Thunderstorms on the Horizon
Page 2
“Oh, my fucking god, Colby!” he moaned as the first jet shot out and coated Colby’s fingers.
“That’s it, squeeze me, milk my fucking cock. Fuck, yes, Jaden!” Colby groaned as he buried his dick deep inside Jaden’s pulsing channel and unloaded into the condom.
“Colby, Colby, holy fuck, Colby,” Jaden moaned, his forehead rolling on the wall as his dick kept pulsing and shooting, his orgasm going on for what felt like hours.
Colby collapsed onto Jaden’s back, his heart beating so hard that Jaden could feel it through his skin as he gulped air into his lungs. “Jesus,” he mumbled into Jaden’s back.
“Yeah,” Jaden mumbled back.
“Fuck,” Colby whispered.
Neither one of them seemed to be able to form more than one-word sentences.
Finally, Colby pulled away from Jaden’s back and slid his dick free. Jaden winced at the slight pain and then he was surprised at the disappointment that flowed through him at the thought that this was all over. Even though this was a bathroom hookup something about it felt….different.
He turned around to fix his clothes and found Colby staring at Jaden’s cum on his hand. “Seems a shame to waste it but I still have lube all over my hand and that shit tastes nasty.”
“I’d be more than happy to supply a second load into your mouth sometime,” Jaden said with a smirk as he tucked his dick away and zipped up.
Colby snorted a laugh, “I’ll bet you would,” then he walked over to the sink and washed off his hands.
Jaden walked over to the door, “So, how do you want to do this? You want to walk out together or separately?”
“Together. Fuck ‘em if they can’t take a fuck.”
Jaden snorted a laugh, waited until Colby had zipped up and fixed his shirt and then they walked out and down the hall together.
Several pairs of eyes watched them as they walked through the bar towards the door. Just before they stepped outside, Colby turned around and announced to the room, “Ain’t nothing like a dick. You ought to try it sometime boys,” then he grinned, stuck his sunglasses on his face, turned and walked out into the waning sunlight.
“You really are a crazy fucker, aren’t you?” Jaden said as he walked with Colby until the man stopped next to a shiny, black, really nice-looking Harley.
He swung a leg over the back, sat down and shoved the kickstand up with his boot. “Sanity is overrated, Jaden,” he said with a grin as he fired up his bike.
“Um, you want my number or anything?” Jaden mumbled.
Colby grinned again, “I’ll see you around, Jaden. You can count on that,” and then he gunned the bike and took off down the highway.
Jaden walked over to his Mustang with a profound sense of satisfaction that was coupled with an overwhelming sadness for what might’ve been.
Rowan looked out the side window at the passing scenery as it changed from shrubbery and small trees to thicker, forested land. “It’s nice out here,” he mumbled.
“Yeah, we like it,” JD said as he turned on his blinker and turned off the highway onto a two-lane country road.
“You all live here?” Row said as he turned to look at JD
“Most of us. Drake had like ten acres of property with his house. When he formed the team, he and Connor, our financial backer, bought the thirty or so acres adjacent and then built a half-dozen smaller cabins for the rest of the team. Drake and his fiancé Hunter still live in the main house, as do myself and my husband Brent. Everyone else is scattered in the other houses, or they’re in Wyoming where we are forming a secondary team.”
Row frowned slightly and JD caught it when he glanced over after Rowan had gone quiet.
“What?” he said.
Rowan shook his head, “I don’t want to pry, it’s really none of my business.”
JD barked out a laugh, “Something that you’ll learn if you join this team is that nothing is off-limits when it comes to privacy. We’re all just one big happy, nosy, family.”
After at least thirty seconds of silence and staring, Rowan finally said, “I was just wondering why you and your husband would live in the same house as another couple. Guys are such horn dogs, isn’t that just asking for trouble?”
JD was quiet for a while as he tried to figure out the best way to form his answer because, the truth was, he and Brent and Drake had all been intimate together in the past but it wasn’t that way anymore and that’s not why JD and Brent stayed.
“Three of us have a history but things aren’t that way anymore. Brent and I stay because we’re all best friends, because we love and respect each other and because Drake and Hunter are raising twins and we couldn’t imagine being away from those adorable toddlers at all. We take being favorite uncles very seriously.”
Rowan laughed, “I can totally understand that, I love kids. How long ago did they adopt them?”
JD’s fingers tightened on the steering wheel, “They didn’t. They’re Drake’s kids. His wife died during childbirth.”
“Oh man, that’s brutal. It’s probably good that he had you two around to help him get through all that.”
JD nodded, “He had us and he had Hunter. If Hunter hadn’t been here I doubt Drake would’ve made it. They’re engaged now and so happy together.”
“That’s good,” Rowan said quietly.
JD looked over at him and saw that Rowan was staring down at his hands.
“Everything okay?”
Rowan shrugged a shoulder, “Yeah. Just thinking about shit.”
“Okay. Well, if you ever want to talk about shit, you’ll have a house full of guys who will listen.”
Rowan snorted a bitter laugh, “No offense, JD, but talking to someone I trusted is what screwed up my life in the first place. I don’t plan on doing it again.”
