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Marked Skulls MC Series: Books 1-5

Page 6

by Rylan, Savannah

  “He’s the new guy, here as protection for Lila,” Lewis informed Hugh, who walked over to the counter where Gus had a bottle of beer opened and ready for him. I followed his every movement with my eyes suspiciously, there was something about this guy I didn’t like.

  “Is that right? Well, that’s exactly why I’m here,” Hugh said, turning to Lewis and then he dropped his voice. “How is she?” he asked.

  Lewis shrugged his shoulders.

  “She’s mad at me, mad at everyone. You know what she’s like. Girth finally managed to get her out of the house and come over here. She was refusing to step out, refusing to talk to us,” Lewis explained and Hugh sipped his beer slowly and nodded his head.

  “Where is she? I should go check on her,” Hugh said and Fred tipped his head in the direction of the back office where Lila was making her phone calls.

  I watched with clenched jaws as Hugh walked towards it and then knocked on the door. What the fuck was going on? Was he her boyfriend? Did Lila have a boyfriend? She was dating a cop?

  I didn’t know if it was the whisky that was making me see red, or if it was just pure smoldering uncontrollable jealousy.

  Lewis was smiling as he drank his beer.

  “He’s a good guy that one,” he said and Fred nodded in agreement.

  “He likes her too, maybe he’s too afraid to ask your permission to ask her out,” Fred said with a laugh and Lewis laughed as well.

  “He fucking well should be,” Lewis replied and I clenched my fists in rage.



  I was in the middle of talking to one of the kids at the foster care center when I heard the knock on the door.

  “Come in,” I called out and spoke hurriedly into the phone and ended the call, just as Hugh Ashland stepped into the room.

  I’d always thought he was a good looking guy, he had that classic Hollywood charm about him. He was well built, with golden hair a lot like mine that was always cut neatly. His eyes were green under sharp eyebrows, he had a clean shaven firm jaw. He was the poster-child for hot cops, I knew that already, and I had spent the last few years with fluctuating feelings about him.

  “How are you doing, Lila?” Hugh said, as he gently closed the office door behind him. He was even hotter in uniform, but I was surprised that I wasn’t really reacting much to him.

  “I’m good…I’m fine…just trying to keep my head above water, you know?” I said, as he took a seat across from my dad’s desk. Hugh was cradling a bottle of beer in his hands while he stared at me, there was a worried expression on his face and I smiled.

  “Lewis and the guys told me that you were too scared to come out of the house,” Hugh said and I rolled my eyes.

  “I wasn’t just scared, I was mad at that…I still am. I didn’t want to speak to them, I didn’t want to see any of them,” I replied and Hugh nodded his head like he knew where I was coming from.

  “I’m going to try and catch this guy, or guys. We know it’s the Dark Legion. Shooting at you is completely uncalled for,” Hugh continued and I licked my lips and looked away from him.

  I couldn’t stop myself from thinking about Girth. I was sure that Girth had seen Hugh walk into the bar and then walk into this office. What did he think was going on right now? Did he think that Hugh was my man?

  “Yes, good,” I replied, without paying much attention and Hugh leaned over the table to catch my gaze.

  “What’s the matter, Lila? You seem distracted. Are you still scared?” he spoke gently. Hugh had always been nothing less than a gentleman to me. He hadn’t yet asked me out, in the last three years of us knowing each other, but I always had a feeling that he assumed that a date was around the corner. Besides, dad made it extremely evident that he wanted us to be together. For my dad, Hugh was the ideal guy for me. He had a good job, he worked well with the MC, he was brave—these were all qualities that dad assumed would be good for me.

  But despite his good looks and his charm, I had always found Hugh to be a little boring. I never felt thrilled to be around him, not in the way that I had felt this morning when I met Girth.

  “No, I’m not scared. I have Girth now, he’s my bodyguard. I feel safe around him,” I said, avoiding Hugh’s eyes. This would have been the absolute worst time for Hugh to ask me out if that was what he was planning.

  Hugh was silent for a few moments before he spoke again.

