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The Rock Star (Hollywood Heartthrobs Book 2)

Page 9

by Tabitha Bree

  “ONE drink,” I say to Xavier as the man free-pours into our glasses. “One drink and then you go home. Deal?”

  He smiles, and it makes his eyes glint in the shady dive bar lighting.

  “Bottoms up.”

  Halfway through our drinks, Xavier decided it was a good idea to play Never Have I Ever. And tired of talking about the film, I gave in.

  He holds his glass in the air. “Never have I ever… gone skinny dipping.”

  I roll my eyes and we both take a sip.

  “Please, could yours be any lamer?” I say, pulling a face.

  “Oh, you’ve got a better one, do you?” he laughs, raising his eyebrows.

  I clear my throat. “Never have I ever made out with my teacher.” I bring my glass to my lips and drink, watching out the side of my eye as Xavier’s mouth drops open.

  “Miss Moore! I am shocked!”

  I laugh. “I was twenty, and he was twenty-five. It was a community class on camera skills.”

  He points his finger at me, shaking his head. “You nearly had me there. Okay… never have I ever… had sex in the back of a cab.” He brings his drink to his mouth, arching his eyebrow as he waits for me. I downturn my mouth and shake my head.

  “Damn,” he says, taking a drink.

  “Seriously? In front of the driver?”

  “It was a moment of passion.” He shrugs. I roll my eyes and try to block out the visual of him going at it in the back of a car. The whiskey already has me feeling warm.

  I sit up straight, smirking. “Never have I ever had sex on the studio lot.” I wait for him to drink, but he doesn’t. Instead, he cracks up laughing. “Okay, obviously someone is forgetting the rules. You have to drink.”

  “No, I don’t,” he says between chuckles.

  “I saw you.”

  He wipes his mouth, turning to face me. “Okay, confession. The girl in my trailer was an actor friend. I hired her to be in my bed when you came to get me.”

  “Um… what?”

  “You were so tightly wound about keeping me in line, I just wanted to see the look on your face. Kind of like the look you’re giving me right now.” He descends into another fit of giggles and I tighten the grasp I have on my glass.

  “You hired someone to pretend you were having sex just to prank me? Who fucking does that?”

  “It was so worth it,” he says, grinning. “Highlight of my day.”

  “Oh my God. You’re insane. You know that, right?”

  What an idiot. Who pulls tricks like that? I shake my head, returning my attention to the whiskey cola. So, he wasn’t fucking some girl in his trailer between scenes.

  Why does that make me feel… good?

  “Okay, my turn.” His glass is nearly empty now, and he swishes the rest around, mixing it with the melted ice. “Never have I ever had a crush on someone I work with.”

  He’s watching me, and I feel like my heart has stopped beating.

  I’ve never had crushes on set. Every now and then I’ll work with some super hot actor, or one of the grips might catch my eye, but I wouldn’t say I’ve ever had a crush.

  But now, with Xavier’s electric blue eyes locked on mine, I’m not so sure.

  He stares, waiting for me to respond, a subtle smile dancing around his lips. And then he brings his drink to his mouth, tossing the rest of it back, never breaking eye contact. When he brings his glass back down, he runs his tongue over his lips, and before I know what I’m doing, I’m lifting my own glass up, letting the amber liquid trickle into my mouth. His chest rises as I swallow, his lips settling into one of those smiles on the side of his mouth.

  The ones that make my pelvis ache.

  “Okay, that’s our one drink done,” I say, breaking the tension. “You’re paying. I’m going to the bathroom and we’re out of here, right?”

  “A deal’s a deal,” he says, shrugging.

  “Great.” I get off the stool and head for the ladies’ room.

  I don’t really need to go; what I need to do is put distance between me and Xavier. My heart is racing, sending blood throughout my whole body, and it doesn’t know what to do with it. I’m trembling… tingling…

  I face the mirror and take a deep, grounding breath. It’s just the whiskey, and the low lighting, and the banter. It’s been a stressful few weeks and hey, I needed to blow off a little steam too. I made a deal with the devil and now it’s time to go. No harm, no foul.