JD knew there was nothing he could say at that moment to change his mind so he tried for a redirect, “Anyone special in your life? Got some sweet girl or guy missing you right now?”
Rowan bristled and began biting his thumbnail, “No, there’s no one.”
“You’re young. I remember being young and leaving myself open to possibilities.”
“Dude, you’re what, thirty-five, thirty-six? You’re not much older than me.”
“Thirty-nine but still. That single life just seems like a lifetime ago.”
JD could feel Rowan’s eyes on him as he said, “How did you know? When you met your husband, when did you know and how did you know he was the one?”
“The when was the first night I met him.”
“No shit?”
“No shit.”
“How could you possibly know that first night?”
“It was in a bar, people were laughing, some were dancing. I was sitting at a small table in the back by myself sulking over my beer. I’d had a shit day at work, a shit week actually and I knew I was sending out this ‘don’t fuck with me’ vibe because everyone was steering clear of me, until I saw this incredibly hot, built-as-fuck guy just staring at me from his spot in front of the jukebox. His gaze was so laser-locked on me that everyone else in the room seemed to fade away. He smirked at me and then turned around to make his song selections. And even though his eyes weren’t on me anymore, it felt like they still were…and I couldn’t look away. Then he turned back around and, with his eyes literally locked on me, he sauntered back over to the bar. People on the dance floor had to move out of his way because he was only looking at me. He downed the shot he had there, picked up his beer, took a sip as he watched me and then he walked back across that dance floor until he stopped with his feet straddling mine and asked if the empty seat at my table was available.
I tried to be a dick, even though yes wanted to fall from my lips, and I asked him why my table and not one of the other empty ones in the bar. He smiled at me and said that he didn’t want those seats, he wanted this one. Never had I been someone’s entire focus like that, like I was the only thing in the
world that they could see or hear. He still looks at me like that whenever we’re in the same room. When his eyes are on me, I can feel it all over my body, like he’s actually caressing me with his fingertips. I don’t even have to be looking at him either. I can be across a crowded room, deep in a conversation with someone else and I feel it the moment he’s looking at me, as if he’s standing right next to me and touching me.”
Rowan was quiet but JD could feel the man’s eyes on him. He wanted to tell Rowan that he could talk to him, that he could trust JD. But he knew that trust, especially for a man like Rowan Bates, would take a long time to build. He was willing to wait. He just hoped that Row stayed around long enough for it to happen.
Colby’s hands shook so hard he had to pull his bike off to the side of the road about a mile from Spike’s shop.
“Fuck,” he mumbled as he wiped them on his thick thighs and tried to get his breathing under control. What had he been thinking? What the fuck had he been thinking? Of all the people he hooked up with, of all the people he fucked, he had to go and pick Jaden Payne? Jaden fucking Payne?
He was damn lucky Jaden hadn’t recognized him. At first, he thought the kid had from the way he had been staring at Colby. But then he had realized with a shock that Jaden was totally into him. And then he found that he couldn’t, didn’t want to, stay away.
He’d been doing that for far too long now.
But talk about something that couldn’t possibly have a chance at a happy ending.
That kid, man he kept trying to tell himself, was the little brother of Westley Payne. Colby and Wes had been the best of friends, spending every moment of every day together from the first day they met when they were five – every moment they could away from Westley’s parent’s judgmental eyes, that is. They’d laughed together, they’d protected each other, they’d….hell, they’d loved each other once they reached puberty, although they never told anyone that. They couldn’t, not unless they wanted to face the wrath of Westley’s folks. Colby’s folks knew, of course they did. They never missed anything. But they acted like they didn’t, so that the boys wouldn’t worry about being found out.
So, they’d played, they’d laughed, they’d loved, and eventually they’d fucked, in secret.
Right up until the day that Colby killed Westley when they were seventeen.
“Damn it,” he mumbled when he felt his lip tremble and the tears sliding down his cheeks. His hand automatically began rubbing his chest, the spot over his heart that he had permanently marked with a tattoo for Wes the day he walked out of prison, a compass with a W that was much larger than all of the other letters and with an arrow pointing to that W – because that was who owned his heart – his Westley. He hadn’t cried for Wes in years. He hadn’t cried for anybody. He couldn’t. He was completely cried out, or at least he thought he was. The last time he’d cried had been in prison as he served his time for involuntary manslaughter. For five years he endured their looks, he endured the pain, he endured their…….
Not going there.
Not going there ever again.
He never thought about what had been done to him in prison. Not ever.
If he did, he’d end up driving his bike off a cliff because that shit was just too horrible to live with. So, he dealt with it the only way he knew how: by locking it away in a far corner of his brain.
But now it was trying to claw its way out, it’s claws dripping with what remained of his sanity as he desperately tried to hold that door closed.
Because he’d just fucked Westley’s little brother. He’d fucked him and it had been one of the hottest experiences of his life.
And now he had to tell the man who he was.
Even though he and Jaden hadn’t exchanged phone numbers, he knew he’d have no problems finding the kid….man, he reminded himself once again.
