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Evidence of Love

Page 25

by Elisabeth Rose

  ‘It’s locked,’ he whispered.

  Lara fumbled for the snib and flipped it up. It clicked, loud in the stillness. She froze but Nick pulled the door open.

  The toilet flushed next door and a yellow strip of light disappeared from the side fence.

  ‘Quickly. Come on,’ he said.

  ‘What about Ivan?’

  ‘He’ll be all right.’

  Lara hesitated, but only for a second. She would trust Nick with her life. She’d trust him with her son’s life. Her brother had come to her aid tonight when she needed him. He’d finally stepped up. She couldn’t run out on him. ‘Take Petey. Keep him safe. Call your mates.’


  She kissed her sleepy boy and shoved him into Nick’s arms. ‘Go with Nick, darling.’ He barely stirred but he wrapped his arms around Nick’s neck.

  ‘How many in there?’

  ‘At least three plus Ivan. One woman, I think. I’ll leave this unlocked. Go!’ She closed the back door on Nick’s astounded face, peeped through the partially open inner door then stepped out into the empty corridor to join Lucas and her brother. Her son was safe, she might be in danger, but Lucas had to pay for what he’d tried to take from her and she wanted to be there when he did.

  Chapter 21

  Nick grasped Petey awkwardly as Lara pressed him into his arms. He lifted his head and muttered sleepily but Nick managed to settle him with a hasty pat on the back and shushing. Poor little beggar. Must have been terrified.

  But what the hell did Lara think she was doing?

  No time to figure that out. He stepped carefully down the three steps to the path and hurried across to the shelter of the trees growing along the side of the house. How was he going to climb over the fence at the front with a sleeping toddler? It was a smooth-sided metal security job which was only accessible because he’d been able to grab a branch and haul himself over. He crept back the way he’d come, keeping below the window line even though they were all dark on this side. Maybe he could get into the neighbour’s yard more easily. The dividing fence was made of wooden palings, and in one or two places was hanging by loose nails. Lucas needed to do some property maintenance.

  One-handed he gave one slat a tentative tug. Hopeless. He’d need a tool to get those nails out and it would be noisy. Bugger! He studied the inside of the short fence between the house and the side fence. If he could stand on something he’d have a chance but it would be time consuming to go back and look. Better if he could pass Petey over to someone. He groped in his pocket for his phone.

  Rob immediately started in on the results of Donna’s apartment visit.

  Nick said as softly as he could and still be heard. ‘Forget that. Get here asap. 23 Longshore Drive. Don’t park outside the house and keep it quiet. Lara and her brother are inside with Lucas and Branko. Could be more. I’m at the right hand side fence with the boy. It’s too high to climb. I’ll need to hand him over to you. Bring back-up. As soon as the boy’s safe we’re going in.’

  ‘We’re two minutes away. That’s what I was going to tell you. We talked to Donna’s sister.’

  ‘Get here.’

  Nick hunkered down in the corner where the two fences met. Lucky the night was warm and dry, the little fellow wouldn’t be chilled. He shifted his rapidly numbing arm and brought the other one around to take the weight. Heavy little devil. Lucky he didn’t mind being handed over or they would’ve been in trouble.

  A warm glow spread through his body. Lara had trusted him with the most precious thing in her life, and not only that, Petey had come into his arms, awake enough to know he’d been transferred from his mother’s embrace to someone else. But she’d said, ‘Go with Nick.’ And he had with nary a murmur. He kissed the curly head nestled into his shoulder.

  Lara. What was going on in there? As long as Lucas thought Petey was asleep in that room she and Ivan would be relatively safe. Ivan would protect her as well as anyone could in such company. He spoke the right language, he knew how their twisted brains worked.

  In five minutes the police would go in. Lara would be safe. He closed his eyes briefly at the thought of her in there with that brute of a man. Her brother wouldn’t let him harm her. She’d be okay.

  How long had he been waiting? How long had she been in there? He squinted at his watch but couldn’t read it in the dark. A couple of minutes. Where the hell was Rob?

  Lucas couldn’t seriously think she’d agree to marry him if he kidnapped her son. What was this really about?


