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Marked Skulls MC Series: Books 1-5

Page 18

by Rylan, Savannah

  Jordan’s raven hair was free flowing and recently combed, and it matched her sparkling dark eyes.

  “Excuse me?” I said and turned to her fully.

  She stepped into the living room, licking her lips nervously. This was the first thing she had said about the shooting, and I was eager to know more. I didn’t want to push her either, in fear of scaring her into a corner again.

  “The man, the shooter, he was on a bike and he was wearing a leather cut, a lot like yours,” she said and her eyes roamed over the leather jacket I was wearing.

  Just like I had predicted, she had seen the shooting, or at least the shooter.

  “How much did you see?” I asked, and my voice had become deep and shaky. Jordan didn’t look afraid anymore, did she trust me fully now? Was that why she was willing to speak about it?

  “I saw the whole thing. I had gotten up early to study, and I was standing by the window drinking a mug of coffee,” she continued. I gulped as she walked closer to me.

  “And what happened? What did you see?” I asked. This was unexpected. Even a few minutes ago, I had thought it would take a long time before Jordan trusted me enough to tell me her story, but here she was, telling me everything.

  “I saw him, Fred, walking up the street towards the building. He looked like he was going to come in. Maybe he knows someone here?” she continued and I shook my head.

  “I can’t think of anybody he knows in the building. I looked up the names of the residents,” I told her and Jordan shrugged her shoulders and sighed.

  “Anyway, he looked up at me”


  “Yeah, he looked up at my window while I was standing there. Our eyes met, but I didn’t think much of it. To me, he was just a passerby, walking past our building or maybe a visitor to one of the other apartments,” she explained and I nodded my head.


  “Then I heard the bike, it was like a loud roar because it was so silent everywhere. It was early, nearly five in the morning. He heard it too, Fred, and when he did, he started running,” Jordan continued and now her lips were quivering again. I could see her re-living the moment and it was difficult for her, but I needed to know. I needed a description.

  “He tried to run but the bike was too fast, it roared past and the man shot him, right in the chest,” Jordan said and she collapsed down to the floor.

  I rushed towards her, kneeling down on the carpet in front of her. I pulled her into my arms and she rested her cheek on my chest, holding me tightly as I rocked her.

  “Did you get a look at him? The shooter? Jordan, I need to know,” I said, while I held her.

  “Yes, I did. He was staring up at my window. He saw me looking. He was bald, with a long black beard and rings on both his ears. He had lots of tattoos too and he was wearing a leather jacket,” Jordan was speaking through her tears and I was trying to decipher the words.

  “What kind of jacket? Did you see a patch on his jacket? Like this one?” I asked, showing her the back of my jacket where the Marked Skulls patch was. She narrowed her eyes as she looked at it and then nodded her head.

  “Yeah, he had a patch on his jacket. It was a ball of fire with something like wings on both sides,” she said, making shapes in the air with her fingers.

  I was confused. That wasn’t the Dark Legion’s patch.

  “Are you sure? You sure it wasn’t a black arrow and…” I said but she was already shaking her head.

  “I am sure. I will never forget it. I will never forget anything about that man,” she stated and her voice was firm now, she was wiping her tears off her cheeks.

  What the fuck was going on? Why had Fred been shot by a member of Hell’s Drifters?”



  I was sitting behind Rodeo on his bike and my arms were wound around him. He said that he wanted to take me to the bar where he and his MC hung out. I didn’t know how to feel about that. Being in a bar in the midst of a group of rough biker guys, was exactly the kind of situation I wanted to avoid.

  Right now however, I didn’t have much of a choice. Rodeo was right, my life was in danger—with or without the door in my apartment. I was lucky that it was Rodeo who had got to me first, and not one of the members of the MC who had shot down Fred. My only choice now was to stick with Rodeo, and I felt safe with him.

  He stopped the bike outside a dingy looking dive bar. It was apparently called T-Bone, according to a broken down sign on top of the door. Rodeo took off his helmet and gave me his hand so I could jump off the bike.