Hell, all he had to do was think about the man’s rock-hard body, the muscles that had been so firm beneath him and yet they quivered from Colby’s touch, to know without a doubt that Jaden Payne was all man….and a damn, fucking sexy one at that.
“Son of a bitch,” he growled.
Apparently, he was working through his entire swear-word vocabulary.
He unzipped the pocket on his leather jacket sleeve and pulled out his cell phone. He clicked on the proto-type tracking app that a friend of his had designed and had asked him to test. He had no idea that the app that his friend Trigger had designed for parents to be able to track where their kids were, would come in handy at a time like this, but it had. Trigger had told him that you could sync it with any phone nearby. It was supposed to be a way for parents to be able to sync with their misbehaving teenager’s phones to track them without their kids knowing. But it had issues in that, on the proto-type, that feature was wide open to any phone in the vicinity. Trigger was modifying that for the release model but had asked Colby to test this version out for him.
So, he had sought out and linked with Jaden’s phone when he’d felt Jaden’s eyes on him, no, when he’d felt the heated caress of Jaden’s gaze on his body.
The app on his phone opened up and it showed the numbers that he was synced with. Most had names with them because they were in his contacts. But one number was listed as unknown. He clicked on that one and a map appeared with a red dot in the middle of it. He zoomed closer and saw that the dot was sedentary, and it was located at a Crossroads Motel about ten miles away from where Colby was currently sitting.
Was Jaden alone? Did he have company? Did he have a boyfriend that he’d stepped out on when he’d hooked up with Colby? For some reason, Colby didn’t think so. Jaden didn’t seem like the cheating type. The fact that Colby had been kind of keeping an eye on Jaden for the last few years didn’t really factor into his brain right now because he was so frazzled. He hadn’t been physically watching him all the time, but rather, he’d been tracking his whereabouts, where he was living, where he was working, things like that. It just made him feel….better….when he knew where Jaden was, that he was simply alive. Why that calmed him was something that Colby had been trying to figure out for a long time.
Colby took a deep breath and pressed the arrow on the app for it to set up a course to lead him to that red dot. Then he brought up the phone icon and clicked on Spike’s name in his contacts.
“What?” the man barked into the phone. Colby couldn’t help but smile. Spike might sound like a vicious beast but he had a huge heart.
“I’m gonna need a few days.”
“Yeah? Tell someone who cares. Get your ass into the fucking shop!”
“I met him, talked to him, or he talked to me actually.”
Spike was completely silent for a long time, well, silent except for the grinding of teeth.
Colby knew that Spike was perfectly aware of who the him was that he was talking about. Spike was the only person that Colby had ever told his story to and about Colby’s all-encompassing need to apologize to Westley’s younger brother.
Colby just never factored fucking said younger brother into any of his scenarios. He never in a million years pictured a time when he’d see Jaden Payne walk into the same dingy bar that he was in and that just Jaden’s stare alone would light him up so much that he lost all control. That fact was throwing him all out of whack.
“If he fucking hurts you I will tear him apart myself, got it?”
“He won’t, Spike.”
Spike grunted into the phone. Colby knew the man well enough to know that a grunt was his affirmative. He was definitely a man of few words. He hadn’t even said anything when Colby had shown up out of the blue a little over a month ago after not seeing the man for almost four years.
Colby had gone to work for Spike the day he stepped out of that prison a free man. He’d vowed to live life as an honest man and he stuck to that, well, mostly. He’d met Stacey when she brought her car in to be worked on. He sta
rted dating her because, at the time, being with another man after what he’d done to Westley was simply unbearable to him. So, he’d tried to suppress everything gay about him and he started dating Stacey. They moved in together after six months.
And then Colby had met Morgan.
He’d seen him leaning against a car when he walked out of the pharmacy. And the gorgeous man triggered to life every gay instinct he’d been trying so hard to squelch.
His feet had faltered to a stop even though his brain didn’t want them to.
“Hi,” he’d said.
Morgan had turned his head, slipped his mirrored sunglasses down his nose, slid his eyes up and down Colby’s body and then muttered, “Uh-huh.”
Not hi. Not hello. Just uh-huh.
And it made Colby leak in his jeans.
“You waiting for someone?”
“You ever say anything besides that?”
“Uh-huh,” Morgan had said with a smirk.
“You want to get a drink?”
Morgan had been opening his mouth to say something when his eyes snapped to the left.
“Call 9-1-1,” he growled.
“Just fucking do it, sexy,” he said and then he’d charged forward.
It turned out that Morgan was on a case, trying to track down some rich diplomat’s drug addicted kid so they could get him into treatment. Said kid had walked into the pharmacy and was attempting to rob it.
Morgan had gone inside to confront the kid but he managed to grab some little old lady and was dragging her out of the store with a rusty knife against her neck.
Knife fights he could do. He’d become an expert at disarming a blade from someone when he was serving time
Colby came up behind the kid, said something into his left ear to distract him as his arm came around to clasp on the kid’s skinny wrist and squeezed. The knife clattered to the ground and Colby held tight to the squirming, yelling kid until Morgan came out.
A smile lit up Morgan’s face, “Nice takedown. You want a job?”