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Evidence of Love

Page 22

by Elisabeth Rose

  ‘So you start with me and Brooke and eliminate us and now you move on to Ivan.’

  He nodded. ‘And we’ll do the same with all the other girls and the people they know.’ He added, ‘I eliminated you two before I even started.’

  She ignored his attempt at conciliation. ‘But none of them have an Ivan in the family so we went straight to the top of the list.’

  ‘Because Brooke was the most recent and I know you. I have to start somewhere.’

  ‘Of course.’ The sarcasm dripped like poison.

  ‘Can you give me his phone number, please?’


  ‘Lara, I’m asking you as a friend — more than a friend, I hope — but this is police business.’ Surely she wouldn’t try to hinder the investigation to protect a brother who was probably not involved anyway.

  ‘I don’t want you calling him. I will, and I want to be there when you talk to him.’

  ‘Why do you want to protect him so much all of a sudden?’

  ‘It’s not Ivan, he can look after himself. I don’t want Susanna to wonder why the cops would think he might have something to do with this bashing. How would he explain that to her?’

  ‘I think that’s his problem, Lara. He should tell her about himself and his past. What sort of marriage is it when one person has secrets like that?’

  She chewed on her lower lip considering the implications of his question, perhaps for the first time. Honesty wasn’t a common commodity in her world. People got out of the habit of it.

  Her tone was milder when she said, ‘I don’t want to be the one to wreck his happy marriage.’

  ‘Neither do I,’ Nick said gently. ‘Okay. You phone him and tell him I need to ask a few questions. He can say when and where. Tell him he’s not a suspect.’ She raised an eyebrow at that. ‘He’s not,’ he insisted.

  If he had an alibi, which Ivan would be sure to provide easily because he should have been at work when Garrett was bashed, there’d be no problem. And Lara didn’t know when the attack took place so she couldn’t prime him with a timeframe.

  ‘Just helping police with his enquiries?’ A tiny smile emerged.

  Nick smiled back, relief surging. ‘Exactly.’

  ‘Should I call him now?’

  ‘The sooner the better.’

  Lara went to the phone. The bloke would be at work most likely and if not he could tell the wife something innocuous if necessary. He’d be good at that, plenty of practice.

  She spoke almost immediately.

  ‘Hi. Fine, thanks. Ivan, can you talk? Are you at home or work?’

  ‘Work,’ she mouthed to Nick then said, ‘The scumbag that attacked Brooke has been bashed up and the police want to talk to you.’

  Nick shook his head and sighed. Not how he would have put it but too late now.

  ‘Nick says they’re talking to everyone who knew the victims. Eliminating people.’

  ‘Really?’ Her gaze flew to Nick and away again. ‘I thought…okay. Fine. When?’

  She put her hand over the receiver. ‘He says you can come to the club now if you like.’

  ‘If I do you won’t be able to come.’ He’d rather stay here with her but now that this was in motion he should follow through and clear the air of suspicion.

  ‘You can come back afterwards and tell me what he says.’

  ‘It’ll be late. Too late.’

  ‘Ring me. I don’t care what time it is.’

  ‘All right. Tell him I’ll be there in about thirty minutes.’ Lara relayed the information and disconnected. ‘I’m sorry,’ he said. ‘I wish I could stay.’

  ‘You’d better go.’

  Nick looked at her set, expressionless face. She’d be used to this, men going off to do business with each other while she stayed home. This time however she knew what it was about and her sympathises lay squarely with her brother.

  ‘I’ll have to call a squad car to pick me up. I’m probably over the limit.’ She turned away while he made the call quickly. He slipped his phone into his pocket. ‘Thank you for dinner. I enjoyed being here with you. I always do.’

  A weak smile barely reached her eyes. He pulled her into his arms. ‘It’ll work out, Lara.’

  She didn’t answer but she came into his embrace and rested her head on his chest. He wanted to stay that way forever.

  Lara locked the door behind Nick and went to the kitchen to clean up but she’d only just begun when the doorbell rang. Nick— forgotten something, or come back for a better kiss. With a smile dancing on her lips she opened the door.

  ‘Good evening, Maja. How beautiful you look.’