  “Yeah? Good. He seems like a guy who knows what he’s doing,” Hugh said and there was a note of bitterness in his voice. When I looked at Hugh I saw that he had his eyes narrowed. He was thinking about Girth, and I knew instantly that the two of them hadn’t got off to a good start.

  “Yeah, he does. I like having him around,” I continued in an insistent voice, hoping that Hugh would get the message. I couldn’t be sure if he did or not, because he pasted a wide smile on his face.

  “Anyway, your dad and Fred and the others seem to be worried about you. I’m going to tell them and I want you to know too, that I will do my part to keep you safe. I don’t want anything happening to you,” Hugh said and I had no choice but to smile at him and nod. What else could I do? I couldn’t just tell him that it was Girth I wanted to be alone in this office with. That I had an orgasm just an hour ago because his cock was down my throat.

  “Thank you, Hugh,” was all I could say and he nodded his head.

  “Of course…and you know, Lila. If you ever need anyone to talk to. I know you’re friends with all the guys here and you have your own life and stuff. But if you ever need someone to talk to from outside the MC…you should know that you can always rely on me,” he said and I nodded my head rapidly. I was nervous about the turn this conversation had taken.

  He leaned over the table some more, so that I had no choice but to look into his eyes. I realized that his looks didn’t appeal to me, and neither did his boyish charm. I wanted Girth. I wanted his rough scratchy beard, his bulging biceps and his long strong legs. I gulped.

  “And Lila, I was thinking that maybe…” he began to say and I stood up from my chair with a jerk.

  “We should go outside. I’m sure the others are waiting for us. You know how my dad gets when he can’t see me,” I stated with a laugh. Hugh straightened himself up and nodded his head.

  “Yeah, of course, lets go outside to the others,” he said and I led him out of dad’s office. I wasn’t sure what I could do if he actually asked me out. I wasn’t sure what my father wanted me to do either, but all I knew was that I wanted to avoid that situation at all costs. Especially now that Girth was in my life.

  * * *

  Girth glared at me when I walked out of the office with Hugh fast on my heels. Hugh was calling out greetings to some of the other MC guys who had walked into the bar.

  Girth was sitting on a high stool with my dad and the others and I was walking directly towards him. In his eyes I saw rage and jealousy. A shiver ran down my spine. Girth could snap Hugh’s neck in two if he wanted to. He was a looming mass of muscle and strength as he sat brooding on the stool.

  He was staring right at me and I stared back at him. I could feel a gladness spreading in my heart. Till this moment, I had assumed that Girth didn’t want me anymore. That he was disgusted and ashamed and guilty about what had happened back at my place. Now however, things had changed. I could see how jealous he was of Hugh and it made me want to giggle.

  “Feeling better, mouse?” dad’s voice interrupted my thoughts and I walked up to them. Hugh had followed me to join the group, and I watched as he stood casually beside Girth.

  Girth hadn’t looked at him yet, he had eyes only for me. Was he undressing me with his eyes? Was he angry at the thought of what might have happened in that office between Hugh and me?

  “Yes, I guess I am, for now at least,” I said to my dad, just as Gus brought over a bowl of peanuts for me to munch on. He always knew when anybody in the bar was either hungry or thirsty.

  “That’s good, mouse. You should go to the
foster care center today if you want. You shouldn’t be afraid to go anywhere. Girth will take you,” dad continued and I popped a couple of salted peanuts into my mouth and chewed.

  “I spoke to them. I told them I’ll swing by tomorrow. I don’t feel like going today. I think I’ll just stay at home this evening,” I said casually. I could sense everyone’s eyes on me and I looked at them with arched eyebrows.

  “What? I said I’m fine! Can’t a girl just chill at home and watch a movie or something? I’m not locking myself in again!” I said loudly and they nodded their head.

  “She’ll be fine, won’t you Lila? I’ve assured her I’ll take care of the matter,” Hugh interjected and he reached over and stroked my right arm. I shot a look at Girth, who was glaring at me and the spot on my arm where Hugh’s hand was.

  I shrugged my shoulder away from Hugh and smiled at him.