  “Don’t be nervous, these guys are my friends. They aren’t going to do anything to you,” he said, as he led the way into the bar. I watched Rodeo’s wide muscular back as he walked ahead of me.

  I could still feel his arms around me when he held me in my apartment. When I was describing the shooting scene to him, I couldn’t control the tears and he had rushed towards me, pulling me into his arms.

  The only thing I was sure of now, was that I trusted him. I trusted everything he had told me about himself and Fred and the shooter. When he held me close to his chest, I had felt his warmth. I could still feel his tongue on my pussy and it sent chills down my spine. Rodeo was quickly having a very strange hold over me.

  We entered the dimly lit bar and the men who were there turned abruptly to look at us. There were only a handful of them there and they were all dressed similar to Rodeo, with the same patch on their leather jackets. There was also a pretty girl in the corner, sitting beside a big muscular man.

  As Rodeo led me towards the middle of the bar, they were all watching me closely.

  “This is Jordan, she is the witness to Fred’s murder,” Rodeo said to them. I felt self-conscious under the watchful eyes of the men in the bar. I could feel my cheeks flushing, and I was too scared to meet any of their gazes.

  “Why the fuck have you brought her here?” said the older man, who was sitting on a high bar stool with a bottle of beer in his hand. I quickly sensed that he was the leader of the group.

  Rodeo scratched his head, and then threw me a look before he turned back to them again.

  “She wouldn’t let me in so I broke down her door. I couldn’t just leave her behind. She’d be a sitting duck to another shootout since she’s the witness,” Rodeo explained. There was silence in the bar for a few seconds, before the men suddenly exploded in laughter.

  “You broke her fucking door?” one of the guys said, walking up to Rodeo and thumping him on his back. I watched with a smile flickering on my face while the others pulled his leg. They were making fun of him, and for the first time, I was seeing the lighter side of Rodeo and his lifestyle.

  “Everything Rodeo touches, he fucking breaks,” one of them said and Rodeo looked over sheepishly at me. I could see that he was embarrassed by his friends.

  “What else did you break in her house?” another one asked and they all kept exploding in laughter.

  I was standing to the side, watching the scene, till the older man turned to me and made me self conscious again.

  “So, Jordan. Are you offering us anything in return for Rodeo’s protection?” he asked. I stuck my chin up, offended slightly by that question. I didn’t ask for Rodeo’s protection, he had offered it to me and I wouldn’t have needed it if he hadn’t broken my door! Before I could say anything though, Rodeo spoke up again.

  “She’s told me everything she saw,” he said and there was a silence in the bar again. All the men in the room were watching us both. I could feel the electricity in the air. Fred had clearly meant something important to each one of them.

  “She saw the shooting. He was planning on going into the building. A biker rode by and shot him in the chest,” Rodeo explained. The shorter guy, who the others had been referring to as Abe, growled and punched his fist into the palm of his hand.

  “Motherfucker. Which one of the bastards was it? Was it the guy who tried to kill Lila?” he growled and Rodeo looked at me and then back at the
m again.

  “No, it wasn’t. As a matter of fact, it wasn’t anybody from the Dark Legion. Fred was shot and killed by a guy from Hell’s Drifters,” Rodeo informed them. There was silence in the bar again as they all glared at us.

  “Hell’s Drifters?” the older guy stood up from his stool. He had his brows crossed, he looked just as confused as Rodeo had been when I described the patch to him.

  “Yeah, a bald guy with a black beard. Jordan described the patch to me. It’s definitely the Hell’s Drifters,” Rodeo said. The men were looking at each other blankly. It was obvious to me that this was something that none of them expected.

  “What the fuck was Fred doing getting shot by someone from the Hell’s Drifters?” Abe grunted.

  * * *

  There was an argument building up in the bar around me, and I was beginning to feel nervous again. It was obvious that the men weren’t happy with the news that Rodeo had just given them.

