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Take My Control

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by C K Marie

  Copyright ©2019 CK Marie

  Take My Control is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is extremely coincidental.

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic format without permission. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights.




  To Heather,

  My beautiful amazing friend.

  I am so proud of you.

  I Love you



  “Jordon, will you at least give me an idea of where you are going?”

  I hate the sadness in my mother’s eyes, but I block it out. I can’t allow guilt to keep me here any longer.

  “Mom, I told you I don’t know where I’m going.”

  “You can’t leave without a plan.”

  “That’s exactly what I’m doing. Mom, we’ve been over this every day since the day I told you I was leaving.”


  “No buts mom, I’m not changing my mind. This has been a long time coming. I need to free myself, this life is not mine. It’s not what I want.

  “What about the family business? What about your dad?”

  “Yes, son, what about me?”

  I hold back a cringe when my dad walks into the room.

  “Tell me, son, how long will you survive on your own? That trust fund your grandad left you isn’t going to last forever.”

  “You see dad, while you, mom, and my siblings were out living the high life and flaunting your money, I was working, saving, and planning. Unlike y’all, I don’t need expensive cars, houses or material things to feel good about myself.”

  “You’ve always been the stubborn one. Never happy, even with everything your family can give you… what I can give you.”

  “Dad, you have controlled every aspect of my life. It was your way or no way. How can I be happy with a life like that? How can I be happy not knowing who I truly am? I’ve done everything asked of me since the moment you decided I was old enough to understand commands. And the day after I graduated, seven years ago, I’ve been at your side running the family business.”

  “And you’re good at it son. I don’t understand why or how you can walk away from it all.”

  “Because being here will never allow me to be my own man. I’m twenty-five years old and no matter what, you always want control, dad. My decisions are not my own, you need the final say and nothing is ever good enough for you.”

  “So you’re leaving… just like that?”

  “Yes, just like that. I don’t know where I’m going. North, East, South, West, I don’t know. But I promise you and mom I will check-in and you’ll be the first to know when I’m settled… wherever it is I’m supposed to be.

  I kiss my mom and shake my dad’s hand, surprised when he pulls me in for a hug.

  Picking up the last suitcase I turn away and walk out the door knowing that will be the last time I see my parents for a long while.


  Jordon – 21 years later

  What a fucking day it's been. First thing this morning the new kid thinks he knows it all and nearly cuts his god damn finger off on the table saw. If Danny wouldn't have stepped in my way the little shit would've had to add a cast to the stitches he had to get.

  My hands grip the steering wheel as I pull into my driveway. Thoughts of the dumb son of a bitch run with fury in my head.

  He had one job, a simple fucking task. Take the two by fours that Danny cut and haul them to the other guys.

  The moment Danny stepped away Landen took it upon himself to "attempt" to run the saw... fucking punk!

  I throw my truck in park and take a few deep breaths before exiting.

  When I walk in the house all is quiet. I don't need to question where the girls are. They're in the same room, in the same positions as they are every day.

  Lyla will be kneeling in front of the sofa. Carrie and Tori doing the same on either side of Lyla, but slightly further back.

  Lately, I haven't been in the mood for the same routine day in and day out. My head is not in it.. my body just plays along... for the girls. But tonight I need it, I need this fuck of a day to disappear.

  When I step into the room my girls are in their positions.

  Three beautiful women. Naked and kneeling. Their nipples tight and perk from the cool air blowing through the vents. Their knees slightly spread, their pussy's glistening. The anticipation of what's to come has the room filled with the scent of their arousal.

  I walk over and pick a crop from the rack that's anchored to the wall.

  I usually go to Lyla first, but Tori likes it rough and tonight that's what I need.

  When I step in front of Tori her head is down, but I can see the sides of her mouth pull up. She knows she's going to get what her body craves.

  I slide the crop between her legs, running it over her clit. I can hear the hitch in her breath when I turn it to the side causing it to slip into her folds.

  "Sir, please," she whispers.

  I pull the crop back and immediately flick it forward smacking her clit.

  "You know what to do my sweet," I say to her.

  She stands, but before she can turn away I tilt her face towards me and bring my lips to hers and kiss them softly... the only taste of gentleness she'll receive tonight.

  "Bring everything," I say for only her to hear.

  The slight pull of her mouth from before turns into a full wicked grin and her bright blue eyes flame with passion, you can almost see the fire dancing in her eyes. She knows I'm going to feed her craving, she knows by the end of the night she will be thoroughly fucked by us all.

  Tori returns and sets a tray on the table.

  Reaching down I take the set of clamps and drape them over my fingers.

  "Lyla, Carrie, get her ready."

  Tori stands with her legs spread. Lyla stands in front of her with her legs slightly spread, giving Carrie room to kneel down between her legs.