  Lara paused in the doorway to the expansive lounge room, momentarily staggered by the floor to ceiling windows and the view of the harbour lights twinkling in the darkness. Ivan and Lucas sat opposite each other on matching brown and white cowhide sofas. Ugly as sin. Branko sat a little apart in an equally ugly matching easy chair. A glass-topped coffee table was strewn with used glasses, bottles of wine and a platter of antipasto.

  ‘Come in, Maja.’ Lucas extended an arm but didn’t get up. ‘Sit here.’ He patted the seat beside him.

  Lara stalked across and sat next to Ivan.

  ‘You see? Your boy needs you. I thought you’d come round quickly enough.’ She had to force herself not to reach for an empty bottle and hurl it at his self-satisfied smile. ‘Is he asleep?’

  She nodded, teeth clenched.

  ‘Nothing can replace a mother’s touch.’ He leaned forward. ‘Remember that, Maja.’

  Ivan said, ‘We were just discussing the situation.’

  ‘Which is?’

  ‘Have something to drink, Maja,’ Lucas said and then to Branko, ‘Get clean glasses.’

  Branko sprang to his feet and began clearing the low table. Lucas waited until he’d left the room.

  ‘I want to marry you,’ he said.

  ‘I want my son back.’

  ‘And you shall have him. When we’re married.’

  Lara looked at Ivan.

  ‘No point looking to your brother, he agrees with me the match is a good idea.’

  Ivan said, ‘You know you can’t go on the way you are, hiding from your family, flirting with the police. It’s not the life for your son, isolated from his heritage. You’re not smart enough to give him the opportunities he deserves.’

  Brown eyes met hers without a hint of sympathy. Lara’s breath caught in her throat. Had Ivan and Lucas colluded on this? Were they toying with her the way Tony had all those years ago when she was involved with Cam? Why had she trusted her brother? He was still the same self-serving reptile he’d always been.

  But none of them knew Petey was safe with Nick.

  ‘I’m not leaving here without my son,’ she said. ‘You kidnapped him.’

  ‘What are you going to do? Call the police?’ Lucas gave a snort of laughter but his tone changed instantly to a venomous hiss. ‘Don’t mess with me, Maja. You know what I really want and it’s not your skinny arse in my bed. Marry me and I won’t bother you at all if you behave yourself.’

  ‘Ivan…’ she gasped. ‘He can’t do that. Don’t let him.’

  Ivan raised a shoulder and tilted his head. ‘Sorry. This is between you and Lucas. I don’t know why you wanted me along. I can’t do anything.’

  Lucas smiled and hauled himself to his feet. He strode across to the doorway on the far side of the room. ‘Branko,’ he yelled. ‘Where’s that wine? And tell Donna to get a move on with that food. I’m hungry.’

  ‘Ivan?’ she whispered, tears threatening. Had this all turned to mud? Had she allowed herself to be brought right into the cave of the dragon? A willing, innocent victim? A gullible idiot? Again?

  He didn’t turn his head but he extended his arm and pressed his hand on her knee for a fleeting moment. She almost cried out in relief.

  ‘Is your boy all right?’ he asked in a normal voice. He glanced at her and caught her eye.

  ‘Yes. He was terrified but he’s asleep. He won’t wake again now he knows I’m here — and that he’s safe.’
/>   Ivan looked away. Had he understood? Branko came in with a tray and began pouring wine into elegant glasses. Lucas returned to his place on the couch. ‘Of course he’s safe. I told you he would be. Have you talked any sense into her, Ivan?’

  Ivan snorted and picked up his wine glass. ‘She’ll do what she’s told.’

  ‘In that case she’ll come over here and sit with me.’ He patted the seat beside him again, eyes narrowed.

  Lara swallowed. Shouldn’t Nick be bursting in soon with the cavalry? Where was he? She stood up slowly and edged around the coffee table, limbs stiff and awkward. Had something gone wrong outside? She perched on the far end of the couch from Lucas.

  Branko handed her a glass of wine. ‘Don’t spill it.’

  She looked at him blankly. ‘What?’

  ‘Your hands are shaking.’

  They were, uncontrollably. She leaned forward to put the glass down steadying her wrist with the other hand. The thought of drinking wine with Lucas closed her throat.

  ‘I think it would be a good idea for you to move in,’ said Lucas.

  Lara’s hand jerked and the glass crashed onto the table. A flood of red poured across the surface and dripped onto the cream coloured carpet like blood.