  “Thanks, Hugh,” I spoke to him politely.

  “You’re a good guy, Hugh. Now, get out there and see what you can find out about what the Dark Legion has planned for us,” dad said and Hugh turned to him and gave him a mock salute.

  “Aye aye, captain!” he joked and emptied the rest of the beer from the bottle down his throat.

  As Hugh walked away, I looked back at Girth who was still glaring at me with bloodshot eyes. I considered smiling at him, but I eventually didn’t. I needed to explain the situation to him before he started getting any wrong ideas.

  When I looked away from him, I caught Fred staring. He was swinging his gaze from Girth to me and then back to Girth again. I was sure that he had caught the look that we had exchanged. He was keeping an eye on Girth and the way he was looking at me. Fred was my dad’s most trusted friend, he was like a second father to me. It wouldn’t have been difficult for Fred to guess that there was something going on between Girth and me. I gulped, suddenly my throat felt very dry.

  “I think I want to go home now, dad,” I said aloud.

  “So soon? Stay, mouse. Have dinner with us,” dad said, as I placed the barely eaten bowl of peanuts on the counter again.

  “No, I want to go home. I haven’t been sleeping well,” I said and I stepped towards my dad and wrapped my arms around him.

  “Okay, sweetheart. I’m sure you’ll sleep well with Girth there on your porch,” he said and I nodded my head. He had no idea.

  I looked over at Girth who was standing up from his stool. When I began to walk away, Fred pulled me into his arms and hugged me tightly. I was afraid that he was going to say something, that he was going to give us away right there in front of dad.

  Instead he stroked my hair affectionately and let me go.

  “You take care of yourself now, Lila my girl. We trust Girth. We’ll see you soon? Tomorrow?” Fred said and I nodded my head vigorously. I was just glad that he hadn’t said anything.

  Girth was already walking to the doors and I followed him. I exchanged smiles and waves with the other guys as I exited the bar.

  Outside, Girth was standing beside his bike with his arms crossed over his expansive chest.

  “Can we talk?” I asked, when I approached him. He glared at me and then swung his leg over the bike seat.

  “Talking to you is not a part of my job description,” he growled in a deep enraged voice and I jumped up behind him, placing my hands on his shoulders.

  “We need to talk, Girth. It’s not what you think it is,” I said into his ear as he started the bike.

  “I’m taking you home, just hold tight, Lila,” he said and I bit down on my lip as the wind buffeted my hair. We were back to the same position again, Girth wasn’t happy with himself for his weakness.



  I jumped off the bike after Lila and I followed her up the steps of the porch and into her house. She was mad at me for some reason. She was mad at me?! I was fucking mad at everything. I was ready to shoot a bullet right through that scumbag’s head if he touched her again. But who was I to lay down rules for who could and couldn’t touch Lila? For all I knew, they’d been sleeping together for years and planning a wedding.

  I slammed the front door shut and followed Lila into the living room.

  “Why are you in here if you don’t want to talk to me?” she asked, and I noticed how the tops of her pale cheeks had turned red with anger.

  I clenched my jaws and glared at her.

  “Well? You’re not willing to hear me explain, so what are you doing here? Why don’t you go and sit on my porch like my dad told you to?” she continued and I took a step towards her.

  Lila held her ground and stuck her chin up in the air.

  “So, what are you going to do about it?” she hissed and I stepped closer to her. My body was overshadowing hers, she was looking up at me with her wide blue eyes and those lips…the ones that were wrapped so tightly around my cock earlier. I could already feel myself going hard again.

  “You’re just going to stand there and watch as another guy strokes my arm? A guy I know you detest!” she was egging me on, I knew what she was doing. She was playing on my rage, trying to entice me to do or say something.

  Our bodies were inches apart now. I got a whiff of her fruity perfume and I gazed down at her breasts. She was wearing a tight white cotton t-shirt that stuck to her body. I could see the print of her bra underneath it.

  “Fuck, Lila!” I growled as I lunged at her. She gasped when our lips met and I pushed her body, till her back thudded against the wall. A painting above us shook and rattled as it hung.