  “I don’t know what the fuck the Hell’s Drifters are doing! All I know is I’m going to find this bald bastard and kill him!” Rodeo growled.

  “What does Fred have to do with them? What do we have to do with Hell’s Drifters?” another guy barked and the older man was running his hands through his hair repeatedly.

  “Things are not going to look good for us if we get into shit with the Hell’s Drifters, man,” one man said and Rodeo whipped around to him, his eyes were bloodshot. I was seeing Rodeo in his fiercest element.

  “I don’t care what shit we get into with the Hell’s Drifters! All I fucking care about is getting the guy who killed Fred!” Rodeo was bursting with rage. His face had turned red and he was lumbering over the guy who was glaring back at him.

  The tall muscular man who was sitting at the end of the bar with the girl stood up.

  “Do you fucking hear me? I don’t care how big Hell’s Drifters are and what beef they have with us. Don’t fucking tell me to scurry into a corner. They killed Fred!” Rodeo was still yelling, till the tall guy went over and placed a hand on Rodeo’s shoulder.

  Rodeo whipped around to face him, primed for a fight.

  “We hear you man. We’re going to get to the bottom of this. We’re going to avenge Fred’s death,” he said in a deep grunt, and his words seemed to calm Rodeo down.

  “Do you see this? Girth is the new guy and even he gets it. I’m not going to sit back and let Fred’s death go unchallenged,” Rodeo hissed.

  I had backed away from the group, feeling chills run down my spine. I hadn’t known what to expect when I first walked into the bar but now I was afraid of the kind of trouble I had gotten myself involved in. I was afraid of this new side to Rodeo that I was seeing.

  From the first moment that he had burst into my apartment, Rodeo had been nothing but kind to me. He had tried his best to put me at ease and make me feel safe around him. Now I was seeing his violent side. I could see the kind of rage he was capable of when he was in a bad mood. He was definitely a strong man, he was a brave man—but I wasn’t sure of the place I had in this bar.

  “Rodeo, calm the fuck down, brother,” Abe spoke up and patted him on his back.

  “We need to figure out what Hell’s Drifters have against us, why they shot Fred. In the meantime, Rodeo, you have my permission to go after the guy who pulled the trigger,” the older man was speaking now.

  I was confused and afraid, and feeling like an outsider. I wasn’t even sure if Rodeo remembered that I was in the bar. How well did I really know him anyway?

  “Hi,” I heard a girl’s voice behind me. I turned to find the pretty woman standing there, with a kindly smile on her face.

  “I’m Lila, I’m Lewis’ daughter,” she said and extended her hand to me. She seemed out of place here too, in the middle of these rowdy rough men. She was wearing a beautiful lacey white dress, and looked too pretty to be in a place like this.

  The fact that she was the older guy’s daughter, was even more surprising.

  “I can see that you’re a little taken aback by all this,” she said when I finally shook her hand. I gulped and forced a weak smile on my face.

  “I don’t exactly know what’s going on,” I said meekly, and Lila nodded her head and then placing a small hand on my back, she led me towards the bar—away from the rest of the group.

  “I can sympathize. I grew up around these guys and half the time, even I don’t know what’s going on. I’ve learnt to stay out of it as best as I can,” she said and we both sat down on bar stools. The men were behind us, still being loud and arguing amongst themselves. Lila was talking to me over their voices.

  “Listen, I hope that you can stop worrying. I can understand that you might be scared, I was in a similar position like you not too long ago,” Lila said and then she looked over her shoulder at the tall guy who was trying to keep peace in the group.

  “All I can tell you is that these guys are men of their words. I have known Rodeo for many years, he is like a brother to me—he is a player and he’s tough and he likes to believe that he has nothing to hold him back, but Jordan, trust me, if he has promised to look after you, he will,” Lila was speaking softly to me, something about her made me trust her instantly.

  I looked over at Rodeo who was barking at some of the guys. I felt Lila’s hand on mine as I watched him.