  ‘Stupid bitch,’ Lucas snarled. ‘Clean it up.’

  ‘I’m sorry.’ Lara grabbed the broken wine glass and righted it. She stood up, feeling in her pocket for a tissue, anything, to stop the expanding tide.

  Branko cursed and stepped away. ‘Donna,’ he shouted. ‘Bring a cloth.’

  ‘Bloody useless bitch,’ growled Lucas. ‘Those glasses are crystal and look at that mess on the carpet.’

  Lara picked up some pieces of glass with shaky fingers and dropped them into an ashtray. Where was Nick? She’d learned nothing in her years alone. Nothing. She’d thought she’d grown stronger but put her in this company for five minutes and she was a quivering mess again.

  Tears pricked at her lids. She didn’t dare look at Lucas. Tony would have split her lip by now. Maybe Lucas would have done the same if Ivan hadn’t been sitting there. How did he do it? He exerted the same power over her as Tony and he knew it.

  ‘Donna?’ Branko went to the far door and yelled down the corridor. ‘Come here. What the…’ He backed into the room.

  A uniformed policeman appeared in the doorway leading to the bedrooms. Another followed Branko, both with guns drawn. Lucas was on his feet in an instant.

  ‘Don’t move. Get on the ground,’ one yelled. Branko dropped to the floor. A plain-clothed detective hovered in the doorway. Where was Nick?

  An arm snaked around Lara’s body, pulling her off balance and into the solid bulk of Lucas. With his other hand he snatched up the broken wine glass and pressed the razor sharp edge against her throat.

  ‘Nobody move,’ he hissed.

  Lara shrank against him, away from the knife prick of pain at her throat. He’d cut her already, warm blood trickled down her neck. His chest expanded and contracted against her back. Fear and desperation gave off a sour smell but she barely breathed.

  ‘Let her go.’ Ivan on his feet to the right, she and Lucas jammed between the couch and the low table between them.

  ‘You traitorous shit.’

  ‘She’s my sister. You kidnapped my nephew. I can’t let that go.’

  ‘Let the woman go and step away,’ said one of the cops.

  Then Nick said from the door, ‘You can’t get away, Lucas. Give it up now.’ He said to someone behind him in the hallway, ‘Get this guy out of here.’ A policeman snapped handcuffs on Branko and dragged him to his feet and out of the room.

  ‘Aah, the boyfriend.’ Keeping her in front of his body, Lucas edged Lara backwards around the end of the couch towards the large expanse of glass. ‘Open the sliding door, Ivan.’

  Ivan didn’t move.

  ‘Open it!’ The glass bit into her skin. Lara shrieked.

  Nick took a half step forward but Lucas snarled, ‘Stop. Ivan?’

  Nick nodded. Ivan walked over to the windows and pulled the door wide. Cool air rushed, Lara snatched a gasping breath.

  ‘You won’t get far,’ said Nick. ‘Think about it. What are you going to do? How will you drive with Lara? We’ll be right on your tail.’

  ‘She’d better drive then.’

  ‘Let her go.’ Nick moved a step closer, arms open, no weapon.

  In response, Lucas dragged Lara stumbling through the door onto a wide terrace. Her legs barely held her up and she slumped so he had to support her. ‘Stand up,’ he grunted.

  ‘I can’t,’ she gasped and with sudden inspiration let her body relax completely into a dead weight. Taken by surprise, off balance, he loosened his grip and the glass dropped away from her throat. At the same moment Ivan and Nick pounced. Ivan slung his arms around her and pulled her back into the house.

  As soon as Lara unbalanced Lucas, Nick dived for the arm holding the glass but he was hampered by Ivan’s rush forward and mistimed his grip. Lucas slashed wildly back and forth, catching Nick’s forearm with a slicing cut. Blood ran down his wrist but Lara was clear now and the uniforms had closed in, guns raised.

  ‘Don’t shoot,’ he said. This guy was his. This was personal. This scumbag had hurt Lara.

  ‘Come on, you bastard,’ said Lucas. He knew it was over but hatred and fury fired him to fight.

  Bring it on.

