time we were given without remorse.

  I pull out of her quickly listening to her moan when I do. I kiss her neck, moving down her body. Feather light kisses that cause her body to spark a little more. When I reach her breasts, I suck a nipple into my mouth, running my thumb around the other.

  “Why can’t it always be like this?” she purrs as I continue my journey down her body. If this is the only time I have with her, I want all of her body. I need it. To taste it, to touch it. Remember it. Remember her.

  I kiss her stomach, the inside of her thighs, before spreading her wide. My breath gets stuck in my throat when I lean in and lick her. Asia trembles, her body writhing on the bed as I taste her. I’ve never felt this before, this excitement, this intensity. With each stroke of my tongue, she cries. I’ve never been more in love with the sounds she’s making as I am right now. I pull away from her and stand at the end of the bed before glancing around.

  “What are you doing?” she asks breathlessly as I smirk at her. Walking toward the window, I grab the tieback from the curtain and move back toward the bed.

  “Arms up,” I demand. Her eyes flicker with lust and I watch in a haze as she raises her arms over her head. I climb up and wrap the tie around her arms securing them to the headboard.

  “Gio,” she moans as my body slides back down hers.

  “Do you know how fucking gorgeous you are?” Running my tongue over her lips, she nips at it. I move over her body once more, tasting every inch of her before grabbing her and flipping her onto her stomach. Lifting her up, I position her on her knees and then run my hands over her ass. “Asia…fuck.” She’s perfect. She’s everything. Spreading her ass open for me, I lean in and run my tongue over that puckered hole that has never been touched. I can tell just but her reaction to me. Asia gasps in pleasure but I know our time here is limited. Sitting up behind her, I slide my cock back inside of her. Holding her hips in my hands I rock in and out of her, watching the way our bodies meld together in perfection.

  “Gio, I want to touch you!” Asia whines.

  I chuckle and thrust roughly a few times into her before reaching up and untying her arms. Asia wiggles until I pull out and flip her again. Her eyes are full of tears and I have no doubt that she’s thinking the same thing. Kissing her, I slip back inside and make love to her. I don’t fuck her, no, this is far beyond that. This is a lifetime of emotions and lust, tense with desire that we have.

  Chapter 15

  I track her movements as she moves through the room to take her seat next to Matteo. The memories of last night still fresh in my mind. She’s practically glowing and I know why. Our eyes meet and that sizzle sparks to life.

  “Have you given any thought to this Russian issue?” my father asks when we’re all seated at the table for dinner. I watch the servers place the food in front of everyone, but my gaze seems to drift back to her.

  “What is it you want done, Father?”

  “I asked you a question, Giovanni! I expect an answer!” Taking a deep breath, I try to keep my anger at bay. Some things never change and my father is one of them.

  “I think that you should just tell me what you need me to do so I can do it,” I smart off not really giving a shit right now. My night with Asia was amazing. There will never be anything in this world that could compare to it, and I’m not ready to let it go in order to talk about killing.

  “Is this the way the families act in California? It would be wise to remember who you are speaking to.” As if I could forget. I swallow hard and turn my gaze to his. Waiting.

  “The Columbians are moving into your area in California. I figured when you go back, you can handle that end of the problem.”

  If I didn’t know any better I’d say he’s trying to get rid of me. Too bad I have other business to attend here. He doesn’t need to know that though.

  “And this end? What do you want me to do here?” Discussing things in front of Asia pisses me off, but I also know why he does it. He likes for her to see what kind of animal I am. He wants that instilled in her so that she will look at Matteo differently.

  “Damion Petrov. That is who they have chosen to marry off. He’s a sick person who has dishonorable tastes. I’m sure you won’t have any trouble with getting to him. He’s more of a loner than the others. Often frequents strip clubs while he’s in town. I hear you have quite the club over in California,” he says with a smirk on his face.

  I can feel Asia’s eyes burning into the side of my head as I keep my eyes trained on my father. “How soon?” I growl lightly.

  “Any time before you leave. When is that again?” Bastard. Fucking bastard.

  “I think Giovanni should stick around. It’s been so long since we’ve seen him. It’s nice to catch up,” Matteo chimes in. Only then do I look over and catch the sparkle in Asia’s eyes.

  “Giovanni is a very busy man these days. Aren’t you, son?” Calling me son causes me to cringe. I was never his son. I’m nothing more than his pawn. His favorite toy.

  “Very. In fact, I need to go get ready to take care of a few things before I leave,” I tell him, shoving my chair back. Suddenly I don’t want to sit at this table or eat his damn food. I want space and peace of mind, but that isn’t going to happen. Not now, not ever.

  “You haven’t even eaten, Gio,” Matteo announces.

  My father chuckles, waving his hand through the air before he says, “Let him go. The boy has things to do.”

  With a huff, I turn and walk away straight to my room. Once inside, I grab my cigarettes and light one up before pulling the vile out and snorting a spoonful. I’m sick of this, of all of it. Of course I’m a good killer, it’s what I was raised to be, but when does this shit end for me? When will I ever get out from under my father’s will and be my own man? Shaking the empty thoughts away, I walk into the closet and grab my bag. Thank fuck, I never unpacked it. Tossing it on the bed, I walk into the bathroom, take a piss, and wash my hands. When I come back Asia’s sitting on the edge of my bed.

  “You smoke a lot more now,” she says eyeing the cigarette hanging from my lips.

  “It’s calming.”

  “No, it’s not. Where are you going?” she asks quietly. I walk toward the door and check the hallway before closing the door and turning toward her.