  She tried to slam the door but Branko had his foot in the gap and his shoulder against the door. Lucas stepped forward from the shadows behind him.

  ‘You do look well, Maja. Widowhood becomes you. Can we come in?’

  Chapter 19

  Nick gave one of the constables his keys to drive his car to the police station. If he left it at Lara’s he’d be tempted to go inside later regardless of the hour.

  ‘You can drop me, I’ll catch a cab home,’ he said to the young policewoman driving as her partner followed them in his car.

  ‘Yes, sir.’ If she thought the whole scenario was peculiar she thought better of asking questions, but no doubt they’d both be speculating for the remainder of their shift.

  Nick switched to the back seat when the other constable had parked his car in the police parking lot. No-one spoke on the drive to Bondi, but as they approached the Strikers Club Nick asked her to pull over a block short. ‘I’ll walk from here. Thanks for the ride.’

  ‘No worries, sir. Will you need us to stay around for back-up?’

  ‘No, no this is routine stuff.’

  ‘Been some talk about Strikers lately,’ said the constable from the back seat. ‘Word on the street is one of Tony Petrovic’s ex-mates is involved with dealing. Setting up a new operation. Locals don’t like it.’

  ‘Anything concrete? A name for example?’

  ‘Just talk so far.’

  ‘Okay. I’m here for something quite different but good to know what’s happening. Thanks.’

  Nick strolled towards the corner, thinking. Steve had said the same thing and mentioned a name. What was it? Mack. Could that be Branko Simek using a new name? Someone was busily elbowing in on the local gangs’ turf which was a recipe for trouble, and only someone who was either extremely naïve and stupid or extremely confident, experienced and powerful would try. Ivan fitted the second description but not the first and if Lara was right he wasn’t interested in establishing anything except a family here in Sydney.

  Please let her be right.

  The entrance to the club was undistinguished. A sign over the solid wooden door announced the name in neat blue neon lettering. Nothing flashing, nothing garish. Entry was controlled by an impassive doorman in a tuxedo which couldn’t disguise the bulging biceps and oversized chest.

  He managed a smile and a ‘Good evening, sir,’ when Nick stated his business, and held the door open. ‘Mr Djokovic is expecting you. Please go in.’


  He stepped into a dimly lit foyer with a reception desk and coat check. A sultry singer’s voice floated on chords from a jazz piano trio from behind one of two closed doors. Stairs went up to the left. A smiling, elegant young woman in a shiny black sheath dress said, ‘This way, please.’

  Nick followed the neatly packaged rear end. She pushed open a door and stood aside for him to enter. The music increased in volume and he walked into a darkened room with a bar on the left facing a small stage on the right. Tables were occupied by intently listening people.

  ‘Would you like a drink, sir?’

  Nick hesitated. He didn’t want more alcohol but this was a nightclub and he wanted Ivan as much at ease as possible. ‘Could I have a black coffee, please?’

  ‘Certainly.’ She hailed a waiter and passed on the order. ‘This way, please.’

led him to a table at the rear on a slightly elevated section. The man watching him approach was very handsome and the image of Lara. Same dark hair, straight nose and dark eyes. He rose and extended his hand for a firm handshake.

  ‘Welcome to Strikers, Nick.’ He indicated Nick should sit and turned to the woman. ‘Thanks, Paula.’

  She smiled and left.

  Ivan relaxed into his chair. ‘Have you been here before?’

  ‘No.’ He nodded towards the stage. The singer was petite with shiny dark hair and a big voice. The trio with her hunched over their instruments, absorbed in the sounds. ‘I like the music. Good band.’

  ‘Yes, Tuesday is jazz night. I heard this band playing in Darling Harbour and offered them a residency.’

  ‘The audience seems to like it.’

  ‘Yes. I’ve more shows planned.’ He began to expand on his vision for the club’s entertainment schedule, stopping only when a waiter arrived with Nick’s coffee.

  ‘Thank you.’

  ‘What do you want to ask me?’ He said abruptly when the waiter had gone.

  ‘Lara told you about the attack on Keith Garrett, the man who bashed Brooke.’

  Ivan nodded. His lip curled, exactly like Lara’s. ‘Scum.’