  Nick feinted and Lucas lunged. With a quick sidestep Nick was in position to grab wrist and elbow, twist and lock the arm. The glass fell to the stone floor with a crash but Lucas was strong and the arm lock didn’t hold. He swung a fist and connected with Nick’s shoulder, knocking him sideways. Nick closed in and delivered a solid blow to the jaw but Lucas barely blinked and wound up for another strike.

  Nick ducked and came in low with a kick to the knee followed up with a body blow. Lucas grunted in pain as his leg buckled. He tried to move sideways but the leg gave way and Nick came in for the finishing punch, relishing the thought of pounding this bastard to mush.

  Lucas collapsed on the terrace, looked up. Nick slowly lowered his fist and instead, gestured to the uniforms.

  ‘You’re under arrest for kidnapping. And that’s probably the least of it,’ he said and turned to go inside. His hand began to ache and he flexed his fingers experimentally. Stiffening already. Hadn’t had a fight for years. And his arm throbbed all of a sudden. He looked down. Blood streamed from the cut on his forearm, his shirt was splattered with gore. What a mess. But Lara. She was cut, too.

  Ivan had a wad of tissue pressed to her throat but when she saw Nick she hurled herself into his arms with a sob. His aching arm, sore hand and bruised shoulder receded as he clung to her. He’d never let her go. Never.

  ‘Is Petey safe?’

  ‘Yes he’s in the car outside. Fast asleep.’

  ‘I have to go to him.’ Her fingers trailed down his face and soft lips landed on his briefly.

  ‘You need a doctor,’ said Ivan. ‘Both of you.’

  ‘Ambulance is on its way,’ said Rob, fiddling with evidence bags nearby.

  ‘Take her out to Petey, Ivan,’ said Nick.

  Steve Wingate came in from the terrace with a smile from ear to ear. ‘Good night’s work. I’m looking forward to chatting to our friend Lucas aka Jason aka Mack.’

  ‘Stand in line,’ said Nick. A yawn hit him. It was a good night’s work but by God he was ready for bed. Be nice if it was sharing Lara’s but there were a few issues to resolve first. She’d be better off going home alone with Petey or staying with Ivan. Rob could take a preliminary statement from her.


  All hell broke loose when Nick walked into the office at nine thirty the next morning. All his joints creaked, his right hand was sore and he had a beautiful bruise rising on his shoulder. Luckily the cut hadn’t been deep and he sported a bandage under his long sleeved shirt to stop blood seeping out and asking for explanations.

  The chief was rampaging around demanding to
know where Nick was and why he hadn’t been kept informed as to developments. Marie and Rob sat at their desks with blank faces and cups of coffee.

  ‘Which developments would they be?’ Nick asked when he could insert a word. He doubted the chief would have appreciated being rung at one in the morning to fill him on something that was officially Steve Wingate’s area. Lucas was primarily a drug dealer. Kidnapping was a sideline and Nick wasn’t officially involved in any of it.

  ‘You’re supposed to keep me up to date, Nick, so I’m not left swinging in the breeze when the Super wants to know how certain details reach the media before they reach him.’

  ‘What details?’ What on earth was he on about? Rob deliberately avoided his eye. No media were around last night that he saw. Someone was quick off the mark.

  ‘Details about Tony Petrovic’s ex-gang members setting up camp for starters.’

  ‘We’re not the drug squad.’

  ‘But your date basher bashing case has links to Ivan Djokovic who was Petrovic’s right hand man.’

  For pity’s sake! ‘Djokovic isn’t connected to that bashing. I checked him out last night.’

  ‘I know you did — now — and so does the media. Those two names are like a match to an arsonist. Why did you talk to him at all?’

  ‘His sister is the one who found Brooke, the last victim.’ The media?

  ‘And you didn’t feel I should know this?’

  ‘I thought I’d told you. Maybe I didn’t. It’s irrelevant anyway. Neither of them has any connection to the attack on Garrett.’

  ‘The media don’t care about details like that.’

  ‘Who told them?’


  ‘No-one outside this office except his sister knew I’d be talking to Djokovic and certainly not why.’

  ‘Where did you meet him?’

  ‘At the club he manages. And it was after eleven. I was there half an hour.’ Which was true.

  ‘Anyone could have seen you.’

  ‘If they did no-one could possibly know why I was there.’ Maybe the girl at the door had talked to someone. Journalists could frequent that place. Maybe she had a journalist friend. Who knew?


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