  I watch as Lyla's tongue circles around Tori's nipples, her fingers pinching, teeth biting. When Carrie sucks her clit, Tori's head falls back. A soft moan slides past her lips, but quickly turns into a cry of pleasure and I know her clit is in the grip of Carrie's teeth.

  It still amazes me how much Tori loves pain. I'm not a man that gets turned on from afflicting pain, I know the exact measurement of mixing pleasure with pain... Tori loves to push it past the point of pleasure, but I have my limits and she knows this.

  Do you know the knob on a radio that controls the volume? Tori had one for pain and it was stuck on max. I've managed to turn it down to just a couple of clicks above the minimum. I have control of her knob, it only turns at the touch of my fingers.

  Another cry of pleasure keeps me from drifting to the past.

  Tori's nipples are tight and perk, her clit swollen. I hand Lyla the nipple clamps and let the third clamp fall down to Carrie for her clit.

  I strip out of my clothes and move over to the tray. Picking up a thick dildo and lube I hand it to Carrie, then I give a strap-on to Lyla.

  I lay down on the plush carpet and crook my finger at Tori.

  She doesn't hesitate to come to me. Straddling my hips and lowering down, resting her wet sweet pussy on the tip of my cock.

  I tell Carrie to move behind Tori and bring Lyla to the front, her feet placed at the sides of my head.

  Tori's pussy is dripping, heat pours from her slick openi
ng, waiting to be filled.

  I push up, slowly entering into her soft folds. Instantly I feel Carrie's tongue slide up my cock, teasing to enter with me before she moves further back to Tori's tight ring.

  On cue, Lyla pushes the head of the strap-on into Tori's mouth.

  Before long her tight ass is wet with a mixture of Carrie's saliva and lube, and the dido breaking through her tight ring.

  Once I feel it through the thin wall separating it from my cock I thrust up fast and hard.

  Her scream is muffled from the dick Lyla is fucking her mouth with.

  Moving as one comes naturally to us with as many times we have done this.

  I watch as Tori's tits bounce, stretching the chain attached to the clamp on her clit.

  Her orgasm comes fast and hard, spilling out over my cock.

  It doesn't take long for my release to follow, filling her with every drop.

  I let Carrie pull the dildo from her ass and Lyla steps back. I slowly and carefully turn Tori on her back before sliding out of her.

  "Time for my girls to play," I tell them and move to the sofa.

  Lyla and Carrie crawl between Tori's legs, both their tongues taking turns licking and savoring the taste of our releases.

  They continue playing until each one has had a turn at licking and fucking one another.

  A beautiful sight, one my cock never tires of... but my head that's a different story.



  I lay in my bed staring at the ceiling. I left the girls to their own devices.

  We all have our own bedroom, aside from Lyla and Carrie who share one. We also have a room where we can all sleep together, which we do more times than not. But having personal space is something we need from time to time.

  My mind goes back to when I met them.

  I traveled from state to state as I planned, never staying in any one place for more than a few days.

  Until I arrived in a town just outside of Reno. The sight of all the construction and machinery called to me. It is after all what I grew up around… the family business.

  It’s what I still want to do, but on my own, no strings to my father.

  I ventured onto one of the sites, it was easy picking out the foreman on the job.

  Striking up a conversation, it didn’t take me long to impress him with my knowledge of the trade. He offered me a position on the spot.

  I declined, but I did stick around and offer free advice, which led to Xavier becoming my first friend… well, my first friend outside of the family circle and that led me to the club where I met the girls.

  I’ve always loved control, but the satisfaction of complete control was never in my grasp until I walked out my parent's house six months ago and now with the help of Xavier I stand here in a dimly lighted room with three beautiful women kneeling before me and I have complete control.

  Roxy, Violet, and Amber were the names I was given, I knew they didn’t truly belong to neither of them, but I played along.

  They looked too innocent to be in a place like this… except for the one who calls herself Amber. She plays the part of innocence but I can see the shattered pieces of her soul in her eyes. Bright blue like a cloudless mid-day sky, but the cracks are visible and I see the damage left behind from a disastrous storm through the sliver of each crack.

  “They’re here for your pleasure Jordon,” Xavier told me. “I told you the rules, everything else is fair game. Have fun, my friend.” He slapped me on the back and left me there.

  I remember the power, the control that surged through my body. My own control, no one in the background telling me what or how to do things.

  “Look at me,” I told them.

  Three sets of lust-filled eyes met mine.

  Xavier told me each girl was different, told me to play and find out what my desires are.

  As much as I wanted to find out about mine, the desire to know what they wanted trumped my own.

  I returned to the club every night that week and during that time I learned everything about the three beautiful women, including their true names.