  ‘I agree, except now he’s a victim and I have to find out who attacked him.’

  ‘I wouldn’t bother.’ Ivan smiled Lara’s smile but on him it had an edge.

  ‘I have to, unfortunately.’ He gave an exaggerated sigh and sipped his coffee. ‘Mmm. That’s very good coffee.’

  ‘This club has very high standards. The annual fees are very steep.’

  ‘Out of my range, I’ll bet.’

  ‘Probably, but if you like I can do you a better rate. You are my sister’s boyfriend after all.’ He was smiling but his eyes had an alertness that belied the casual manner. Did that fact or his assumption it was fact, bother him? Hard to tell. Lara thought it would.

  Nick forced a laugh. ‘Thanks but no thanks. I’d never have the time to make use of it.’ And wouldn’t that look good on his record? Who knew what went on in this place.

  ‘Too much crime?’

  ‘Yep.’ He drank more coffee.

  ‘Lara likes you.’

  ‘I like her.’


  ‘Do I like her?’ The question surprised him. Didn’t Ivan think his sister likable? But he didn’t mean that, he thought Nick had an ulterior motive. The way Rogers had.

  How could he put the wonder that was Lara into words? ‘She…intrigues me. She’s beautiful and smart but very gentle.’

  Ivan nodded. ‘She’s also very trusting and naïve. I don’t want her taken advantage of.’

  Rather belated protective measures but Nick let the words and the implication slide over him. Antagonising Ivan wouldn’t get him anywhere.

  ‘I understand. She was badly hurt before, but let me tell you I was attracted to Lara before I knew anything about her. From the first moment I saw her. She’s stunning.’

  The tension suddenly left Ivan’s face and he grinned, a wide, open boyish smile. ‘I felt the same way about Susanna, my wife. Still do.’ He laughed. ‘Love at first sight. Susanna’s a nurse. She was cleaning blood from my father’s face in hospital when I first set eyes on her.’

  Nick smiled. ‘Lara was standing at the door scowling at me. I thought she was going to slam the door in my face.’

  ‘Was that when she found Brooke?’

  ‘Yes. I went to ask her some details. Now, about her attacker, Ivan. I have to ask you where you were last night. It’s routine elimination.’

  ‘Here. I’m here every night from about six or seven till at least two or three. But then straight home to my lovely wife. I can walk it. I also come in on Mondays and Thursdays at eleven in the morning till about two. I take Wednesdays and Sundays off.’ He leaned back in his chair and applauded the band as they left the stage for a break.

  ‘That’s fine. Thank you.’ So Ivan would have been surrounded by witnesses at one in the morning. Just as he’d thought but it was a relief to have it confirmed. He didn’t want to haul Lara’s brother in for questioning.

  ‘Anyone could have beaten that guy up.’

  ‘Yes, I know but it’s more likely to be someone out for revenge. Too much of a coincidence otherwise.’

  ‘Revenge is a very powerful motive.’

  ‘True.’ Nick drained his coffee and set the cup down. ‘Do you have any idea what happened to that undercover agent?’

  ‘Lara can’t let it rest.’

  Nick nodded. ‘She wants me to find out what happened.’ Not quite true, he’d brought the subject up himself. She wanted it left in the past. But the stain would stay if no-one cleaned it up.

  ‘I don’t know anything. I never liked him.’

  ‘Did you have much to do with him?’

  ‘A bit but he wasn’t around all that long and Tony didn’t let him get too close.’

  ‘He must have let him come close enough to chat up Lara.’

  ‘It amused Tony. He knew she wouldn’t have the guts to cheat on him and it kept her occupied. That was before he knew Rogers was undercover.’

  ‘So even though he knew she hadn’t slept with the guy Petrovic beat her up for it, just in case.’

  For the first time Ivan looked uncomfortable. ‘I’m not proud of the way I acted back then.’

  ‘Petrovic was a psychopath,’ Nick said.

  Ivan nodded. ‘He was unpredictable and vicious.’

  ‘How did Petrovic find out Rogers was a cop?’

  Ivan pursed his lips. ‘I’m not sure. He was suspicious of everyone most of the time.’