  “I have some other things to handle before I go back to California.”

  “Take me with you!” she blurts out. I close my eyes wishing it was that easy, but it’s not.

  “I can’t.”


  “Don’t ask me questions you already know the answers to.” Taking a long pull from the cigarette, I snuff the rest in the ashtray, and grab my bag.

  “So, that’s it? One night is all I get with you?”

  I want to say yes and I want to say no, but the truth is I don’t know anymore. I lower my head and think for a second.

  “I’m not leaving town for a few days. I just can’t come back here and they can’t know I’m still in town.”

  “I can meet you somewhere, anywhere,” she says excitedly. The brightness in her eyes makes it hard to say no. Moving toward her, I reach around and hold the back of her neck as she stares up at me.

  “I’ll text you where I am. If you can’t get away, don’t try. I don’t want to risk you getting caught.” Dragging her closer, I kiss her gently, softly. Savoring her in ways that I may not ever get the chance to again. Our mouths collide, our tongues tangle. When I pull back she smiles up at me.

  “I’ll be there, Gio.” Nodding my head, I drop a kiss on her forehead and turn heading out of the room. I take the stairs two at a time when Matteo steps in front of me.

  “I wish you would stay,” he says sounding truly sincere.

  “Why would I do that?”

  “This is your home, we are your family. That’s why.” I shake my head and scratch at my jaw.

  “I’ve never been family, Matteo, I think we both know that.” I brush past him and head toward the door when he stops me once more.

  “Come on, Giovanni. Is this really the life you want? Never at home? Constantly moving?”

  “Is that what you think? You have no idea what I want Matteo. The things I want are things I can never have. This is my life.” We stand there in a silent standoff that neither of us will win. I can’t tell him why this isn’t home and he can’t tell me why it is. We both know that reality is hard for a family like ours.

  “I do know, and I’m sorry I can’t help you further.”

  “I don’t need help. I need to be left alone and let me live my life! I can’t keep living in the past, losing myself in what I used to want! I don’t want that anymore!”

  Her gasp could be heard throughout the entire house, or so it seemed. Matteo and I both look over at the hurt in her eyes. Inside, I’m breaking down. Thoughts of taking her and running are almost overwhelming. I can’t stand to walk away from her, but I know what’s right.

  “Fuck!” I roar running my hand through my hair and shoving past Matteo. As soon as I’m outside, I toss my bag in the backseat of my SUV and climb in the driver’s seat. I start it up and that’s when I see her. Standing on the porch, watching me with so much sadness it kills me. We stare at each other for a long second until Matteo comes out, putting his arm around her. I shake my head rapidly before revving the engine and hauling ass out of there.

  The drive isn’t a long one, but I wanted to keep it that way. The more I think about it, the more I know I can’t leave without seeing her once more. Even if it’s wrong and will damn me.

  Chapter 16

  I’m ready and in place but I can’t stop thinking about her. The taste of her on the tip of my tongue, the way she felt against me, the way her warmth seeped into every pore of my being. I wanted to keep her forever, but I know I can’t. Right now, in this moment, I need to be be focused on my task, and not distracted by the single most amazing moment of life. From my hiding spot, I watch as one of the Luchessis makes his way out of the store. He isn’t paying attention, too busy playing on his phone. Welcome to our world these days. I creep around the side of the building, aiming and firing. Luchessi falls to the ground but one of his guys spot me.

  “Shit,” I hiss under my breath. I stuff the gun in the back of my jeans, turn on my heel, and run. Shots fire off behind me, making me run faster. A sting rips through my arm, and when I glance down, I see the blood. This isn’t what I needed right now. I keep my head
down and run until the car comes into sight. Then I leap in the front seat, start it up, and haul ass out of there. A few more rounds are fired, hitting my car as I floor it. Watching my mirrors, I merge onto the main road. I head toward my hotel when I’m happy that no one is following me. My mind is a mess wondering if they saw who I was. Will they retaliate against my father? Not that I give a shit but I do care about Matteo and Asia. My drive to the hotel is full of thoughts of her. When I get there, I pull around back, park, jump out, and head to my room. My arm aches as I head inside. I go straight to the bathroom and look in the mirror at the damage. If I’m going to fix this up, I’m going to need supplies. The last thing I want to do is ask but what am I supposed to do? Grabbing my phone out of my pocket, I send her a text. It doesn’t take long before I get one back saying she’s on her way. I sit on the toilet seat and clean it up as best I can before going back to into the main room. I grab a beer out of the fridge that I stocked earlier, and sit in the chair with a towel knotted around the wound. Time seems to stand still as I wait for her. I don’t know what I’m going to do once she’s here. I won’t want to let her go but if my father finds out, she’s as good as dead.

  I lay my head back and close my eyes when I hear someone knocking. I must have dozed off. Shoving out of the chair, I quietly approach the door. Checking the peephole, I see her with a bag in hand. I click the lock and open the door for her to come in.

  “What the hell, Gio?” she snaps as soon as she’s inside. I chuckle and watch as she begins setting her stuff up on the table in the corner.

  “Anyone see you leave?”

  “No. Come sit. Did it go straight through?” she asks as she gets her supplies together. She hands me a bottle of Jack when I drop into the chair.

  “Yeah. Just needs stitched.”

  “I brought antibiotics too. You’ll need to take them.” Nodding my head, I take a long pull from the Jack bottle and lay my head back as Asia sets about cleaning the wound. The more she touches me, the harder I know it’s going to be to let her go. I want nothing more than to keep her next to me.


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