  I open the bathroom door and walk out into the corridor, but I can’t get by.

  Because there he is.

  My deep, grounding breaths quickly escape my body and my heart resumes its pounding, ricocheting around in my chest as our eyes lock on each other’s.

  I can’t take this.

  It’s game over.



  I don’t know what I was thinking when I followed Dee to the bathroom. All I know is I don’t want this night to end. I stand in the corridor and consider going back to our bar stools. What am I going to say when she comes out? Do I pretend I’m going to the bathroom too?

  I keep replaying her laughter in my head, her smile, her eyes flicking to mine… and the way she finished her drink when I asked about having a crush…

  Could it be me?

  For someone with an onslaught of fans at my door, I don’t have the most confidence with women. And Dee is a whole other level. She is a hard nut to crack. I can’t read her, can’t tell what she’s thinking… but there was something in her eyes, something that told me the attraction is mutual.

  Okay, it’s time to decide. If I want to leave, I have to do it now, before she comes out, before she sees me.



  Dee walks out, her lips parting at the sight of me. I’m standing in the middle of the corridor, blocking her way, and now is the time to step aside. But my legs won’t move. There’s like a weird magnetic force field between us. It’s making the air thick, making it hard to breathe. And so we just stand there.

  Eyes locked.

  When she doesn’t make a smart-ass remark for me to get out of her way, I’m overcome with an impossible thought.

  Does she want me to make a move?

  I want to play this right. I’ve given Dee enough trouble the last few weeks, and it’s not a game anymore. I want her. But I will only make a move if I know she wants me back.

  She exhales, and her body crumples in on itself, like she’s weakening. Like she’s losing a battle inside her own head.

  And then I see it. Her gaze drops from my eyes to my mouth and she bites her bottom lip, looking back at me from under hooded eyes.

  It’s on.

  Like an invisible flag has been waved, we leap from our marks, crashing into each other, mouth first. The kiss is just how I remember it, only more desperate, and laced with whiskey. Her full lips move against mine, and I think I’m in heaven when her tongue slips into my mouth. I pull her closer to me by the waist and she grabs hold of my hair, scrunching it between her fingers.

  Jesus fucking Christ.

  I push her against the wall of the corridor, pinning her arms on either side of her head by her wrists. She lets out a moan that almost kills me as I bury my face in her neck, kissing and flicking my tongue over her warm skin. She smells incredible, her sexy perfume now all over my face as I come up for air.

  My lips are back on hers in an instant and we kiss deep… hard… her teeth nipping at my lower lip as I lean back to take her in. Whatever hesitation she had before is long gone. Her eyes bore into mine, dark and stormy, and I know she’s thinking the same thing I am.

  I want to fuck you.

  Sliding my hands around her backside, I lift her up and she wraps her legs around my waist, her hands on either side of my neck. I’m well positioned now and I quiver just thinking about what I could do, if only there weren’t layers of clothes between us.

  I move against her as we keep kissing, and I can feel myself growing under my pants, about
to fucking explode. I would do her right here, right now. But I don’t want to be interrupted. Once I start with her, I know I won’t be able to stop.

  Still holding her around my waist, I stumble into the women’s bathroom. There’s only one stall inside and one sink and one lock on the door.


  I flick the latch behind me.

  The knowledge that there’s nothing stopping us now is like a car revving its engine. I feel frenzied, frantic, dying to be inside her. I know I’m about to lose my mind, so I check in before I do.

  “Are you sure you want to d—”

  “Don’t fucking talk,” she says, slapping her hand across my mouth. “No talking.”

  Oh my God.