  ‘Do you think someone tipped Rogers off?’

  ‘Maybe. Why is Lara so interested in finding out what happened to him?’

  ‘Loose ends, I think.’

  ‘Nothing else, you don’t think?’

  ‘Like what?’

  ‘She still cares for the guy?’

  ‘I think she might be more concerned you had something to do with it.’ Nick retorted as Ivan’s little dart stung at his heart.

  ‘I assure you I didn’t.’

  ‘Okay. Thanks, Ivan.’ Nick stood up and held out his hand for another strong grip from a man he quite liked despite his past. A liking which was unrelated to his own feelings for the man’s sister.

  Ivan said, ‘She’ll hate me for this, but did Lara tell you she had a phone call from Lucas Konstantine?’

  Nick paused. ‘No. Who’s he?’

  ‘One of Tony’s offsiders. Nasty piece of work.’

  ‘What did he want?’

  ‘Nothing, she said. Just rang to say hello. Scared her.’

  ‘What do you think he wanted?’

  ‘No idea. She doesn’t have anything or know anything that could help him. I think he likes to control people. Like Tony did.’

  ‘How did he find her?’

  ‘Branko saw you at the hospital that day.’

  ‘Have you seen him lately? This Lucas?’

  Ivan shook his head. ‘I don’t want anything to do with him. By the way, he’s changed his name to Jason Mackenzie since he moved to Sydney.’ He held Nick’s gaze for a moment. ‘But I didn’t tell you that.’

  Nick left the club, brain whirring with information, but paused for subtle questioning masquerading as a friendly chat with Paula about Ivan’s presence at the club the previous night. She confirmed he hadn’t left the premises until two fifteen.

  Waiting for a taxi, Nick considered whether he’d been deliberately charmed by Ivan the way he apparently charmed most people he met. His gut instinct told him what he’d said was basically true. His alibi was substantial and easily confirmed and he was too smart to try to fake it by bribing the staff.

  He was genuinely in love with his new wife and regretted not protecting his sister. Whether or not he was involved with setting up a new drug distribution network fortunately wasn’t in Nick’s line of duty. He was only interested in Ivan a
s a possible attacker and was now satisfied he wasn’t involved.

  But this Lucas character. Why hadn’t Lara told him? It hurt that she kept secrets, he couldn’t deny it. But Ivan had made a point of telling him so he must be concerned. Seriously concerned to give a cop the guy’s name. Why?

  The answer smashed into his head with the force of an avalanche. Jason Mackenzie — Mack. The new player on the scene upsetting the locals, muscling in on their turf. How slow could he be?

  He whipped out his phone and called first Rob then Steve Wingate.

  But what the hell did this lowlife want with Lara now? Was she safe? Ivan said she was scared. Of what? What could he do to her, what did she have that he wanted? A sliver of fear lodged in his chest as he punched in her number and it exploded to flood his body when her phone rang and rang. She was expecting his call, she wouldn’t let the phone ring on like that in case it woke Petey and if she was in the shower or something she’d put the answering machine on. He’d left her at nine fifteen — he looked at his watch — about an hour ago.

  When had this louse called her? Nick ran back up the steps of the club. The bouncer stepped aside with a smile. If he hadn’t Nick would have used his badge and force. He said to a surprised Paula, ‘I need to see Ivan. It’s urgent.’


  Branko shoved the door open, forcing Lara back against the wall.

  Lucas strolled inside smiling like a shark, evil dark eyes glittering in what was now a pudgy face. He’d been shaven-headed and fit back then, but now he’d softened and gone flabby round the edges. Longer hair surrounded a receding hairline with touches of grey peppering his temples.

  ‘Be nice, Maja,’ he said. ‘Offer us a drink.’

  Branko closed the door and followed his boss through the open door into the living room. Lucas sat on the couch, stretched an arm along the back and crossed his white linen clad legs as he surveyed the room.

  ‘Very nice. You have surprisingly good taste.’

  Lara stood in the doorway, trembling, fingers curled in fists to stop herself screaming or running in a mad terror-induced dash for the front door. She mustn’t. She must stay in control. Petey was across the hallway, she wouldn’t, couldn’t leave him.


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