  Lyla aka Roxy and Carrie aka Violet were a couple. Friends since the age of ten from a small town somewhere in Maine. Both of them were brought up in a strict home with parents that had old-fashioned values. When they came forward about their relationship they were both disowned by their families.

  They moved to Vegas when they turned eighteen wanting to be showgirls but ended up striping until Demetri who owns this club brought them here. That was three years ago.

  They prefer to be with the club members together. Men, women, even other couples was fine with them.

  Now, Tori aka Amber is a different story. She had no luxuries in life. Raised by a father… no a monster who took pleasure in watching his daughter suffer at the hands of other men, including his own. When she showed me the scars of her past hidden beneath the thin veil of clothing I wanted to find every one of the fuckers and make them suffer.

  Instead, I gave her something she never had. I held her. She resisted at first and who can blame her. I think my affection scared her more than the scars of her past.

  She was sixteen when she escaped the clutches of her father. Leaving L.A. and finding her way to Vegas. Unfortunately, things didn’t get easier for her. She went from one monster to another. Falling into the hands of a pimp. Living the life of a prostitute for six years.

  Demetri found her and brought her here as he did Lyla and Carrie. That was two years ago.

  A girl at the young age of twenty-four shouldn’t have so much darkness in her past.

  She told me she prefers pain when it comes to being with any of the men or women here. She said it reminded her she was a survivor.

  The four of us grew close. We developed an emotional relationship before a sexual one and once that started I became an official member of Club Allure. The thought of the girls being with anyone but me was not an option. But after a while Demetri became irritated with me taking only them, keeping them from other members.

  So I came to a decision, it was time for me to leave this town and find a place to call my home and I wanted the girls to come with me.

  I didn’t have to talk them into it or convince them they should go with me, they were on board immediately.

  Demetri wasn’t happy but money talks and I paid him a good amount even though he didn’t own the girls, I knew he’d be losing a great deal of money without them, so it only seemed fair. He was after all the one who got them away from the scum they were working for and he always treated them good according to the girls. He deserved the hefty bag of cash I gave him.

  It’s been twenty-one years and our love is strong as ever. The four of us love each other equally. There isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for them and them for me.

  I don’t own them, but they are mine.

  I love them with my entire heart… the problem is I’m not in love and my heart wants more.



  Friday morning. My sleep was restless last night, as it has been for weeks now.

  I pour myself a cup of coffee before filling my thermos. I should have left an hour ago to head to the job site, but today I have to go to the office.

  I prefer to be on the job doing physical labor work, so when I started JC Builders I hired Kenneth. He runs the office, but I have to make my appearance. No contract is complete without my signature. Purchase orders and invoices I can approve from home in my private office, but Kenneth insists he and I sit down and go over each contract and I agree with that.

  Soft fingertips run across my back as I tighten the cap on my thermos.

  “Good morning, Sir.”

  I turn and lower my eyes to meet the bright blue ones of Tori.

  “Did you sleep well?”

  “Well enough,” I respond and place a kiss on her soft lips.

  She knows she doesn’t have to address me as Sir unless we are in the playroom o
r shared bedroom, but I don’t remind her of that. I never do.

  The only time she calls me Jordon is when the four of us are relaxing watching movies or playing games, surrounded by take-out containers, always Chinese or Pizza.

  When we go out, they all know to call me Jordon.

  People still question my relationship with the girls. I hear the whispers and it’s none of their business.

  The only one who knows is Xavier.

  When my parents come to visit it’s like I have three roommates. They suspect things, I’ve been questioned by them both and my mom has attempted to get something out of the girls. Their first visit she had Carrie backed in a corner while I was at work. Thankfully Carrie is tough-skinned and didn’t give in, but it was the last time I allowed my parents to stay at the house. Now when they come I put them in a hotel and they’re not allowed at the house unless I am home.

  “Are we going out tonight?” Tori questions me. “I have to work today, should I bring a change of clothes?”

  Yes, my girls work. They don’t have to, but they love it.

  Shortly after making our home here in Del Rapid, South Dakota I put them all in school. One thing I learned when I was getting to know them back at the club was Lyla and Carrie had a passion for doing hair and Tori loved doing everyone's make-up. So I enrolled them all in classes. Soon after graduating they found jobs at a local salon. They only work a couple of days a week, but they love it.

  “Let’s stay in tonight.”

  I know being at the office is going to drain me. The itch to have a tool in my hand will play at me all day.

  I was eight years old when my dad put a hammer in my hand for the first time. We were building a fort for my brothers and me. When we finished pride pulsed through me at what I helped build. I would beg my dad to build more things. When I was sixteen he brought me to one of the construction sites. I couldn’t wait until I was old enough to join the crew. Unfortunately, my dad had other plans. The day after graduation he dragged me into the office. I was a math genius and he used that to his advantage… I folded and he kept his control.


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