  I walk us over to the counter next to the sink and place her down, but keep my hands over her ass, pulling her body against mine. She lunges for the base of my t-shirt, pulling it over my head. As it falls to the floor, she gazes at my chest, running her nails across my stomach. I want to see her, all of her. This might be the only time she gives in to her urges and I know I should savor it, undress her one article at a time. But I can’t fucking wait. If I’m not inside her soon, I think I’m going to pass out. She seems to share my sentiment because she claws at my pants, pulling down the zipper so fast I flinch she might injure me. I turn my attention to her jeans, unbuttoning and then sliding them over her beautiful ass. In one smooth motion, I slide them over her legs so she’s just sitting on the counter in her thong and tank top.

  And I’ve never been more turned on in my entire life.

  Fuck me, she is the hottest thing I’ve ever seen.

  She scrambles at the waistband of my jeans, pushing them over my hips, and there I am. My flag flying at half-mast.

  And it’s madness.

  She makes a sort of sighing whimper sound and I’m done for.

  This has to happen right fucking now.

  I slide my index finger into her panties and shudder at the warmth on the back of my skin as I pull them to the side. Her hands are on me, massaging, pulling me even closer.

  Telling me to hurry.

  And I do hurry.

  I can’t hold off another second.

  As soon as I’m in position, I glide my hips forward, little by little, until I’m deep inside her. She moans into my ear and I’m worried I might fucking come right then and there.

  “Jesus fuck—”

  She slaps her hand over my mouth again, leaning back on the other one as I push back and forth. I clutch my hands around her hips, giving me leverage so I can go in deeper with every thrust.

  “Oh my God,” she cries, and her voice sounds like fucking magic.

  She moves her hand from my mouth to my shoulder and she grips it tight, using me to plunge her pelvis forward in time with mine. It’s like a dance. It’s like a fucking symphony. Nothing has ever been more perfect or more in sync. We just work together.

  But seeing her thrust against me is too much. It’s too hot, it’s too good.

  I can’t handle it.

  I clamp my eyes shut. Dee is not the kind of girl you leave disappointed. If I thought I was performing the last few weeks on set, it’s nothing compared to today. Today the pressure is on.

  Today I have to give the performance of my life.

  I take a deep breath and push harder, spurred on by her vocal cries, letting me know she’s getting close. Nothing has ever felt this good, and I’m pretty sure nothing ever will again.

  I’m reaching the end of my sanity, and I know I can’t hold on any longer. I grip hard on her ass and dive into her deep, giving it everything I’ve got.

  “I’m coming,” she cries, her nails stabbing into my shoulder.

  And it’s the best thing I’ve ever heard.

  On cue, my body explodes. I keep pushing as the waves course through me, keep going until her moans taper off into a satisfied sob. My body convulses against her, and if I didn’t think it could get any better, she wraps her legs tight around me, pulling me close to her for my final uncontrollable spasms.

  I dip my head into her shoulder. I can feel her heart pounding against mine… her breath against my collarbone. And we stay like this for a few seconds… intimate… affectionate…

  When I followed her to the bathrooms, I didn’t stop to think about why, other than it felt natural to go with her. To keep the night together going. But now that I’m here, pressed against her chest, feeling her heartbeat, I feel even more conflicted.

  Could this be more for Dee?

  I try to shake the thought out of my mind, but not because Dee having actual feelings for me would be a bad thing.

  But because it would be a great thing.

  My attraction to her was instantaneous, and if I had known that I would get her pressed up against a bathroom sink, I never would’ve been able to contain my erection. But now that I’ve had her, and she’s in my arms, panting and clutching onto me, I don’t want to let her go.

  I want more.

  Before I can dive into my thoughts further, Dee pulls back, her eyes flicking to mine. She doesn’t let them stay for long, just long enough for us to acknowledge what just happened.

  She shuffles off the counter, picking her pants off the floor and disappearing into the stall. I take the opportunity to lean over the sink, turning on the faucet and splashing my face with water. By the time I’ve zipped up my pants, she has emerged again, pants intact, a look on her face I can’t read.