  My tongue was in her mouth and my hands were on her breasts. I knew I was taking her breath away as she gasped. I nibbled roughly on her bottom lip and my hands lifted up her t-shirt. Her skin was supple and buttery smooth. I ran my hands up her slender torso till I was cupping her small dainty breasts.

  Lila was panting when I pulled my mouth away from her. Her eyes were wide and glazed with desire. Her hands were at my belt again, she was undoing my pants. I flicked her nipples and she winced with delight. My pants fell down and she was about to bend down in front of me. I grabbed her shoulders and stopped her.

  “Not this time,” I growled. I wanted her to know just how much she’d made me suffer by making me come in her mouth. She’d have to get a taste of her own medicine this time.

  I pinned her to the wall, with my arm on her belly, and I crouched down in front of her. Lila gasped again. I looked up at her, staring into her eyes as I parted her legs. Her black lycra skirt stretched and then rolled up by itself up her thighs and pooled around her waist.

  She was wearing a lemon yellow pair of panties, with the same flowery print on it as her bra. I kept my hands firmly on the insides of her thighs and then reached for the wet spot that was spreading between her legs.

  “Girth…” she hissed my name and I felt her weave her manicured nails into my messy hair. I wanted to taste her cum in my mouth this time. I wanted to make her body shake with my tongue.

  Slowly, I rolled down her panties, allowing her to straighten her legs so that it fell to the floor. Her pussy was warm and throbbing, it was sticky wet in her juices and I licked my lips as I brought my face close to her. I could hear her sucking in her breath rapidly. Her fingers were tightly gripping my hair.

  I gently lapped at her swollen up clit and she raised herself on her toes. I smiled at that and then licked her wet folds.

  “Oh my God!” she shrieked, just as I slipped my tongue into her. She tasted musky and sweet at the same time, and nothing could turn me on more. My cock was hard between my legs, my balls were swollen and ready to explode, but I wanted Lila to come first.

  I used my thumb to tease her clit as my tongue flicked her pussy. She gasped and moaned and I slid into her folds, parting it, reaching as deep as my tongue could go. I knew that my beard was scratching her delicate skin but she didn’t seem to mind. She was rejoicing in the feeling. I sucked and thrust, lapping up the sticky juices that had started to flow out of her.

  When I looked up at her, Lil
a was clutching her breasts with both hands, playing with her nipples. She wasn’t holding back.

  I groaned, as my tongue dove into her again. My cock was throbbing hard, desperate for a release. She was so small and defenseless pinned up against the wall like that, at the mercy of my tongue.

  My fingers worked their magic on her clit, while my tongue explored her pussy, rapidly thrusting in and out and sucking up the juices. She was like a ripe summer fruit, ready to burst full of flavor right in my mouth. Nothing could possibly taste sweeter.

  I knew she was close to coming, I could feel her body shuddering. My tongue continued and my fingers stroked her clit, till I could feel her juices oozing out. She shuddered and screamed as she came, harder than she had come in the morning by her own fingers.

  I lapped up her juices hungrily, devouring every taste and scent of her. Some of it escaped down her thighs and I ran my tongue down her leg, lapping it up. My finger stroked her clit while she came and I continued sucking on her pussy.

  Lila was panting by the time I was done with her and I straightened myself up. With her cum glazing my lips, I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her to myself. She looked exhausted, her eyes were wide with the shock of her orgasm and I kissed her hungrily. This wasn’t over yet, I still hadn’t come. I kissed her hard, till her lips were throbbing delicately in my mouth.

  With my hands on her t-shirt, I lifted it up over her head and Lila was still panting. I unhooked her bra and her small breasts bounced into view. Her nipples were long and pert, the color of dusty rose and perfect for my mouth.

  I pulled her to myself again, lowering my face to her left breast. She arched her neck back, till the top of her head was knocking against the wall. I sucked on her left nipple, still hungry for more. I knew she could feel my ramrod hard cock digging into her belly. I knew she knew exactly what I wanted.


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