  “You can trust him with your life. I can see that he feels a sense of responsibility towards you, and he’s going to keep you safe,” she said. When I turned to look at her, Lila was smiling at me wholeheartedly.

  “Besides, I have never seen him walk in here with a woman before. You must be something special,” she added and I could feel the tops of my cheeks flushing. I didn’t want to admit that I was flattered by that statement. I didn’t want to admit that it was more than just sexual attraction that I was feeling for him.



  After Church at the bar, after we had all vented our pent up frustrations; I found Jordan sitting at the counter with Lila. I hadn’t forgotten about her, she was always there at the back of my mind; but talking with my brothers had distracted me.

  We still hadn’t come up with a solution on how to deal with the problem of the Hell’s Drifters, but we were all in agreement about one thing—that no matter what the risks involved were, we were going to have to avenge Fred’s death.

  I walked over to Jordan and Lila, and the two girls looked over at me with faint smiles on their faces. I was grateful to Lila that she had kept Jordan company while I was busy.

  “We weren’t talking about you, if that’s what you’re wondering,” Lila joked and I wrapped an arm around her shoulders and gave her a hug. I knew she was probably just as upset as I was about Fred’s death. He had been a part of her life since she was a kid, way before I was even in the picture. He was like an uncle to her.

  “Don’t know if there’s anything to talk about me,” I said and when I looked at Jordan, I saw that she was blushing again. It was quite obvious that they were talking about me, but what could Lila possibly be saying to her?

  “Rodeo, I think you should fix Jordan’s door and give her a chance to rest at her home a little,” Lila tilted her head to the side to say. I nodded my head and slipped my hands into the pockets of my jeans.

  “Yeah, I’ll get to it. I had to come here first and talk to the guys,” I said.

  Lila looked at Jordan and smiled.

  “Make sure that he does a good job on your door, he owes you that,” she said and then jumping off her stool to give Jordan a quick hug, Lila walked away from us to go find Girth.

  Jordan and I were left alone again, and she still couldn’t meet my eyes.

  “I guess we should head back then, I should get started on that door,” I said and she nodded her head.

  “Yeah, sounds good,” she said and got off the stool.

  “I’ll have to get my toolbox, it’s probably here somewhere, and then we’ll have to stop by the hardware store so I can buy some materials,” I told her.<
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  “Okay,” she said meekly.

  “Jordan, I’m sorry if you didn’t like being here. I know we all got into a few fights today but that’s only because tensions are really high and all of us are still upset about Fred’s death. I don’t want you to get the wrong impression of me. I don’t want you to stop trusting me with your safety,” I said. She shook her head, her dark eyes were bright and wide, her red lips were slightly parted in that sexy way which made me want to thrust my cock right into her mouth.

  “It’s fine…I’m just a little jittery since the shooting. I’m fine,” she said.

  After that, I left to go find my toolbox and then we left the bar. Some of my brothers made fun of me as we were walking out with my toolbox in hand. I knew they were going to give me a lot of grief for some time because I had broken down an innocent girl’s door. There was also another element to it—I never brought back women to the bar. I had never introduced a girl to my friends before.

  Jordan had a smile on her face as she heard my friends calling after me. We walked out of the bar and then towards the bike. I gave her my hand so she could jump up and then I sat down in front of her.

  Jordan hesitantly wound her arms around my torso. Our bodies touching again made me weak. I wanted to turn around and take her right there on my bike. I could still taste her on my lips, I knew how tight her pussy was and I wanted more.

  “Hold on tight,” I said instead, and she clasped her hands together in front of me. I could feel her breath falling on my back as she sat there and her big voluptuous breasts sometimes grazed against my back as I rode the bike. What was I still doing with this girl? Why had I brought her to Church?

  Maybe now, after I had fixed the door, we could part ways. I had work to do, I had to make sure that I found that bald guy from Hell’s Drifters and gave him what he deserved. Jordan was only going to end up slowing me down. She was a distraction.


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