  She’s let her hair down, and it bounces around her shoulders, the full extent of her curls on display around her face. Her cheeks are rosy, glowing, and I get a weird feeling knowing that we made that glow together. I’m sure if my face is showing what I’m feeling, it would be fucking nuclear.

  “So…” I say, leaning back against the counter. “That was interesting.”

  I cock my head and smile at her, trying to get a reaction, trying to gauge how she’s feeling. But she has her poker face on, and she’s not about to crack.

  She dips toward the floor, scooping my t-shirt up in her hand. Taking a few steps toward me, she presses it to my chest, leaning closer. Her lips are at my neck, and I wonder if she’s going to kiss me, whisper something delicious into my ear, and I hold my breath in anticipation.

  “This never happened.”

  Her tone is husky, just above a whisper, and it makes my legs feel like jelly. But the words…

  Those words.

  They cut like a knife.

  Leaving the t-shirt with me, she marches toward the door and unlocks it, but turns before she walks out.

  “If you tell anyone about this, I’ll kill you.”

  And then she disappears from sight.



  Keeping my guard up around Xavier at the studio was one thing, but keeping my guard up in a tropical paradise like Hawaii is another. There’s something about island destinations… the palm trees, the humidity, the smell of coconut in the air… it always puts me right in vacation mode.

  But this is not a vacation.

  And this is not a time to relax.

  The lucky chosen crew members gather at LAX for the six-hour flight to The Big Island, and the energy is buzzing. Every person I know in the film business dreams about traveling to cool places to shoot, and this is about as cool as it gets.

  Once we’re on board, I realize I’ve never been so happy to fly economy—knowing that Xavier is in first class, a safe distance away from me. I want to prove to him I’m unfazed about the bathroom thing, but we don’t need to add confined spaces to the mix.

  Unlike after our first kiss, I’m not avoiding him. The morning after the bar… incident… I picked him up as usual, and he definitely seemed shocked to see me at the door. His wide eyes and arched eyebrows gave me satisfaction, and I hoped my smug expression said it all.

  That’s right, I’m a confident woman, and I can have casual, meaningless sex just as well as you can.

  I escorted him to and from his trailer, made s
ure he went to lunch on time, and kept a careful eye on him until he went home each day. Just because he got in my pants doesn’t mean I am any less committed to my task of keeping him out of trouble. I am the boss. And I still have the control.

  But on the inside, I’m feeling anything but confident.

  I still can’t believe we actually had sex.

  In the fucking bathroom.

  I don’t even know how it happened. One minute I was level headed and ready to leave, and the next minute I couldn’t wrap my legs around him fast enough. It was like someone flicked an invisible switch and it was go-time. There was no chance to talk myself out of it. I was powerless against the pressure in the pit of my stomach.

  And my God, was it good sex. And I’m not just saying that because it had been a while.

  It was the best sex I’ve ever had.

  I take a deep breath, closing my eyes and forcing the memory out of my brain.

  “Are you okay, Dee?” Sadie places a gentle hand over my wrist. “Do you have an issue with flying?”

  I smile at her sweet face.

  If only my issues were that simple.

  “Yeah, something like that,” I say.

  “Don’t worry, we’re almost there.” She gives my hand a little pat and returns to her Jane Austen novel. I’m glad Sadie is here for this trip. Even if she doesn’t know what happened between me and Xavier, it still feels nice knowing I have a girlfriend for moral support.

  Before long, we are beginning our descent. I rest my head against the cabin wall, looking out the tiny oval window as the land appears below. Rich, cascading green mountains, black rocky shorelines, and the most vibrant, brilliant blue water I’ve ever laid eyes on. My stomach does a little flip in anticipation of the upcoming week, of what might lie ahead… fun, adventure, new experiences…


  You have had your share of new experiences.

  As the wheels kiss the runway, my heart rate speeds up, feeling the full force of the plane on land. I can’t help but think the plane is a metaphor for me that night, in the bathroom… charging right ahead with no hope of stopping. But we do stop, and it fills me with a comforting reminder.


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